Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Code and Stuff 801 8,285 The QB64 IDE shell
09-16-2024, 05:37 PM
by JasonPag
Expanding Horizons (Libraries)
Are you a library creator who likes expanding the usability of QB64? Have your own little soapbox corner here and peddle to us all your wares!
Sub Forums:
One Hit Wonders,
Terry Ritchie
30 167 Simple Regex matching
08-11-2023, 11:04 PM
by grymmjack
Prolific Programmers
Much like the Expanded Horizons, which features a spot for library creators to highlight and share the works, "Prolific Programmers" is a little corner of the web that users can request to join so that they can keep and maintain all of their code samples and programs in one place for ease of access.
Sub Forums:
201 1,237 ColorPicker - Function th...
08-31-2023, 11:04 PM
by Dav
QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs

Moderated By: Pete
99 774 micro(A)v11
08-31-2023, 09:14 PM
by bplus

Chatting and Socializing
A place to come shoot the bull... and maybe say a few words while reloading!
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
General Discussion
General Discussion -- generally for discussing anything related to QB64, or any of its branches such as Discord, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, ect... Off-topic discussions can, please and thank you, go into our sub-forums, if you guys will keep them there.
378 4,688 Where is the cemetery fro...
08-29-2023, 02:58 AM
by bert22306
Site Suggestions
This is all rather newish to our poor admin fellow. If you have any suggestions on what to add, edit, change, feel free to post all those nice things here!
11 128 Fall Banner Contest?
08-31-2023, 11:50 PM
by grymmjack
QB64-PE Discord
An invite and a link to join us in the QB64 Phoenix Edition Discord channel, available for all.
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Forum Threads Posts Last Post
A place to keep up with the news and announcements affecting the site and other places related to it.
43 973 You can now use ` or ``` ...
08-27-2023, 02:11 AM
by grymmjack
QB64 Phoenix Edition Wiki and Repo
Links and discussion to our official wiki and repo. Feel free to speak up about issues or concerns about either here.
Sub Forums:
Wiki Discussion, Qb64 Wiki,
Repo Discussion, QB64 Repo
16 170 D notation bug
08-26-2023, 05:12 PM
by Jack
Learning Resources and Archives
The spot to find stuff dedicated to helping learn about QB64 and its commands, and various resources which we felt was important to archive and preserve for users to always find and be able to enjoy.
Sub Forums: Terry Ritchie's Tutorial, Quick Links,
Keyword of the Day!
72 639 DAY 009:_PutImage
09-02-2023, 02:57 PM
by grymmjack
Latest Release
Quick Link to our latest release available!
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Board Statistics
Board Statistics
Our members have made a total of 17,901 posts in 1,741 threads.
We currently have 313 members registered.
Please welcome our newest member, DavidKib
The most users online at one time was 124 on 08-12-2023 at 07:54 PM
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