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Bug SCREEN() function doesn't make nice with _FONT in graphic modes
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 05-21-2023, 09:23 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (5)

It looks like SCREEN() function was broken in one of the updates, either that or it's not designed anymore to work in graphic modes. Particularly in 32-bit color.

Run this example:

Code: (Select All)
screen _newimage(800, 600, 32)
print "Hello"
print screen(1, 1)
print chr$(screen(1, 1))

Below the message it returns 219 and the solid block.

The thing is that I want to read characters from "PRINT USING" output without setting up another hidden screen for it and without creating a temporary file which causes wear and tear on the system due to the thousand calls that my program could potentially generate from it.

After being run my program kept returning an illegal function call because QB64PE doesn't seem to like neither the text coordinates given to it for SCREEN() function. It looks like one cannot set a _FONT and then call SCREEN().

Run this example:

Code: (Select All)
screen _newimage(800, 600, 32)

dim i as integer, amf as long
amf = _loadfont("/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf", 12)
_font amf

for i = 1 to 120
    locate 4, i
    print chr$(i + 32);
    locate 5, 1
    print i; screen(4, i);

Tested on Linux; replace the _LOADFONT() line with the appropriate for MacOS or Windows. I have tried this with a monospace font, and with optional "MONOSPACE" parameter to _LOADFONT(). This doesn't even go beyond the first position.

So I guess I will have to do without "PRINT USING" formatting toward using _PRINTSTRING or _UPRINTSTRING.

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  b+ Beginners Corner
Posted by: bplus - 05-20-2023, 06:34 PM - Forum: bplus - Replies (54)

I hope to post fun little bits of code and then try to comment them as fully as I can in attempts to get people new to QB64 up and running faster. Feel free to ask questions to get clarification, I may have screwed up.

This is something I posted at Friends after messing around with a dice roll thing at Aurels place:
BTW that's here: https://friends-of-basic.freeforums.net
and here: http://basic4us.epizy.com/forum/index.php

Here is original post:

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Playing for Charity: 100 dice" ' b+ 2023-05-20
' A game that no one loses!
Randomize Timer
Dim As Long roll, Charity, me, r
For roll = 1 To 100
    r = Int(Rnd * 6) + 1
    Print "  Roll number:"; roll; "is"; r
    If r < 5 Then Charity = Charity + r Else me = me + r
    Print: Print "         I get 5's and 6's:"; me
    Print " Charity gets 1, 2, 3, 4's:"; Charity
    Print: Print "     zzz... press any to continue"
Print: Print " Treat ";
If me > Charity Then Print "yourself"; Else Print "Others";
Print " specially well today."

Then I decided if I really wanted to do something Friendly I should comment more fully for Beginners.
So here is same resulting output with lots of comments:
Code: (Select All)
' The following not in original code but a very good habit to get into, it will save you
' from your typos. 3P = Proper Programming Practice :)
Option _Explicit ' This forces you to Dim (or ReDim) your variables before you use them.
' !!! EXCEPTION !!! should you do something like DEFINT A-Z or DEFLNG A-Z then everything
' is automatically. :O

' If the following is in the first lines of your program and you go to save it, QB64 IDE
' will suggest your _Title string for your .bas file name when starting from File > New.
_Title "Playing for Charity: 100 dice" ' b+ 2023-05-20   < 3P author and date with _Title.
' A game that no one loses! < 3P a quick summary or comments. I usually list versions here.

Randomize Timer ' this is here so I don't play the same game over on each run.

' Dim As Long roll, Charity, me, r  < 3P originally I had this, but really strong 3P is
' declaring all your variables first 2nd part of Option _Explicit team.
Dim As Long roll '            this tracks the For loop index eg roll number
Dim As Long r '               this is for random to be used to store the dice roll value.
Dim As Long Charity '         variable to store running total points for Charity
Dim As Long me '              variable to store running total points for me.
' I am using Long because I want Integers and Long is easier to type and doesn't take more
' time than Integer Type. So I get a range of over 32,000 with 0 cost.

For roll = 1 To 100 '         the main loop does 100 rolls

    r = Int(Rnd * 6) + 1 '    Rnd = 0 to .9999 Multiply by 6 and have 0 to 5.9999
    '                         Take Int(0 to 5.99999) get 0,1,2,3,4,5
    '                         Add 1 for 1 to 6
    ' Print something; < with semi colon ending keeps the print head right where it stops.
    ' Print something, < with comma tabs the print head right to set column widths
    ' Print something  < nothing after literals or variables moves print head to next line.
    ' Print will automatically start on next line if can't finish print job on current one.
    ' Print:           < finishes last print line or starts new one by inserting blank line.
    Print "  Roll number:"; roll; "is"; r ' this first line reporting roll number and roll.

    If r < 5 Then Charity = Charity + r Else me = me + r ' this decides if me or Charity
    ' gets the rolled points

    ' This reports the running scores and tells Sleep is activated so we have to press a key
    ' to continue game.
    Print: Print "         I get 5's and 6's:"; me
    Print " Charity gets 1, 2, 3, 4's:"; Charity
    Print: Print "     zzz... press any to continue"
Next ' end of 100 rolls loop onto summary result.

Print: Print " Treat ";
If me > Charity Then Print "yourself"; Else Print "Others";
Print " specially well today."
' the End  < 3P if you had GoSubs after this End put an End statement here.

I decided to post the 2nd one here first because A) this is my favorite forum and B) it is likely to be seen more here.
C) I thought it an excellent first post for this thread.

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  module/library version string?
Posted by: thesolarcode - 05-17-2023, 08:11 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (3)

Trying to implement version string per library.
I don't want to have for each library a separate CONST or SUB/FUNCTION with different name just to get it's version string. 
I also don't want to hardcode the library names and versions in a single place.
DATA / READ / RESTORE doesn't work, because RESTORE doesn't accept a variable.
Any ideas how I could implement this?

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  Font display on 3.7.0
Posted by: NasaCow - 05-17-2023, 12:51 AM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (6)

I have been playing around with various ideas but it seems the fonts are loaded differently or displayed differently from 3.6.0 and 3.7.0. Not sure if I have to adjust what I am doing to make it look good again but, personally, I can't accept how they look. Here is a comparision side by side of the two different versions.

[Image: image.png]

You can see the new hotness on the left and the old and busted on the right. Look at the '2's and 'o's. They are cut-off. The problem seems to show itself on lower font sizes where letters are being cut off. (the 3rd line is using a large font and being scaled down as a temp work around but still doesn't look as good as it should if you ask me...)

Here is a quick program ran in 3.7.0

[Image: image.png]

Same code on 3.6.0

[Image: image.png]

You can see in 3.7.0 that 'J' and '2' is being cut (oddly the 'o' isn't) and gets worse the smaller the font size loaded.

Here is the code:

Code: (Select All)
DIM AS LONG Screen1, Font24, Font12


Screen1 = NEWIMAGE(1280, 720, 32)
Font24 = NEWIMAGE(600, 300, 32)
Font12 = NEWIMAGE(210, 100, 32)

SCREEN Screen1

FONT LOADFONT("arial.ttf", 60)
PRINT "1234567890-=`~!@#$%^&*()_+?:<>"
PRINT "abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz"
PRINT UCASE$("abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz")

FONT LOADFONT("arial.ttf", 48)
PRINT "1234567890-=`~!@#$%^&*()_+?:<>"
PRINT "abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz"
PRINT UCASE$("abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz")

DEST Font24
FONT LOADFONT("arial.ttf", 24)
PRINT "1234567890-=`~!@#$%^&*()_+?:<>"
PRINT "abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz"
PRINT UCASE$("abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz")

DEST Font12
FONT LOADFONT("arial.ttf", 12)
PRINT "1234567890-=`~!@#$%^&*()_+?:<>"
PRINT "abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz"
PRINT UCASE$("abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz")
'LINE (0, 0)-(209, 39), , B

DEST Screen1

'No scaling
PUTIMAGE (0, 350), Font24
PUTIMAGE (0, 450), Font12

'Scaling to see better
PUTIMAGE (300, 450)-(1140, 850), Font12


A copy of the font file I used is attached, it is the same as the system installed Arial

Any work arounds or new ways of doing things, please let me know! Thanks

Attached Files
.zip   Arial.zip (Size: 527.45 KB / Downloads: 16)
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  Path doesn't exist for $COLOR constants
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 05-15-2023, 10:00 PM - Forum: Wiki Discussion - Replies (1)

This page:

has information that no longer applies, checking this out in QB64PE v3.4, as well as v3.7 just now.

This is what it currently has to say about where the $COLOR declarations are located:

Quote:$COLOR:0 adds constants for colors 0-15. The actual constant names can be found in the file source/utilities/color0.bi.
$COLOR:32 adds constants for 32-bit colors, similar to HTML color names. The actual constant names can be found in the file source/utilities/color32.bi.

At this moment:

Code: (Select All)

only has BAS files and a couple of folders. There is no "utilities" folder.

The correct path is:
Code: (Select All)

where "qb64pepath" is the directory were QB64PE was installed.

This is in case somebody is interested in knowing what the color constants are.

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  MyBB Memory Leak?
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 05-15-2023, 06:06 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (16)

Has anyone else noticed this using FireFox or even another browser:

Often times I'll leave Firefox run for weeks at a time. Every now and then I'll get up in the morning to notice Task Manager showing FireFox using over 4GB of RAM and climbing.

I've narrowed this down to this site. To verify this I let FireFox run with this site as its only tab (I used another browser to do other things, yuck). For the past few months I have been tracking the issue using this method. With only this site loaded I'll get a run away memory issue in FireFox within a few days. I can let FireFox run for weeks with many tabs open and no memory issue. As soon as I open this site I'm guaranteed to have a run away memory issue within a day or two.

Is anyone else noticing this?

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Smile Pan screen watching the tripping around
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 05-15-2023, 09:37 AM - Forum: Programs - No Replies

Going further with what I posted in this topic:


I came up with something rather silly and visual to enjoy. I used pretty much these computations to come up with the "jaggies personalities" earlier. Press the arrow keys to pan around in the view. Press escape to quit this program.

Originally this program was in SCREEN 0 but I desired higher resolution and 32-bit color. Smile

Code: (Select All)
'by mnrvovrfc 15-May-2023
TYPE being
    AS SINGLE x, y, a1, c1, f1, s1, m1, n1, a2, c2, f2, s2, m2, n2, a3, c3, m3
    AS INTEGER xn, yn

'a1 = angle (to convert to radians); c1 = coefficient; f1 = equation variety; s2 = added angle always sin
'm1 = increase a1; n1 = increase s1
'this is for first "wing" only, second "wing" doesn't have "f2"
'xn, yn = nudge; c = color; a3, m3 = outer "wing" angle
CONST NUMB = 100, VSLIM = 300
DIM SHARED AS INTEGER xpan, ypan, rr, gg, bb


SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(960, 488, 32)
_DELAY 0.5
_TITLE "Press [ESC] to quit. Arrow keys to pan the view."
xpan = 0
ypan = 0

    rr = (Rand(48, 191) \ 8) * 8
    gg = (Rand(80, 223) \ 8) * 8
    bb = (Rand(112, 255) \ 8) * 8
    IF Random1(2) = 1 THEN SWAP rr, gg
    IF Random1(2) = 1 THEN SWAP bb, gg
    IF Random1(2) = 1 THEN SWAP rr, bb
    colr(i) = _RGB(rr, gg, bb)

    b(i).xn = Random1(600) - 301
    b(i).yn = Random1(600) - 301
    b(i).a1 = Random1(360) - 1
    b(i).c1 = Rand(7, 150) / 10
    b(i).f1 = Random1(8)
    b(i).s1 = Random1(360) - 1
    b(i).m1 = Rand(5, 750) / 1000
    b(i).n1 = Random1(100) / 100
    b(i).a2 = Random1(360) - 1
    b(i).c2 = Rand(7, 95) / 10
    b(i).s2 = Random1(360) - 1
    b(i).m2 = Rand(5, 750) / 1000
    b(i).n2 = Random1(100) / 100
    b(i).a3 = Random1(360) - 1
    b(i).c3 = Rand(10, 45) / 10
    b(i).m3 = Rand(25, 900) / 1000

upd = 1
    _LIMIT 60
    FOR i = 1 TO NUMB
        changebeing i
    IF _KEYDOWN(18432) THEN
        ypan = ypan + 1
        upd = 1
        ypan = ypan - 1
        upd = 1
    END IF
    IF _KEYDOWN(19200) THEN
        xpan = xpan + 1
        upd = 1
        xpan = xpan - 1
        upd = 1
    END IF
    update upd
    IF upd = 1 THEN upd = 0

SUB update (uf AS _BYTE)
    STATIC AS INTEGER xrig, ybot, i, j, xx, yy
    ufo = 1
    IF xpan < -VSLIM THEN xpan = -VSLIM: ufo = 0
    xrig = xpan + 239
    IF xrig > VSLIM THEN
        xpan = xpan - 1
        xrig = xpan + 239
        ufo = 0
    END IF
    IF ypan < -VSLIM THEN ypan = -VSLIM: ufo = 0
    ybot = ypan + 119
    IF ybot > VSLIM THEN
        ypan = ypan - 1
        ybot = ypan + 119
        ufo = 0
    END IF
    IF uf AND ufo THEN CLS
    _PRINTSTRING (0, 480), "|" + STR$(xpan) + "|" + STR$(ypan)
    yy = 0
    FOR j = ypan TO ybot
        xx = 0
        FOR i = xpan TO xrig
            IF vs(j, i) THEN
                LINE (xx, yy)-STEP(3, 3), colr(vs(j, i)), BF
            END IF
            xx = xx + 4
        yy = yy + 4

SUB changebeing (w AS INTEGER)
    b(w).a1 = b(w).a1 + b(w).m1
    b(w).s1 = b(w).s1 + b(w).n1
    IF b(w).a1 > 360 THEN b(w).a1 = b(w).a1 - 360
    IF b(w).s1 > 360 THEN b(w).s1 = b(w).s1 - 360
    b(w).a2 = b(w).a2 + b(w).m2
    b(w).s2 = b(w).s2 + b(w).n2
    IF b(w).a2 > 360 THEN b(w).a2 = b(w).a2 - 360
    IF b(w).s2 > 360 THEN b(w).s2 = b(w).s2 - 360
    b(w).a3 = b(w).a3 + b(w).m3
    IF b(w).a3 > 360 THEN b(w).a3 = b(w).a3 - 360
    SELECT CASE b(w).f1
        CASE 1
            b(w).x = b(w).c1 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a1)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s1))) + b(w).c3 * SIN(_D2R(b(w).a3))
            b(w).y = b(w).c2 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a2)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s2)))
        CASE 2
            b(w).x = b(w).c1 * (COS(_D2R(b(w).a1)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s1))) + b(w).c3 * SIN(_D2R(b(w).a3))
            b(w).y = b(w).c2 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a2)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s2)))
        CASE 3
            b(w).x = b(w).c1 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a1)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s1))) * b(w).c3 * SIN(_D2R(b(w).a3))
            b(w).y = b(w).c2 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a2)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s2)))
        CASE 4
            b(w).x = b(w).c1 * (COS(_D2R(b(w).a1)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s1))) * b(w).c3 * SIN(_D2R(b(w).a3))
            b(w).y = b(w).c2 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a2)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s2)))
        CASE 5
            b(w).x = b(w).c1 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a1)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s1))) + b(w).c3 * COS(_D2R(b(w).a3))
            b(w).y = b(w).c2 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a2)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s2)))
        CASE 6
            b(w).x = b(w).c1 * (COS(_D2R(b(w).a1)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s1))) + b(w).c3 * COS(_D2R(b(w).a3))
            b(w).y = b(w).c2 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a2)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s2)))
        CASE 7
            b(w).x = b(w).c1 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a1)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s1))) * b(w).c3 * COS(_D2R(b(w).a3))
            b(w).y = b(w).c2 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a2)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s2)))
        CASE 8
            b(w).x = b(w).c1 * (COS(_D2R(b(w).a1)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s1))) * b(w).c3 * COS(_D2R(b(w).a3))
            b(w).y = b(w).c2 * (SIN(_D2R(b(w).a2)) + SIN(_D2R(b(w).s2)))
    x = INT(b(w).x + b(w).xn)
    y = INT(b(w).y + b(w).yn)
        IF vs(y, x) = 0 THEN vs(y, x) = w
    END IF

FUNCTION Rand& (fromval&, toval&)
    DIM sg%, f&, t&
    IF fromval& = toval& THEN
        Rand& = fromval&
    END IF
    f& = fromval&
    t& = toval&
    IF (f& < 0) AND (t& < 0) THEN
        sg% = -1
        f& = f& * -1
        t& = t& * -1
        sg% = 1
    END IF
    IF f& > t& THEN SWAP f&, t&
    Rand& = INT(RND * (t& - f& + 1) + f&) * sg%

FUNCTION Random1& (maxvaluu&)
    DIM sg%
    sg% = SGN(maxvaluu&)
    IF sg% = 0 THEN
        Random1& = 0
        IF sg% = -1 THEN maxvaluu& = maxvaluu& * -1
        Random1& = INT(RND * maxvaluu& + 1) * sg%
    END IF

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  Write data to EXE file
Posted by: Steffan-68 - 05-14-2023, 05:18 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (8)

How to attach data (sound, image, etc.) to EXE files has been shown here several times.
My only question is, can the actual program also write itself, or is that only possible with a separate program?

If a program is running, you can still open it for reading, but writing is denied.
So the system, with me Windows denied the write access when a program is running.
Here's the question, is there a way to bypass the system lock?

Example program, even started as an administrator does not work. ( Regtest.bas )

Code: (Select All)
'====================Declarirung fr die Registrirung==========================================================================================
Declare Dynamic Library "kernel32"
FUNCTION GetVolumeInformationA& (lpRootPathName$, lpVolumeNameBuffer$, BYVAL nVolumeNameSize~&, _
    lpVolumeSerialNumber~&, lpMaximumComponentLength~&, lpFileSystemFlags~&, lpFileSystemNameBuffer$, BYVAL nFileSystemNameSize&)
End Declare

Declare Library: Function GetDriveType& (d$): End Declare
Dim Shared DriveType As String, SERIALFOUND As String
Dim As _Float Regist
Dim As _Float FileSize
'========================Ende der Registrirung=================================================================================================

MyAppName$ = Mid$(Command$(0), _InStrRev(Command$(0), "\") + 1)
'If MyAppName$ <> "Register-3.exe" Then System

'Open ".\Register-3.exe" For Input As #1
'FileSize = LOF(1)
'Close #1
'If FileSize = 592187 Then Else System

'===========================Code fr die Registrirung==========================================================================================
Test% = 0
For q = 1 To 26: X = GetFileInfo(q): 'If SERIALFOUND <> "!!!-!!!" Then Print " "; Chr$(64 + q) + ":    "; SERIALFOUND
    If SERIALFOUND <> "!!!-!!!" And Test% = 0 Then
        Temp$ = SERIALFOUND
        Test% = 1
    End If

Next q
'Print Temp$

'file$ = _OpenFileDialog$("Datei Öffnen", "", "*.EXE", "Programdatei", 0)
file$ = ".\Regtest.exe"
Open file$ For Binary As #1
FileSize = LOF(1)
t$ = "NR"
check$ = "  "
Color 3, 5
'Print FileSize

Get #1, FileSize - 1, check$
'check$ = _MK$(_Float, Regist)
'check$ = Left$(check$, 3)
'check$ = Right$(check$, 2)

'Print check1$

'Print check$
Regist = 0

Select Case UCase$(check$)
    Case "VC" 'verified copy.  All is good
        Get #1, FileSize - 10, Regist
        String1$ = _MK$(_Float, Regist)
        String1$ = Left$(String1$, 9)

        'Print String1$
        'Print Temp$
        If UCase$(String1$) = UCase$(Temp$) Then
            Print "You have a paid copy of this software.  All is good."
            Print " Illegaler Programm Aufruf !!!!!!!"
            _Delay 5
            Close #1
        End If
    Case "NR" 'already has a timestamp, is a limited time test version.  Toss NAG Screen.

        Print "This is a trial version of the program."
        Registrierung$ = _InputBox$("Regtest Registrierung", "Geben sie bitte den Registrierungs Code ein:", "Demo")
        If Registrierung$ = Chr$(36) + Chr$(82) + Chr$(101) + Chr$(103) + Chr$(105) + Chr$(115) + Chr$(116) + Chr$(101) + Chr$(114) + Chr$(64) Then '$Register@

            Get #1, FileSize - 10, Regist
            String1$ = _MK$(_Float, Regist)
            Color 3, 6
            String1$ = Left$(String1$, 9)
            If UCase$(String1$) = UCase$(Temp$) Then
                Print "Programm wurde manipuliert"
                Print "Schreibe VC in Datei"
                Sleep 5
                Temp$ = Temp$ + "VC"
                Put #1, FileSize - 1, Temp$
                Print "Programm wurde Registriert "
                _NotifyPopup "Regtest", "Ihre Registrierung war Erfolgreich", "info" ' "info" , "warning" oder "error"
                Close #1
                _Delay .5
                'Open file$ For Binary As #1
                'FileSize = LOF(1)
                'Get #1, FileSize - 10, Regist
                'String1$ = _MK$(_Float, Regist)
                'Color 3, 6
                'String1$ = Left$(String1$, 9)
                'Print "RegTest " + String1$

                Close #1
            End If
            Print " Ihr Code ist Falsch "
            _NotifyPopup "Regtest", "Ihre Registrierung ist Fehlgeschlagen", "warning"
        End If

    Case Else 'first run.
        Print "Illegal copy of software!  Terminating Now!"
        Print " Schreibe NR in Datei"
        Sleep 5
        'Print check$
        Put #1, FileSize + 1, t$
        'Print t$
        Close #1
End Select
Close #1

'=======================================Code ende Registrirung ====================================================================

'==================================Funtionen fr die Registrirung =================================================
Function GetFileInfo (D)
    SERIALFOUND = "!!!-!!!":
    If DRIVEEXISTS(D) <> 1 Then GetFileInfo = 0: Exit Function
    Dname$ = Chr$(D + 64) + ":\": Sname$ = Space$(260)
    R = GetVolumeInformationA(Dname$ + Chr$(0), Vname$, 260, serial~&, empty1~&, empty2~&, Sname$, 260)
    If R = 0 Then Exit Function
    Sname$ = Left$(Hex$(serial~&), 4) + "-" + Right$(Hex$(serial~&), 4)
    SERIALFOUND = "" + Sname$ + ""
    GetFileInfo = -1
End Function
    DRIVEEXISTS = 0: varX$ = Chr$(V + 64) + ":\" + Chr$(0): VarX = GetDriveType(varX$): If VarX > 1 Then DRIVEEXISTS = 1
End Function
'===========================================Ende der Registrirung==========================

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  IDE - just a thought on Next and Out of Subscript
Posted by: Dimster - 05-14-2023, 03:22 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (18)

Would be helpful and not too onerous to have NEXT include the control variable to which it is attached? For example

For x = 1 to 50
 For y = 2 to 75
 .... code here..

Sometimes the control variable provides important info on data being manipulated in the loop and the manipulation can be complex and nested deeply so that the NEXT statements come on  multiple pages of code.
For Temperature = 90 to 190 
  ... code here...

   For Windspeed = 20 to 150
      >>> code here <<<
   Next Windspeed

.... more code 

Next Temperature

Also, I'm not sure if the Error Warning which for me pops up a lot, and invariably is telling me the Subscript on Line 10250 is out of range. Would it be possible to have a feature where pushing enter or some such key will take me directly to the offending line?

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  Clearing _DEVICES
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 05-14-2023, 05:12 AM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (7)

Is there a way to force controller _DEVICES to be cleared and re-detected?

For instance, when _DEVICES is first used in a running program the detected number of controllers will be returned. If one or more of the detected controllers is then disconnected the _DEVICE$ for the disconnected controllers will add "[DISCONNECTED]" to the string returned but still occupy a place in _DEVICES. If a user were to start plugging in random controllers after program startup the _DEVICES value will just keep growing with each new unique controller connected. The program listed below will show this in action. I would like to clear the _DEVICES list when a controller is listed as "[DISCONNECTED]" so _DEVICES can recount the actual number of controllers still plugged in if this is possible while a program is running. Any thoughts?

Code: (Select All)

Devices = _DEVICES
Fcount = 0

    _LIMIT 30
    Fcount = Fcount + 1
    IF Fcount = 30 THEN '                                        check for new devices once per second
        Fcount = 1
        IF _DEVICES <> Devices THEN Devices = _DEVICES '         if number of devices changes get new count
    END IF
    FOR d = 1 TO Devices '                                       print found devices
        COLOR 14, 1
        DeviceName = _DEVICE$(d)
        IF INSTR(DeviceName, "[DISCONNECTED]") THEN COLOR 7, 0 ' change color if disconnected
        PRINT " Found: "; _DEVICE$(d)
        COLOR 7, 0
    NEXT d
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) '                                        press ESC to exit

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