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DAY 009:_PutImage
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Goals(1) = New Tile()
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String to Array |
Posted by: AtomicSlaughter - 02-13-2023, 10:31 AM - Forum: Utilities
- Replies (1)
![](https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/uploads/avatars/avatar_146.png?dateline=1678579436) |
A Handy piece of code that will split a string into an array.
Code: (Select All) Sub StringSplitter (ST As String, AR() As String, DL As String)
Dim Delim(Len(DL)) As String
For i = 1 To Len(DL)
Delim(i) = Mid$(DL, i, 1)
c = 1
For i = 1 To UBound(Delim)
If Mid$(ST, c, 1) = Delim(i) Then
ReDim _Preserve AR(UBound(AR) + 1)
c = c + 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
AR(UBound(AR)) = AR(UBound(AR)) + Mid$(ST, c, 1)
c = c + 1
Loop Until c > Len(ST)
End Sub
Using RhoSigma's Notepad++ Config |
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 02-13-2023, 04:17 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (2)
![](https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/uploads/avatars/avatar_70.gif?dateline=1664934072) |
In another discussion RhoSigma reminded us that he built a QB64 config for NotePad++:
I'm working on a library that has at present well over 5000 lines of code and growing. I decided to give RhoSigma's Notepad++ config a whirl and it's great!
I broke my library up into modules (.BM files) and $INCLUDE them in the main module. I loaded each .BM extension file into separate NotePad++ tabs and use the main library code in the QB64 IDE. This is working out really well.
When I make a change in one of the NotePad++ .BM files and introduce an error, after switching back to the IDE the IDE still informs me in which .BM file the error occurred and in which line number. I jump back over to NotePad++, click the appropriate tab, scroll down to the line number and make the corrections/changes.
I highly recommend giving this a try. It has completely changed my programming flow in a very positive way. I have a two monitor setup but this could easily work on a single monitor setup as well.
I'm not using NotePad++ as a replacement for the IDE. I still love the QB64PE IDE but RhoSigma's config for NotePad++ makes an excellent IDE enhancement tool.
This config had to have taken a great deal of time and patience to develop and I would like to thank RhoSigma for doing this.
FBCWIN - Wormer |
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 02-13-2023, 01:41 AM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs
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![](https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/uploads/avatars/avatar_192.png?dateline=1691203664) |
Have at it. It's "Wormer", a clone of "Nibbles" or "Snake" or something else. IT'S IN FREEBASIC. Sorry I don't have the motivation to port it to QB64 but it should be easy enough for someone else. ![Smile Smile](https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/images/smilies/smile.png)
Code: (Select All) 'by mnrvovrfc May-2014
#Include "fbmessage.bi"
#Include "util.bi"
#Include "truecolr256.bi"
#Include "file.bi"
Enum namesprites
wormhead = 1
wormbody = 5
wormvanish = 7
wallsolid = 9
wormfood = 13
wormnumeral = 17
wormletters = 27
wormportal = 49
wormheart = 54
lastsprite = 55
End Enum
Enum nameicon
noicon = 0
End Enum
Type charpgtype
As Integer x, y, xi, yi, s, c
End Type
Const thewallcolor = RGB(255, 255, 255), theshrinkcolor = RGB(255, 0, 0), theportalcolor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
Const thewormcolor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
Declare Sub PrintFancyMessage(which As Integer)
Declare Sub DrawWalls()
Declare Sub Drawcharpg()
Declare Function CheckIcon(x As Integer, y As Integer, actual As Integer = 0) As nameicon
Declare Sub SetIcon(x As Integer, y As Integer, valu As nameicon)
Declare Sub Centertext(ro As Integer, tx As string)
Dim Shared As nameicon icon(1 To 53, 1 To 40)
Dim Shared As Any Ptr spr(1 To lastsprite)
Dim Shared As charpgtype cw(1 To 100), cj(1 To 10), mv(1 To 16)
Dim As Any Ptr s1, s2
Dim As String curp, bmpfile, nameprog
Dim As Integer i, j, u, x, y, z, resu
nameprog = "Wormer (Nibbles)"
curp = ExePath() + "\"
bmpfile = curp + "wormer.bmp"
If FileExists(bmpfile) = 0 Then
fb_message(nameprog, "File not found:" + Chr(13) + bmpfile, MB_ICONERROR)
End 1
ScreenRes 640, 480, 32
WindowTitle nameprog
s1 = ImageCreate(96, 96)
s2 = ImageCreate(53, 40)
resu = BLoad(bmpfile, s1)
z = 1
For j = 0 To 7
For i = 0 To 7
spr(z) = ImageCreate(12, 12)
Get s1, (i * 12, j * 12)-Step(11, 11), spr(z)
z += 1
Dim Shared As Integer thiswall, lengthworm
Dim As Integer died, done, wormspeed, score, bonus, lvl, numworm, hits
Dim As Integer whead, refreshwall, numfood, startother, portalrestore, maxmove, fl
Dim As Integer onfreelife
Dim As String ke, lvlbmpfile
Color smalt, khaki
lvl = 1: fl = 0
Centertext(12, "Wormer -- A Crude Version of Nibbles")
Centertext(15, "Press [ESC] at any time to quit.")
Centertext(18, "Some levels have portals.")
Centertext(21, "Others have patrolling robots.")
Centertext(24, "The worm dies if it strikes a part of itself,")
Centertext(25, "a wall or one of the robots.")
Centertext(28, "Use your arrow keys for movement.")
Centertext(31, "If your score is at least 4,")
Centertext(32, "Press [ENTER] during game play to view it briefly.")
Centertext(38, "Use [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to change level, [ENTER] to select.")
Centertext(40, "What level do you want to begin play?")
Centertext(42, "Level = 1")
ke = InKey()
If Len(ke) > 1 Then
ke = Right(ke, 1)
Select Case ke
Case "H"
If lvl < 36 Then lvl += 1: fl = 1
Case "P"
If lvl > 1 Then lvl -= 1: fl = 1
End Select
If fl = 1 Then
fl = 0
Centertext(42, " Level = " + Str(lvl) + " ")
Sleep(100, 1)
Loop Until (ke = Chr(13)) Or (ke = Chr(27))
If ke = Chr(27) Then GoTo pend
Centertext(47, "At what speed to you want to play?")
Centertext(49, "(1) = slow, (2) = fast, (3) = quick")
Do: ke = InKey(): Loop Until ke = ""
ke = InKey()
If (ke = "1") Or (ke = "2") Or (ke = "3") Then Exit Do
Sleep(100, 1)
Loop Until (ke = Chr(13)) Or (ke = Chr(27))
If ke = Chr(27) Then GoTo pend
If ke = Chr(13) Then ke = "1"
wormspeed = (52 - Asc(ke)) * 50
done = 0
numworm = 6
score = 0: bonus = 0
thiswall = Rand(wallsolid, wormfood - 1)
hits = 0
If lvl > 15 Then onfreelife = 1 Else onfreelife = 0
Do ''until done, main program loop
Color , 0
refreshwall = 1
lengthworm = 4
died = 0
portalrestore = 0
Erase cw, cj
lvlbmpfile = curp + "wormer" + PadZero(lvl, 2) + ".BMP"
If FileExists(lvlbmpfile) = 0 Then
fb_message(nameprog, "BMP file not found for level " + Str(lvl) + "!", MB_ICONERROR)
End 4
resu = BLoad(lvlbmpfile, s2)
u = 0
For i = 1 To 53
For j = 1 To 40
If u > 0 Then u += 1
z = Point(i - 1, j - 1, s2)
Select Case z
Case thewallcolor
icon(i, j) = iconwall
Case theshrinkcolor
icon(i, j) = iconshrink
Case theportalcolor
icon(i, j) = iconportal
Case thewormcolor
If u = 0 Then
u = 1
cw(1).x = i * 12 - 12: cw(1).y = j * 12 - 12
ElseIf u = 2 Then
cw(1).xi = 0: cw(1).yi = 12
whead = wormhead + 3
cw(1).xi = 12: cw(1).yi = 0
whead = wormhead
icon(i, j) = noicon
Case Else
icon(i, j) = noicon
End Select
With cw(1)
.s = whead
x = .x
y = .y
End With
Select Case lvl
Case 1, 2, 3, 4
numfood = 2
startother = 0
Case 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 To 14, 16
numfood = 3
startother = 0
Case 8, 10
numfood = 3
startother = 9
Case 15
numfood = 3
startother = 8
Case 17
numfood = 4
startother = 7
Case 18 To 22
numfood = 4
startother = 0
Case 23, 24
numfood = 5
startother = 0
Case 25
numfood = 5
startother = 7
Case 26
numfood = 5
startother = 9
Case 27 To 29
numfood = 6
startother = 0
Case 30, 33
numfood = 4
startother = 10
Case 31, 32, 34
numfood = 3
startother = 9
Case 35, 36
numfood = 2
startother = 0
End Select
#Include "wormer.bi"
For j = 2 To lengthworm
cw(j).x = x
cw(j).y = y
cw(j).s = whead
x -= cw(1).xi
y -= cw(1).yi
z = 0
For i = 1 To numfood
With cj(i)
.x = 0: .y = 0: .s = 0 ''position (x, y) and food type
.xi = 0 ''number of steps to remain on screen (.c greater than zero)
.yi = 0 ''not used
.c = z ''total number of steps (if negative, food not activated yet)
End With
If i > 1 Then z -= Random1(20) * 10
cj(1).c = z
If (lvl >= 8) And (startother > 0) Then
z = startother
For j = 1 To 40
For i = 1 To 53
If icon(i, j) = iconportal Then
With cj(z)
.x = i * 12 - 12
.y = j * 12 - 12
If lvl < 30 Then
.s = wormportal
icon(i, j) = noicon
.s = wormevil ''sprite indicate it's a bad guy
.c = 0 ''pointer into mv()
.xi = 100 ''current step to take
.yi = 0 ''animation flag
End With
z += 1
If lvl = 32 Then
Swap cj(9), cj(10)
ke = InKey()
Loop Until (ke = "") Or (ke = Chr(27))
If ke = Chr(27) Then done = 1: Exit Do
ke = InKey()
If Len(ke) = 2 Then
ke = Right(ke, 1)
Select Case ke
Case "k"
done = 1
Exit Do
Case "H"
If cw(1).yi = 0 Then cw(1).xi = 0: cw(1).yi = -12: whead = 2
Case "K"
If cw(1).xi = 0 Then cw(1).yi = 0: cw(1).xi = -12: whead = 3
Case "M"
If cw(1).xi = 0 Then cw(1).yi = 0: cw(1).xi = 12: whead = 1
Case "P"
If cw(1).yi = 0 Then cw(1).xi = 0: cw(1).yi = 12: whead = 4
End Select
Select Case ke
Case Chr(13)
If score > 3 Then
refreshwall = 1
Case Chr(27)
done = 1
Exit Do
End Select
With cw(lengthworm)
Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
SetIcon(.x, .y, noicon)
End With
If (cw(1).s = 1) Or (cw(1).s = 3) Then
cw(1).s = wormbody + 1
cw(1).s = wormbody
For j = lengthworm - 1 To 1 Step -1
i = j + 1
cw(i) = cw(j)
With cw(1)
.x += .xi
.y += .yi
If .s <> whead Then .s = whead
If .x < 0 Then .x = 624
If .x > 624 Then .x = 0
If .y < 0 Then .y = 468
If .y > 468 Then .y = 0
z = CheckIcon(.x, .y)
If (z = iconwall) Or (z = iconworm) Then died = 1
If z = iconportal Then
For j = startother To 10
If (cj(j).x = .x) And (cj(j).y = .y) Then Exit For
If j <= 10 Then
If startother = 9 Then
If j = 9 Then i = 10 Else i = 9
i = Rand(startother, 10)
Loop While i = j
.x = cj(i).x
.y = cj(i).y
portalrestore = lengthworm + 2
ElseIf z = iconshrink Then
If lengthworm > 4 Then
bonus = bonus \ 2
u = Random1(2) * 4
Do While (u > 0) And (lengthworm > 4)
With cw(lengthworm)
SetIcon(.x, .y, noicon)
Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
lengthworm -= 1
u -= 1
End With
SetIcon(.x, .y, iconworm)
End With
For i = 1 To numfood
If cj(i).s > 0 Then
With cj(i)
.c += 1
If .c > .xi Then
.c = Random1(20) * -10
.s = 0
SetIcon(.x, .y, noicon)
Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
ElseIf (.x = cw(1).x) And (.y = cw(1).y) Then
If .s = wormheart Then
numworm += 1
bonus += 1
x = .s - wormfood + 1
If bonus = 0 Then bonus = 1 Else bonus += (x \ 4)
score += bonus
hits += 1
If lengthworm <= 100 Then
x *= 4
Do While x > 0
If portalrestore > 0 Then portalrestore += 1
lengthworm += 1
x -= 1
cw(lengthworm) = cw(lengthworm - 1)
.c = Random1(20) * -10
.s = 0
SetIcon(.x, .y, noicon)
End With
With cj(i)
.c += 1
If .c > 0 Then
If (i = 1) And (onfreelife > 0) Then
onfreelife = 0
.s = wormheart
.xi = 100
y = Random1(20)
.s = wormfood
.xi = 200
Select Case y
Case 1
.s += 3
.xi = 100
Case 2, 3
.s += 2
.xi = 100
Case 4, 5, 6
.s += 1
.xi = 100
End Select
.x = Random1(51) + 1
.y = Random1(38) + 1
Loop Until CheckIcon(.x, .y, 1) = noicon
icon(.x, .y) = iconfood
.x = .x * 12 - 12
.y = .y * 12 - 12
End With
If (lvl >= 30) And (lvl < 35) Then
For i = startother To 10
With cj(i)
If .c = 0 Then u = 100 Else u = mv(.c).c
.xi += 1
If .xi > u Then
.xi = 0
.c += 1
If .c > maxmove Then .c = 1
Loop Until mv(.c).s = i
Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
.x = .x + mv(.c).xi
.y = .y + mv(.c).yi
If .y < 0 Then .y = 468
If .y > 468 Then .y = 0
If .x < 0 Then .x = 624
If .x > 624 Then .x = 0
.yi = Not .yi
If CheckIcon(.x, .y) = iconworm Then died = 1
End With
ElseIf portalrestore > 0 Then
portalrestore -= 1
If portalrestore < 1 Then
For j = startother To 10
With cj(j)
SetIcon(.x, .y, iconportal)
End With
If refreshwall > 0 Then
refreshwall = 0
Sleep(wormspeed, 1)
Loop Until (died > 0) Or (hits > 10) Or (done > 0)
If done > 0 Then
''[ESC] was pressed, quit main program loop
ElseIf died > 0 Then
For j = wormvanish To wallsolid
With cw(1)
Line(.x, .y)-Step(11, 11), 0, BF
If j < wallsolid Then Put(.x, .y), spr(j), Trans
End With
Sleep(100, 1)
numworm -= 1
If numworm < 1 Then
ke = InKey()
If ke = Chr(27) Then done = 1: Exit Do
ke = InKey()
If ke = Chr(27) Then done = 1
Loop Until done > 0
Color RGB(128, 255, 192)
Locate 28, 28: Print "Please press any key...";
Do: ke = InKey(): Loop Until ke = ""
If bonus > 1 Then bonus -= 1
ElseIf hits > 10 Then
lvl += 1
If lvl > 36 Then
Color smalt, khaki
Centertext(12, "There are no more levels.")
Centertext(18, "You won the game, congratulations!")
Centertext(24, "Score: " + Str(score))
Centertext(32, "Press [ESC] to quit the program.")
Do: ke = InKey(): Loop Until ke = Chr(27)
done = 1
thiswall = Rand(wallsolid, wormfood - 1)
hits = 0
If lvl > 15 Then onfreelife = 1 Else onfreelife = 0
Loop Until done > 0 ''end of main program loop
For z = 1 To lastsprite
Sub PrintFancyMessage(which As Integer)
Dim As UByte Ptr ndx
Dim As String * 10 mesg
Dim As String ke
Dim As Integer j, c, x = 264
Select Case which
Case 1: mesg = Chr(33, 34, 35, 36, 48, 37, 38, 36, 39, 32) ''Game Over!
Case 2: mesg = Chr(33, 36, 27, 48, 28, 36, 34, 29, 40, 32) ''Get Ready!
Case 3: mesg = Chr(41, 42, 30, 48, 43, 44, 36, 29, 32, 48) ''You Died!
Case Else ''Score:0000
mesg = Chr(45, 46, 42, 39, 36, 47)
ke = Str(which)
If which < 1000 Then mesg &= "0"
If which < 100 Then mesg &= "0"
If which < 10 Then mesg &= "0"
For j = 1 To Len(ke)
c = Asc(ke, j) - 32
If c < 17 Then c += 10
mesg &= Chr(c)
End Select
Line(264, 216)-Step(120, 11), 0, BF
ndx = StrPtr(mesg)
For j = 0 To 9
Put(x, 216), spr(ndx[j]), Trans
x += 12
Sleep(3000, 1)
Line(264, 216)-Step(120, 11), 0, BF
End Sub
Sub DrawWalls()
Dim As Integer i, j
For i = 1 To 53
For j = 1 To 40
Select Case icon(i, j)
Case iconwall
Put(i * 12 - 12, j * 12 - 12), spr(thiswall), Trans
End Select
End Sub
Sub Drawcharpg()
Dim As Integer j, u
For j = 1 To 10
If cj(j).s > 0 Then
With cj(j)
If (.s >= wormevil) And (.s < wormheart) Then
If (.xi < 0) Or (.yi < 0) Then u = .s + (2 - .yi) Else u = .s + (-1 * .yi)
Put(.x, .y), spr(u), Trans
Put(.x, .y), spr(.s), Trans
End With
For j = lengthworm To 1 Step -1
With cw(j)
If .s > 0 Then
Put(.x, .y), spr(.s), Trans
End With
End Sub
Function CheckIcon(x As Integer, y As Integer, actual As Integer = 0) As nameicon
Dim As Integer px, py
If actual > 0 Then
px = x: py = y
px = x \ 12 + 1: py = y \ 12 + 1
Return icon(px, py)
End Function
Sub SetIcon(x As Integer, y As Integer, valu As nameicon)
Dim As Integer px, py
px = x \ 12 + 1: py = y \ 12 + 1
icon(px, py) = valu
End Sub
Sub Centertext(ro As Integer, tx As string)
Dim As Integer lx
lx = Len(tx)
If lx > 0 Then
lx = 40 - (lx \ 2)
Locate ro, lx
Print tx;
End Sub
Boards could be created but have to follow specific dimensions and pixel colors. Each pixel is a "big" position on the screen, ie. the snake's body part, food, wall etc. The snake could wrap around from one side of the screen to another unless the wall stops it. There are many other things to discover that I'm not going to reveal. Oh well the instructions near the top of the source code give away a lot already but not playing the game would miss it.
This program should compile without problems with Freebasic as GUI program for Windows. It has no sound. For Linux the "fb_message()" would have to be removed, call "exec()" instead to bring about a dialog box from "yad", "zenity" or other such utility.
All BMP files are required except "wormer-empty.bmp", that one exists to help the user create a new one out of it for the game.
mnrvovrfc-wormer.zip (Size: 18.57 KB / Downloads: 32)
Extended message box |
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 02-11-2023, 08:41 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (12)
![](https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/uploads/avatars/avatar_192.png?dateline=1691203664) |
How difficult would it be to create a "deluxe" edition of the Message Box which supports a large amount of text? What I mean is, an "OK" button, and a text field with scrollbars that could hold reasonably a larger amount of text than an ordinary Message Box. Take for instance the dialog seen in many Windows installers, to display the License Agreement, and usually has two buttons: "I agree" or "I decline". Just offer the one button to get out of the dialog.
It would be a good alternative to the "SCREEN 0" to show more stuff that could fit on that screen. The problem could be how large to make the window and the scrollable text holder.
Code: (Select All) /------------------------------------------------\
| +-----------------------------------+ |
| |This is an example of text. ^| |
| | I| +-----+ |
| | I| | OK | |
| | I| +-----+ |
| | I| |
| |<================================>V| |
| +-----------------------------------+ |
I have taken the idea from the Purebasic Code Archive, which used WinAPI, and created a version of it with Autohotkey. It should be doable with TinyFileDialog library. Of course, this is something that should be supported on all platforms.
I have also created a scrollable window that works with the mouse but some of you would find it clunky.
Love and War (FPS shooter and builder game in -QB64) |
Posted by: MasterGy - 02-11-2023, 12:43 PM - Forum: MasterGy
- Replies (12)
![](https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/images/default_avatar.png) |
Hello !
I finished the game.
Builder mode
It is possible for 1 or more people to create simple structures from blocks at the same time.
The cubes can be textured in 10 different ways. You can also talk to each other while building.
There are 400 cubes available in one room. You can also create a new room.
Extreme mode
The aim of the game is to win the love of the princess. This is only possible if you are wearing the royal crown.
Gameplay : The server places the crown in one of the rooms. We need to get this as soon as possible.
In order to do this, if someone has already taken the crown, they must be shot. If we have it, we need it
to protect ourselves and find the princess as soon as possible.
Navigation (radar and compass) and narration always help us choose the right options.
The game shows the ping value. (server -> client, then client -> server travel time). This is .06s in Hungary.
Good game, I hope many of you will try the final version!
( The YouTube video is in HD, but you still have to wait for processing. )
UNCREATION - A new text mystery adventure! |
Posted by: johannhowitzer - 02-10-2023, 09:47 PM - Forum: Works in Progress
- Replies (23)
![](https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/uploads/avatars/avatar_261.png?dateline=1670072408) |
"Most things are built with a purpose in mind. If made well, they serve their purpose
until they wear out, and are discarded or replaced. I've spent my life building things,
sometimes successfully, sometimes I had to give up and start again. You can't let yourself
be discouraged by failure; after all, in failure we learn the most.
But this time is different. Some failures can be set aside, others must be atoned for.
I just hope I'm not too late..."
In UNCREATION, you'll use a simple, focused set of text commands to explore intriguing
locations and try to piece together what's happening. The classic shortcomings of text
adventure games lie in the overwhelming complexity of human language, and the need for
obscure solutions to make progress. Here, the options available to you are limited
greatly, so the focus can shift onto taking in your environment, and making sense of
Great care has been taken to make sure the places you'll explore will not be overwhelming.
You should not need to make maps of locations unless you personally find it helpful,
there are no mazes.
Download here!
Currently, the prologue and first chapter are completed! The second chapter is fully designed
and is in the process of being added to the game, and the third chapter is on the drawing
I have done some testing myself, and it all seems to be working correctly! Please check
this game out, and if so inclined, give me your feedback, let me know if you find any bugs
or problems, and enjoy!
If you're on the fence about trying this, check out the screenshots below before downloading,
to get an idea of what you're in for. There are no spoilers.
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instr function in reverse ??? |
Posted by: doppler - 02-10-2023, 01:51 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (3)
![](https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/uploads/avatars/avatar_86.gif?dateline=1650999676) |
Here is a bit to knock around.
I have a standard routine I use to find the last occurrence of a character in a string. Happens to be "\". Using a do loop to search out a string is easy. Looking to make it faster. Would it be beneficial, to specify the direction of search in instr function? Forward or reverse order.
I am think more of an enhancement to instr function. if it's more trouble than it's worth, I will just continue with what I got.