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  QB64 crash!?
Posted by: eoredson - 12-21-2022, 03:27 AM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (5)

Try this code and tell me what happens..

btw: It does not display an error..

Code: (Select All)
Print clock$

Function clock$
  clock$ = "date/time is:"
  clock$ = clock$ + Date$ + " " + Time$
End Function

Print this item

Posted by: Pete - 12-21-2022, 02:29 AM - Forum: Keyword of the Day! - Replies (3)

Sounds like a keyword my av-ee-tar would like. ELSEIF ya don't, I'm eh gonna blast youse.

Okay, settle down Yosemite, and let's have a look at this handy conditional statement.


IF foo1 THEN

Usage: Handles multiple conditions while excluding program flow through unnecessary evaluation statements.

This is a nice alternative to SELECT CASE, and better than forcing your program through multiple IF/THEN statements, which could cause more than one desired condition to be triggered.


Code: (Select All)
a = 1: b = 2
IF a > b OR j = 0 THEN
    PRINT "1"
ELSEIF a = b OR j = 0 THEN PRINT "2"
ELSEIF a < b OR j = 0 THEN PRINT "3"

PRINT "---------------------------------"

IF a > b OR j = 0 THEN PRINT "1"
IF a = b OR j = 0 THEN PRINT "2"
IF a < b OR j = 0 THEN PRINT "3"

So by using IF THEN with ELSEIF in a block statement we get an output of '1' and done in the first condition block vs all three numbers printed out in the second IF/THEN only block.


Edit: Oh, here's a fun coding fact, inspired by mn's post below....

We can code a regular IF/THEN non-block statement with THEN (line number)...
...but with an IF/THEN/ESLEIF, the THEN part cannot reference a line number without using GOTO with it.:

Code: (Select All)
IF a = b THEN 5 ' This is accepted.
PRINT "Skip me!"
5 PRINT "Okay, I skipped you!"

IF a = b THEN
    PRINT "Okay!"
ELSEIF a < b THEN GOTO 5 ' You have to include GOTO here or it won't compile.


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  InForm-Pe v 1.3 for QB64PE v 3.4.1 on Linux
Posted by: Fifi - 12-20-2022, 03:56 PM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

Hi all,

Happy holydays season.

As usual, this post is to inform the users who want to test or use InForm with the latest QB64PE version (3.4.1).

Once again, I've updated my multi lingual installation bash script that now includes both QB64PE v 3.4.1 and InForm-pe (a fork of InForm v 1.3 that I made to communicate with the latest QB64PE release).

This script allows you to create icons starters for QB64PE, InForm-pe and the QB64PE folder directly on your desktop and adds the ability to invoque QB64PE from any terminal session without being into the QB64PE folder (as you can do with any standard compiler such as gcc).

You can get my "pure" bash script here: BashScript

The script can also cleanly uninstall QB64PE and InForm (they're installed in the /opt/qb64pe folder to not interfer with your own installation) as well as their different starters (desktop and programming menu) and you're free to copy their complete install folder to any other location that best suits your needs (then you'll have to modify the different starters).

Note: due to my poor and limited programming capabilities, I do not provide any support for InForm (so, no need for a sub-section for me). [Image: tongue.png]

Thank you for your return and enjoy QB64PE v 3.4.0 with InForm-pe when creating event driven GUI applications with the ease of the BASIC language.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023.

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Posted by: Pete - 12-19-2022, 07:43 PM - Forum: Keyword of the Day! - Replies (16)

Here is an interesting one for all you bit flipping coders out there...


SYNTAX result = _TOGGLEBIT(numericalVariable, numericalValue)

Usage: For cross breeding elephants and rhinos. What's that good for? Eleph-i-no!

Okay, I know bit-flipping can be used somehow to detect a hardware malfunction in a Windows operating system. I would imagine encryption would be another practical use. I also did some reading on using bit-flipping as an alternative to doing string math, but that was a very involved process, so I have no work created to demonstrate how that would be accomplished.

What I can easily see if we flip the first bit, we can get a 0 or 1, which is good for a toggle function.

Now the easiest method to create your own toggle for a program has been demonstrated in this forum numerous times...

toggle = 1 - toggle Mark posted about that one months ago.

So using toggle = 1 - toggle we start out with toggle = 0, hence 1 - 0 = 1. Loop again and 1 - 1 = 0

Now we can accomplish the exact same toggle effect with _TOGGLEBIT, as follows...

Code: (Select All)
DIM a AS INTEGER ' Also avilable are _INTEGER64, LONG, _UNSIGNED, and _BYTE,
        SELECT CASE a
            CASE 0
                PRINT " Steve is good...";
            CASE 1
                PRINT " Pete is better!": PRINT
        END SELECT
        a = _TOGGLEBIT(a, 0)
        mykey$ = INKEY$
    LOOP UNTIL mykey$ = CHR$(9) OR mykey$ = CHR$(27)
    FOR i = 0 TO 15
        PRINT i; _TOGGLEBIT(a, i)
LOOP UNTIL mykey$ = CHR$(27)

So maybe this example will goad Steve a "bit" to elaborate on some of his experiences with _TOGGLEBIT. Also, I'd love to hear some comments from @jack about bit-flipping, and his experience with coding decfloat.


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Posted by: Pete - 12-19-2022, 04:41 PM - Forum: Christmas Code - Replies (7)

Code: (Select All)
t$ = "Frosty the No-man"
WIDTH 90, 25
COLOR 15, 5

DIM song$(1), songhand&(1)
song$(1) = "frosty.mid"
songhand&(1) = _SNDOPEN(song$(1), "stream")
IF songhand&(1) = 0 THEN
    PRINT "Error opening file: "; song$(1), _CWD$

_SNDPLAY songhand&(1)


    READ a$
    IF a$ = "EOF" THEN EXIT DO
    seed = 0
    LOCATE , 2
        i = i + 1
        j = INSTR(seed, a$ + " ", " ")
        PRINT MID$(a$, seed, j - seed + 1);
        SELECT CASE i
            CASE 1
                _DELAY .75
            CASE 2
                _DELAY .35
            CASE ELSE
                _DELAY .42
        END SELECT
        seed = j + 1
    LOOP UNTIL j = 0
    IF i = 1 THEN _DELAY 1.4 ELSE _DELAY .75

DATA "Frosty the snowman, had two very cold snowballs"
DATA "'Til a kid named Sue, thought what she should do, is wrap them in Grandma's shawls"
DATA "Now Frosty the snowman, won't be smiling come Christmas day"
DATA "'Cause the heat from the shawls, melted off his balls, and they dropped and rolled away"
DATA "There must have been, some magic in, that Super Glue we found"
DATA "'Cause when we glued his balls back on, he began to dance around"
DATA "Oh... Frosty the snowman, now he's jolly and that's a fact"
DATA "Even though he knows his snowballs are froze, he's so glad he's got them back..."

Requires the midi file attached below if you don't already have it from Dav's screensaver... (Thanks Dav!)


Attached Files
.7z   frosty.7z (Size: 5.89 KB / Downloads: 56)
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Posted by: Pete - 12-19-2022, 04:48 AM - Forum: Keyword of the Day! - Replies (4)

Every SCREEN ZERO HERO needs this keyword...

SYNTAX VIEW PRINT [topRow% TO bottomRow%]

Usage: Restricts the printable area of the screen.

Okay, let's take this puppy for a spin.

Use VIEW PRINT anytime you want to divide your text screen into a skin and message area.

Code: (Select All)
msg$ = "My Header"
COLOR 15, 1
LOCATE 1, _WIDTH / 2 - LEN(msg$) / 2: PRINT msg$;
COLOR 7, 5
top% = 3
bottom% = _HEIGHT - 2
VIEW PRINT top% TO bottom%
msg$ = "Press [1] for info  /  Press [2] to make fun of Steve  /  Press [Esc] to end"
COLOR 15, 1: LOCATE _HEIGHT, _WIDTH / 2 - LEN(msg$) / 2: PRINT msg$; ' Look, we can print to the last row without changing VIEW PRINT.
LOCATE top%, 1
COLOR 7, 5
    _LIMIT 30
    b$ = INKEY$
    IF LEN(b$) THEN
        SELECT CASE b$
            CASE "1"
                PRINT "INFO!"
            CASE "2"
                PRINT "Ha Ha Ha! ";
            CASE CHR$(27)
                EXIT DO
        END SELECT
    END IF

What's cool about VIEW PRINT is it leaves the last row unrestricted. That means we can print to the last row anytime we want, without changing the VIEW PRINT parameters.

What else do we need to know here, Pete?

Well, glad you asked!

1) CLEAR does not affect VIEW PRINT.

2) RUN removes VIEW PRINT.

3) CLS clears the whole screen.

4) CLS 2 only clears the VIEW PRINT area.

5) To get rid of the view print restriction, just code: VIEW PRINT

6) Remember when printing to the bottom of the screen to end your print statement with a semi-colon, so it doesn't scroll.

7) If you switch screens and switch back, you will have to redo your VIEW PRINT statement.

8) The top parameter must always be smaller than the bottom parameter. (If you're too dumb to figure that one out, switch to FreeBASIC).


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  Biaxial Symmetry Line Graphing ( Zen Time !)
Posted by: CharlieJV - 12-18-2022, 09:47 PM - Forum: QBJS, BAM, and Other BASICs - Replies (3)

Click here to access the program (and source code below it) in the BASIC Anywhere Machine - Sample Programs Wiki.

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  Tree + lights + options
Posted by: bplus - 12-18-2022, 08:05 PM - Forum: Christmas Code - Replies (16)

Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Programmable Tree Lights v2" ' b+ 2020-12-19 2022-12-18 fixed k$
Randomize Timer
Const Xmax = 700, Ymax = 700, N_Rows = 10, N_Cols = 2 * N_Rows - 1
Const X_Spacer = 30, Y_Spacer = 52, X_Offset = 50
Type ColorSeed
    Red As Single
    Green As Single
    Blue As Single
End Type
Dim Shared ColorSet(10) As ColorSeed, ColorSetIndex As Long
Dim Shared pR, pG, pB, pN, pStart, pMode$
Dim Shared TG(1 To N_Cols, 1 To N_Rows) As Long
Screen _NewImage(Xmax, Ymax, 32)
_Delay .25
_ScreenMove _Middle
Dim As Long i, row, Col, nstars, back, cc
Dim horizon, r, land
Dim l$, o$, b$, k$
' setup some color seeds in ColorSet user can change out with Shift + digit key
For i = 0 To 9 ' 10 random color seeds
    ColorSet(i).Red = pR: ColorSet(i).Green = pG: ColorSet(i).Blue = pB

'Stringing the lights on tree, adjusted to fit mostly on the tree   2*N - 1 Pryramid
For row = 1 To 10
    l$ = xStr$(2 * row - 1, "X")
    o$ = xStr$(10 - row, "O")
    b$ = o$ + l$ + o$
    For Col = 1 To N_Cols
        If Mid$(b$, Col, 1) = "O" Then TG(Col, row) = 0 Else TG(Col, row) = -1
    Print b$

' making the stars
horizon = Ymax - 4 * r
nstars = 100
Dim xstar(100), ystar(100), rstar(100)
For i = 1 To 100
    xstar(i) = Rnd * (Xmax): ystar(i) = Rnd * horizon:
    If i < 75 Then
        rstar(i) = 0
    ElseIf i < 95 Then
        rstar(i) = 1
        rstar(i) = 2
    End If
' make a circle tree and align circles to tree with spacers and offsets with new Pyramid Scheme
'Pinetree 25, 30, 650, 600
'FOR row = 1 TO N_Rows
'    FOR col = 1 TO N_Cols
'        IF TG(col, row) THEN CIRCLE (col * X_Spacer + X_Offset, row * Y_Spacer), 10
'    NEXT

' making the background
back = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32)
horizon = Ymax - 100
For i = 0 To horizon
    Line (0, i)-(Xmax, i), _RGB32(i / horizon * 70, i / horizon * 22, 60 * (i) / horizon)
land = Ymax - horizon
For i = horizon To Ymax
    cc = 128 + (i - horizon) / land * 127
    Line (0, i)-(Xmax, i), _RGB32(cc, cc, cc)
For i = 1 To 100
    fcirc xstar(i), ystar(i), rstar(i), &HFFEEEEFF
_PutImage , 0, back

ColorSetIndex = 1: pMode$ = "h"
show ' avoid the pause for key checking
    k$ = InKey$
    If Len(k$) Then
        If InStr("0123456789", k$) > 0 Then
            ColorSetIndex = Val(k$)
        ElseIf InStr("vhde", k$) > 0 Then
            pMode$ = k$
        End If
    End If
    _PutImage , back, 0
    _Limit 10
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)

Sub show
    Dim row, prow, col
    Pinetree 25, 30, 650, 600
    _Title "Programmable Tree Lights (0-9) Color Set: " + TS$(ColorSetIndex) + "  (v, h, d, e) Mode: " + pMode$
    pR = ColorSet(ColorSetIndex).Red: pG = ColorSet(ColorSetIndex).Green: pB = ColorSet(ColorSetIndex).Blue
    pStart = pStart + 1
    Select Case pMode$
        Case "h"
            For row = 1 To N_Rows
                prow = pStart + row
                For col = 1 To N_Cols
                    pN = prow
                    If TG(col, row) Then Lite col * X_Spacer + X_Offset, row * Y_Spacer, Plasma~&
        Case "v"
            For row = 1 To N_Rows
                For col = 1 To N_Cols
                    pN = pStart + col
                    If TG(col, row) Then Lite col * X_Spacer + X_Offset, row * Y_Spacer, Plasma~&
        Case "d"
            For row = 1 To N_Rows
                For col = 1 To N_Cols
                    pN = pStart + col - row
                    If TG(col, row) Then Lite col * X_Spacer + X_Offset, row * Y_Spacer, Plasma~&
        Case "e"
            For row = 1 To N_Rows
                For col = 1 To N_Cols
                    pN = pStart + row + col
                    If TG(col, row) Then Lite col * X_Spacer + X_Offset, row * Y_Spacer, Plasma~&

    End Select
End Sub

Sub Lite (x, y, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim cR, cG, cB, cA, r
    cAnalysis c, cR, cG, cB, cA
    For r = 35 To 0 Step -2
        fcirc x, y, r, _RGB32(cR, cG, cB, 1)
    fcirc x, y, 4, c
End Sub

Sub Pinetree (treeX, treeY, wide, high)
    Dim bpx, bpy, tpx, bpxx, bpyy, aa, ra, tpy, ht, xs, xsh, rs, tpxx, tpyy, fra, x1, x2, y1, y2, wf, hf
    'tannen baum by PeterMaria W  orig 440x460
    'fits here  LINE (0, 0)-(440, 410), , B
    Static t&
    If t& = 0 Then
        t& = _NewImage(440, 410, 32)
        _Dest t&
        bpx = 220: bpy = 410
        tpx = bpx
        For aa = -4 To 4
            bpxx = bpx + aa
            bpyy = bpy - 390
            Line (bpxx, bpy)-(bpx, bpyy), _RGB32(30, 30, 0)
        ra = 160
        tpy = bpy - 40
        For ht = 1 To 40
            For xs = -100 To 100 Step 40
                xsh = xs / 100
                rs = Rnd * 4 / 10
                tpxx = tpx + (xsh * ra)
                tpyy = tpy - rs * ra
                Line (tpx, tpy)-(tpxx, tpyy), _RGB32(50, 40, 20)
                For aa = 1 To 30
                    fra = Rnd * 10 / 10 * ra
                    x1 = tpx + (xsh * fra)
                    y1 = tpy - rs * fra
                    x2 = tpx + xsh * (fra + ra / 5)
                    y2 = tpy - rs * fra + (-rs + (Rnd * 8) / 10 - 0.4) * (ra / 5)
                    Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), _RGB32(Rnd * 80, Rnd * 70 + 40, Rnd * 60)
            ra = ra - 4
            tpy = tpy - 9
        _Dest 0
    End If
    wf = wide / 440: hf = high / 410
    _PutImage (treeX, treeY)-Step(440 * wf, 410 * hf), t&, 0
End Sub

Sub cAnalysis (c As _Unsigned Long, outRed, outGrn, outBlu, outAlp)
    outRed = _Red32(c): outGrn = _Green32(c): outBlu = _Blue32(c): outAlp = _Alpha32(c)
End Sub

Function Plasma~& ()
    pN = pN + 1 'dim shared cN as _Integer64, pR as integer, pG as integer, pB as integer
    Plasma~& = _RGB32(127 + 127 * Sin(pR * pN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pG * pN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pB * pN))
End Function

Sub resetPlasma ()
    pR = Rnd ^ 2: pG = Rnd ^ 2: pB = Rnd ^ 2: pN = 0
End Sub

Function xStr$ (x, strng$)
    Dim i, rtn$
    For i = 1 To x
        rtn$ = rtn$ + strng$
    xStr$ = rtn$
End Function

Function TS$ (n As Integer)
    TS$ = _Trim$(Str$(n))
End Function

'from Steve Gold standard
Sub fcirc (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
    Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
    Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
    If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
    Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
    While X > Y
        RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
        If RadiusError >= 0 Then
            If X <> Y + 1 Then
                Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C
                Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C
            End If
            X = X - 1
            RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
        End If
        Y = Y + 1
        Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C
        Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C
End Sub


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  Merry Christmas Banner
Posted by: bplus - 12-18-2022, 07:58 PM - Forum: Christmas Code - No Replies

Since someone took down the code that had nice trees and snow fall...

Code: (Select All)

Const SaveTextAs256Color = 0 'Flag to Save as 256 color file or 32-bit color file, when converting SCREEN 0 to an image
'                             Set to TRUE (any non-zero value) to save text screens in 256 color mode.
'                             Set to FALSE (zero) to save text screens in 32-bit color mode.

_Title "Winter Christmas Theme Banner 11, space to take snap, escape for new tree layout" ' b+ 2022-11-07 Banner 5 with better and Rnd  Pine Trees
'started from Snowjob code

Const XMAX = 1235
Const YMAX = 256
Screen _NewImage(XMAX, YMAX, 32)
_ScreenMove 0, 100

'snow making machine
    x As Single
    y As Single
    dx As Single
    dy As Single
    size As Single
    density As Single
    angle As Single
    dir As Single
    maxy As Single
End Type

Const nTrees = 70
Dim As Long logo, santa, fnt, wallpaper, t
ReDim savefile As String
savefile = "Merry Christmas Banner 2022.png"
'logo = _LoadImage("peLogo.png")
'santa = _LoadImage("Kindpng_301203.png")
'_ClearColor &HFFFFFFFF, santa
fnt = _LoadFont("FROSW___.ttf", 100)

restart: ' new wallpaper background
If wallpaper <= -1 Then _FreeImage wallpaper ' avoid memory leak
wallpaper = _NewImage(XMAX, YMAX, 32)
_Font fnt, wallpaper
_PrintMode _KeepBackground , wallpaper
_Dest wallpaper
For t = 1 To nTrees
    NewTree wallpaper
'_PutImage (25, 18)-Step(220, 220), logo, wallpaper
_Dest wallpaper
'_PutImage (1207, 127)-Step(50, 87), santa, wallpaper
Color _RGB32(200, 0, 0)
_PrintString (10, 120), "Merry Christmas 2022", wallpaper
_Dest 0

Dim As Long nLayers, flakes, layer, flake
Dim horizon
nLayers = 15
flakes = 2 ^ (nLayers + 1) - 1
ReDim snow(flakes) As PARTICLE
horizon = .5 * YMAX
For layer = nLayers To 1 Step -1
    For flake = 0 To 2 ^ layer
        snow(flake).x = Rnd * 2 * XMAX - .5 * XMAX
        snow(flake).y = Rnd * 2 * YMAX - YMAX ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<< fix clear clearing when first start by spreading over 2 screens
        snow(flake).dx = .1 * (nLayers + 1 - layer) * Cos(Rnd * _Pi(.6666) + _Pi(.0833))
        If snow(flake).dx < -.2 Then snow(flake).dx = -snow(flake).dx '              <<<<<<<<<<<<< add a little wind
        snow(flake).dy = .1 * (nLayers + 1 - layer) * Sin(Rnd * _Pi(.6666) + _Pi(.0833))
        If snow(flake).dy < .2 Then snow(flake).dy = .2 '                       <<<<<<<<<<<<<< make sure everything is falling
        snow(flake).size = .5 * (nLayers - layer)
        snow(flake).density = 2.3 + Rnd * .5
        snow(flake).angle = Rnd * _Pi
        If Rnd < .5 Then snow(flake).dir = -1 Else snow(flake).dir = 1
        snow(flake).maxy = horizon + (nLayers + 1 - layer) * 30

Dim k$
Dim result
While _KeyDown(27) = 0 ' <<<<<<<<<<<<< allow escape from full screen
    _PutImage , wallpaper&, 0

    k$ = InKey$
    For flake = flakes To 0 Step -1
        If Rnd < .2 Then
            snow(flake).x = snow(flake).x + snow(flake).dx + Rnd * 2 - 1
            snow(flake).y = snow(flake).y + snow(flake).dy + Rnd * 2 - 1
            snow(flake).x = snow(flake).x + snow(flake).dx
            snow(flake).y = snow(flake).y + snow(flake).dy
        End If
        If snow(flake).size <= 1 Then
            PSet (snow(flake).x, snow(flake).y), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 80)
        ElseIf snow(flake).size <= 2 Then
            Circle (snow(flake).x, snow(flake).y), 1, _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 100)
            snow(flake).angle = snow(flake).angle + snow(flake).dir * _Pi(1 / 100) ' <<<<<< turn flakes more
            rFlake snow(flake).x, snow(flake).y, snow(flake).size, snow(flake).density, snow(flake).angle
        End If
        If snow(flake).y > snow(flake).maxy Or snow(flake).x < -.5 * XMAX Or snow(flake).x > 1.5 * XMAX Then
            snow(flake).x = Rnd * 2 * XMAX - .5 * XMAX
            snow(flake).y = Rnd * YMAX - 1.1 * YMAX
        End If
    If k$ = " " Then
        result = SaveImage(savefile, 0, 0, 0, _Width - 1, _Height - 1)
        If result = 1 Then 'file already found on drive
            Kill savefile 'delete the old file
            result = SaveImage(savefile, 0, 0, 0, _Width - 1, _Height - 1) 'save the new one again
        End If
        If result >= 0 Then Cls: Print "Save Failed": Beep: End ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  beep = failed
    End If
    _Limit 60
GoTo restart

Sub rFlake (x, y, r, DV, rAng)
    'DV = flake density
    Dim As Long a
    Dim armX, armY
    Color _RGBA32(225, 225, 245, r ^ 2 * 30)
    For a = 0 To 5
        armX = x + r * Cos(a * _Pi(1 / 3) + rAng)
        armY = y + r * Sin(a * _Pi(1 / 3) + rAng)
        Line (x, y)-(armX, armY)
        If r > 2.5 Then rFlake armX, armY, r / DV, DV, rAng
End Sub

Sub midInk (r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%, fr##)
    Color _RGB(r1% + (r2% - r1%) * fr##, g1% + (g2% - g1%) * fr##, b1% + (b2% - b1%) * fr##)
End Sub

Function rand% (lo%, hi%)
    rand% = Int(Rnd * (hi% - lo% + 1)) + lo%
End Function

Sub drawLandscape
    'needs midInk, rand
    'the sky
    Dim As Long i, rgb, mountain
    Dim startH, updown, range, lastX, Xright, y, x
    For i = 0 To .33 * YMAX
        midInk 120, 50, 100, 255, 255, 150, i / (.3 * YMAX) '<<<<<<<<<<<<  dark on top lighter redder lower
        Line (0, i)-(XMAX, i)
    'the land
    startH = .2 * YMAX
    rgb = 195 ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< less white
    For mountain = 1 To 6
        Xright = 0
        y = startH
        While Xright < XMAX
            ' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
            ' range = how far up / down, along X
            updown = (Rnd * .8 - .35) / (mountain * 2)
            range = Xright + rand%(15, 35) * 3.5 / mountain
            lastX = Xright - 1
            Color _RGB32(rgb + 10 * mountain, rgb + 8 * mountain, rgb + 10 * mountain)
            For x = Xright To range
                y = y + updown
                Line (lastX, y)-(x, YMAX), , BF 'just lines weren't filling right
                lastX = x
            Xright = range
        '_DELAY 1
        rgb = rand%(rgb, rgb + 20)
        startH = startH + rand%(5, 20)
End Sub

Sub NewTree (d&)
    Dim h, w
    horz = _Height - 135 - 60
    h = Rnd * 100 + 25
    w = h / 2 + Rnd * h / 8 - h / 16
    Pinetree _Width * Rnd, horz - .5 * h, w, h, d&
End Sub

Sub cAnalysis (c As _Unsigned Long, outRed, outGrn, outBlu, outAlp)
    outRed = _Red32(c): outGrn = _Green32(c): outBlu = _Blue32(c): outAlp = _Alpha32(c)
End Sub

Function Ink~& (c1 As _Unsigned Long, c2 As _Unsigned Long, fr##)
    Dim R1, G1, B1, A1, R2, G2, B2, A2
    cAnalysis c1, R1, G1, B1, A1
    cAnalysis c2, R2, G2, B2, A2
    Ink~& = _RGB32(R1 + (R2 - R1) * fr##, G1 + (G2 - G1) * fr##, B1 + (B2 - B1) * fr##, A1 + (A2 - A1) * fr##)
End Function

Sub Pinetree (treeX, treeY, wide, high, dst&)
    'tannen baum by PeterMaria W  orig 440x460
    'fits here  LINE (0, 0)-(440, 410), , B
    Dim t&, bpx, bpy, tpx, aa, bpxx, bpyy, x, y, ra, tpy, ht, xs, xsh, rs, tpxx, tpyy, fra, x1, x2, y1, y2, wf, hf
    t& = _NewImage(440, 410, 32)
    _Dest t&
    bpx = 220: bpy = 410
    tpx = bpx
    For aa = -4 To 4
        bpxx = bpx + aa
        bpyy = bpy - 390
        Line (x + bpxx, y + bpy)-(x + bpx, y + bpyy), _RGB32(30, 30, 0)
    ra = 160
    tpy = bpy - 40
    For ht = 1 To 40
        For xs = -100 To 100 Step 40
            xsh = xs / 100
            rs = Rnd * 4 / 10
            tpxx = tpx + (xsh * ra)
            tpyy = tpy - rs * ra
            Line (x + tpx, y + tpy)-(x + tpxx, y + tpyy), _RGB32(50, 40, 20)
            For aa = 1 To 30
                fra = Rnd * 10 / 10 * ra
                x1 = tpx + (xsh * fra)
                y1 = tpy - rs * fra
                x2 = tpx + xsh * (fra + ra / 5)
                y2 = tpy - rs * fra + (-rs + (Rnd * 8) / 10 - 0.4) * (ra / 5)
                Line (x + x1, y + y1)-(x + x2, y + y2), _RGB32(Rnd * 120, Rnd * 70 + 70, Rnd * 80)
        ra = ra - 4
        tpy = tpy - 9
    _Source t&
    For i = 1 To 30000
        x = Rnd * 440: y = Rnd * 410
        If Point(x, y) > 0 Then PSet (x, y), &HFFFFFFFF
    _Dest 0: _Source 0
    wf = wide / 440: hf = high / 410
    _PutImage (treeX, treeY)-Step(440 * wf, 410 * hf), t&, dst&
    _FreeImage t&
End Sub

Really nice pine trees! from Peter W code modified by me many a time, eg Tree + lights + options... https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/showthre...7#pid11787

Merry Christmas!

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.zip   Christmas Banner 2022.zip (Size: 221.95 KB / Downloads: 45)
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  Merry Marquee
Posted by: James D Jarvis - 12-18-2022, 02:34 PM - Forum: Christmas Code - Replies (3)

A simple Marquee effect to display a horizontally scrolling seasonal message.

Code: (Select All)
'merry marquee
_Title "Merry Marquee"
Screen _NewImage(800, 288, 256)
msg = _NewImage(800, 288, 256)
_Dest msg
Color 8, 0
A$ = "        Have A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HaPpY NeW YeAr !!!             "
Print A$
_Source msg
_Dest 0
Color 15, 0
pmax = Int((_Width) / 8)
prows = Len(A$) * 8
If prows < pmax Then
    maxp = prows
    maxp = (prows + 1) - pmax
End If

For pstart = 0 To maxp
    _Limit 20
    For y = 0 To 16
        x = 1
        Color 15, 0
        If Int(Rnd * 20) < 5 Then _PrintString (Int(Rnd * _Width), Int(Rnd * _Height)), "*"
            If Point(pstart - 1 + x, y) <> 0 Then
                Color Int(1 + Rnd * 8)
                Locate y + 2, x + 1
                Print Chr$(219)
            End If
            x = x + 1
        Loop Until x = pmax - 8
    Next y
Next pstart

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