Knocked up a little lightbar driven menu routine which will go in my library soon.
Code: (Select All)
' Creating lightbar driven menus using arrow keys to choose, enter to select, and
' making it reusable and modular.
' Code is a bit long, I'm sure someone can do this better! Regardless, this will end
' up in my QB64_GJ_LIB library soon.
' @author Rick Christy <>
TYPE LIGHTBAR ' bg|b = background, fg|f = foreground, k = key
opt_bg_color AS INTEGER
opt_fg_color AS INTEGER
bar_bg_color AS INTEGER
bar_fg_color AS INTEGER
bar_kf_color AS INTEGER
bar_kb_color AS INTEGER
key_bg_color AS INTEGER
key_fg_color AS INTEGER
opt_selected AS INTEGER
delimeter AS STRING
COLOR 12, 0: PRINT "----------------------------------------"
COLOR 7, 0 : PRINT " Welcome to";
COLOR 7, 0 : PRINT " Pick your favorite food from our menu!"
COLOR 14, 0: PRINT "----------------------------------------"
COLOR 2, 0 : PRINT " ..if you're not hungry press ESCAPE.. "
COLOR 12, 0: PRINT "----------------------------------------"
COLOR 9, 0 : PRINT " UP and DOWN choose and ENTER picks!"
choice% = LIGHTBAR%(menu, opts$())
IF choice% <> -1 THEN
COLOR 11, 0 : PRINT "You chose option ";
COLOR 14, 0 : PRINT UCASE$(_TRIM$(STR$(choice%)));
COLOR 11, 0 : PRINT ": ";
COLOR 12, 0 : PRINT _TRIM$(opts$(choice%))
IF choice% = 0 THEN
COLOR 10, 0 : PRINT "An excellent choice! It is also my favorite!"
COLOR 3, 0 : PRINT "Not hungry eh? OK you come back later!"
COLOR 12, 0 : PRINT "Thank you! Come again!"
DIM AS STRING opt_l, opt_r, k, opt_sel_l, opt_sel_r, opt_sel_k
DIM AS INTEGER obg, ofg, bbg, bfg, bkf, bkb, kbg, kfg, key_pos_s, key_pos_e
DIM AS INTEGER row, col, orig_bg, orig_fg, lb, ub, i, selected, choice_made
lb% = LBOUND(options$) : ub% = UBOUND(options$)
DIM keys(lb% TO ub%) AS STRING ' holds hot keys (chars in delimeters)
row% = CSRLIN : col% = POS(0) ' store initial cursor position
orig_fg% = SCREEN(row%, col%, 1) AND 15 ' store initial foreground color
orig_bg% = SCREEN(row%, col%, 1) \ 16 ' store initial background color
selected% = menu.opt_selected ' get selected option
LOCATE row%, col%
FOR i% = lb% TO ub%
key_pos_s% = INSTR(0, options$(i%), menu.delimeter)
key_pos_e% = INSTR(key_pos_s%, options$(i%), menu.delimeter)
keys$(i%) = MID$(options$(i%), key_pos_s% + 1, 1)
opt_l$ = MID$(options$(i%), 0, key_pos_s%)
opt_r$ = MID$(options$(i%), key_pos_s% + 3)
COLOR ofg%, obg% : PRINT opt_l$;
COLOR kfg%, kbg% : PRINT keys$(i%);
COLOR ofg%, obg% : PRINT opt_r$
IF i% = selected% THEN
opt_sel_l$ = opt_l$ : opt_sel_r$ = opt_r$ : opt_sel_k$ = keys$(i%)
' draw selected option
LOCATE row% + selected%, col%
COLOR bfg%, bbg% : PRINT opt_sel_l$;
COLOR bkf%, bkb% : PRINT opt_sel_k$;
COLOR bfg%, bbg% : PRINT opt_sel_r$
' handle arrow keys
k$ = INKEY$
CASE CHR$(27): ' escape to abort
selected% = -1
CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(71): ' home to jump to first option
selected% = lb%
CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(79): ' end to jump to last option
selected% = ub%
CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80): ' down arrow to go down an option
selected% = selected% + 1
IF selected% > ub% THEN selected% = lb%
CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72): ' up arrow to go up an option
selected% = selected% - 1
IF selected% < lb% THEN selected% = ub%
' handle hot keys
FOR i% = lb% TO ub%
IF LCASE$(k$) = LCASE$(keys$(i%)) THEN
selected% = i%
choice_made% = 1
LOOP UNTIL k$ = CHR$(13) OR k$ = CHR$(27) OR choice_made% = 1
COLOR orig_fg%, orig_bg% ' restore original colors
LOCATE row% + (ub% - lb%) + 1, col% ' position cursor under menu
LIGHTBAR% = selected%
All my QB64 programs under Linux (KDE Neon) can be resized/maximized anytime. I'd like to prevent that. Is there a way? I tried $RESIZE:OFF but it doesn't seem to stop it.
Since there is not much going on here at the moment, a small task:
A triangular track system with three points is given. (pic 36) Section a is a short dead end with a bumper block. Sections c and b are short distances between the points, the length of which can just accommodate one railroad wagon each.
Route D is a long, open-ended route. There is a goods wagon on section B and a container wagon on section C; on section D there is a locomotive with a tender. The section A bounded by the buffer stop is so short that it can accommodate the length of the freight wagon or container wagon, but not the locomotive and tender.
So while each of the cars can be moved from section B or C to the other side alone via the dead short distance A, this is not possible for the locomotive because of its length.
A locomotive driver now has the task of swapping the position of the two wagons by a shunting process, so that after the shunting process is complete, the container wagon is on track section B and the freight wagon is on track section C. The locomotive ends up on section D again (Fig. 37).
_Title "Cloud" ' b+ 2023-07-29
Option _Explicit
' from Laser Blades replace Blade drawing with cloud drawing
Const NBolts = 50 ' max number of Bolt slots available, just like bullet science
Const PulseLength = 120 ' length of light pulses as they travel down BoltLine
Type BoltType 'see NewBolt for description of these variables
As Single x1, y1, r1, dx, dy, dr, d, ang, frames, frame, active, speedX, speedY, x, y, r
As _Unsigned Long k
End Type
Dim Shared Bolts(1 To NBolts) As BoltType
Dim Shared bk
Dim As Long mx, my, i, lpc, blastedShip, r
'test cloud first
'Cloud 600, 200, 50, 600, 500, 20, &H88FFFFFF ' OK
_PutImage , bk, 0
If blastedShip Then
DrawShip 600, 350, &HFF00CC66
For r = blastedShip To 1 Step -2
FCirc 600, 350, r, _RGB32(5 * (50 - r), 5 * (50 - r), 0, 20)
blastedShip = blastedShip + 2
If blastedShip > 50 Then blastedShip = 0
DrawShip 600, 350, &HFF00CC66 ' bplus signature space ship, for rent :)
End If
' fire off some more bolts at the ship from the screen corners!
If lpc = 0 Then
If Rnd < .7 Then NewBolt 0, 0, 1, 600, 350, 5, 15, &HFFFF4444
ElseIf lpc = 30 Then
If Rnd < .7 Then NewBolt _Width - 1, 0, 1, 600, 350, 13, 10, &HFF447744
ElseIf lpc = 60 Then
If Rnd < .7 Then NewBolt _Width - 1, _Height - 1, 1, 600, 350, 15, 7, &HFFFF44FF
ElseIf lpc = 90 Then
If Rnd < .7 Then NewBolt 0, _Height - 1, 1, 600, 350, 18, 5, &HFF448888
End If
lpc = (lpc + 1) Mod 120 ' loopscounter every 30 shoot from a corner
For i = 1 To NBolts
If Bolts(i).active Then DrawBolt (i) ' draws the bolts still active
Next ' according to what frame they are on
' collision detection blow up when ship is hit
For i = 1 To NBolts
If Bolts(i).active Then
If _Hypot(Bolts(i).x - 600, Bolts(i).y - 350) < 20 + Bolts(i).r Then
If Bolts(i).x1 <> 600 And Bolts(i).y1 <> 350 Then ' oops watch out for friendly fire!!!
If blastedShip = 0 Then blastedShip = 1
Bolts(i).active = 0
End If
End If
End If
While _MouseInput: Wend
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
NewBolt 600, 340, 1, mx, my, 30, 10, _RGB32(200, 200, 255, 100)
While _MouseInput Or _MouseButton(1): Wend
End If
'_Limit 60
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
Sub NewBolt (x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2, ppfSpeed, k~&) ' sets up for the DrawBolt Sub
'x1, y1, r1 = location and radius at start of beam
'x2, y2, r2 = target location and radius at beam end
'ppfSpeed = how many pixels per frame in main loop to transverse
Dim i
For i = 1 To NBolts
If Bolts(i).active = 0 Then
Bolts(i).x1 = x1 ' start x, y, radius
Bolts(i).y1 = y1
Bolts(i).r1 = r1
Bolts(i).active = 1 ' bolt is activated
Bolts(i).dx = x2 - x1 ' drawing the bolt line and thickness
Bolts(i).dy = y2 - y1 ' as it changes from x1, y1, r1 to x2, y2, r2
Bolts(i).dr = r2 - r1
Bolts(i).d = _Hypot(Bolts(i).dx, Bolts(i).dy) ' distance of the bolt line
Bolts(i).frames = Int(Bolts(i).d / ppfSpeed) + 1 ' divide that distance by pulse = PulseLength
Bolts(i).frame = 1 ' set the frame you are on to locate the pulse in drawing
Bolts(i).ang = _Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
Bolts(i).speedX = ppfSpeed * Cos(Bolts(i).ang)
Bolts(i).speedY = ppfSpeed * Sin(Bolts(i).ang)
Bolts(i).x = x1 ' track leading x, y, r of current bolt for collision detection
Bolts(i).y = y1
Bolts(i).r = r1
Bolts(i).k = k~&
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub DrawBolt (idx) ' needs FCirc (Fill Circle) routine
' This sub draw a pulse of light on the BoltLine from .x1, .y1 on the way to .x2, .y2
' The start radius is .r1 and the end radius is .r2 and the pulse is thinned or thickened
' as it proceeds down the boltLine.
'All this is setup in the NewBolt Sub and uses DIM Shared Bolts() as BoltType and Constants
' NBolts = max amount of activated Bolt "slots" available and PulseLength the length of
' BoltLine sections to draw in each frame.
'2019-12-16 fix by Steve saves some time with STATIC and saves and restores last dest
Sub ftri (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, K As _Unsigned Long)
Dim D As Long
Static a&
D = _Dest
If a& = 0 Then a& = _NewImage(1, 1, 32)
_Dest a&
_DontBlend a& ' '<<<< new 2019-12-16 fix
PSet (0, 0), K
_Blend a& '<<<< new 2019-12-16 fix
_Dest D
_MapTriangle _Seamless(0, 0)-(0, 0)-(0, 0), a& To(x1, y1)-(x2, y2)-(x3, y3)
End Sub
Sub FCirc (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub
Sub DrawShip (x, y, colr As _Unsigned Long) 'needs FCirc and FEllipse subs
Static ls ' tracks the last light position in string of lights
Dim light As Long, r As Long, g As Long, b As Long
r = _Red32(colr): g = _Green32(colr): b = _Blue32(colr)
FEllipse x, y, 6, 15, _RGB32(r, g - 120, b - 100)
FEllipse x, y, 18, 11, _RGB32(r, g - 60, b - 50)
FEllipse x, y, 30, 7, _RGB32(r, g, b)
For light = 0 To 5
FCirc x - 30 + 11 * light + ls, y, 1, _RGB32(ls * 50, ls * 50, ls * 50)
ls = ls + 1
If ls > 5 Then ls = 0
End Sub
Sub FEllipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xr As Long, yr As Long, C As _Unsigned Long)
If xr = 0 Or yr = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim h2 As _Integer64, w2 As _Integer64, h2w2 As _Integer64
Dim x As Long, y As Long
w2 = xr * xr: h2 = yr * yr: h2w2 = h2 * w2
Line (CX - xr, CY)-(CX + xr, CY), C, BF
Do While y < yr
y = y + 1
x = Sqr((h2w2 - y * y * w2) \ h2)
Line (CX - x, CY + y)-(CX + x, CY + y), C, BF
Line (CX - x, CY - y)-(CX + x, CY - y), C, BF
End Sub
Sub makeBackground
bk = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32)
_Dest bk
Dim As Long i, stars, horizon
For i = 0 To _Height
Line (0, i)-(_Width, i), _RGB32(70, 60, i / _Height * 160)
stars = _Width * _Height * 10 ^ -4
For i = 1 To stars 'stars in sky
PSet (Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height), _RGB32(175 + Rnd * 80, 175 + Rnd * 80, 175 + Rnd * 80)
stars = stars / 2
For i = 1 To stars
FCirc Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height, 1, _RGB32(175 + Rnd * 80, 175 + Rnd * 80, 175 + Rnd * 80)
stars = stars / 2
For i = 1 To stars
FCirc Rnd * _Width, Rnd * horizon, 2, _RGB32(175 + Rnd * 80, 175 + Rnd * 80, 175 + Rnd * 80)
_PutImage , 0, bk
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub Cloud (xx1, yy1, rr1, xx2, yy2, rr2, c~&) ' another attempt at a Laser Pulse or Bolt
' scatter pixels over area from p1 to p2 with the radius spec
Dim x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2
If xx1 > xx2 Then ' orientate
x1 = xx2: x2 = xx1
y1 = yy2: y2 = yy1
r1 = rr2: r2 = rr1
x1 = xx1: x2 = xx2
y1 = yy1: y2 = yy2
r1 = rr1: r2 = rr2
End If
Dim ang, dx, dy, dr, d, pd2, p2, a, stepper, n, r, i, x, y, r3
pd2 = _Pi / 2
p2 = _Pi * 2
ang = _Atan2(y2 - y1, x1 - x2)
dx = x2 - x1
dy = y2 - y1
dr = r2 - r1
d = _Hypot(dx, dy)
' one end
stepper = 2 / (p2 * r1)
For a = -ang To -ang + pd2 Step stepper
For n = 1 To .1 * r1
r = randWeight(0, r1, 1)
PSet (x1 + r * Cos(a), y1 + r * Sin(a)), c~&
For a = -ang To -ang - pd2 Step -stepper
For n = 1 To .1 * r1
r = randWeight(0, r1, 1)
PSet (x1 + r * Cos(a), y1 + r * Sin(a)), c~&
' the other end
stepper = 2 / (p2 * r2)
For a = ang To ang + pd2 Step stepper
For n = 1 To .1 * r2
r = -randWeight(0, r2, 1)
PSet (x2 + r * Cos(-a), y2 + r * Sin(-a)), c~&
For a = ang To ang - pd2 Step -stepper
For n = 1 To .1 * r1
r = -randWeight(0, r2, 1)
PSet (x2 + r * Cos(-a), y2 + r * Sin(-a)), c~&
' down the line for some reason I have to jiggle the minus signs for x's ???
dy = dy / d
dx = dx / d
dr = dr / d
For i = 0 To d
x = x1 + i * dx: y = y1 + i * dy: r = r1 + i * dr
'PSet (x - r * Cos(ang + pd2), y + r * Sin(ang + pd2)), c~&
'PSet (x - r * Cos(ang - pd2), y + r * Sin(ang - pd2)), c~&
For n = 1 To 1 * r
r3 = randWeight(0, r, 4)
PSet (x - r3 * Cos(ang + pd2), y + r3 * Sin(ang + pd2)), c~&
r3 = randWeight(0, r, 4)
PSet (x - r3 * Cos(ang - pd2), y + r3 * Sin(ang - pd2)), c~&
End Sub
Function randWeight (manyValue, fewValue, power)
randWeight = manyValue + Rnd ^ power * (fewValue - manyValue)
End Function
Run a tiny basic interpreter inside a qb64 program. Sorry no string variables at this point. I implemented a crude but simple means of passing variables into and out of the array space the interpreter uses. Will also load and save tiny basic programs. I added a few commands to the interpreter but most of the original work was done by one Ed Davis.
Code: (Select All)
'tiny basic in a subroutine
' vesion 0.1.j2823
' a tiny basic interpreter that can run in a qb64 program
'based on code by Ed Davis posted in a facebbok group
'it's crude and sloppy and not done yet but it works due to the good work of people before me.
'the original tiny basic implmentation this was based on used integer basic and only allowed 26 single letter variables
'altered things (poorly for now) to allow a larger number of variables and floating point numbers.
'there isn't support for string variables for now.
' valid variable names must start with a letter and may contain any mixture of alphanumeric characters and $
'variable names are not case sensistive so Aaa and AAA woudl be the smae variable.
'it's sloppy but A100A woudl be a valid variable name
'eventually I'll get string variables into this and some simple graphics, there's some bits of code in here now to get that going
'but it's nowhere near done yet
'all output from the interperter will go to current program screen when the interpreter is called
'code will immediatley execute if typed without a line number
'line numbers from 1 to 9999 are valid
Dim Shared pgm(c_maxlines) As String ' program stored here
Dim Shared vars(c_maxvars) As Double
Dim Shared var_type(c_maxvars) As String 'not really using this yet
Dim Shared var_name(c_maxvars) As String
Dim Shared var_string(c_maxvars) As String
Dim Shared stringflag As String
Dim Shared pen_x, pen_y As Single
Dim Shared gstackln(c_g_stack) As Integer ' gosub line stack
Dim Shared gstacktp(c_g_stack) As Integer ' gosub textp stack
Dim Shared gsp As Long
Dim Shared atarry(0 To c_at_max) As Double ' the @ array
Dim Shared forvar(c_maxvars) As Integer
Dim Shared forlimit(c_maxvars) As Integer
Dim Shared forline(c_maxvars) As Integer
Dim Shared forpos(c_maxvars) As Integer
Dim Shared As String tok, toktype ' current token, and it's type
Dim Shared As String tok2, toktype2 ' current token, and it's type
Dim Shared As String thelin, thech ' current program line, current character
Dim Shared As Integer curline, textp ' position in current line
Dim Shared num As Double ' last number read by scanner
Dim Shared As Integer errors, tracing, need_colon
Dim Shared dump_array(0 To c_at_max) As Double
declare function accept(s as string)
declare function expression(minprec as double)
declare function getfilename$(action as string)
declare function getvarindex
declare function inputexpression(s as string)
declare function parenexpr&
Dim pl$(1 To 12)
pl$(1) = "cls"
pl$(2) = "print" + Chr$(34) + "Hello" + Chr$(34)
pl$(3) = "for x = 1 to 10"
pl$(4) = "print x"
pl$(5) = " a = a +x: @(x)=a"
pl$(6) = "next x"
pl$(7) = "print" + Chr$(34) + "Done" + Chr$(34)
pl$(8) = "print a"
pl$(9) = "arraydump"
pl$(10) = "print " + Chr$(34) + "Type Run to execute the program and Quit to exit" + Chr$(34)
Call tiny_basic("list", pl$())
Print "Back in main program": Print
Print "Variables passed from interpreter"
For x = 1 To 10
Print dump_array(x)
Next x
ReDim pl$(2)
Print "press any key to coniunue": Sleep
pl$(1) = "print " + Chr$(34) + "Type your own program" + Chr$(34) + ":print :help"
Call tiny_basic("run", pl$())
Sub tiny_basic (icmd$, pl$())
Dim loadlines, prox
loadlines = UBound(pl$)
For prox = 1 To loadlines
pgm(prox) = pl$(prox)
icmd$ = LCase$(icmd$)
Select Case icmd$
Case "run"
tok = "run"
Call docmd
Case "list"
tok = "list"
Call docmd
Case "new"
tok = "new"
Call docmd
End Select
If Command$ <> "" Then
toktype = "string": tok = c_dquote + Command$
Call loadstmt
tok = "run": Call docmd
' Call help
End If
errors = false
Line Input "tinyb> ", pgm(0)
If pgm(0) <> "" Then
Call initlex(0)
If toktype = "number" Then
Call validlinenum
If Not errors Then pgm(num) = Mid$(pgm(0), textp)
Call docmd
End If
End If
Loop Until toktype = "exit"
ReDim pgm(0 To c_maxlines) As String
End Sub
Sub docmd
If tracing And Left$(tok, 1) <> ":" Then Print curline; tok; thech; Mid$(thelin, textp)
need_colon = true
Select Case tok
Case "bye", "quit": Call nexttok: toktype = "exit": Exit Sub
Case "end", "stop": Call nexttok: Exit Sub
Case "clear": Call nexttok: Call clearvars: Exit Sub
Case "help": Call nexttok: Call help: Exit Sub
Case "list": Call nexttok: Call liststmt: Exit Sub
Case "load", "old": Call nexttok: Call loadstmt: Exit Sub
Case "new": Call nexttok: Call newstmt: Exit Sub
Case "run": Call nexttok: Call runstmt
Case "save": Call nexttok: Call savestmt: Exit Sub
Case "tron": Call nexttok: tracing = true
Case "troff": Call nexttok: tracing = false
Case "cls": Call nexttok: Cls
Case "for": Call nexttok: Call forstmt
Case "gosub": Call nexttok: Call gosubstmt
Case "goto": Call nexttok: Call gotostmt
Case "if": Call nexttok: Call ifstmt
Case "input": Call nexttok: Call inputstmt
Case "next": Call nexttok: Call nextstmt
Case "print", "?": Call nexttok: Call printstmt
Case "pen": Call nexttok: Call penstmt
Case "return": Call nexttok: Call returnstmt
Case "@": Call nexttok: Call arrassn
Case "arraydump": Call nexttok: Call arraydump 'puts @() into array dump_array() for use in main program
Case "arrayload": Call nexttok: Call arrayload 'reads dump_array into @() to pass data from main program
Case ":", "" ' handled below
Case "beep": Call nexttok: Call dobeep
Case Else
If tok = "let" Then Call nexttok
If toktype = "ident" Then
Call assign
Print "Unknown token '"; tok; "' at line:"; curline; " Col:"; textp; " : "; thelin: errors = true
End If
End Select
If errors Then Exit Sub
If tok = "" Then
While tok = ""
If curline = 0 Or curline >= c_maxlines Then Exit Sub
Call initlex(curline + 1)
ElseIf tok = ":" Then Call nexttok
ElseIf need_colon And Not accept(":") Then
Print ": expected but found: "; tok
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub help
Print "³ bye, clear, cls, end/stop, help, list, load/save, new, run, tron/off³Û"
Print "³ for <var> = <expr1> to <expr2> ... next <var> ³Û"
Print "³ gosub <expr> ... return ³Û"
Print "³ goto <expr> ³Û"
Print "³ if <expr> then <statement> ³Û"
Print "³ input [prompt,] <var> ³Û"
Print "³ <var>=<expr> ³Û"
Print "³ arraydump ³Û"
Print "³ beep, print <expr|string>[,<expr|string>][;] ³Û"
Print "³ rem <anystring> or ' <anystring> ³Û"
Print "³ Operators: ^, * / \ mod + - < <= > >= = <>, not, and, or ³Û"
Print "³ Integer variables a..z, and array @(expr) ³Û"
Print "³ Functions: abs(expr), asc(ch), rnd(expr), rnd(expr),sgn(expr) ³Û"
Print "³ sin(expr), cos(expr), tan(expr) ³Û"
Print "³ sindeg(expr), cosdeg(expr), tandeg(expr) ³Û"
Print " ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß"
End Sub
Sub assign
Dim var As Long
var = getvarindex: Call nexttok
Call expect("=")
vars(var) = expression(0)
If stringflag <> "" Then
var_string(var) = stringflag
End If
If tracing Then Print "*** "; Chr$(var + Asc("a")); " = "; vars(var)
End Sub
Sub dobeep
End Sub
Sub arraydump
'dump array so it can be passed to main program
For x = 1 To c_at_max
dump_array(x) = atarry(x)
Next x
End Sub
Sub arrayload
'loads array from dump_aeeay to pass varaibles from main program
For x = 1 To c_at_max
atarry(x) = dump_array(x)
Next x
End Sub
Sub arrassn ' array assignment: @(expr) = expr
Dim As Long n, atndx
atndx = parenexpr
If tok <> "=" Then
Print "Array Assign: Expecting '=', found:"; tok: errors = true
Call nexttok ' skip the "="
n = expression(0)
atarry(atndx) = n
If tracing Then Print "*** @("; atndx; ") = "; n
End If
End Sub
Sub forstmt ' for i = expr to expr
Dim As Long var, n, forndx
var = getvarindex
Call assign
' vars(var) has the value; var has the number value of the variable in 0..25
forndx = var
forvar(forndx) = vars(var)
If tok <> "to" Then
Print "For: Expecting 'to', found:"; tok: errors = true
Call nexttok
n = expression(0)
forlimit(forndx) = n
' need to store iter, limit, line, and col
forline(forndx) = curline
If tok = "" Then forpos(forndx) = textp Else forpos(forndx) = textp - 2
End If
End Sub
Sub gosubstmt ' for gosub: save the line and column
gsp = gsp + 1
gstackln(gsp) = curline
gstacktp(gsp) = textp
Call gotostmt
End Sub
Sub gotostmt
num = expression(0)
Call validlinenum
Call initlex(num)
End Sub
Sub ifstmt
need_colon = false
If expression(0) = 0 Then Call skiptoeol: Exit Sub
If tok = "then" Then Call nexttok
If toktype = "number" Then Call gotostmt
End Sub
Sub inputstmt ' "input" [string ","] var
Dim var As Double, st As String
If toktype = "string" Then
Print Mid$(tok, 2);
Call nexttok
Call expect(",")
Print "? ";
End If
var = getvarindex: Call nexttok
Line Input st
If st = "" Then st = "0"
Select Case Left$(st, 1)
Case "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
vars(var) = Val(st)
Case "-"
If Mid$(st, 2, 1) >= "0" And Mid$(st, 2, 1) <= "9" Then vars(var) = Val(st)
Case Else
'vars(var) = Asc(st)
Print "string tok "; tok
var_string(var) = tok
End Select
End Sub
Sub liststmt
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To c_maxlines
If pgm(i) <> "" Then Print i; " "; pgm(i)
Next i
End Sub
Sub loadstmt
Dim n As Long, filename As String
Call newstmt
filename = getfilename("Load")
If filename = "" Then Exit Sub
Open filename For Input As #1
n = 0
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, pgm(0)
Call initlex(0)
If toktype = "number" And num > 0 And num <= c_maxlines Then
n = num
n = n + 1: textp = 1
End If
pgm(n) = Mid$(pgm(0), textp)
Close #1
curline = 0
End Sub
Sub newstmt
Dim i As Integer
Call clearvars
For i = 1 To c_maxlines
pgm(i) = ""
Next i
End Sub
Sub nextstmt
Dim forndx As Long
' tok needs to have the variable
forndx = getvarindex
forvar(forndx) = forvar(forndx) + 1
vars(forndx) = forvar(forndx)
If forvar(forndx) <= forlimit(forndx) Then
curline = forline(forndx)
textp = forpos(forndx)
Call initlex2
Call nexttok
End If
End Sub
' "print" [[#num "," ] expr { "," [#num ","] expr }] [","] {":" stmt} eol
' expr can also be a literal string
Sub penstmt
penx_x = Val(tok)
Call nexttok
pen_y = Val(tok)
PSet (pen_x, pen_y), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
End Sub
Sub printstmt
Dim As Single printnl, printwidth, n
Dim junk As String
printnl = true
Do While tok <> ":" And tok <> "" And tok <> "else"
printnl = true
printwidth = 0
If accept("#") Then
If num <= 0 Then Print "Expecting a print width, found:"; tok: Exit Sub
printwidth = num
Call nexttok
If Not accept(",") Then Print "Print: Expecting a ',', found:"; tok: Exit Sub
End If
If toktype = "string" Then
junk = Mid$(tok, 2)
Call nexttok
n = expression(0)
junk = LTrim$(Str$(n))
End If
printwidth = printwidth - Len(junk)
If printwidth <= 0 Then Print junk; Else Print Space$(printwidth); junk;
If accept(",") Or accept(";") Then printnl = false Else Exit Do
If printnl Then Print
End Sub
Sub returnstmt ' exit sub from a subroutine
curline = gstackln(gsp)
textp = gstacktp(gsp)
gsp = gsp - 1
Call initlex2
End Sub
Sub runstmt
Call clearvars
Call initlex(1)
End Sub
Sub savestmt
Dim i As Long, filename As String
filename = getfilename("Save")
If filename = "" Then Exit Sub
Open filename For Output As #1
For i = 1 To c_maxlines
If pgm(i) <> "" Then Print #1, i; pgm(i)
Next i
Close #1
End Sub
Function getfilename$ (action As String)
Dim filename As String
If toktype = "string" Then
filename = Mid$(tok, 2)
Print action; ": ";
Line Input filename
End If
If filename <> "" Then
If InStr(filename, ".") = 0 Then filename = filename + ".bas"
End If
getfilename = filename
End Function
Sub validlinenum
If num <= 0 Or num > c_maxlines Then Print "Line number out of range": errors = true
End Sub
Sub clearvars
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To c_maxvars
vars(i) = 0
var_name(i) = ""
var_string(i) = ""
Next i
gsp = 0
End Sub
Function parenexpr&
Call expect("("): If errors Then Exit Function
parenexpr = expression(0)
Call expect(")")
End Function
Function expression (minprec As Double)
Dim n As Double
' handle numeric operands - numbers and unary operators
If 0 Then ' to allow elseif
ElseIf toktype = "number" Then n = num: Call nexttok
ElseIf tok = "(" Then n = parenexpr
ElseIf tok = "not" Then Call nexttok: n = Not expression(3)
ElseIf tok = "abs" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(parenexpr)
ElseIf tok = "asc" Then Call nexttok: expect ("("): n = Asc(Mid$(tok, 2, 1)): Call nexttok: expect (")")
ElseIf tok = "rnd" Then Call nexttok: n = (Rnd * parenexpr)
ElseIf tok = "irnd" Then Call nexttok: n = Int(Rnd * parenexpr) + 1
ElseIf tok = "sgn" Then Call nexttok: n = Sgn(parenexpr)
ElseIf tok = "sin" Then Call nexttok: n = Sin(parenexpr)
ElseIf tok = "cos" Then Call nexttok: n = Cos(parenexpr)
ElseIf tok = "tan" Then Call nexttok: n = Tan(parenexpr)
ElseIf tok = "sindeg" Then Call nexttok: n = Sin(parenexpr * _Pi / 360)
ElseIf tok = "cosdeg" Then Call nexttok: n = Cos(parenexpr * _Pi / 360)
ElseIf tok = "tandeg" Then Call nexttok: n = Tan(parenexpr * _Pi / 360)
ElseIf toktype = "ident" Then n = vars(getvarindex): Call nexttok
ElseIf tok = "@" Then Call nexttok: n = atarry(parenexpr)
ElseIf tok = "-" Then Call nexttok: n = -expression(7)
ElseIf tok = "+" Then Call nexttok: n = expression(7)
Else Print "syntax error: expecting an operand, found: ", tok: errors = true: Exit Function
End If
Do ' while binary operator and precedence of tok >= minprec
If 0 Then ' to allow elseif
ElseIf minprec <= 1 And tok = "or" Then Call nexttok: n = n Or expression(2)
ElseIf minprec <= 2 And tok = "and" Then Call nexttok: n = n And expression(3)
ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = "=" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n = expression(5))
ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = "<" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n < expression(5))
ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = ">" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n > expression(5))
ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = "<>" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n <> expression(5))
ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = "<=" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n <= expression(5))
ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = ">=" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n >= expression(5))
ElseIf minprec <= 5 And tok = "+" Then Call nexttok: n = n + expression(6)
ElseIf minprec <= 5 And tok = "-" Then Call nexttok: n = n - expression(6)
ElseIf minprec <= 6 And tok = "*" Then Call nexttok: n = n * expression(7)
ElseIf minprec <= 6 And tok = "/" Then Call nexttok: n = n / expression(7)
ElseIf minprec <= 6 And tok = "\" Then Call nexttok: n = n \ expression(7)
ElseIf minprec <= 6 And tok = "mod" Then Call nexttok: n = n Mod expression(7)
ElseIf minprec <= 8 And tok = "^" Then Call nexttok: n = CLng(n ^ expression(9))
Else Exit Do
End If
expression = n
End Function
Function inputexpression (s As String)
Dim As Long save_curline, save_textp
Dim As String save_thelin, save_thech, save_tok, save_toktype
pgm(0) = s
Call initlex(0)
inputexpression = expression(0)
curline = save_curline: textp = save_textp: thelin = save_thelin: thech = save_thech: tok = save_tok: toktype = save_toktype
End Function
Function getvarindex
If toktype <> "ident" Then Print "Not a variable:"; tok: errors = true: Exit Function
' Print "***(getvarindex)*** tok "; tok
foundv = 0
vv = vv + 1
If vv < c_maxvars Then
If var_name(vv) = tok Then
foundv = vv
ElseIf var_name(vv) = "" Then
var_name(vv) = tok
foundv = vv
End If
End If
Loop Until foundv <> 0 Or vv > c_maxvars
getvarindex = foundv
End Function
Sub expect (s As String)
If accept(s) Then Exit Sub
Print "("; curline; ") expecting "; s; " but found "; tok; " =>"; pgm(curline): errors = true
End Sub
Function accept (s As String)
accept = false
If tok = s Then accept = true: Call nexttok
End Function
Sub initlex (n As Integer)
curline = n: textp = 1
Call initlex2
End Sub
Sub initlex2
need_colon = false
thelin = pgm(curline)
thech = " "
Call nexttok
End Sub
Sub nexttok
tok = "": toktype = ""
While thech <= " "
If thech = "" Then Exit Sub
Call getch
tok = thech: Call getch
Select Case tok
Case "a" To "z", "A" To "Z": Call readident: If tok = "rem" Then Call skiptoeol
Case "0" To "9": Call readdbl
Case c_squote: Call skiptoeol
Case c_dquote: Call readstr
Case "#", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", "/", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "\", "^":
toktype = "punct"
If (tok = "<" And (thech = ">" Or thech = "=")) Or (tok = ">" And thech = "=") Then
tok = tok + thech
Call getch
End If
Case Else: Print "("; curline; ") "; "What?"; tok; " : "; thelin: errors = true
End Select
End Sub
Sub skiptoeol
tok = "": toktype = ""
textp = Len(thelin) + 1
End Sub
Sub readdbl
toktype = "number"
While thech >= "0" And thech <= "9" Or thech = "." Or thech = "-"
tok = tok + thech
Call getch
num = Val(tok)
End Sub
Sub readident
toktype = "ident"
While (thech >= "a" And thech <= "z") Or (thech >= "A" And thech <= "Z") Or thech = "$" Or (thech >= "0" And thech <= "9")
tok = tok + thech
Call getch
tok = LCase$(tok)
End Sub
Sub readstr ' store double quote as first char of string, to distinguish from idents
toktype = "string"
While thech <> c_dquote ' while not a double quote
If thech = "" Then Print "String not terminated": errors = true: Exit Sub
tok = tok + thech
Call getch
Call getch ' skip closing double quote
End Sub
Sub getch
If textp > Len(thelin) Then
thech = ""
thech = Mid$(thelin, textp, 1)
textp = textp + 1
End If
End Sub
Just starting to figure out how to document the meta-programming features in BAM, and I decided to pick an easy one first.
Not very many use cases for the "now" macro (scroll to the bottom of the page for the link below), but it is pretty handy for program documentation and program intro screens.
I installed the lastest KDE Neon linux distro today, but the QB64PE setup script fails with this error. What would be the best step to fix this?
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
Compiling and installing QB64-PE...
./ line 111: make: command not found
./ line 112: make: command not found
It appears that the qb64pe executable file was not created, this is usually an indication of a compile failure (You probably saw lots of error messages pop up on the screen)
Usually these are due to missing packages needed for compilation. If you're not running a distro supported by this compiler, please note you will need to install the packages listed above.
If you need help, please feel free to post on the QB64 Phoenix Edition Forums detailing what happened and what distro you are using.
Also, please tell them the exact contents of this next line:
DISTRO: neon
'seeding matrix (7:1) x (1:7)
DIM a%(-3 TO 3)
a%(-3) = 1: a%(-2) = 2: a%(-1) = 4: a%(0) = 8: a%(1) = 4: a%(2) = 2: a%(3) = 1
'alpha multiplier matrix kernel (7:7)
FOR x% = LBOUND(kern%, 1) TO UBOUND(kern%, 1) ' iterate kernel matrix columns
FOR y% = LBOUND(kern%, 2) TO UBOUND(kern%, 2) ' iterate kernel matrix rows
kern%(x%, y%) = a%(x%) * a%(y%) ' seed the gaussian kernel position
NEXT y%, x%
mult! = 255 / kern%(0, 0) ' set a multiplier to prevent alpha bleed through
'display clear image, create and display blurred image
_PUTIMAGE (1, 1), b& ' place clear bird image on left of mainscreen
FOR ox% = 0 TO _WIDTH(b&) - 1 '
FOR oy% = 0 TO _HEIGHT(b&) - 1 '
_SOURCE b& ' source: clear bird image
c~& = POINT(ox%, oy%) ' get source pixel color at (ox%, oy%)
_DEST r& ' destination: blurred receiving image
FOR x% = LBOUND(kern%, 1) TO UBOUND(kern%, 1) ' apply the alpha matrix around original point
FOR y% = LBOUND(kern%, 2) TO UBOUND(kern%, 2)
PSET (ox% + x%, oy% + y%), _RGBA32(_RED32(c~&), _GREEN32(c~&), _BLUE32(c~&), mult! * kern%(x%, y%))
NEXT y%, x%
NEXT oy%, ox%
_DEST 0 ' destination back to mainscreen
_PUTIMAGE (_WIDTH(0) - _WIDTH(r&) - 2, 1), r& ' place blurred receiving image on right of mainscreen