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Lightbulb JavaScript-ing it, I need to get with it
Posted by: mnrvovrfc - 11-06-2022, 03:53 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (15)


This thread exists because I didn't want to reply to that post, and I selfishly didn't want to post on the dedicated thread about the subject.

Good job with this project, surprised that it's as deep as it is in such a short time. Normally I don't like stunts done by clunky web browsers but this interested me. I visited the page on Github to learn about support for QB64(PE) keywords. These are just my observations.

  • "COMMAND$" - not even a special "global" dialog to put in its value? Some programs depend on this, including all-uppercase return value, and it might be difficult to change away from it. Might not have to worry a lot about "COMMAND$(1)" or alike. OTOH Linux is very lame about this sometimes, limiting terminal command line to a maximum of 255 characters.
  • "IF... THEN" - clarify that it has to be "IF (condition) THEN GOTO (linenum/label)", or "GOTO" cannot be used at all? (OK discovered below "GOTO" and labels aren't even supported.) Does this mean only block "IF" could work? No problem for me but some old programs would need extensive revision then, you know how much colons were loved back then...
  • "LOCATE" - does this mean changing the cursor shape? Because this is a bit sad this day and age. I mean in graphics mode "druw yer own kersair for krissakes"...
  • "OPEN FOR RANDOM AS" - this should be easy to implement one way. "TYPE... END TYPE" is supported, am I correct? It must have to do with a security issue. Entire files could be "dowloaded" which isn't as useful to me and I could never get to grips with Internet functionality in QB64PE.
  • "SELECT CASE" - what is "EVERYCASE"? Do you mean "CASE ELSE"? Must be Visual Basic tendency.
  • "TIMER" - a few QB64 programs will be broken because of this. So this might mean the QB64-only edition of "ON TIMER" isn't supported neither.
  • "_MOUSEINPUT" - LOL so this is like being on a Macintosh.
  • "_OS$" - I think this should work like in normal QB64, some programs depend on this information and don't use the preprocessor.

A few other things:
Sub parameters are passed only by value: this is one reason why I'll have difficulty with this package. LOL I like using "SUBs" instead of "FUNCTIONs" to return values, especially more than one value since I also like to program in Lua.
"GOSUB... RETURN" not supported: yeech!
Function return could be array, associative arrays support: don't need unless the above two are fixed!

Errm... I understand the tendency toward Visual Basic, but I guess this isn't for converting programs created before M$ came up with that product. No spaghetti code allowed! Also give them no choice with "OPTION _EXPLICIT" always enabled. Some people with bad habits made by Q(uick)BASIC are going to be alienated, however.

As I've said, these are just observations (opinions).

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  Day 001: _GREEN32
Posted by: SMcNeill - 11-06-2022, 02:33 PM - Forum: Keyword of the Day! - Replies (3)

Perhaps not the greatest of keywords to start with, but that's the nature of randomness.  It is what it is, so with no further ado, here's _GREEN32 explained and showcased.

What is _GREEN32?  It's a simple command that takes a color value and returns the green component back to you from it.

When would you use it?  Basically when you have a color (perhaps taken from one of the color names), and you need to know what the green value is in it.


Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32)

Print "Lime : "; Hex$(Lime)
Print "======"
Print "Alpha: "; Hex$(_Alpha32(Lime)), _Alpha32(Lime)
Print "Red  : "; Hex$(_Red32(Lime)), _Red32(Lime)
Print "Green: "; Hex$(_Green32(Lime)), _Green32(Lime)
Print "Blue : "; Hex$(_Blue32(Lime)), _Blue32(Lime)

As you can see from the simple example above, _GREEN32 can be used to easily get back the green color values from whatever 32-bit color you send to it.  Used in conjection with _ALPHA32, _RED32, and _BLUE32, you can quickly and easily break down a complex color value into its component parts with almost no effort on your part.  Smile

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  Keyword of the Day!
Posted by: SMcNeill - 11-06-2022, 02:21 PM - Forum: Learning Resources and Archives - Replies (1)

From the topic here -- Code fix (qb64phoenix.com) -- I was surprised to see both Dimster and OldMoses were both unaware of the INPUT$ function.  It's one of those commands that's been in the language since the beginning of time (back when cavemen used LET and such), so I just assumed everyone was familiar with it by now.  

Fool me once, as they say!

So the question then becomes, "What other keywords are folks missing out on?  And how can we help draw attention to those keywords, to make the user base aware of them?"

My solution??

Keyword of the Day!!  

Every day I'll run the little code below and TRY to write up an explanation and a few simple samples of whatever keyword the list gives me.  If it's a keyword that's already been covered, then YAYYYY -- I get a day off!!  For those that know the keyword, I encourage you to add any explanation and examples that you can with it, to showcase WHY one would use it and WHEN they would use it.  On any day which I might miss due to illness, life, or whatnot, I encourage any other user to feel free to run the code below and put up a sample for a Keyword of the Day!

Let's see how many days in a row we can go without missing one!

Code: (Select All)

ReDim KeyWords(0) As String

ParseList KeyWords(), listOfKeywords$
Randomize Timer
i = Int(Rnd * UBound(KeyWords)) + 1
Print "The KeyWord for the day is: "; KeyWords(i)

Sub ParseList (Array() As String, list$)
    ReDim Array(10000) As String
        p = InStr(list$, "@")
        Array(count) = Left$(list$, p - 1)
        list$ = Mid$(list$, p + 1)
        If Left$(list$, 3) <> "_GL" Then count = count + 1
    Loop Until p = 0
    ReDim _Preserve Array(count) As String
End Sub

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  Code fix
Posted by: Chris - 11-06-2022, 11:51 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (15)

Please modify the code.
Normal inputs are: zero (inclusive) to 6
How to convert the code so that the option without entering digits after pressing the Enter key, T # takes the value 7.
Thank You

PRINT "Enter a digit"
K$ = "": F$ = ""
WHILE LEN(K$) < 1 AND F$ <> CHR$(13)
    F$ = ""
    WHILE F$ = "": F$ = INKEY$: _LIMIT 30: WEND
    IF F$ = CHR$(27) THEN 15
    IF F$ = CHR$(32) THEN 20
    IF F$ <> CHR$(13) THEN K$ = K$ + F$
T# = VAL(K$): PRINT T#

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Posted by: Pete - 11-06-2022, 08:37 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Looks like you're not sleeping well...


I'm (not really) Mike Lindell.

Are you up all night posting on the Phoenix Forums and no matter what you do, you can't stop finding more and more threads to read and respond to? Well have I got a solution for you. Just visit myQB64 Official dot com, register, sign in, and in no time at all your head will smash straight into the keyboard and you'll be fast asleep. My patented lack of content (opposite of fill) will cause your thoughts to vanish and I personally guarantee you'll awaken 8 hours later, completely refreshed and ready to start your day. Just remember to log out immediately to prevent going into a coma.

QB64 dot com. Officially your best night's sleep ever!

[Image: mypillow-ceo-mike-lindell.jpg]

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  QB64 and ARM processors
Posted by: Richard - 11-06-2022, 03:36 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

Quick Question.

At present is there any version of QB64 that can possibly run on an ARM processor (on some OS)?

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  SCREEN 0 MOD Player with Spectrum Analyzer
Posted by: a740g - 11-05-2022, 09:39 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (16)

Enjoy this tiny little SCREEN 0 MOD Player that I've written entirely in QB64.

Thank you to @vince for your awesome FFT routines. You can find the good stuff here https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/showthre...05#pid2005

a740g/QB64-MOD-Player: A ProTracker (and compatible) MOD player & library written in QB64-PE (github.com)



[Image: qb64mp-playing.png]

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  Single v Double
Posted by: Dimster - 11-05-2022, 04:44 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (18)

I'm damn sure you guys have explained this once before so if anyone could point me to the thread I'd appreciate it. Can't seem to come up with the one I kind of remember that addressed this, it could be on the other site. Anyway here's the simply code

Dim a As Double
Dim b As Single
a = .12345678
Print a
b = Abs(a * 10000000)
Print a; b

So my search is to find out what happened to the 7 in the difference between variable a and variable b

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Posted by: Pete - 11-04-2022, 10:46 PM - Forum: Works in Progress - Replies (24)

Note: Windows only app. (Saving you time reading if you only have Linux or Mac.)

For fun, I thought I'd start putting together an app that let's us paste text in a small persistent QB64 window. We can then click on line of text in the window, and insert it into another document, including a QB64 IDE window. So basically I'm making a multi-use clipboard app.

For now, it's bar bones, not goof proofed, but this is why I love this section of the boards where we can share stuff in the making. This is enough for now to demonstrate the basic mechanics. A lot more needs to be added to make it really worth using.

One challenge was a difference between apps like Notepad and QB64. _SCREENPRINT can be used for non-QB64 apps, but copying to highlighted text in the QB64 IDE results in the text being replaced with a "c" and paste has similar problems. I had to use a hack to get around this and used SENDEKY Windows API sub to open the QB64 Edit Menu and select "C" or "P" to get the operations to work properly. Not all that happy with it, but at least it works, and it is nice to include the IDE in the Sam-Clip app.

So how to separate the QB64 from other apps like Notepad? Hold Ctrl  when highlighting or pasting to an app like Notepad and simple use the mouse without any key held to copy or paste in a QB64 IDE.

So to test it, try this....

1) Open Notepad and type some crap like, "Steve is brilliant." (We can so edit that later.)

2) Run Sam-Clip

3) Hold the Ctrl key and use your mouse to highlight part of the text like, "brilliant" When you release the left mouse button what you highlighted will be pasted into the Sam-Clip window.

3) Now press Enter a couple of times on notepad.

4) Next go to Sam-Clip and click on "brilliant" The text will be highlighted.

5) Go back to Notepad, hold down the Ctrl key, and left click where you want the text inserted. The word "brilliant" will be pasted into Notepad.

You can add more stuff to Sam-Clip, but for now it can't handle more than the window height. You can't same your additions yet, either.

You can bulk copy multiple lines of text to Sam-Clip, and bulk paste. .

Edit: Added Sam.clip.dat and Sam-clip.tmp database to save clipped selections.
Added ability to click where in the list to add a clipped line.

Edit: Added the ability to copy a bunch of text and keep it on Sam-Clip as a custom named [Header]. You right mouse hold on the [Header] and it will show you the contents.
Added the ability to click to highlight a [Header] and click the document. The contents of the [Header] will be paste into the document.
Added a bypass. If you hold Alt with a Sam-Clip entry highlighted, you can move about your doc and your Sam-Clip window will be grey and disengaged until you release the Alt key.

Code: (Select All)
WIDTH 50, 25

CONST VK_ALT = &H12 'Alt key

    X_Pos AS LONG
    Y_Pos AS LONG

    FUNCTION GetAsyncKeyState% (BYVAL vkey AS LONG)
    FUNCTION GetCursorPos (lpPoint AS POINTAPI)
    FUNCTION FindWindowA& (BYVAL ClassName AS _OFFSET, WindowName$) 'handle by title
    FUNCTION ShowWindow& (BYVAL hwnd AS _OFFSET, BYVAL nCmdShow AS LONG) 'maximize process
    FUNCTION GetForegroundWindow& 'Find currently focused process handle

title$ = "Sam-Clip"
_TITLE (title$)


TYPE ClipType
    clip AS STRING
    cnt AS INTEGER

DIM SHARED AS ClipType a, c, placement, paste, header
REDIM SHARED clipper$(_HEIGHT * 2), clipper%(_HEIGHT * 2)

_CLIPBOARD$ = "" ' Clear clipboard.

    c.cnt = 0
    OPEN "Sam-Clip.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1
        c.cnt = c.cnt + 1
        LINE INPUT #1, clipper$(c.cnt)
    CLOSE #1

CALL show_sam

    _LIMIT 60
    z = GetCursorPos(Hold)
    IF pal = -1 THEN IF GetAsyncKeyState(18) = 0 THEN PALETTE 0, 0: pal = 0
    IF GetAsyncKeyState(18) THEN
        IF pal = 0 THEN pal = -1: PALETTE 0, 56
        _CONTINUE ' Bypass everything to do other stuff off screen.
    END IF

    FGwin& = GetForegroundWindow&

    IF hWnd <> FGwin& THEN ' QB64 no longer in focus.
        y& = SetWindowPos&(hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_SHOWWINDOW)
    END IF

        my = _MOUSEY
        mx = _MOUSEX
        IF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) AND lb = 0 THEN ' Left button pressed.
            lb = -1: z2 = TIMER
        ELSEIF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) = 0 AND lb THEN ' Left button released.
            lb = 0: hl = 0: drag = 0: begin_hl = 0: begin_hl_toggle = 0: z2 = TIMER
        END IF

        IF my < _HEIGHT THEN
            IF _MOUSEBUTTON(2) AND show_c = 0 THEN
                IF INSTR(clipper$(my), CHR$(255)) THEN
                    IF show_c = 0 THEN CALL show_collapse(my): show_c = -1
                END IF
                IF _MOUSEBUTTON(2) = 0 AND show_c THEN
                    show_c = 0
                    SCREEN 0, 0, 0, 0
                END IF
            END IF

            IF lb AND hl = 0 AND drag = 0 THEN
                IF paste.cnt AND my = paste.cnt THEN ' Toggle for single selected item.
                    clipper%(paste.cnt) = 0
                    CALL show_sam
                    paste.cnt = 0
                    hl = -1 ' Prevents highlighting from relooping.
                    hl = 1 ' Highlight a single line.
                    LOCATE 1, 1, 0 ' Hide cursor.
                    REDIM clipper%(_HEIGHT * 2)
                    CALL show_sam
                    LOCATE my, 1
                    IF clipper%(my) THEN ' Unhighlighted one line.
                        clipper%(my) = 0
                        COLOR 7, 0: PRINT MID$(clipper$(my), 1, _WIDTH);
                        _CLIPBOARD$ = ""
                        REDIM clipper%(_HEIGHT * 2)
                        IF LEN(clipper$(my)) THEN ' Highlight a line.
                            COLOR 14, 1: PRINT MID$(clipper$(my), 1, _WIDTH);: COLOR 7, 0
                            clipper%(my) = my: paste.cnt = my
                            paste.cnt = 0: ' Ignore a blank line.
                        END IF
                    END IF
                END IF
                IF lb THEN
                    IF oldmy <> my AND drag = 0 THEN
                        LOCATE oldmy, 1
                        REDIM clipper%(_HEIGHT * 2)
                        COLOR 14, 1: PRINT MID$(clipper$(oldmy), 1, _WIDTH);: COLOR 7, 0
                        clipper%(oldmy) = 1
                        LOCATE oldmy, 1 ' IMPORTANT to restoring correct row with print to edge entries. This will be passed to drag_hl as CSRLIN.
                        CALL drag_hl(drag): _CONTINUE
                    END IF

                    IF clipper$(my) = "" AND drag = 0 THEN
                        LOCATE my, 1, 1, 7, 30 ' Show cursor at a blank space.
                        placement.cnt = my
                    END IF
                END IF
            END IF
        ELSE ' Click on the next space you want another clip added to the list.
            IF lb AND drag = 0 THEN
                LOCATE my, 1, 1, 7, 30 ' Show cursor.
                placement.cnt = my
            END IF
        END IF
        oldmy = my
    ELSEIF drag = 0 THEN ' Mouse cursor is outide of QB64 program window and drag is not engaged.
        IF paste.cnt THEN ' Paste into document.
            IF GetAsyncKeyState(1) < 0 THEN
                CALL prep_doc_paste
                SOUND 1000, .2
                _SCREENCLICK Hold.X_Pos, Hold.Y_Pos
                _DELAY .1
                IF GetAsyncKeyState(17) = 0 THEN
                    SENDKEYS VK_ALT, 0, 0, 0
                    SENDKEYS &H45, 0, 0, 0 ' Alt+E open IDE edit menu.
                    _DELAY .1
                    SENDKEYS &H50, 0, 0, 0 ' P
                    _DELAY .1
                    SENDKEYS &H50, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                    SENDKEYS &H45, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                    SENDKEYS VK_ALT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                    _SCREENPRINT CHR$(22)
                    _DELAY .1
                END IF
            END IF
            _CLIPBOARD$ = "" ' Clear clipboard after paste.
        ELSE ' Add to Sam-Clip.
            IF GetAsyncKeyState(1) < 0 AND win32lb = 0 THEN win32lb = -1: z1 = TIMER
            IF win32lb = -1 AND GetAsyncKeyState(1) >= 0 THEN
                IF ABS(z1 - TIMER) > .5 THEN
                    IF GetAsyncKeyState(17) = 0 THEN
                        _DELAY .1
                        SENDKEYS VK_ALT, 0, 0, 0
                        SENDKEYS &H45, 0, 0, 0 ' Alt+E open IDE edit menu.
                        _DELAY .2
                        SENDKEYS &H43, 0, 0, 0 ' C
                        _DELAY .2
                        SENDKEYS &H43, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                        SENDKEYS &H45, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                        SENDKEYS VK_ALT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0
                        _SCREENPRINT CHR$(3)
                    END IF
                    _DELAY .1
                    IF LEN(_CLIPBOARD$) THEN CALL clip_get
                    _CLIPBOARD$ = ""
                    win32lb = 0: z1 = TIMER
                    win32lb = 0: z1 = TIMER
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF

SUB prep_doc_paste:
    tmp2$ = ""
    IF INSTR(clipper$(paste.cnt), CHR$(255)) THEN
        tmp$ = _TRIM$(MID$(clipper$(paste.cnt), 151))
        DO UNTIL INSTR(tmp$, CHR$(255)) = 0
            j = INSTR(tmp$, CHR$(255)) - 1
            tmp2$ = tmp2$ + MID$(tmp$, 1, j) + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
            tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, j + 2)
        tmp2$ = MID$(tmp2$, 1, LEN(tmp2$) - 2) ' Chop off trailing CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
        _CLIPBOARD$ = tmp2$: tmp2$ = ""
        i = 0
            i = i + 1
            IF clipper%(i) THEN
                IF INSTR(clipper$(i), CHR$(255)) THEN
                    ' Ignore collapsed headers in paste prep.
                    _CLIPBOARD$ = _CLIPBOARD$ + clipper$(i) + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
                END IF
            END IF
        LOOP UNTIL i >= c.cnt
    END IF
    paste.cnt = 0
    REDIM clipper%(_HEIGHT * 2)
    CALL show_sam

SUB show_sam
    FOR i = 1 TO _HEIGHT - 1
        LOCATE i, 1
        IF clipper%(i) < 0 THEN COLOR 2 ELSE COLOR 7
        IF INSTR(clipper$(i), CHR$(255)) THEN
            PRINT MID$(clipper$(i), 1, INSTR(clipper$(i), "]"));
            PRINT MID$(clipper$(i), 1, _WIDTH);
        END IF
        IF LEN(clipper$(i)) THEN placement.cnt = i
    COLOR 7
    placement.cnt = placement.cnt + 1 ' Next available space.

SUB clip_get
    LOCATE , , 0 ' Hide cursor.
    IF c.cnt < _HEIGHT THEN
        a.clip = _CLIPBOARD$
        IF RIGHT$(a.clip, 2) <> CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) THEN a.clip = a.clip + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
        IF LEN(a.clip) THEN
            SOUND 1000, .2
            IF INSTR(INSTR(a.clip, CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)) + 1, a.clip, CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)) THEN
                CALL condense
            END IF
            c.cnt = 0: REDIM clipper%(_HEIGHT * 2), clipper$(_HEIGHT * 2)
            IF _FILEEXISTS("Sam-Clip.dat") THEN
                OPEN "Sam-Clip.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1
                IF LOF(1) THEN
                    DO UNTIL EOF(1)
                        IF c.cnt + 1 >= placement.cnt THEN EXIT DO
                        c.cnt = c.cnt + 1
                        LINE INPUT #1, clipper$(c.cnt)
                END IF
            END IF

            IF placement.cnt > c.cnt + 1 THEN ' Include any blank spaces between established text and new entry.
                DO UNTIL c.cnt = placement.cnt - 1
                    c.cnt = c.cnt + 1
                    clipper$(c.cnt) = ""
            END IF

            ' Parse clipboard.
            i = 0: j = 1 ' Instr() seed.
            IF INSTR(a.clip, CHR$(255)) = 0 THEN
                DO UNTIL INSTR(j, a.clip, CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)) = 0
                    i = i + 1
                    tmp$ = MID$(a.clip, j, INSTR(j, a.clip, CHR$(13)) - j)
                    j = j + LEN(tmp$) + 2
                    DO UNTIL INSTR(tmp$, CHR$(9)) = 0
                        tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, 2)
                    DO UNTIL INSTR(tmp$, CHR$(0)) = 0
                        tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, 2)
                    tmp$ = LTRIM$(tmp$)
                    c.cnt = c.cnt + 1
                    clipper$(c.cnt) = tmp$
                    clipper%(c.cnt) = -1
                c.cnt = c.cnt + 1
                clipper$(c.cnt) = a.clip
                clipper%(c.cnt) = -1
            END IF
            _CLIPBOARD$ = ""
            ' Save file update routine.
            IF _FILEEXISTS("Sam-Clip.dat") THEN
                IF NOT EOF(1) AND LOF(1) > 0 THEN
                    DO UNTIL EOF(1)
                        c.cnt = c.cnt + 1
                        LINE INPUT #1, clipper$(c.cnt)
                END IF
                CLOSE #1
            END IF

            IF _FILEEXISTS("Sam-Clip.dat") THEN
                IF _FILEEXISTS("Sam-Clip.tmp") THEN KILL "Sam-Clip.tmp"
                NAME "Sam-Clip.dat" AS "Sam-Clip.tmp"
            END IF

            i = 0
            OPEN "Sam-Clip.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
            DO UNTIL i = c.cnt
                i = i + 1
                PRINT #2, clipper$(i)
            CLOSE #2
            CALL show_sam
        END IF
        BEEP ' Clipboard menu full.
    END IF

SUB condense
    y = CSRLIN: x = POS(0)
    LOCATE placement.cnt, 1
    COLOR 2
    PRINT "[Collapse Copied Text into Header? ";: COLOR 15, 2: PRINT " Y ";: COLOR 2, 0: PRINT "/";: COLOR 15, 2: PRINT " N ";: COLOR 2, 0: PRINT "]"
    i = 0
        _LIMIT 30
        my2 = _MOUSEY
        mx2 = _MOUSEX
            i = SCREEN(my2, mx2)
            IF i = ASC("Y") THEN
                LOCATE my2, 1
                LOCATE my2, 1: PRINT "[" + SPACE$(_WIDTH - 2) + "]";
                LOCATE my2, 2
                CALL keyboard
                ' Routine to add contents to header for file input...
                tmp$ = ""
                j = 1 ' Instr() seed.
                DO UNTIL INSTR(j, a.clip, CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)) = 0
                    tmp$ = MID$(a.clip, j, INSTR(j, a.clip, CHR$(13)) - j)
                    j = j + LEN(tmp$) + 2
                    DO UNTIL INSTR(tmp$, CHR$(9)) = 0
                        tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, 2)
                    DO UNTIL INSTR(tmp$, CHR$(0)) = 0
                        tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, 2)
                    tmp2$ = tmp2$ + LTRIM$(tmp$) + CHR$(255)
                a.clip = "[" + header.clip + "]" + SPACE$(150) + tmp2$
                EXIT DO
            ELSEIF i = ASC("N") THEN
                EXIT DO
            END IF
        END IF
        b$ = INKEY$
        IF UCASE$(b$) = "Y" THEN
            i = ASC("Y")
        ELSEIF UCASE$(b$) = "N" THEN
            i = ASC("N")
        END IF

SUB keyboard
    LOCATE , , 1, 7, 7 ' Show cursor.
    numofspaces% = _WIDTH - 2
    startpos% = POS(1)
    endpos% = startpos% + numofspaces%
            _LIMIT 30
            b$ = INKEY$
            IF LEN(b$) THEN EXIT DO
        xx% = CSRLIN: yy% = POS(1)

        SELECT CASE b$
            CASE CHR$(0) + "K"
                mov% = -1: GOSUB action
            CASE CHR$(0) + "M"
                mov% = 1: GOSUB action
            CASE CHR$(0) + "S"
                GOSUB wash: GOSUB delete
            CASE CHR$(0) + "R"
                IF ins% = 0 THEN ins% = -1 ELSE ins% = 0
                IF ins% = 0 THEN LOCATE , , 1, 7, 7 ELSE LOCATE , , 1, 7, 30
            CASE CHR$(0) + "O"
                IF word$ <> "" THEN LOCATE xx%, startpos% + LEN(word$)
            CASE CHR$(0) + "G"
                LOCATE xx%, startpos%
            CASE CHR$(8)
                IF yy% > startpos% THEN
                    LOCATE , POS(1) - 1
                    yy% = POS(1)
                    GOSUB wash: GOSUB delete
                END IF
            CASE CHR$(13)
                LOCATE , , 0 ' Hide cursor.
                header.clip = word$
                EXIT SUB
            CASE CHR$(27)
                EXIT DO
            CASE CHR$(32) TO CHR$(126)
                key$ = b$: GOSUB action
        END SELECT
        mov% = 0: key$ = ""

    IF POS(1) + mov% >= startpos% AND POS(1) + mov% < endpos% THEN
            IF key$ <> "" THEN
                SELECT CASE ins%
                    CASE 0
                        IF LEN(word$) + LEN(key$) > endpos% - startpos% THEN EXIT DO
                        word$ = MID$(word$, 1, POS(1) - startpos%) + key$ + MID$(word$, POS(1) - startpos% + 1)
                    CASE -1
                        word$ = MID$(word$, 1, POS(1) - startpos%) + key$ + MID$(word$, POS(1) - startpos% + 2)
                END SELECT
            END IF
            IF POS(1) - startpos% >= LEN(word$) - LEN(key$) AND key$ <> "" OR key$ = "" OR ins% = -1 THEN
                IF key$ = "" AND mov% = 1 THEN IF POS(1) - startpos% = LEN(word$) THEN EXIT DO
                LOCATE , POS(1) + mov%: PRINT key$;
                LOCATE xx%, startpos%: PRINT MID$(word$, 1, yy% - startpos%); key$;: yy2% = POS(1): PRINT MID$(word$, yy% - startpos% + 2);: LOCATE xx%, yy2%
            END IF
            EXIT DO
    END IF

    IF POS(1) >= startpos% AND word$ <> "" AND POS(1) - startpos% < LEN(word$) THEN
        LOCATE xx%, startpos% + LEN(word$) - 1
        PRINT " ";
        LOCATE xx%, yy%
    END IF

    IF POS(1) - startpos% = 0 THEN
        word$ = MID$(word$, 2)
        word$ = MID$(word$, 1, POS(1) - startpos%) + MID$(word$, POS(1) - startpos% + 2)
    END IF
    PRINT MID$(word$, yy% - startpos% + 1);: LOCATE xx%, yy%

SUB show_collapse (my)
    SCREEN 0, 0, 1, 0
    PALETTE 4, 8
    COLOR 15, 4
    tmp$ = _TRIM$(MID$(clipper$(my), 151))
    i = 0
    DO UNTIL INSTR(tmp$, CHR$(255)) = 0
        i = i + 1
        j = INSTR(tmp$, CHR$(255)) - 1
        tmp2$ = MID$(tmp$, 1, j)
        PRINT MID$(tmp2$, 1, _WIDTH)
        IF i >= _HEIGHT - 1 THEN EXIT DO
        tmp$ = MID$(tmp$, j + 2)
    SCREEN 0, 0, 1, 1
    COLOR 7, 0

SUB drag_hl (drag)
    LOCATE , , 0 ' Hide cursor
    y = CSRLIN
    WHILE -1
        _LIMIT 120
        my = _MOUSEY
        x = SGN(my - y)
        IF x THEN
            IF oldx AND x <> oldx THEN
                IF retrace THEN retrace = 0 ELSE retrace = 1
                LOCATE y, 1
            END IF
            DO UNTIL y = my OR y = 1 AND x < 0 OR y = _HEIGHT - 1 AND x > 0
                IF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) = 0 THEN EXIT WHILE
                IF retrace = 0 THEN y = y + x
                LOCATE y, 1
                IF clipper%(y) = 0 THEN COLOR 14, 1: clipper%(y) = 1 ELSE COLOR 7, 0: clipper%(y) = 0
                PRINT MID$(clipper$(y), 1, _WIDTH);
                retrace = 0
            oldx = x
        END IF
    COLOR 7, 0
    drag = 0


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  Simple drawing that fades to background.
Posted by: Dav - 11-04-2022, 10:27 PM - Forum: Programs - Replies (8)

Started playing with a smooth drawing routine and a screen fading method.  Curious as to what could become of using this method.  

- Dav

Code: (Select All)
'Simple drawing that fades to background.
'Coded by Dav, NOV/2022

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1000, 800, 32)

    mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY
    mb1 = _MOUSEBUTTON(1)
    IF mb1 THEN
        IF stilldown = 1 THEN
            stepx = lastmx - mx
            stepy = lastmy - my
            length = INT((stepx ^ 2 + stepy ^ 2) ^ .5)
            dx = stepx / length
            dy = stepy / length
            FOR i = 0 TO length
                FOR d = 1 TO size%
                    CIRCLE (mx + dx * i, my + dy * i), d, clr&
            size% = RND * 20 + 5                         '<=== brush size
            clr& = _RGB(RND * 255, RND * 255, RND * 255) '<=== brush color
            FOR d = 1 TO size% STEP .2
                CIRCLE (mx, my), d, clr&
        END IF
        lastmx = mx: lastmy = my
        stilldown = 1
        stilldown = 0
    END IF
    LINE (0, 0)-(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT), _RGBA(32, 32, 32, 32), BF
    _LIMIT 30

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