Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Zebra Puzzle 2 Sweep" 'b+ start 2021-09-05 2022-10-29
' ref
' restart 2022-10-27 add split
' 2022-10-29 make and use build sub for combining and ordering permutations
' generate ALL possible scenarios of house 1 number/order, 2 color, 3 nation, 4 drink, 5 smoke, 6 animal
' 2022-10-29 add old Wrd$() tool to find nth word in string.
' 2022-10-29 add Sub aCopy (a() As String, b() As String)
' 2022-10-29 add Sub AddEnd (a() As String, addon As String)
' 2022-10-29 3 phases of elimination and down to Sol'n in blink of the eye!
' 2022-11-02 Zebra Puzzle 2 Sweep is an attempt to code the observations I made between 3 eliminations rounds
' After first elimination from 15625 to 38 I observed House 1 had to be yellow, water Dunhills
' Add a Shared Solution Array and a sub that reads through survivor scenarios and looks for only 1 option for a house
' eg house 1 is only yellow so put yellow under color for house 1 and remove all other houses with yellow as option
' 2022-11-03 Since I am rebuilding this I want to do the build over too, more like I did in JB translation.
' 2022-11-04 OK it runs through supposedly without assistance by programmer.
Print " The Zebra Puzzle has 16 Clues:"
Print " 1. There are five houses."
Print " 2. The English man lives in the red house."
Print " 3. The Swede has a dog."
Print " 4. The Dane drinks tea."
Print " 5. The green house is immediately to the left of the white house."
Print " 6. They drink coffee in the green house."
Print " 7. The man who smokes Pall Mall has birds."
Print " 8. In the yellow house they smoke Dunhill."
Print " 9. In the middle house they drink milk."
Print " 10. The Norwegian lives in the first house."
Print " 11. The man who smokes Blend lives in the house next to the house with cats."
Print " 12. In a house next to the house where they have a horse, they smoke Dunhill."
Print " 13. The man who smokes Blue Master drinks beer."
Print " 14. The German smokes Prince."
Print " 15. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house."
Print " 16. They drink water in a house next to the house where they smoke Blend"
Print " The Puzzle is, Who owns the zebra?"
Dim Shared Soln$(1 To 6, 1 To 5), Flag$ ' quality columns and house number rows
Dim Shared order$, color$, nation$, drink$, smoke$, animal$, testC$, testH$
Dim As Long i, test1, test2
Dim startT
' from 1-16 there are 5 house in order from left to right that have:
order$ = "1 2 3 4 5" 'left to right
color$ = "red green white yellow blue"
nation$ = "English Swede Dane Norwegian German"
drink$ = "tea coffee milk beer water"
smoke$ = "Pall_Malls Dunhill Blend Blue_Master Prince"
animal$ = "dog birds cats horse zebra?"
Print " 15,625 = (5 ^ 6) possible scenarios of :"
Print " 5 House Choices: "; order$
Print " with 5 Colors Choices: "; color$
Print " with 5 Nationalities Choices: "; nation$
Print " with 5 Drink Choices: "; drink$
Print " with 5 Smokes Choices: "; smoke$
Print " and finally 5 Animals Choices: "; animal$
ReDim Shared scen$(1 To 1) ' container for all the permutations make this shared so sub can use without parameter
' that built as I want list: order color nation drink smoke animal = 6 items in order
' note: at moment temp$ and scen$ arrays are the same
startT = Timer(.01)
Build animal$
Build smoke$
Build drink$
Build nation$
Build color$
Build order$
For i = 1 To UBound(scen$) ' elimination round
'2. The English man lives in the red house.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "English") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "red") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'3. The Swede has a dog.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "Swede") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "dog") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'4. The Dane drinks tea.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "Dane") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "tea") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'5. The green house is immediately to the left of the white house.
' green <> 1, 2 or 5 so 3 or 4 white 4 or 5 because blue is 2 and green and white are sequential
testC$ = Wrd$(scen$(i), 2): testH$ = Wrd$(scen$(i), 1)
If testC$ = "green" Then
If testH$ = "3" Or testH$ = "4" Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
ElseIf testC$ = "white" Then
If testH$ = "4" Or testH$ = "5" Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
' house 4 can only be green or white or wont have sequence
If testH$ = "4" Then
If testC$ = "green" Or testC$ = "white" Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'6. They drink coffee in the green house.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "coffee") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "green") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'7. The man who smokes Pall Mall has birds.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "Pall_Malls") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "birds") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'8. In the yellow house they smoke Dunhill.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "yellow") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "Dunhill") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'9. In the middle house they drink milk.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "3") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "milk") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'10. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "Norwegian") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "1") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'11. The man who smokes Blend lives in the house next to the house with cats.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "Blend") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "cats") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' not in same house
If test1 And test2 Then scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'12. In a house next to the house where they have a horse, they smoke Dunhill.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "horse") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "Dunhill") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' not in same house
If test1 And test2 Then scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'13. The man who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "Blue_Master") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "beer") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'14. The German smokes Prince.
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "German") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "Prince") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
'15. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
' the Norwegian is in house 1 so blue house is house 2
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "blue") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "2") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' if have one must have both or dump
If test1 And test2 Then Else scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
' 16. They drink water in a house next to the house where they smoke Blend
test1 = InStr(scen$(i), "water") > 0: test2 = InStr(scen$(i), "Blend") > 0
If test1 Or test2 Then ' not in same house
If test1 And test2 Then scen$(i) = scen$(i) + " X"
End If
showScen ' OK still works with 38 surv after first elim
Print String$(80, "+")
Flag$ = ""
If Flag$ <> "" Then Print Flag$
If Flag$ <> "" Then showScen
Loop Until Flag$ = ""
Print Timer(.01) - startT ' aprox 5.6 secs without printing
Print: Print String$(80, "="): Print
Function House& (val$)
Dim As Long row, col
For row = 1 To 5
For col = 1 To 6
If Soln$(col, row) = val$ Then House& = row: Exit Function
End Function
Sub showSolution
Dim As Long row, col
Print pad$("House"); pad$("Color"); pad$("Nation"); pad$("Drink"); pad$("Smoke"); pad$("Pet")
For row = 1 To 5
For col = 1 To 6
Print pad$(Soln$(col, row));
End Sub
Function pad$ (s$)
pad$ = Left$(s$ + String$(13, " "), 13)
End Function
Sub EvalElimRun ' here I coded what I coded manually before supposedly without knowing what is going to sieve through
Dim As Long s, h, item
Dim H$
For h = 1 To 5
H$ = _Trim$(Str$(h))
s = (h - 1) * 3125 + 1
' find first house still in the running
While Wrd$(scen$(s), 7) = "X" And s < h * 3125
s = s + 1
Wend ' still active
ReDim first$(1 To 6) ' get it's values
For item = 1 To 6
first$(item) = Wrd$(scen$(s), item) ' get first values for house
' if all values match first we have exclusive
ReDim NoMatch(1 To 6) As Long
s = s + 1
While s <= h * 3125 ' run through section with house # h check if items match the very first active found
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 7) <> "X" Then ' scen s still in running
For item = 1 To 6
If NoMatch(item) = 0 Then ' so far all these are matching
If first$(item) <> Wrd$(scen$(s), item) Then NoMatch(item) = 1 ' dang
End If
End If
s = s + 1
' process matches
For item = 1 To 6
If NoMatch(item) = 0 Then ' found something unique for house!
If Soln$(item, h) = "" Then ' did we already know?
Soln$(item, h) = first$(item)
' now throw out every other scen$ with that item in another house
For s = 1 To 15625
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 7) <> "X" Then ' scen s still in running
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 1) <> H$ Then
If Wrd$(scen$(s), item) = first$(item) Then scen$(s) = scen$(s) + " X": Flag$ = "Change" ' signal a change
End If
End If
End If
End If
' more 16. They drink water in a house next to the house where they smoke Blend"
If House&("water") Then ' water is a solution so house # is determined and Blend is a neighbor
For s = 1 To 15625
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 7) <> "X" Then
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 5) = "Blend" Then
If Abs(House&("water") - Val(Wrd$(scen$(s), 1))) <> 1 Then scen$(s) = scen$(s) + " X": Flag$ = "Change"
End If
End If
End If
If House&("Blend") Then ' Blend is a solution so house # is determined next door water
For s = 1 To 15625
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 7) <> "X" Then
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 4) = "water" Then
If Abs(House&("Blend") - Val(Wrd$(scen$(s), 1))) <> 1 Then scen$(s) = scen$(s) + " X": Flag$ = "Change"
End If
End If
End If
' more 12. In a house next to the house where they have a horse, they smoke Dunhill.
If House&("Dunhill") Then ' Dunhill is a solution so house # is determined next door horse
For s = 1 To 15625
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 7) <> "X" Then
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 6) = "horse" Then
If Abs(House&("Dunhill") - Val(Wrd$(scen$(s), 1))) <> 1 Then scen$(s) = scen$(s) + " X": Flag$ = "Change"
End If
End If
End If
If House&("horse") Then ' horse is a solution so next door is Dunhill
For s = 1 To 15625
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 7) <> "X" Then
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 5) = "Dunhill" Then
If Abs(House&("horse") - Val(Wrd$(scen$(s), 1))) <> 1 Then scen$(s) = scen$(s) + " X": Flag$ = "Change"
End If
End If
End If
' more 11. The man who smokes Blend lives in the house next to the house with cats.
If House&("Blend") Then ' Blend is a sloution so next door cats
For s = 1 To 15625
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 7) <> "X" Then
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 6) = "cats" Then
If Abs(House&("Blend") - Val(Wrd$(scen$(s), 1))) <> 1 Then scen$(s) = scen$(s) + " X": Flag$ = "Change"
End If
End If
End If
If House&("cats") Then ' cats is a solution so next door Blend
For s = 1 To 15625
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 7) <> "X" Then
If Wrd$(scen$(s), 5) = "Blend" Then
If Abs(House&("cats") - Val(Wrd$(scen$(s), 1))) <> 1 Then scen$(s) = scen$(s) + " X": Flag$ = "Change"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Build (wordStr$) ' redo build to handle any word list in string form
Dim As Long nW, nS, mW, w1, w2, i
Dim w$
nW = wCnt(wordStr$)
nS = UBound(scen$) ' shared array we are building
If nS = 0 Or nS = 1 Then
mW = nW
ReDim temp$(1 To nW) ' getting started with first list
For w1 = 1 To nW
temp$(w1) = Wrd$(wordStr$, w1)
mW = nS * nW
ReDim temp$(1 To nS * nW)
For w2 = 1 To nW
w$ = Wrd$(wordStr$, w2)
For w1 = 1 To nS
i = i + 1
temp$(i) = w$ + " " + scen$(w1)
End If
ReDim scen$(1 To mW) 'rewrite scen$
For i = 1 To mW
scen$(i) = temp$(i)
End Sub
Sub showScen ' the scenarios not eliminated
Dim As Long i, c
For i = 1 To 15625
If Wrd$(scen$(i), 7) <> "X" Then c = c + 1: Print c, scen$(i)
End Sub
' This duplicates JB word(string, wordNumber) base 1, space as default delimiter
' by returning the Nth word of source string s
' this function assumes s has been through wPrep
Function Wrd$ (ss$, wNumber)
Dim s$, w$
Dim As Long c, i
's$ = wPrep(ss$)
s$ = ss$ 'don't change ss$
If Len(s$) = 0 Then Wrd$ = "": Exit Function
w$ = "": c = 1
For i = 1 To Len(s$)
If Mid$(s$, i, 1) = " " Then
If c = wNumber Then Wrd$ = w$: Exit Function
w$ = "": c = c + 1
w$ = w$ + Mid$(s$, i, 1)
End If
If c <> wNumber Then Wrd$ = " " Else Wrd$ = w$
End Function
Function wCnt (s$)
Dim c As Integer, p As Integer, ip As Integer
's = wPrep(s)
If Len(s$) = 0 Then wCnt = 0: Exit Function
c = 1: p = 1: ip = InStr(p, s$, " ")
While ip
c = c + 1: p = ip + 1: ip = InStr(p, s$, " ")
wCnt = c
End Function