RE: Screen Savers - Kernelpanic - 06-18-2022
Quote:It appears to be doing shapely curves. Can anyone, duplicate or even better that!?
Duplicate? The Windows Original has round curves, and is kind of "softer".
RE: Screen Savers - RhoSigma - 06-18-2022
(06-18-2022, 03:21 PM)Kernelpanic Wrote: Quote:It appears to be doing shapely curves. Can anyone, duplicate or even better that!?
Duplicate? The Windows Original has round curves, and is kind of "softer".
Not necessarily better ot softer, but similar, have a look on the Splines screensaver here:
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 06-18-2022
Oh yeah, Splines has curves instead of straight lines, that's pretty close @RhoSigma.
Been awhile since I looked at that set of Savers, "ScreenBlankers", today at first I thought something was broken in new .0.8.2 version, I had forgotten if you move mouse, the blanker ends. I do like your Worms and KaliescopeMill.
RE: Screen Savers - Kernelpanic - 06-18-2022
I think I have the right "screensaver" for Saturday night here (The deadly nightshade is ironic!).
Screenshot, that really was a "Nightmare".
RE: Screen Savers - RhoSigma - 06-18-2022
(06-18-2022, 05:02 PM)bplus Wrote: Oh yeah, Splines has curves instead of straight lines, that's pretty close @RhoSigma.
Been awhile since I looked at that set of Savers, "ScreenBlankers", today at first I thought something was broken in new .0.8.2 version, I had forgotten if you move mouse, the blanker ends. I do like your Worms and KaliescopeMill.
Oh yeah, mouse moves or keypress, or any input in general. Some day I've to go in and implement a more random path for the Kaleidoscope(Mill) savers, so that they not run over themself after a while.
Worms was inspired by the After Dark saver module "Can of Worms". There are pretty many cool modules in there, maybe you, known for your exciting graphics demos, find some interesting ideas to pick up there.
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 06-19-2022
Ha! I have to give Rho a Thumbs up for being first to reply to challenge, specially since I just shared it with Ken in Challenge thread ;-))
Plus I enjoyed some You Tube After Dark video's thanks to Rho's promptings, then I watched After Dark's Twisted, then I had enough 
I am kind of amazed how much my code adventures duplicate or run parallel to these ditty's.
I hadn't seen Starry Night though, the closest was a black and white Helicopter thing at night from I think.
RE: Screen Savers - SierraKen - 06-20-2022
Here is my version. It only stays as a triangle but I think it's cool.
Code: (Select All) _Title "Floating Triangle - by Sierraken"
Screen _NewImage(800, 800, 32)
dirrr = .1
dirx = -1
diry = 1
cenx = 400
ceny = 400
length1 = Rnd * 50
length2 = Rnd * 50
length3 = Rnd * 50
_Limit 15
If cenx > 600 Then dirx = -1 * Rnd * 3
If cenx < 200 Then dirx = 1 * Rnd * 3
If ceny > 600 Then diry = -1 * Rnd * 3
If ceny < 200 Then diry = 1 * Rnd * 3
t = t + .1
If t = 2 Then
dirr = Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
If dirr = 1 Then dirx = -1 * Rnd * 3
If dirr = 2 Then dirx = 1 * Rnd * 3
If dirr = 3 Then diry = -1 * Rnd * 3
If dirr = 4 Then diry = 1 * Rnd * 3
length1 = Rnd * 50
length2 = Rnd * 50
length3 = Rnd * 50
End If
If t = 6 Then
dirr2 = Int(Rnd * 2)
If dirr2 = 1 Then dirrr = -.1
If dirr2 = 2 Then dirrr = .1
length1 = Rnd * 50
length2 = Rnd * 50
length3 = Rnd * 50
End If
cenx = cenx + dirx
ceny = ceny + diry
seconds = seconds + dirrr
s = (60 - seconds) * 6 + 180
x = Int(Sin(s / 180 * 3.141592) * 125) + cenx
y = Int(Cos(s / 180 * 3.141592) * 125) + ceny
m = 180 - seconds * 6
xx = Int(Sin(m / 180 * 3.141592) * 120) + x
yy = Int(Cos(m / 180 * 3.141592) * 120) + y
c1 = c1 + 1
c2 = c2 + 1
c3 = c3 + 1
If c1 > 255 Then
c1 = Rnd * 255
c2 = Rnd * 255
c3 = Rnd * 255
End If
For b = -5 To 5 Step .1
Line (x + b + length3, y + b + length3)-(xx + b + length1, yy + b + length1), _RGB32(c1, c2, c3)
Next b
h = 360 - seconds * 30 + 180
xxx = Int(Sin(h / 180 * 3.141592) * 100) + xx
yyy = Int(Cos(h / 180 * 3.141592) * 100) + yy
For b = -5 To 5 Step .1
Line (xx + b + length1, yy + b + length1)-(xxx + b + length2, yyy + b + length2), _RGB32(c1, c2, c3)
Next b
For b = -5 To 5 Step .1
Line (xxx + b + length2, yyy + b + length2)-(x + b + length3, y + b + length3), _RGB32(c1, c2, c3)
Next b
If t > 12 Then
t = 0
End If
Line (0, 0)-(800, 800), _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 30), BF
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 06-21-2022
Yeah that's sort of spirit of Mystify. Thick lined triangles, not sure how I would do that with lines
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 06-29-2022
Trivial 2D Explosions
That was Stx's tiltle from which I made a fun mod. Trivial is wrong! Fun is not Trivial it is vital.
So here is better title for my mod anyway:
Fun Fake 3D Explosions!
Code: (Select All) _Title "trivial 2D explosions B+ mod 2" 'STxAxTIC mod B+ 2019-02-03
' 2019-02-03 use a bg& for background instead of redraws each loop, that should cool down CPU
' rounder rocks, more fiddle with numbers
Const xmax = 1200
Const ymax = 700
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
'_ScreenMove 100, 20
Randomize Timer
np = 500 'number of particles
Dim x(np), y(np), xold(np), yold(np), v0x(np), v0y(np), col(np) As _Unsigned Long
nr = 3500 'number of rocks
Dim rx(nr), ry(nr), rw(nr), rh(nr), rc(nr) As _Unsigned Long
For i = 0 To nr \ 2
rx(i) = Rnd * xmax
ry(i) = .5 * ymax + Rnd * .25 * ymax + rx(i) * .09
rw(i) = ry(i) * ry(i) * .00015
rh(i) = .3 * rw(i)
r = 200 * Rnd
rc(i) = _RGB32(r, .45 * r, .2 * r)
For i = nr \ 2 + 1 To nr
rx(i) = Rnd * xmax
ry(i) = .5 * ymax + Rnd * .75 * ymax + rx(i) * .09
rw(i) = ry(i) * ry(i) * .00015
rh(i) = .3 * rw(i)
r = 200 * Rnd
rc(i) = _RGB32(r, .45 * r, .2 * r)
no = 80 'number of rock bounce reflectors
Dim ox(no), oy(no), ow(no), oh(no)
For i = 0 To no
ox(i) = Rnd * xmax
oy(i) = .5 * ymax + Rnd * .75 * ymax + ox(i) * .09
ow(i) = oy(i) * oy(i) * .00015
oh(i) = .3 * ow(i)
Dim wallcol As _Unsigned Long
wallcol = _RGB32(200, 100, 50)
g = 95
xdamp = .07
ydamp = .07
exploderadius = 10
'draw background
bgrd& = _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_Dest bgrd&
For y = 0 To ymax
Line (0, y)-(xmax, y), _RGB32(.1 * y, .1 * y, .15 * y), BF
For i = 0 To nr
EllipseFill rx(i), ry(i), rw(i), rh(i), rc(i)
'LINE (rx(i), ry(i))-STEP(rw(i), rh(i)), rc(i), BF
Next i
'Draw obstacles randomly
For i = o To no
EllipseFill ox(i), oy(i), ow(i), oh(i), wallcol
'LINE (ox(i), oy(i))-STEP(ow(i), oh(i)), wallcol, BF
Next i
_Dest 0
iterations = 0
'Toggle for random starting position.
xshift = Rnd * xmax
yshift = Rnd * ymax * .6
For i = 1 To np
speed = Rnd * 150 + 1
ang1 = Rnd * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
ang2 = Rnd * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
x(i) = xshift + Rnd * exploderadius * Cos(ang1)
y(i) = yshift + Rnd * exploderadius * Sin(ang1)
v0x(i) = speed * Cos(ang2)
v0y(i) = speed * Sin(ang2)
col(i) = _RGB32(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
If col(i) = bgcol Or col(i) = wallcol Then GoTo dotcol
If Point(x(i), y(i)) = wallcol Or x(i) < 0 Or x(i) > xmax Or y(i) < 0 Or y(i) > ymax Then i = i - 1
dv = Sqr((v0x(i)) ^ 2 + (v0y(i)) ^ 2)
If dv > vmax Then vmax = dv
dt = .995 / vmax
_PutImage , bgrd&, 0
iterations = iterations + 1
smax = 0
For i = 1 To np
xold(i) = x(i)
yold(i) = y(i)
v0x(i) = v0x(i) + .1 * dt
v0y(i) = v0y(i) + g * dt + .2 'more gravity
xtmp = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
ytmp = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
If Point(xtmp, yold(i)) = wallcol Then v0x(i) = v0x(i) * -1 * xdamp
If Point(xold(i), ytmp) = wallcol Then v0y(i) = v0y(i) * -1 * ydamp
x(i) = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
y(i) = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
EllipseFill x(i), y(i), 3, 3, col(i)
ds = Sqr((y(i) - yold(i)) ^ 2 + (x(i) - xold(i)) ^ 2)
If ds > smax Then smax = ds
If smax > .95 Then dt = dt * (1 - .01)
If smax < .9 Then dt = dt * (1 + .01)
_Limit 200
If iterations > 1500 Then GoTo start
Loop Until InKey$ <> ""
' with Steve's EllipseFill, who needs CircleFill?
Sub EllipseFill (cx As Integer, cy As Integer, rx As Integer, ry As Integer, c As _Unsigned Long)
Dim a As Long, b As Long
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim xx As Long, yy As Long
Dim sx As Long, sy As Long
Dim e As Long
a = 2 * rx * rx
b = 2 * ry * ry
x = rx
xx = ry * ry * (1 - rx - rx)
yy = rx * rx
sx = b * rx
Do While sx >= sy
Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), c, BF
If y <> 0 Then Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), c, BF
y = y + 1
sy = sy + a
e = e + yy
yy = yy + a
If (e + e + xx) > 0 Then
x = x - 1
sx = sx - b
e = e + xx
xx = xx + b
End If
x = 0
y = ry
xx = rx * ry
yy = rx * rx * (1 - ry - ry)
e = 0
sx = 0
sy = a * ry
Do While sx <= sy
Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), c, BF
Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), c, BF
x = x + 1
sx = sx + b
e = e + xx
xx = xx + b
Loop Until (e + e + yy) > 0
y = y - 1
sy = sy - a
e = e + yy
yy = yy + a
End Sub
STx's code is almost interesting too:
Code: (Select All) '#lang "qb" ' freebasic edit 2011-06
delayconst = 900000 ' freebasic edit 2011-06
'CLEAR ' freebasic edit 2011-06
LOCATE 1, 2: INPUT "Enter number of particles (default is 80): ", num
IF num = 0 THEN num = 80
DIM x(num), y(num), xold(num), yold(num), v0x(num), v0y(num), col(num)
iterations = 0
'g = RND * 10 + 20
g = RND * 15 + 25
xdamp = RND * .15 + .55
ydamp = RND * .15 + .55
exploderadius = 200 '75
numobstacles = 0
iterationmax = 1200
bgcol = INT(RND * 14)
wallcol = 0 'INT(RND * 14)'change to zero for spider mode
IF bgcol = wallcol THEN GOTO choosecol
LINE (1, 1)-(639, 479), bgcol, BF
LINE (1, 1)-(639, 479), wallcol, B
'Draw obstacles randomly.
FOR i = 1 TO numobstacles
LINE (RND * 640, RND * 480)-(RND * 640, RND * 480), wallcol, B
'Make predetermined obstacles.
'LINE (50, 75)-(600, 125), wallcol, B
'Toggle for random starting position.
xshift = RND * 640
yshift = RND * 480
'Toggle for fixed starting position
'xshift = 100
'yshift = 100
FOR i = 1 TO num
speed = RND * 90
ang1 = RND * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
ang2 = RND * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
x(i) = xshift + RND * exploderadius * COS(ang1)
y(i) = yshift + RND * exploderadius * SIN(ang1)
v0x(i) = 1.5 * speed * COS(ang2)
v0y(i) = speed * SIN(ang2)
col(i) = INT(RND * 13 + 1)
IF col(i) = bgcol OR col(i) = wallcol THEN GOTO dotcol
IF POINT(x(i), y(i)) = wallcol OR x(i) < 1 OR x(i) > 639 OR y(i) < 1 OR y(i) > 479 THEN i = i - 1
dv = SQR((v0x(i)) ^ 2 + (v0y(i)) ^ 2)
IF dv > vmax THEN vmax = dv
PSET (x(i), y(i)), col(i)
dt = .995 / vmax
idel = 0: DO: idel = idel + 1: LOOP UNTIL idel > delayconst ' freebasic edit 2011-06
iterations = iterations + 1
smax = 0
FOR i = 1 TO num
xold(i) = x(i)
yold(i) = y(i)
v0x(i) = v0x(i) + 0 * dt
v0y(i) = v0y(i) + g * dt
xtmp = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
ytmp = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
IF POINT(xtmp, yold(i)) = wallcol THEN v0x(i) = v0x(i) * -1 * xdamp
IF POINT(xold(i), ytmp) = wallcol THEN v0y(i) = v0y(i) * -1 * ydamp
x(i) = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
y(i) = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
'Recolor stagnant particles.
xx = x(i) - xold(i)
yy = y(i) - yold(i)
IF SQR(xx ^ 2 + yy ^ 2) < .05 THEN col(i) = bgcol
PSET (xold(i), yold(i)), 0 'bgcol
PSET (x(i), y(i)), col(i)
ds = SQR((y(i) - yold(i)) ^ 2 + (x(i) - xold(i)) ^ 2)
IF ds > smax THEN smax = ds
IF smax > .95 THEN dt = dt * (1 - .01)
IF smax < .9 THEN dt = dt * (1 + .01)
IF iterations > iterationmax THEN
GOTO start
LINE (19, 459)-(151, 471), wallcol, B
LINE (20, 460)-(20 + 130 * (iterations / iterationmax), 470), 15, BF
How the heck did I get from his post to mine? They look so different!
RE: Screen Savers - SierraKen - 06-29-2022
Way cool B+ and Stx! Stx did the framework and you finished the job.