Clouds - james2464 - 11-13-2022
Not the most useful program, but I enjoyed making it.
3 mysterious monoliths have been placed on the shore. You can use your mouse wheel while hovering over them to find out what they do.
Code: (Select All) 'clouds
'james2464 - Nov 13 2022
Dim Shared scx, scy, ct As Integer
scx = 800: scy = 600
Screen _NewImage(scx, scy, 32)
Const PI = 3.141592654#
Randomize Timer
Dim Shared bg&, cd&(200)
bg& = _NewImage(scx + 1, scy + 1, 32)
For ct = 1 To 180
cd&(ct) = _NewImage(301, 151, 32)
Next ct
Dim Shared c(100) As Long
Type movingcloud
x As Single
y As Single
xv As Single
s As Single
End Type
Dim Shared cloud(180) As movingcloud
Dim Shared cloudtotal, wind
cloudtotal = 180
wind = 1.0
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1) 'take snapshot of screen
cloudtotal = 30
_Limit 30
'------------------- mouse stuff -------------------
Do While _MouseInput
mx% = _MouseX
my% = _MouseY
If mx% > 400 And mx% < 430 Then
If my% > 480 Then
cloudtotal = cloudtotal - _MouseWheel * 2
End If
End If
If mx% > 500 And mx% < 530 Then
If my% > 480 Then
wind = wind - _MouseWheel * .2
End If
End If
If mx% > 600 And mx% < 630 Then
If my% > 480 Then
For ct = 1 To cloudtotal
cloud(ct).y = cloud(ct).y - _MouseWheel * 5
If cloud(ct).y > 390 Then cloud(ct).y = 390
If cloud(ct).y < 10 Then cloud(ct).y = 10
'adjust speed and scale accordingly
cloud(ct).xv = Rnd * .3 + ((400 - cloud(ct).y) / 500) * 5
cloud(ct).s = ((400 - cloud(ct).y) / 500) * 1.5
Next ct
End If
End If
If cloudtotal > 180 Then cloudtotal = 180
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background
For ct = 1 To cloudtotal
_PutImage (cloud(ct).x, cloud(ct).y)-(cloud(ct).x + (500 * cloud(ct).s), cloud(ct).y + (150 * cloud(ct).s)), cd&(ct), 0 'cloud
cloud(ct).x = cloud(ct).x + (cloud(ct).xv * wind)
If wind > 0 Then
If cloud(ct).x > 1000 Then
cloud(ct).x = -800
cloud(ct).y = Rnd * 555 - 10
If cloud(ct).y > 390 Then
cloud(ct).y = Rnd * 30 + 360
End If
End If
If cloud(ct).x < -800 Then
cloud(ct).x = 1000
cloud(ct).y = Rnd * 555 - 10
If cloud(ct).y > 390 Then
cloud(ct).y = Rnd * 30 + 360
End If
End If
End If
Next ct
Sub background1
Line (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), c(1), BF
y = 400
For t = 1 To y
m = 255 * ((400 - t) / 400)
c(99) = _RGBA(150, 150, 255, m)
Line (1, t)-(scx - 1, t), c(99)
Next t
ty = scy - y
For t = y To scy
t2 = ((scy - t) * 2)
m = 255 * ((scy - t2) / scy)
c(99) = _RGBA(50, 50, 150, m)
Line (1, t)-(scx - 1, t), c(99)
Next t
x = scx
For t = 410 To scy
r = Rnd * (x / 30 + 2)
x = x - r
c(99) = _RGB(150, 150, 130)
Line (x, t)-(scx, t), c(99)
Next t
'control monoliths
c(99) = _RGB(120, 120, 100) 'cloud total
Line (400, 480)-(430, scy - 10), c(99), BF
c(99) = _RGB(100, 130, 100) 'wind
Line (500, 480)-(530, scy - 10), c(99), BF
c(99) = _RGB(130, 100, 100) 'distance
Line (600, 480)-(630, scy - 10), c(99), BF
End Sub
Sub colour1
c(0) = _RGB(0, 0, 0)
c(1) = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
c(2) = _RGB(255, 255, 0)
c(3) = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
c(4) = _RGB(0, 255, 0)
c(5) = _RGB(0, 255, 255)
c(6) = _RGB(255, 0, 255)
c(7) = _RGB(30, 30, 255)
c(8) = _RGB(150, 150, 250)
c(9) = _RGB(250, 150, 150)
c(10) = _RGB(150, 250, 150)
c(11) = _RGB(150, 150, 255) 'sky blue
c(12) = _RGB(150, 75, 125) 'cars
c(13) = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
c(14) = _RGB(50, 150, 50) 'ground
End Sub
Sub makeclouds
'create cloud images with clear background
For ct = 1 To cloudtotal
Cls 'cloud 1
Line (0, 0)-(302, 152), c(1), B
b = Int(Rnd * 110 + 3) 'number of circles per cloud
For t = 1 To b
fct = fct + 1
If ct / 6 = Int(ct / 6) Then
x1 = Rnd * 120 - 60
x1 = Rnd * 300 - 150
End If
If x1 < -120 Then x1 = x1 + 50
If x1 > 120 Then x1 = x1 - 50
y1 = Rnd * 70 + 60 - (t / 5)
d1 = Rnd * 14 + 7
If y1 + d1 > 120 Then y1 = 120 - d1 - Rnd * 10
'circle construction
t3 = Int(Rnd * 400) + 30 'resolution
For t2 = 1 To t3
rr = Rnd * 6.3 'random radian
rl = Rnd * (d1 * .8) 'random line length
dx = Cos(rr) * rl: dy = Sin(rr) * rl
dx2 = x1 + dx
dy2 = y1 + dy
g1 = 240 - y1 * .3 'darkness
g2 = 240 - y1 * .3 'darkness
g3 = 255 - y1 * .3 'darkness
a = 255 - (rl * 9)
c(99) = _RGB(g1, g2, g3)
Circle (150 + dx2, 10 + dy2), 1, c(99)
Next t2
Next t
_PutImage (1, 1)-(301, 151), 0, cd&(ct), (1, 1)-(300, 150)
_ClearColor c(0), cd&(ct)
'starting position
cloud(ct).x = Rnd * 1400 - 600
cloud(ct).y = Rnd * 555 - 10
If cloud(ct).y > 390 Then
cloud(ct).y = Rnd * 30 + 360
End If
Next ct
End Sub
Sub newcloud
'initial speed
cloud(ct).xv = Rnd * .3 + ((400 - cloud(ct).y) / 500) * 5
cloud(ct).s = ((400 - cloud(ct).y) / 500) * 1.5
End Sub
RE: Clouds - Pete - 11-13-2022
It runs if QB64PE and QB64 "Official" If you try both, you can state truly you looked at clouds from both sides now. From up and down, and still somehow It's cloud illusions I recall I really don't know clouds at all...
Well, I really don't know how you did it with such a small amount of code, but I love it! +2
RE: Clouds - bplus - 11-13-2022
Very nice cloud machine!
RE: Clouds - james2464 - 11-13-2022
(11-13-2022, 08:20 PM)Pete Wrote: It runs if QB64PE and QB64 "Official" If you try both, you can state truly you looked at clouds from both sides now. From up and down, and still somehow It's cloud illusions I recall I really don't know clouds at all...
Well, I really don't know how you did it with such a small amount of code, but I love it! +2
Haha, thanks. No trees in this program because they were all put in a tree museum. Joni's a legend!
(11-13-2022, 08:22 PM)bplus Wrote: Very nice cloud machine!
Thank you!
RE: Clouds - Pete - 11-13-2022
No problem. I'm actually running your program from a parking lot!
RE: Clouds - Dav - 11-14-2022
Cool! Nice clouds.
Lol, I kept thinking, why is that seagull not moving? Turns out it was a gnat on my screen.
- Dav
RE: Clouds - Pete - 11-14-2022
LOL. And Give Bill Gates another 10 years and you'll be able to order your gnats through Door Dash.