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' Getting slower frame rates within a master frame rate
DIM F(60) AS INTEGER ' frame counters
DIM FramesPerSecond AS INTEGER ' game's frames per second
DIM Dummy AS INTEGER ' used to set intital data
DIM Frame AS INTEGER ' frame counter
DIM Wipe AS INTEGER ' trigger a clearing of frame counters
DIM x AS INTEGER ' cycle through 1 to FramesPerSecond
'+ Example code |
Frame = 0 ' reset frame counter
FramesPerSecond = 60 ' set game FPS
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) ' create graphics screen
DO ' begin various FPS loop
Dummy = FPS(-1, FramesPerSecond) ' create frame data set
DO ' begin demo loop
_LIMIT FramesPerSecond ' limit loop to game's frame rate
CLS ' clear the screen
LOCATE 2, 2: PRINT "Counting down from 60 FPS to 1 FPS" ' inform user of progress
LOCATE 3, 2: PRINT "Frames per second ="; FramesPerSecond
LOCATE 4, 1: PRINT INT(Frame / FramesPerSecond) + 1; "of 5 seconds elapsed"
Frame = Frame + 1 ' increment game frame counter
Wipe = 0 ' reset frame counter wipe trigger
IF Frame = FramesPerSecond * 5 THEN Frame = 0: Wipe = -1 ' when 5 seconds has elapsed reset frame counter and trigger a wipe
FOR x = 1 TO FramesPerSecond ' cycle through all available frame rates
IF Wipe THEN F(x) = 0 ' clear frame counter if wipe triggered
IF FPS(x, Frame) THEN F(x) = F(x) + 1 ' is this frame rate's frame active during this frame in the game?
LINE (10, 200 - x * 2)-(10 + F(x), 200 - x * 2) ' yes, draw a line showing progress of frames counted
_DISPLAY ' update the screen with changes
LOOP UNTIL Wipe OR _KEYDOWN(27) ' leave when user presses the ESC key or a wipe triggered
FramesPerSecond = FramesPerSecond - 1 ' decrease the game's frames per second
IF FramesPerSecond < 1 THEN FramesPerSecond = 60 ' reset the game's frame rate when needed
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) ' leave when user presses the ESC key
SYSTEM ' return to the operating system
'| Returns frame rates embedded in a master frame rate |
'| |
'| Usage: dummy = FPS(-1, 60) When the target FPS is less than 1 a new data set is created for the requested frame rate |
'| MoveNow = FPS(24, InputFrame) Will return -1 (TRUE) if input frame is on during the target frame rate |
'| |
'| Example: IF FPS(Object.FPS, GameFrame) then Move(Object) Move the object if the object's frame is on within the game's current frame count |
DIM f AS INTEGER ' frame counter/value
DIM b AS SINGLE ' bit counter/step rate
DIM FramesCreated AS INTEGER ' numer of frames calculated
IF TargetFPS < 1 THEN ' calculate frame counters?
REDIM FPSnum(Frame) AS _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64 ' yes, resize 64bit value array
REDIM Bit(Frame) AS _UNSIGNED _INTEGER64 ' resize bit value array
FOR b = 1 TO Frame ' cycle through bit values
Bit(b) = 2 ^ (b - 1) ' calculate value of each bit
FOR f = 1 TO Frame ' cycle through requested frames
FOR b = 1 TO Frame STEP (Frame / f) ' cycle through bits at current frames per second
FPSnum(f) = FPSnum(f) + Bit(b) ' calculate which bits are turned on
FramesCreated = Frame ' remember number of frames created
EXIT FUNCTION ' leave function
IF FramesCreated = 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION ' no data created yet, leave
f = Frame ' don't modify input value
IF f < 1 THEN EXIT FUNCTION ' invalid frame number requested, leave
IF f > FramesCreated THEN f = f MOD FramesCreated ' keep frame number within range
IF FPSnum(TargetFPS) AND Bit(f) THEN FPS = -1 ' report if bit is on for current frame in requested FPS