QIX - james2464 - 11-29-2022
Making my way through this game, thought I'd share what I have done so far.
For those not familiar, it's an old arcade game from 1981. The idea is to fill in 75% of the screen to complete a level. (So far no scores yet, and unlimited lives)
Still some things missing (like those sparks) and there are some bugs to sort out. No sound either - not sure how I'll do that because the original game had bad sound effects.
One thing I'd like to do eventually is learn a flood fill algorithm. I struggled with that and decided to just use paint for now. Flood fill in this case was more complicated than I was expecting it to be. But it'd be nice to do it like the original game does.
Code: (Select All) 'QB64 Qix
'james2464 - November 2022
'controls : arrow keys to move
' : left CTRL for fast draw (blue)
' : left ALT for slow draw (red)
Option _Explicit
Dim Shared scx, scy
scx = 610: scy = 500
Screen _NewImage(scx, scy, 32)
Const PI = 3.141592654#
Randomize Timer
Dim Shared bg&, dbg&, logo1
bg& = _NewImage(scx, scy, 32)
dbg& = _NewImage(scx, scy, 32)
Dim Shared xx, yy, t, olddir, x, y, h, hd, fl, fl2, ct
Dim Shared sdinprocess, fdinprocess As Integer
Dim Shared qpath, flag, n, movepermit, flagrestart As Integer
Dim Shared qixtot, qxv, qyv, f, pmove, pfast, pslow, oldpx, oldpy, ps, drawoldx, drawoldy
Dim Shared j, k, checkx1, checkx2, checky1, checky2, totpct, btot, rtot
Dim Shared bluetot, redtot As _Integer64
xx = 320: yy = 240
Dim Shared c(50) As Long
c(0) = _RGB(0, 0, 0)
c(1) = _RGB(200, 200, 210) 'outside border
c(2) = _RGB(255, 255, 255) 'cursor white dot
c(3) = _RGB(200, 100, 100)
c(4) = _RGB(50, 120, 150) 'fast zone (fill)
c(5) = _RGB(180, 60, 30) 'slow zone (fill)
c(6) = _RGB(0, 255, 0)
c(7) = _RGB(255, 0, 0) 'cursor red
c(44) = _RGB(50, 120, 155) 'fast zone (drawing lines)
c(45) = _RGB(185, 60, 30) 'slow zone (drawing lines)
Type player
x As Single
y As Single
End Type
Dim Shared pl As player
Type qix
dir As Single
x1 As Integer
x2 As Integer
y1 As Integer
y2 As Integer
xx As Single
yy As Single
len1 As Single
c1 As Integer
c2 As Integer
c3 As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared q(7) As qix
Dim Shared qd(7) As qix
qixtot = 7: qpath = 0: f = 1
ps = 5
pl.x = 320: pl.y = 440
flagrestart = 0
For t = 1 To qixtot
q(t).xx = xx: q(t).yy = yy: q(t).len1 = 40
Next t
'screen setup
Line (120, 40)-(520, 440), c(1), B 'outer border
'_PutImage (500, 50), logo1
bluetot = 0: redtot = 0
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
_Limit 20
'player cursor =======================================================================================
'get keyboard input
pmove = arrowkey
pfast = fastdraw
pslow = slowdraw
oldpx = pl.x: oldpy = pl.y
If pfast + pslow = 0 Then normalmove
If pfast > pslow Then fastdrawmove
If pfast < pslow Then slowdrawmove
'ok so about that qix thing....=======================================================================================
'heading and direction -----------------------------------------------------
If qpath < 1 Then
If qpath = 0 Then
'_Delay 1.
qpath = Int(Rnd * 11) + 1: qxv = Rnd * 30 - 15: qyv = Rnd * 30 - 15
olddir = q(1).dir: q(1).dir = olddir + Rnd * PI - PI / 2
End If
If qpath = -1 Then
'_Delay .5
qpath = (Rnd * 22) + 1: qxv = Rnd * 30 - 15: qyv = Rnd * 30 - 15
olddir = q(1).dir
If olddir > PI Then
q(1).dir = olddir - PI
q(1).dir = olddir + PI
End If
End If
End If
qpath = Int(qpath - 1)
'update trailing lines -----------------------------------------------------
For t = 7 To 2 Step -1
q(t).xx = q(t - 1).xx: q(t).yy = q(t - 1).yy
q(t).x1 = q(t - 1).x1: q(t).x2 = q(t - 1).x2
q(t).y1 = q(t - 1).y1: q(t).y2 = q(t - 1).y2
q(t).len1 = q(t - 1).len1
q(t).c1 = q(t - 1).c1: q(t).c2 = q(t - 1).c2: q(t).c3 = q(t - 1).c3
Next t
'collision detection -------------------------------------------------------
flag = 0 'collision - assume none to start
q(1).xx = q(1).xx + qxv
q(1).yy = q(1).yy + qyv
q(1).dir = q(1).dir + Rnd * .9 - .45
q(1).len1 = q(1).len1 + Rnd * 10 - 4.4
If q(1).len1 > 40 Then q(1).len1 = 40
If q(1).len1 < 5 Then q(1).len1 = 5
x = Cos(q(1).dir) * q(1).len1
y = Sin(q(1).dir) * q(1).len1
q(1).x1 = q(1).xx + x: q(1).x2 = q(1).xx - x
q(1).y1 = q(1).yy - y: q(1).y2 = q(1).yy + y
'scan background colour along line
For j = 0 To q(1).len1
x = Cos(q(1).dir) * j: y = Sin(q(1).dir) * j
checkx1 = q(1).xx + x: checkx2 = q(1).xx - x
checky1 = q(1).yy - y: checky2 = q(1).yy + y
c(19) = Point(checkx1, checky1)
c(20) = Point(checkx2, checky2)
If c(19) <> c(0) Then
Select Case c(19)
Case c(1)
flag = 1
Case q(2).c1, q(3).c1, q(4).c1, q(5).c1, q(6).c1, q(7).c1
flag = 1
Case c(44), c(7)
If fdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
Case c(45), c(7)
If sdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
End Select
End If
If c(20) <> c(0) Then
Select Case c(20)
Case c(1)
flag = 1
Case q(2).c1, q(3).c1, q(4).c1, q(5).c1, q(6).c1, q(7).c1
flag = 1
Case c(44), c(7)
If fdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
Case c(45), c(7)
If sdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
End Select
End If
Next j
'check for skipped/crossed line
h = _Hypot(qyv, qxv)
hd = _Atan2(-qxv, -qyv)
For j = 0 To Int(h) Step .5
x = Sin(-hd) * j: y = Cos(hd) * j
checkx2 = q(1).xx - x
checky2 = q(1).yy + y
c(20) = Point(checkx2, checky2)
If c(20) <> c(0) Then
Select Case c(20)
Case c(1)
flag = 1
Case q(2).c1, q(3).c1, q(4).c1, q(5).c1, q(6).c1, q(7).c1
flag = 1
Case c(4), c(7)
If fdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
Case c(5), c(7)
If sdinprocess = 1 Then
flag = 2
End If
End Select
End If
Next j
'changing colour
q(1).c1 = q(1).c1 + Rnd * 60 - 30
If q(1).c1 < 80 Then q(1).c1 = 80
If q(1).c1 > 255 Then q(1).c1 = 255
q(1).c2 = q(1).c2 + Rnd * 60 - 30
If q(1).c2 < 80 Then q(1).c2 = 80
If q(1).c2 > 255 Then q(1).c2 = 255
q(1).c3 = q(1).c3 + Rnd * 60 - 30
If q(1).c3 < 80 Then q(1).c3 = 80
If q(1).c3 > 255 Then q(1).c3 = 255
'if collision detected...
If flag = 1 Then
qpath = -1 'new path needed - reverse direction
q(1).xx = q(3).xx: q(1).yy = q(3).yy
q(1).x1 = q(3).x1: q(1).x2 = q(3).x2
q(1).y1 = q(3).y1: q(1).y2 = q(3).y2
q(1).len1 = q(3).len1 - 3 'shorter line
End If
If flag = 2 Then
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx, scy), dbg&, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy)
End If
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background
For t = 1 To qixtot
c(9) = _RGB(q(t).c1, q(t).c2, q(t).c3)
Line (q(t).x1, q(t).y1)-(q(t).x2, q(t).y2), c(9)
Next t
Line (pl.x - ps, pl.y)-(pl.x, pl.y - ps), c(7)
Line (pl.x, pl.y - ps)-(pl.x + ps, pl.y), c(7)
Line (pl.x + ps, pl.y)-(pl.x, pl.y + ps), c(7)
Line (pl.x, pl.y + ps)-(pl.x - ps, pl.y), c(7)
Line (pl.x - 1, pl.y)-(pl.x + 1, pl.y), c(2)
Line (pl.x, pl.y - 1)-(pl.x, pl.y + 1), c(2)
btot = Int(bluetot / 1570)
rtot = Int(redtot / 1570)
totpct = Int(btot + rtot)
Locate 29, 20
Print "BLUE:"; btot; "%"
Locate 29, 36
Print "RED:"; rtot; "%"
Locate 29, 52
Print "TOTAL:"; totpct; "%"
If sdinprocess < 0 Then
_Delay .8
sdinprocess = 0
End If
If fdinprocess < 0 Then
_Delay .8
fdinprocess = 0
End If
If totpct > 75 Then
flagrestart = 1
End If
If _KeyDown(15104) Then
flagrestart = 1
End If
Loop Until flagrestart = 1
Function arrowkey
arrowkey = 0
If _KeyDown(18432) Then ' IF up arrow key was pressed
arrowkey = 1 '
End If
If _KeyDown(20480) Then ' IF down arrow key was pressed
arrowkey = 2 '
End If
If _KeyDown(19200) Then ' IF left arrow key was pressed
arrowkey = 3 '
End If
If _KeyDown(19712) Then ' IF right arrow key was pressed
arrowkey = 4 '
End If
End Function
Function fastdraw
fastdraw = 0
If _KeyDown(100306) Then ' IF L-CTRL key was pressed
fastdraw = 1 '
End If
End Function
Function slowdraw
slowdraw = 0
If _KeyDown(100308) Then ' IF L-ALT key was pressed
slowdraw = 1 '
End If
End Function
Sub normalmove
Select Case pmove
Case 1
pl.y = pl.y - 4
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 2
pl.y = pl.y + 4
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 3
pl.x = pl.x - 4
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 4
pl.x = pl.x + 4
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(20) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y)
c(21) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y)
c(22) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 1)
c(23) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 1)
c(24) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y + 1)
c(25) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y - 1)
c(26) = Point(pl.x - 1, pl.y + 1)
c(27) = Point(pl.x + 1, pl.y - 1)
fl2 = 0
For fl = 20 To 27 Step 1
If c(fl) = c(0) Then fl2 = 1
Next fl
If c(19) = c(1) And fl2 > 0 Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
End Select
End Sub
Sub fastdrawmove
Select Case pmove
Case 1
pl.y = pl.y - 4
If pl.y < 40 Then pl.y = 40
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(18) = Point(pl.x, pl.y + 2)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(18) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
If c(18) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 2
pl.y = pl.y + 4
If pl.y > 440 Then pl.y = 440
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(18) = Point(pl.x, pl.y - 2)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(18) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
If c(18) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 3
pl.x = pl.x - 4
If pl.x < 120 Then pl.x = 120
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(18) = Point(pl.x + 2, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(18) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
If c(18) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 4
pl.x = pl.x + 4
If pl.x > 520 Then pl.x = 520
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
c(18) = Point(pl.x - 2, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(18) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
If c(18) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
End Select
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
If c(19) = c(0) Then
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
If fdinprocess = 0 Then
drawoldx = oldpx: drawoldy = oldpy
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, dbg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen - in case of death
End If
Line (oldpx, oldpy)-(pl.x, pl.y), c(44)
If fdinprocess = 0 Then
PSet (oldpx, oldpy), c(1)
End If
fdinprocess = 1
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
End If
If fdinprocess = 1 Then
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
If c(19) = c(1) Then 'fast draw completed
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
Line (oldpx, oldpy)-(pl.x, pl.y), c(44)
PSet (pl.x, pl.y), c(1)
fdinprocess = -1
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub slowdrawmove
Select Case pmove
Case 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
If pl.y < 40 Then pl.y = 40
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
If c(19) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 2
pl.y = pl.y + 2
If pl.y > 440 Then pl.y = 440
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
If c(19) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.y = pl.y - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 3
pl.x = pl.x - 2
If pl.x < 120 Then pl.x = 120
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
If c(19) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x + 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
Case 4
pl.x = pl.x + 2
If pl.x > 520 Then pl.x = 520
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
movepermit = 0
While movepermit = 0
If c(19) = c(0) Then
movepermit = 1
If c(19) = c(1) Then
movepermit = 1
pl.x = pl.x - 2
movepermit = -1
End If
End If
End Select
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
If c(19) = c(0) Then
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
If sdinprocess = 0 Then
drawoldx = oldpx: drawoldy = oldpy
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, dbg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen - in case of death
End If
Line (oldpx, oldpy)-(pl.x, pl.y), c(45)
If sdinprocess = 0 Then
PSet (oldpx, oldpy), c(1)
End If
sdinprocess = 1
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
End If
If sdinprocess = 1 Then
c(19) = Point(pl.x, pl.y)
If c(19) = c(1) Then 'slow draw completed
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
Line (oldpx, oldpy)-(pl.x, pl.y), c(45)
PSet (pl.x, pl.y), c(1)
sdinprocess = -1
_PutImage (1, 1)-(scx - 1, scy - 1), 0, bg&, (1, 1)-(scx, scy) 'take snapshot of screen
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub claimlinefast
'scan board for blue line
For j = 41 To 439
For k = 121 To 519
c(19) = Point(k, j)
n = 0
If c(19) = c(44) Then 'blue pixel found
c(20) = Point(k - 1, j)
c(21) = Point(k + 1, j)
c(22) = Point(k, j - 1)
c(23) = Point(k, j + 1)
c(24) = Point(k, j + 2)
c(25) = Point(k, j - 2)
c(26) = Point(k + 2, j)
'horizontal line
If c(22) = c(0) Then 'look above
If c(23) = c(0) Then n = Int(2) 'look below
End If
'upper left corner
If n = 0 Then
'look below 2 pixels
If c(23) = c(44) Then
If c(24) = c(44) Then
If c(20) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'upper right corner
If n = 0 Then
'look below 2 pixels
If c(23) = c(44) Then
If c(24) = c(44) Then
If c(21) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'lower left corner
If n = 0 Then
'look to the right 2 pixels
If c(21) = c(44) Then
If c(26) = c(44) Then
If c(23) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'lower right corner
If n = 0 Then
'look above 2 pixels
If c(22) = c(1) Then
If c(25) = c(1) Then
If c(23) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if part of vertical line
If c(20) = c(0) Then
If c(21) = c(0) Then n = Int(2)
End If
If n = 2 Then
PSet (k, j), c(1) 'change blue pixel to white
End If
End If
Next k
Next j
End Sub
Sub claimlineslow
'scan board for red line
For j = 41 To 439
For k = 121 To 519
c(19) = Point(k, j)
n = 0
If c(19) = c(45) Then 'red pixel found
c(20) = Point(k - 1, j)
c(21) = Point(k + 1, j)
c(22) = Point(k, j - 1)
c(23) = Point(k, j + 1)
c(24) = Point(k, j + 2)
c(25) = Point(k, j - 2)
c(26) = Point(k + 2, j)
'horizontal line
If c(22) = c(0) Then 'look above
If c(23) = c(0) Then n = Int(2) 'look below
End If
'upper left corner
If n = 0 Then
'look below 2 pixels
If c(23) = c(45) Then
If c(24) = c(45) Then
If c(20) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'upper right corner
If n = 0 Then
'look below 2 pixels
If c(23) = c(45) Then
If c(24) = c(45) Then
If c(21) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if lower left corner
If n = 0 Then
'look to the right 2 pixels
If c(21) = c(45) Then
If c(26) = c(45) Then
If c(23) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if lower right corner
If n = 0 Then
'look above 2 pixels
If c(22) = c(1) Then
If c(25) = c(1) Then
If c(23) = c(0) Then
n = Int(2)
End If
End If
End If
End If
'if part of vertical line
If c(20) = c(0) Then
If c(21) = c(0) Then n = Int(2)
End If
If n = 2 Then
PSet (k, j), c(1) 'change red pixel to white
End If
End If
Next k
Next j
End Sub
Sub claimfillfast 'using paint for flood fills
'start at qix
c(14) = _RGB(30, 30, 30)
k = q(1).xx: j = q(1).yy
Paint (k, j), c(14), c(1)
'fill black with blue
For j = 41 To 439
For k = 121 To 519
c(16) = Point(k, j)
If c(16) = c(0) Then
PSet (k, j), c(4)
bluetot = bluetot + 1
End If
Next k
Next j
'fill gray with black
k = q(1).xx: j = q(1).yy
Paint (k, j), c(0), c(1)
End Sub
Sub claimfillslow 'using paint for flood fills
'start at qix
c(14) = _RGB(30, 30, 30)
k = q(1).xx: j = q(1).yy
Paint (k, j), c(14), c(1)
'fill black with red
For j = 41 To 439
For k = 121 To 519
c(16) = Point(k, j)
If c(16) = c(0) Then
PSet (k, j), c(5)
redtot = redtot + 1
End If
Next k
Next j
'fill gray with black
k = q(1).xx: j = q(1).yy
Paint (k, j), c(0), c(1)
End Sub
Sub endlevel
'fill black
For j = 121 To 519
For k = 439 To 41 Step -1
PSet (j, k), c(0)
Next k
_Delay .005
Next j
End Sub
Sub youdead
Dim ct2, ct3, ct4, basedir, tx, ty, dist, d2, rp
basedir = .785
dist = 15
d2 = 10
qd(1).xx = pl.x + 5: qd(1).yy = pl.y - 5
qd(1).len1 = 10
qd(1).dir = basedir
For ct = 1 To 35
_PutImage (0, 0)-(scx, scy), bg&, 0 'draw background screen
dist = dist + 10
rp = ct
If rp > 7 Then rp = 7
qd(1).dir = basedir
qd(1).len1 = qd(1).len1 + 1.5
If rp > 1 Then
For ct4 = 2 To rp
qd(ct4).len1 = qd(ct4 - 1).len1 - 1.5
qd(ct4).dir = basedir
Next ct4
End If
For ct2 = 1 To rp
For ct3 = 1 To 4
Select Case ct3
Case 1
qd(ct2).xx = pl.x + (dist - ct2 * d2): qd(ct2).yy = pl.y - (dist - ct2 * d2)
Case 2
qd(ct2).xx = pl.x + (dist - ct2 * d2): qd(ct2).yy = pl.y + (dist - ct2 * d2)
Case 3
qd(ct2).xx = pl.x - (dist - ct2 * d2): qd(ct2).yy = pl.y + (dist - ct2 * d2)
Case 4
qd(ct2).xx = pl.x - (dist - ct2 * d2): qd(ct2).yy = pl.y - (dist - ct2 * d2)
End Select
qd(ct2).dir = qd(ct2).dir + (PI / 2)
x = Cos(qd(ct2).dir) * qd(ct2).len1
y = Sin(qd(ct2).dir) * qd(ct2).len1
qd(ct2).x1 = qd(ct2).xx + x: qd(ct2).x2 = qd(ct2).xx - x
qd(ct2).y1 = qd(ct2).yy - y: qd(ct2).y2 = qd(ct2).yy + y
Line (qd(ct2).x1, qd(ct2).y1)-(qd(ct2).x2, qd(ct2).y2), c(1)
Next ct3
Next ct2
_Delay .04
Next ct
_Delay 1.
sdinprocess = 0
fdinprocess = 0
pl.x = drawoldx: pl.y = drawoldy
End Sub
RE: QIX - bplus - 11-29-2022
So the aim of this is to block off more and more of the screen from that thing that moves around?
Might be interesting to make that thing a one line zigzag that bounces a little like a spring?
RE: QIX - mnrvovrfc - 11-29-2022
(11-29-2022, 02:36 AM)james2464 Wrote: For those not familiar, it's an old arcade game from 1981. The idea is to fill in 75% of the screen to complete a level. (So far no scores yet, and unlimited lives) Duh I know what this is, not like that other "Qix" which wasn't what I expected. I had this on Nintendo Game Boy.
Very good job, but oh noes you offed me saying sound effects sucked... OK some of them, but my favorite was the "spring" hitting the player's line...
The colors are very welcome, instead of Game Boy LCD screen which was lame to look at and had to hunch over often for an hour or longer. If I'm going to get neck and back problems out of it at least make it like CGA or do that TV raster trick with two colors.
Please no more full-screen without a way to exit the program quickly! This peaks off some users who might be playing such a game at work and then the boss suddenly drops by... Erm, maybe not but it's polite to program [ESC] to leave the program.
At the first level the "spring" moves too darned quickly. Reserve this for "intermediate" player or higher level from "beginning" stage.
Maybe talk to Terry about the "flood fill", he seems to know a lot about programming old video games, demonstrated it with Pac-Man and Berzerk. :tu:
@bplus the first level of the Game Boy game was hard too, to get at least 2/3 of the screen space. At least for me.
RE: QIX - bplus - 11-29-2022
I have code for flood fill but not nearly as fast as Paint. Don't know what is wrong with Paint but wouldn't a BF'ed Line be even faster? really the code is best used for finding shortest path.
To exit a FullScreen when no escape provided or coder hasn't made plain the secret escape key combo use Alt + F4.
I learned this early on hanging out at QB Forums and trying out code. First time I encountered _FullScreen.
RE: QIX - james2464 - 11-29-2022
This is the old arcade game I'm referring to:
Bplus: In this game, flood fill doesn't need to be very fast. The slower fill has a nice effect and also it's a scan line version. It'll be interesting to actually program that at some point.
RE: QIX - mnrvovrfc - 11-29-2022
That version looked like an utter failure, like few people would risk putting in an entire Lincoln of quarters on it.
I don't remember if the NGB version had "sparks" or a difficulty level, and the sound effects were far superior. I mean, when the player finished a filled area, it did a short pling. When the "spring" touched the player's line, it did a slightly longer pling, it was my favorite sound. Otherwise it was "muzak" a lot like an amateur dance song remix ROFL.
The "slow" drawing really had no point for me with sparks around, I mean, I would never play the original game even if I got 100 chances for one quarter. Leave it to an expert mode. Intermediate then is the "spring" moving as the program stands now, and beginner have it move more slowly and the player is disallowed to use "slow" command. That's so he/she becomes more comfortable playing the game.
I thought it was 2/3, but 3/4 is difficult for sure. The "spring" suddenly could move sideways while a player tries to reach an edge of the screen. It happened to me too often on NGB...
RE: QIX - james2464 - 11-29-2022
(11-29-2022, 05:39 AM)mnrvovrfc Wrote: That version looked like an utter failure, like few people would risk putting in an entire Lincoln of quarters on it.
I don't remember if the NGB version had "sparks" or a difficulty level, and the sound effects were far superior. I mean, when the player finished a filled area, it did a short pling. When the "spring" touched the player's line, it did a slightly longer pling, it was my favorite sound. Otherwise it was "muzak" a lot like an amateur dance song remix ROFL.
The "slow" drawing really had no point for me with sparks around, I mean, I would never play the original game even if I got 100 chances for one quarter. Leave it to an expert mode. Intermediate then is the "spring" moving as the program stands now, and beginner have it move more slowly and the player is disallowed to use "slow" command. That's so he/she becomes more comfortable playing the game.
I thought it was 2/3, but 3/4 is difficult for sure. The "spring" suddenly could move sideways while a player tries to reach an edge of the screen. It happened to me too often on NGB...
I've only ever played the original arcade game as shown in that video. As a kid I loved it! But then again arcade games were still kind of new so it was all fascinating to me. The sound effects in this game didn't bother me back then, but it's definitely rough. I guess they didn't care much about it. At the time I think most of the arcade was pinball machines and full of noise.
Anyway it's not for everyone but I'm having fun trying to emulate it so far. I'll look around for the other versions of this game and check out those better sound effects.
RE: QIX - bplus - 11-29-2022
(11-29-2022, 05:25 AM)james2464 Wrote: This is the old arcade game I'm referring to:
Bplus: In this game, flood fill doesn't need to be very fast. The slower fill has a nice effect and also it's a scan line version. It'll be interesting to actually program that at some point.
Oh well scan lines are easiest to sim, just draw lines with delay or limit to however fast you desire? We are just filling perfectly upright rectangles correct? Just have to decide vertical or horizontal. What might be fun is a rectangular spiral inward or outward.
Update: watched video, oh you don't have to go all the way across the width of screen or up and down the height. So filling boxes to finished edge or 2 or 3 hmm.... just need to get the 4: top, bottom, left, right and can fill all sorts of ways, how about a Christmas wrap design? Need to see my painting with images! My demo with brick wall might be perfect.
RE: QIX - james2464 - 11-29-2022
(11-29-2022, 12:38 PM)bplus Wrote: (11-29-2022, 05:25 AM)james2464 Wrote: This is the old arcade game I'm referring to:
Bplus: In this game, flood fill doesn't need to be very fast. The slower fill has a nice effect and also it's a scan line version. It'll be interesting to actually program that at some point.
Oh well scan lines are easiest to sim, just draw lines with delay or limit to however fast you desire? We are just filling perfectly upright rectangles correct? Just have to decide vertical or horizontal. What might be fun is a rectangular spiral inward or outward.
Update: watched video, oh you don't have to go all the way across the width of screen or up and down the height. So filling boxes to finished edge or 2 or 3 hmm.... just need to get the 4: top, bottom, left, right and can fill all sorts of ways, how about a Christmas wrap design? Need to see my painting with images! My demo with brick wall might be perfect.
This is sort of new to me. I have to play around with different flood fill methods. I thought it would be very simple but I had trouble with it because of the way this game is...you capture a new area and you need to be able to flood only that area. That's where I had problems. Paint worked out easily, however.
RE: QIX - bplus - 11-29-2022
Well you know how I hate to show off but it seems a perfect application for painting with a brick wall!
Edit: Just stored in drawing tools collection bplus corner