Multi-Input Popup Box - SMcNeill - 04-23-2022
(I'd posted this elsewhere, but thought I'd share it here so folks who might not be reading the other topic could locate this and maybe someday reference it, or make use of it, for their own stuff.)
Here's a little something which I tossed together in about 20 minutes this afternoon, which you might be able to use:
Code: (Select All) Screen _NewImage(1280, 720, 32)
Dim As String prompt(3), results(3)
prompt(0) = "Name": prompt(1) = "Age": prompt(2) = "Sex": prompt(3) = "Phone Number"
For i = 1 To 100 'Draw some stuff on the screen for a background
Line (Rnd * 1280, Rnd * 720)-(Rnd * 1280, Rnd * 720), _RGB32(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255), BF
MultiInput 100, 100, prompt(), results(), 20
Print: Print "As you can see, when finished, our pop up restored our background..."
Print "And your answers were the following:"
For i = 0 To UBound(results): Print results(i): Next
Sub MultiInput (xPos, yPos, prompt() As String, results() As String, maxLength As Integer)
backupImage = _CopyImage(0) 'copy our screen
B = _Blend: _DontBlend: A = _AutoDisplay: u = UBound(prompt)
For i = 0 To u 'get box size
p = _PrintWidth(prompt(i)): If p > maxWidth Then maxWidth = p
boxWidth = maxWidth + maxLength * _FontWidth + 10: boxheight = (u + 1) * (_FontHeight + 3)
If Timer > t# + .5 Then blink = Not blink: t# = Timer
k = _KeyHit 'get input
Select Case k
Case 18432: selection = selection - 1: If selection < 0 Then selection = u 'up
Case 20480, 13: selection = selection + 1: If selection > u Then selection = 0 'down
Case 27: Exit Do 'esc is the exit/finish code
Case 8: results(selection) = Left$(results(selection), Len(results(selection)) - 1) 'backspace
Case 32 TO 255: results(selection) = results(selection) + Chr$(k) 'all else
End Select
_PutImage , backupImage 'restore background
Line (xPos, yPos)-Step(boxWidth, boxheight), 0, BF: Line (x + xPos + maxWidth + 1, y + yPos)-Step(0, boxheight), -1 'draw box
For i = 0 To u
Line (x + xPos, y + i * (_FontHeight + 3) + yPos)-Step(boxWidth, _FontHeight + 3), -1, B
_PrintString (x + xPos + 2, y + i * (_FontHeight + 3) + yPos + 2), prompt(i)
If i = selection And blink Then out$ = results(i) + Chr$(219) Else out$ = results(i)
_PrintString (x + xPos + maxWidth + 3, y + i * (_FontHeight + 3) + yPos + 2), out$
_Limit 30: _Display
_PutImage , backupImage
If B Then _Blend
If A Then _AutoDisplay
_FreeImage backupImage
End Sub
45 lines total, and only 33 lines for our SUB, which does all the real work for us.
And what's this do, you ask?
It creates a simple, stand-alone, multi-line, POP-UP input box which we can use the arrow keys to move up and down between.
Usage is rather simple:
1) Dim 2 arrays to hold your prompts and the results.
2) Set your prompts.
3) Call the function, get the results.
Can't be much simpler than that!