MapTriangle (3D) demos - Petr - 03-21-2023
I'm going through old discs, a lot of my work doesn't work due to the need to fix many functions (it was written in QB64 1.3 where the functions were taken incorrectly - but the programs took this into account), I will gradually add ONLY things directly related to _MAPTRIANGLE in the 3D version to this thread.
The first thing I managed to bring to life, it's even in a video on my youtube channel, is a demonstration of how to project some movement into the hardware layer used by _MapTriangle 3D.
Here is a program that, on the Software layer, projects a 3D hardware layer on which the circle runs.
Tested in QB64PE 3.6.0
Code: (Select All) Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
im& = _ScreenImage
img& = _CopyImage(im&, 33)
_FreeImage im&
SX0 = 0: SY0 = 0: SX1 = 0: SY1 = _Height: sx2 = _Width: sy2 = 0: sx3 = _Width: sy3 = _Height
DX0 = -2: DY0 = 2: DX1 = -2: DY1 = -2: DX2 = 2: DY2 = 2: DX3 = 2: DY3 = -2
' SX0 SX2 y
' dx0 X left = - right = + - x -z +x
' Y dole = - nahore = + -y
' Z vzadu = max - 10, normalne ale -1
' SX1 SX3
tt = .01: t = .1
e& = ell&
While _MouseInput: Wend
Mx = _MouseX: My = _MouseY
StredX = Mx
t = t + tt: If t > _Pi(2) Or t < -_Pi(2) Then tt = tt * -1
RR = Sin(t) - 4
SS = Cos(t) - 10
R = -Sin(t) * -2
s = -Cos(t) * 2
_MapTriangle (SX0, SY0)-(sx3, sy3)-(SX1, SY1), e& To(DX0 * R, DY0 * s, RR)-(DX3 * R, DY3 * s, SS)-(DX1 * R, DY1 * s, RR), 0, _Smooth
_MapTriangle (SX0, SY0)-(sx3, sy3)-(sx2, sy2), e& To(DX0 * R, DY0 * s, RR)-(DX3 * R, DY3 * s, SS)-(DX2 * R, DY2 * s, SS), 0, _Smooth
_Limit 30
Function ell&
Shared vx, vy, Mxx, Myy
Locate 1, 1: Print "This is Software Screen."
V& = _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
_Dest V&
W = 1024: H = 768
If Mxx = 0 Then Mxx = 10: Myy = 10
vx = vx + Mxx: If vx > W Or vx < 0 Then Mxx = Mxx * -1
vy = vy + Myy: If vy > H Or vy < 0 Then Myy = Myy * -1
Cls , _RGB32(1, 55, 132)
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Locate 11, 30: Print "This is Hardware Screen"
For d = 0 To _Pi / 2 Step .2
Line (vx - Sin(d) * 50, vy - Cos(d) * 50)-(vx + Sin(d) * 50, vy + Cos(d) * 50), , BF
Next d
_Dest 0
ell& = _CopyImage(V&, 33)
_FreeImage V&
End Function
Lets look the start and end of the ell& function. For each progression (!) a new software screen must be created, copied as a static hardware texture (33) and applied to the 3D environment. This solution is very CPU intensive and completely stupid. But it would be far more reasonable, in the case of the same animation running round and round, to take the individual frames of the animation, copy them as hardware images into the array, and then just paste the individual frames. This does not load the processor almost at all.
RE: MapTriangle (3D) demos - Petr - 03-21-2023
This is my unfinished level editor for a 3D world. Of course MapTriangle 3D is used. Inserting objects is not applied, or rather it is, but in a different version that successfully plays hide and seek with me and still wins. Here you can use the editor to create a map and then walk around it. If I find a higher version I will add it here, but this is not my priority at the moment. I vaguely remember having a version with sound somewhere, but where is it? That is a question.
For trying done maps, run 3dm.exe mapname (without, program load it from \map directory. If map not exists, just black screen is view, none error message occur). When is program runnig, is mouse locked in middle on the screen, its need, because in time, when is program written, MOUSEMOVEMENTX and MOUSEMOVEMENTY dont work as expected and program calculate then move in this own way.
I'm not really going to try to fix it, the source code is so old I'd break more than fix it.
How create own map.
Before waste your time, I'll first say that I seriously don't remember if this particular version somehow filtered the number of vertices in the array to display, it certainly won't be a fast or reliable method. This is a development version, but then something happened and development stopped.
So there you have the editor. You can load existing files. MAP and edit it. Or create own. Textures are image files, you can easily add your own images to them.
Start the editor. An empty grid will pop up. It can be moved using the arrows on the keyboard, you are not limited to this section in any case. Let's start with the floor. So let's load the floor texture first, shall we?
To familiarize yourself with it, I recommend first setting the display in a grid, the default is - well, it's just a development version - stupid. Click on Set Grid.
In the Layers mode section, choose Don't show textures, use Quads, all layers, or use that version with SetAlpha.
Click on Add Texture. A list of images is loaded. Choose one, click on it and it will be added to the list of textures on the right. Now click the Draw Floor button at the bottom. You create a floor by marking cells in the grid with the left mouse button. You can also use the left-click, hold, drag, and release method. Mark some cells. Once you have that, click on Add Texture and choose a texture for the ceiling. Click on the file name, the texture will be added to the right texture list. At the bottom of the editor, click on DrawCeiling. At that moment, the textures of the floor disappear, you paint the ceiling. Label the cells as in the previous case. If you mix up a texture, simply click on another one on the right and insert it in Draw Ceiling mode over the one you mixed up. Click Add Texture again and select a texture for the wall. Click on Draw Wall. Mark the perimeter so that the thickness is just o one cell. Now if you switch to Draw Ceiling or Draw Floor you will see where the ceiling and floor intersect with the wall.
The lower part of the filmstrip is intended for objects, but this is not applied in this version. Here it is only possible to build the walls, ceiling and floor. If the image is transparent, the texture will also be transparent. The number of textures is not limited. MAP files contain images of the textures you will use.
The attached ZIP file contains: EXE files compiled in the original version of QB64 1.3 and also EXE files compiled in QB64PE. Of course, the BAS source codes are included, so you can compile it yourself. Also there are some maps and image files. Also ICO files, the Editor needs them for its work.
RE: MapTriangle (3D) demos - mnrvovrfc - 03-24-2023
This is very impressive. It would have taken me the rest of my life to come up with something like this. It would give somebody else an idea for YACWOD (yet another clone of Wolfenstein or Doom).
RE: MapTriangle (3D) demos - bplus - 03-24-2023
Yes, so glad Petr dumped his last signature ;-))
RE: MapTriangle (3D) demos - Petr - 03-24-2023
Thank you for your feedback. Once upon a time, on a now defunct forum, there was a thread about "show where you program". Someone sent a photo of the workbench and stuff... but I thought. After all, they write - where YOU PROGRAM. Well, I'll program it for them I used my brand new and first (uncompressed) file packer at the time and of course MapTriangle 3D. When BPlus sees it, it will definitely remember. I remember his question - oh man, so many cabinets, so much storage space? So - the answer is - that room is smaller, I misjudged it when programming, so I just filled it with those cabinets In the program, one of my first ones, there is only one room where I actually programmed at the time. The program needs a PMF file (predecessor of my new PMF2 format) to work, I am attaching it here packed in a zip file. The file contains the necessary textures for MapTriangle. Up/down movement is not implanted, movement is via keyboard arrows. While writing this program, I really practiced moving in space. The numbers in DATA are coordinates in space for individual textures.
Code: (Select All) Dim Shared lX, lY, rXx, rY, mX, mY, ballX As Integer, ballY As Integer, m&, leftplr, rightplr
m& = _NewImage(320, 240, 32)
lX = 10: lY = 10: rXx = 310: rY = 10
ballX = 160: ballY = 10: mY = -1: If Rnd * 10 > 5 Then mX = 1 Else mX = -1
Dim Shared dub As Long, aluminium As Long
Print "Loading textures..."
ExtractPMF ("textures.pmf")
aluminium& = Hload("alum.jpg")
podl& = Hload("plovoucka.jpg")
str& = strop&
tokno& = okno&
dvere& = spajz_dvere&
lednice& = Hload("lednice2.jpg")
orech& = Hload("dekor orech.jpg")
orechsv& = Zesvetli("dekor orech.jpg", orechsv&)
polstr& = Hload("polstr.jpg")
dub& = Hload("dub.jpg")
tdub& = Ztmav("dub.jpg", tdub&)
pc& = SHload("pccs.png")
kbd& = SHload("kbd.jpg")
mys& = SHload("mys.jpg")
woof& = SHload("repro.png")
speak& = Hload("speaker.jpg")
dlazba& = Hload("obklad.jpg")
dlazba2& = Hload("obklad 2.jpg")
sporakcelo = Hload("sporak-celo.jpg")
sporakvrch = Hload("sporak-vrch.jpg")
mikro& = SHload("mikro2.jpg")
Dim O As _Float
Dim Shared N
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
CX = 0: CY = 0: CZ = -1 '
N = 1116 'used quads (also this room contains 2232 triangles)
Type V
X As Single ' source X points in standard view
Y As Single ' source Y points in standard view
Z As Single ' not use yet
pi As Single ' start draw position on radius
piH As Single '
Radius As Single ' radius (every point use own, but if is CX and CY in middle, are all the same)
RadiusH As Single
wX As Single ' working coordinates
wY As Single
wZ As Single
T As Long ' texture number for current triangle
Tm As Single ' texture multiplicier. 1 for one.
End Type
Dim Shared v(1 To N) As V
' A B C D
Data -10,-2,-5,-10,-2,10,10,-2,-5,10,-2,10: ' floor coordinates
Data -10,2,-5,-10,2,10,10,2,-5,10,2,10: ' roof coordinates
Data -10,-2,-5,-10,-2,10,-10,2,-5,-10,2,10: ' wall + window
Data -5,-2,8,-10,-2,8,-5,2,8,-10,2,8
Data -5,-2,8,-5,-2.1,10,-5,2.1,8,-5,2,10
Data -5,-3,10,10,-3,10,-5,3,10,10,3,10
Data -4.8,-2,8,-3,-2,8,-4.8,1,8,-3,1,8
Data -5,1,8,-3,1,8,-5,1,10,-3,1,10
Data -3,1,8,-3,1,10,-3,-2,8,-3,-2,10
Data -4.8,1,8,-4.8,1,10,-4.8,-2,8,-4.8,-2,10
Data -2.8,-1.5,8,-2.8,-1.5,9,-2.8,-2,8,-2.8,-2,9
Data -2.7,-1.5,8,-2.7,-1.5,9,-2.7,-2,8,-2.7,-2,9
Data 0.8,-1.5,8,0.8,-1.5,9,0.8,-2,8,0.8,-2,9
Data 0.7,-1.5,8,0.7,-1.5,9,0.7,-2,8,0.7,-2,9
Data 0.7,-1.5,8,0.8,-1.5,8,.7,-2,8,0.8,-2,8
Data -2.7,-1.5,8,-2.8,-1.5,8,-2.7,-2,8,-2.8,-2,8
Data 2,-1.5,8,-3.0,-1.5,8,2,-1.5,10.5,-3.0,-1.5,10.5
Data 4.39,-1.5,9.5,-3,-1.5,9.5,4.39,0,10,-3,0,10
Data 1.9,-1.5,10,4.4,-1.5,10,1.9,-1.5,3,4.4,-1.5,3
Data 3.9,-1.5,10,3.9,-1.5,3,4.4,0,10,4.4,0,3
Data 1.9,-1.5,8,3.9,-1.5,8,1.9,-2,8,3.9,-2,8
Data 1.9,-1.5,7.9,3.9,-1.5,7.9,1.9,-2,7.9,3.9,-2,7.9
Data 1.9,-1.5,8,1.9,-1.5,7.9,1.9,-2,8,1.9,-2,7.9
Data 1.9,-2,3,4.4,-2,3,1.9,-1.5,3,4.4,-1.5,3
Data 1.9,-2,3.1,4.4,-2,3.1,1.9,-1.5,3.1,4.4,-1.5,3.1
Data 4.4,-2,3.1,4.4,-2,3,4.4,-1.5,3.1,4.4,-1.5,3
Data 1.9,-2,3.1,1.9,-2,3,1.9,-1.5,3.1,1.9,-1.5,3
Data 3.9,-1.5,3,4.4,-1.5,3,4.4,0,3,4.4,0,3
Data 4.4,-2,10,4.4,-2,3,4.4,0,10,4.4,0,3
Data 1.5,-2,7.5,1.7,-2,7.5,1.5,-1,7.5,1.7,-1,7.5
Data 1.5,-2,7.3,1.7,-2,7.3,1.5,-1,7.3,1.7,-1,7.3
Data 1.5,-2,7.3,1.5,-1,7.3,1.5,-2,7.5,1.5,-1,7.5
Data 1.7,-2,7.3,1.7,-1,7.3,1.7,-2,7.5,1.7,-1,7.5
Data -2,-2,7.5,-2.2,-2,7.5,-2,-1,7.5,-2.2,-1,7.5
Data -2,-2,7.3,-2.2,-2,7.3,-2,-1,7.3,-2.2,-1,7.3
Data -2,-2,7.3,-2,-1,7.3,-2,-2,7.5,-2,-1,7.5
Data -2.2,-2,7.3,-2.2,-1,7.3,-2.2,-2,7.5,-2.2,-1,7.5
Data 1.5,-2,3.5,1.7,-2,3.5,1.5,-1,3.5,1.7,-1,3.5
Data 1.5,-2,3.7,1.7,-2,3.7,1.5,-1,3.7,1.7,-1,3.7
Data 1.5,-2,3.7,1.5,-1,3.7,1.5,-2,3.5,1.5,-1,3.5
Data 1.7,-2,3.7,1.7,-1,3.7,1.7,-2,3.5,1.7,-1,3.5
Data -2,-2,3.5,-2.2,-2,3.5,-2,-1,3.5,-2.2,-1,3.5
Data -2,-2,3.7,-2.2,-2,3.7,-2,-1,3.7,-2.2,-1,3.7
Data -2,-2,3.7,-2,-1,3.7,-2,-2,3.5,-2,-1,3.5
Data -2.2,-2,3.7,-2.2,-1,3.7,-2.2,-2,3.5,-2.2,-1,3.5
Data 1.5,-1,3.5,-2,-1,3.5,1.5,-1.1,3.5,-2,-1.1,3.5
Data 1.5,-1,7.5,-2,-1,7.5,1.5,-1.1,7.5,-2,-1.1,7.5
Data 1.7,-1,3.5,1.7,-1,7.5,1.7,-1.1,3.5,1.7,-1.1,7.5
Data -2.2,-1,3.5,-2.2,-1,7.5,-2.2,-1.1,3.5,-2.2,-1.1,7.5
Data 1.8,-1,3.4,-2.3,-1,3.4,1.8,-1,7.6,-2.3,-1,7.6
Data 1.8,-.9,3.4,-2.3,-.9,3.4,1.8,-.9,7.6,-2.3,-.9,7.6
Data 1.8,-.9,3.4,-2.3,-.9,3.4,1.8,-1,3.4,-2.3,-1,3.4
Data 1.8,-.9,7.6,-2.3,-.9,7.6,1.8,-1,7.6,-2.3,-1,7.6
Data 1.8,-.9,3.4,1.8,-1,3.4,1.8,-.9,7.6,1.8,-1,7.6
Data -2.3,-.9,3.4,-2.3,-1,3.4,-2.3,-.9,7.6,-2.3,-1,7.6
Data .3,-2,3.9,.4,-2,3.9,.3,-1.5,3.9,.4,-1.5,3.9
Data .3,-2,3.8,.4,-2,3.8,.3,-1.5,3.8,.4,-1.5,3.8
Data .3,-2,3.8,.3,-2,3.9,.3,-1.5,3.8,.3,-1.5,3.9
Data .4,-2,3.8,.4,-2,3.9,.4,-1.5,3.8,.4,-1.5,3.9
Data -.7,-2,3.9,-.8,-2,3.9,-.7,-1.5,3.9,-.8,-1.5,3.9
Data -.7,-2,3.8,-.8,-2,3.8,-.7,-1.5,3.8,-.8,-1.5,3.8
Data -.7,-2,3.8,-.7,-2,3.9,-.7,-1.5,3.8,-.7,-1.5,3.9
Data -.8,-2,3.8,-.8,-2,3.9,-.8,-1.5,3.8,-.8,-1.5,3.9
Data .3,-2,3,.4,-2,3,.3,-1.5,3,.4,-1.5,3
Data .3,-2,3.1,.4,-2,3.1,.3,-1.5,3.1,.4,-1.5,3.1
Data .3,-2,3.1,.3,-2,3,.3,-1.5,3.1,.3,-1.5,3
Data .4,-2,3.1,.4,-2,3,.4,-1.5,3.1,.4,-1.5,3
Data -.7,-2,3,-.8,-2,3,-.7,-1.5,3,-.8,-1.5,3
Data -.7,-2,3.1,-.8,-2,3.1,-.7,-1.5,3.1,-.8,-1.5,3.1
Data -.7,-2,3.1,-.7,-2,3,-.7,-1.5,3.1,-.7,-1.5,3
Data -.8,-2,3.1,-.8,-2,3,-.8,-1.5,3.1,-.8,-1.5,3
Data .5,-1.5,4.1,-.9,-1.5,4.1,.5,-1.5,2.9,-.9,-1.5,2.9
Data .5,-1.4,4.1,-.9,-1.4,4.1,.5,-1.4,2.9,-.9,-1.4,2.9
Data .5,-1.5,4.1,-.9,-1.5,4.1,.5,-1.4,4.1,-.9,-1.4,4.1
Data .5,-1.5,2.9,-.9,-1.5,2.9,.5,-1.4,2.9,-.9,-1.4,2.9
Data -.9,-1.5,2.9,-.9,-1.4,2.9,-.9,-1.5,4.1,-.9,-1.4,4.1
Data .5,-1.5,2.9,.5,-1.4,2.9,.5,-1.5,4.1,.5,-1.4,4.1
Data -.9,-1.5,2.9,.5,-1.5,2.9,-.9,0,2.7,.5,0,2.7
Data -.9,-1.5,3,.5,-1.5,3,-.9,0,2.8,.5,0,2.8
Data -.9,-1.5,2.9,-.9,-1.5,3,-.9,0,2.7,-.9,0,2.8
Data -.9,0,2.9,.5,0,2.9,-.9,0,2.7,.5,0,2.7
Data .5,-1.5,2.9,.5,-1.5,3,.5,0,2.7,.5,0,2.8
'chair 2
Data -1.3,-2,4.9,-1.4,-2,4.9,-1.3,-1.5,4.9,-1.4,-1.5,4.9
Data -1.3,-2,4.8,-1.4,-2,4.8,-1.3,-1.5,4.8,-1.4,-1.5,4.8
Data -1.3,-2,4.8,-1.3,-2,4.9,-1.3,-1.5,4.8,-1.3,-1.5,4.9
Data -1.4,-2,4.8,-1.4,-2,4.9,-1.4,-1.5,4.8,-1.4,-1.5,4.9
Data -1.3,-2,5.9,-1.4,-2,5.9,-1.3,-1.5,5.9,-1.4,-1.5,5.9
Data -1.3,-2,5.8,-1.4,-2,5.8,-1.3,-1.5,5.8,-1.4,-1.5,5.8
Data -1.3,-2,5.8,-1.3,-2,5.9,-1.3,-1.5,5.8,-1.3,-1.5,5.9
Data -1.4,-2,5.8,-1.4,-2,5.9,-1.4,-1.5,5.8,-1.4,-1.5,5.9
Data -2.3,-2,4.9,-2.4,-2,4.9,-2.3,-1.5,4.9,-2.4,-1.5,4.9
Data -2.3,-2,4.8,-2.4,-2,4.8,-2.3,-1.5,4.8,-2.4,-1.5,4.8
Data -2.3,-2,4.8,-2.3,-2,4.9,-2.3,-1.5,4.8,-2.3,-1.5,4.9
Data -2.4,-2,4.8,-2.4,-2,4.9,-2.4,-1.5,4.8,-2.4,-1.5,4.9
Data -2.3,-2,5.9,-2.4,-2,5.9,-2.3,-1.5,5.9,-2.4,-1.5,5.9
Data -2.3,-2,5.8,-2.4,-2,5.8,-2.3,-1.5,5.8,-2.4,-1.5,5.8
Data -2.3,-2,5.8,-2.3,-2,5.9,-2.3,-1.5,5.8,-2.3,-1.5,5.9
Data -2.4,-2,5.8,-2.4,-2,5.9,-2.4,-1.5,5.8,-2.4,-1.5,5.9
Data -1.2,-1.5,4.7,-2.5,-1.5,4.7,-1.2,-1.5,6,-2.5,-1.5,6
Data -1.2,-1.4,4.7,-2.5,-1.4,4.7,-1.2,-1.4,6,-2.5,-1.4,6
Data -1.2,-1.5,4.7,-2.5,-1.5,4.7,-1.2,-1.4,4.7,-2.5,-1.4,4.7
Data -1.2,-1.5,6,-2.5,-1.5,6,-1.2,-1.4,6,-2.5,-1.4,6
Data -1.2,-1.5,4.7,-1.2,-1.4,4.7,-1.2,-1.5,6,-1.2,-1.4,6
Data -2.5,-1.5,4.7,-2.5,-1.4,4.7,-2.5,-1.5,6,-2.5,-1.4,6
Data -2.3,-1.5,4.7,-2.3,-1.5,6,-2.5,0,4.7,-2.5,0,6
Data -2.4,-1.5,4.7,-2.4,-1.5,6,-2.6,0,4.7,-2.6,0,6
Data -2.3,-1.5,4.7,-2.5,-1.5,4.7,-2.5,0,4.7,-2.7,0,4.7
Data -2.3,-1.5,6,-2.5,-1.5,6,-2.5,0,6,-2.7,0,6
'here is wall at the computer
Data 10,-2,-5,10,-2,0,10,2.1,-5,10,2.1,0
Data 10,-2,5,10,-2,0,10,2,5,10,2,0
Data 10,-2,10,10,-2,5,10,2.1,10,10,2.1,5
'here is the PC table
Data 10,-2,8,9.8,-2,8,10,-.7,8,9.8,-.7,8
Data 9.8,-2,8,9.8,-.7,8,9.8,-2,10,9.8,-.7,10
Data 4.4,-2,8,4.6,-2,8,4.4,-.7,8,4.6,-.7,8
Data 4.6,-2,8,4.6,-.7,8,4.6,-2,10,4.6,-.7,10
Data 9.8,-.7,9.8,4.6,-.7,9.8,9.8,-1.5,9.8,4.6,-1.5,9.8
Data 9.8,-1.5,9.8,4.6,-1.5,9.8,9.8,-1.5,10,4.6,-1.5,10
Data 7.5,-2,8,7.7,-2,8,7.5,-.7,8,7.7,-.7,8
Data 7.5,-2,8,7.5,-.7,8,7.5,-2,9.8,7.5,-.7,9.8
Data 7.7,-2,8,7.7,-.7,8,7.7,-2,9.8,7.7,-.7,9.8
Data 9.8,-2,8.3,7.5,-2,8.3,9.8,-1.8,8.3,7.5,-1.8,8.3
Data 9.8,-1.75,8.1,7.5,-1.75,8.1,9.8,-1.25,8.1,7.5,-1.25,8.1
Data 9.8,-1.2,8.1,7.5,-1.2,8.1,9.8,-.9,8.1,7.5,-.9,8.1
Data 9.8,-1.75,8.1,7.5,-1.75,8.1,9.8,-1.75,9,7.5,-1.75,9
Data 9.8,-1.2,8.1,7.5,-1.2,8.1,9.8,-1.2,9,7.5,-1.2,9
Data 9.8,-.9,8.1,7.5,-.9,8.1,9.8,-.9,9,7.5,-.9,9
Data 9.8,-2,9.8,7.5,-2,9.8,9.8,-.7,9.8,7.5,-.7,9.8
Data 10,-.7,7.9,4.4,-.7,7.9,10,-.5,7.9,4.4,-.5,7.9
Data 10,-.7,7.9,4.4,-.7,7.9,10,-.7,10,4.4,-.7,10
Data 10,-.5,7.9,4.4,-.5,7.9,10,-.5,10,4.4,-.5,10
Data 5,-2,8,5,-2,8.5,5,-1.5,8,5,-1.5,8.5
Data 5,-1.5,8,5,-1.5,8.5,4.7,-1.5,8,4.7,-1.5,8.5
Data 4.7,-2,8,4.7,-2,8.5,4.7,-1.5,8,4.7,-1.5,8.5
Data 4.7,-2,8,5,-2,8,4.7,-1.5,8,5,-1.5,8
Data 9.7,-.3,8.5,7.7,-.3,9.6,9.7,1,8.5,7.7,1,9.6
Data 9.7,-.3,8.6,9.7,1,8.6,7.7,-.3,9.7,7.7,1,9.7
Data 7.7,-.3,9.6,7.7,1,9.6,7.7,-.3,9.7,7.7,1,9.7
Data 9.7,-.3,8.6,9.7,-.5,8.6,7.7,-.3,9.7,7.7,-.5,9.7
Data 9.2,-.49,8.6,8.2,-.49,8.6,9.2,-.49,10,8.2,-.49,10
Data 6.5,-.45,7.9,5.7,-.45,7.9,6.5,-.39,8.2,5.7,-.39,8.2: 'just shifted in space a 2D texture, not really 3D
Data 5.3,-.45,7.9,5,-.45,7.9,5.3,-.39,8,5,-.39,8: 'mouse - as keyboard
Data 7.4,-2,9.8,7.4,-2,9,7.4,-1.5,9.8,7.4,-1.5,9
Data 7,-2,9.8,7,-2,9,7,-1.5,9.8,7,-1.5,9
Data 7.4,-2,9.8,7,-2,9.8,7.4,-1.5,9.8,7,-1.5,9.8
Data 7.4,-1.5,9.8,7,-1.5,9.8,7.4,-1.5,9,7,-1.5,9
Data 7.4,-2,9,7,-2,9,7.4,-1.5,9,7,-1.5,9
'speaker right
Data 4.7,-.5,10,4.7,0,10,4.7,-.5,9.7,4.7,0,9.7
Data 4.41,-.5,10,4.41,0,10,4.41,-.5,9.7,4.41,0,9.7
Data 4.41,0,10,4.41,0,9.7,4.7,0,10,4.7,0,9.7
Data 4.7,-.5,9.7,4.41,-.5,9.7,4.7,0,9.7,4.41,0,9.7
'speaker left
Data 6.7,-.5,10,6.7,0,10,6.7,-.5,9.7,6.7,0,9.7
Data 6.41,-.5,10,6.41,0,10,6.41,-.5,9.7,6.41,0,9.7
Data 6.41,0,10,6.41,0,9.7,6.7,0,10,6.7,0,9.7
Data 6.7,-.5,9.7,6.41,-.5,9.7,6.7,0,9.7,6.41,0,9.7
'wall with kitchen unit, again walls with doors first
Data 10,-2,-5,5,-2,-5,10,2,-5,5,2,-5
Data -10,-2,-4.99,7,-2,-4.99,-10,1,-4.99,7,1,-4.99
Data -10,2,-4.99,7,2,-4.99,-10,1,-4.99,7,1,-4.99
Data 5,-2,-3.5,7,-2,-3.5,5,-0.5,-3.5,7,-0.5,-3.5
Data 5,-.5,-3.5,7,-.5,-3.5,5,-.5,-4.9,7,-.5,-4.9
Data 5,-2,-3.5,5,-.5,-3.5,5,-2,-4.9,5,-.5,-4.9
Data 7,-2,-3.5,7,-.5,-3.5,7,-2,-4.9,7,-.5,-4.9
Data 5,-2,-4.9,7,-2,-4.9,5,-0.5,-4.9,7,-0.5,-4.9
'gas cooker
Data 4.9,-2,-4.9,4.9,-.5,-4.9,4.9,-2,-3.5,4.9,-.5,-3.5
Data 4.9,-.5,-3.4,-2.99,-.5,-3.4,4.9,-.5,-4.9,-2.99,-.5,-4.9
Data 4.9,-.6,-3.4,-2.99,-.6,-3.4,4.9,-.6,-4.9,-2.99,-.6,-4.9
Data 4.9,-.6,-3.4,-2.99,-.6,-3.4,4.9,-.5,-3.4,-2.99,-.5,-3.4
Data 4.9,1.6,-3.7,-9.99,1.6,-3.7,4.9,1.6,-4.9,-9.99,1.6,-4.9
Data 4.9,1.7,-3.7,-9.99,1.7,-3.7,4.9,1.7,-4.9,-9.99,1.7,-4.9
Data 4.9,1.7,-3.7,-9.99,1.7,-3.7,4.9,1.6,-3.7,-9.99,1.6,-3.7
Data 4.9,.6,-3.7,-9.99,.6,-3.7,4.9,.6,-4.9,-9.99,.6,-4.9
Data 4.9,.7,-3.7,-9.99,.7,-3.7,4.9,.7,-4.9,-9.99,.7,-4.9
Data 4.9,.7,-3.7,-9.99,.7,-3.7,4.9,.6,-3.7,-9.99,.6,-3.7
Data 4.9,-2,-3.5,4.9,-.5,-3.5,4.8,-2,-3.5,4.8,-.5,-3.5
Data 4.9,1.7,-3.7,4.9,.6,-3.7,4.9,1.7,-4.9,4.9,.6,-4.9
Data 4.9,1.7,-3.7,4.9,.6,-3.7,4.8,1.7,-3.7,4.8,.6,-3.7
Data 1.9,1.7,-3.7,1.9,.6,-3.7,1.8,1.7,-3.7,1.8,.6,-3.7
Data 1.9,-2,-3.7,1.9,-.6,-3.7,1.8,-2,-3.7,1.8,-.6,-3.7
Data 2.9,1.7,-3.7,2.9,.6,-3.7,2.8,1.7,-3.7,2.8,.6,-3.7
Data 2.9,-2,-3.7,2.9,-.6,-3.7,2.8,-2,-3.7,2.8,-.6,-3.7
Data 3.9,1.7,-3.7,3.9,.6,-3.7,3.8,1.7,-3.7,3.8,.6,-3.7
Data 3.9,-2,-3.7,3.9,-.6,-3.7,3.8,-2,-3.7,3.8,-.6,-3.7
Data 0.9,1.7,-3.7,0.9,.6,-3.7,0.8,1.7,-3.7,0.8,.6,-3.7
Data 0.9,-2,-3.7,0.9,-.6,-3.7,0.8,-2,-3.7,0.8,-.6,-3.7
Data -5.9,1.7,-3.7,-5.9,.6,-3.7,-5.8,1.7,-3.7,-5.8,.6,-3.7
Data -5.9,-2,-3.7,-5.9,-.6,-3.7,-5.8,-2,-3.7,-5.8,-.6,-3.7
Data -1.9,1.7,-3.7,-1.9,.6,-3.7,-1.8,1.7,-3.7,-1.8,.6,-3.7
Data -1.9,-2,-3.7,-1.9,-.6,-3.7,-1.8,-2,-3.7,-1.8,-.6,-3.7
Data -2.9,1.7,-3.7,-2.9,.6,-3.7,-2.8,1.7,-3.7,-2.8,.6,-3.7
Data -2.9,-2,-3.7,-2.9,-.6,-3.7,-2.8,-2,-3.7,-2.8,-.6,-3.7
Data -3.9,1.7,-3.7,-3.9,.6,-3.7,-3.8,1.7,-3.7,-3.8,.6,-3.7
Data -3.9,-2,-3.7,-3.9,-.6,-3.7,-3.8,-2,-3.7,-3.8,-.6,-3.7
Data -4.9,1.7,-3.7,-4.9,.6,-3.7,-4.8,1.7,-3.7,-4.8,.6,-3.7
Data -4.9,-2,-3.7,-4.9,-.6,-3.7,-4.8,-2,-3.7,-4.8,-.6,-3.7
Data -0.9,1.7,-3.7,-0.9,.6,-3.7,-0.8,1.7,-3.7,-0.8,.6,-3.7
Data -0.9,-2,-3.7,-0.9,-.6,-3.7,-0.8,-2,-3.7,-0.8,-.6,-3.7
Data -5.9,1.7,-3.7,-5.9,.6,-3.7,-5.8,1.7,-3.7,-5.8,.6,-3.7
Data -5.9,-2,-3.7,-5.9,-.6,-3.7,-5.8,-2,-3.7,-5.8,-.6,-3.7
Data -6.9,1.7,-3.7,-6.9,.6,-3.7,-6.8,1.7,-3.7,-6.8,.6,-3.7
Data -6.9,-2,-3.7,-6.9,-.6,-3.7,-6.8,-2,-3.7,-6.8,-.6,-3.7
Data -9.99,-.5,-3.4,-3.7,-.5,-3.4,-9.99,-.5,-4.9,-3.7,-.5,-4.9
Data -9.99,-.6,-3.4,-3.7,-.6,-3.4,-9.99,-.6,-4.9,-3.7,-.6,-4.9
Data -9.99,-.6,-3.4,-3.7,-.6,-3.4,-9.99,-.5,-3.4,-3.7,-.5,-3.4
Data -3.7,-.6,-3.4,-2.99,-.6,-3.4,-3.7,-.5,-3.4,-2.99,-.5,-3.4
Data -3.7,-.5,-3.4,-2.99,-.5,-3.4,-3.7,-.5,-3.75,-2.99,-.5,-3.75
Data -3.7,-.5,-4.7,-2.99,-.5,-4.7,-3.7,-.5,-4.9,-2.99,-.5,-4.9
Data -3.7,-.5,-3.75,-2.99,-.5,-3.75,-3.7,-.9,-3.75,-2.99,-.9,-3.75
Data -3.7,-.5,-4.7,-2.99,-.5,-4.7,-3.7,-.9,-4.7,-2.99,-.9,-4.7
Data -3.7,-.5,-3.75,-3.7,-.5,-4.7,-3.7,-.9,-3.75,-3.7,-.9,-4.7
Data -2.99,-.5,-3.75,-2.99,-.5,-4.7,-2.99,-.9,-3.75,-2.99,-.9,-4.7
Data -3.7,-.9,-3.75,-3.7,-.9,-4.7,-2.99,-.9,-3.75,-2.99,-.9,-4.7
Data -3.2,-.1,-4.89,-3.5,-.1,-4.89,-3.2,-.1,-4.69,-3.5,-.1,-4.69
Data -3.2,-.2,-4.89,-3.5,-.2,-4.89,-3.2,-.2,-4.69,-3.5,-.2,-4.69
Data -3.2,-.1,-4.69,-3.5,-.1,-4.69,-3.2,-.2,-4.69,-3.5,-.2,-4.69
Data -3.2,-.1,-4.69,-3.2,-.2,-4.69,-3.2,-.1,-4.89,-3.2,-.2,-4.89
Data -3.5,-.1,-4.69,-3.5,-.2,-4.69,-3.5,-.1,-4.89,-3.5,-.2,-4.89
Data -10.1,-2,-4.9,4.9,-2,-4.9,-10.1,-.49,-4.9,4.9,-.49,-4.9
Data -10.1,-1.99,-5,4.9,-1.99,-5,-10.1,-1.99,-3.7,4.9,-1.99,-3.7
Data -10.1,.8,-4.9,4.9,.8,-4.9,-10.1,1.6,-4.9,4.9,1.6,-4.9
'cabinet doors
Data 1.85,1.55,-3.71,1.85,0.6,-3.71,2.8,1.55,-3.71,2.8,0.6,-3.71
Data 1.85,-1.9,-3.71,1.85,-0.6,-3.71,2.8,-1.9,-3.71,2.8,-.6,-3.71
Data 2.85,1.55,-3.71,2.85,0.6,-3.71,3.8,1.55,-3.71,3.8,0.6,-3.71
Data 2.85,-1.9,-3.71,2.85,-0.6,-3.71,3.8,-1.9,-3.7,3.8,-.6,-3.71
Data 3.85,1.55,-3.71,3.85,0.6,-3.71,4.8,1.55,-3.71,4.8,0.6,-3.71
Data 3.85,-1.9,-3.71,3.85,-0.6,-3.71,4.8,-1.9,-3.71,4.8,-.6,-3.71
Data .85,1.55,-3.71,.85,0.6,-3.71,1.8,1.55,-3.71,1.8,0.6,-3.71
Data .85,-1.9,-3.71,.85,-0.6,-3.71,1.8,-1.9,-3.71,1.8,-.6,-3.71
Data -1.85,1.55,-3.71,-1.85,0.6,-3.71,-2.8,1.55,-3.71,-2.8,0.6,-3.71
Data -1.85,-1.9,-3.71,-1.85,-0.6,-3.71,-2.8,-1.9,-3.71,-2.8,-.6,-3.71
Data -2.85,1.55,-3.71,-2.85,0.6,-3.71,-3.8,1.55,-3.71,-3.8,0.6,-3.71
Data -2.85,-1.9,-3.71,-2.85,-0.6,-3.71,-3.8,-1.9,-3.7,-3.8,-.6,-3.71
Data -3.85,1.55,-3.71,-3.85,0.6,-3.71,-4.8,1.55,-3.71,-4.8,0.6,-3.71
Data -3.85,-1.9,-3.71,-3.85,-0.6,-3.71,-4.8,-1.9,-3.71,-4.8,-.6,-3.71
Data -.85,1.55,-3.71,-.85,0.6,-3.71,-1.8,1.55,-3.71,-1.8,0.6,-3.71
Data -.85,-1.9,-3.71,-.85,-0.6,-3.71,-1.8,-1.9,-3.71,-1.8,-.6,-3.71
Data -4.85,1.55,-3.71,-4.85,0.6,-3.71,-5.8,1.55,-3.71,-5.8,0.6,-3.71
Data -4.85,-1.9,-3.71,-4.85,-0.6,-3.71,-5.8,-1.9,-3.7,-5.8,-.6,-3.71
Data -5.85,1.55,-3.71,-5.85,0.6,-3.71,-6.8,1.55,-3.71,-6.8,0.6,-3.71
Data -5.85,-1.9,-3.71,-5.85,-0.6,-3.71,-6.8,-1.9,-3.71,-6.8,-.6,-3.71
Data -6.85,1.55,-3.71,-6.85,0.6,-3.71,-7.8,1.55,-3.71,-7.8,0.6,-3.71
Data -6.85,-1.9,-3.71,-6.85,-0.6,-3.71,-7.8,-1.9,-3.71,-7.8,-.6,-3.71
Data -9.98,-2,-5,-9.98,1,-5,-9.98,-2,0,-9.98,1,0
Data -9.97,-0.5,-3.4,-8.47,-.5,-3.4,-9.97,-0.5,0,-8.47,-.5,0
Data -9.97,-0.6,-3.4,-8.47,-.6,-3.4,-9.97,-0.6,0,-8.47,-.6,0
Data -9.97,.6,-3.7,-8.77,.6,-3.7,-9.97,.6,0,-8.77,.6,0
Data -9.97,.7,-3.7,-8.77,.7,-3.7,-9.97,.7,0,-8.77,.7,0
Data -9.97,1.6,-3.7,-8.77,1.6,-3.7,-9.97,1.6,0,-8.77,1.6,0
Data -9.97,1.7,-3.7,-8.77,1.7,-3.7,-9.97,1.7,0,-8.77,1.7,0
Data -9.97,-2,0,-8.77,-2,0,-9.97,-0.6,0,-8.77,-0.6,0
Data -9.97,1.6,0,-8.77,1.6,0,-9.97,0.7,0,-8.77,0.7,0
Data -9.97,-2,-.2,-8.77,-2,-.2,-9.97,-0.6,-.2,-8.77,-0.6,-.2
Data -9.97,1.6,-.2,-8.77,1.6,-.2,-9.97,0.7,-.2,-8.77,0.7,-.2
Data -9.97,1.7,0,-8.77,1.7,0,-9.97,1.6,0,-8.77,1.6,0
Data -9.97,-.5,0,-8.47,-.5,0,-9.97,-.6,0,-8.47,-.6,0
Data -9.97,.6,0,-8.77,.6,0,-9.97,.7,0,-8.77,.7,0
Data -8.77,1.7,0,-8.77,1.6,0,-8.77,1.7,-3.7,-8.77,1.6,-3.7
Data -8.47,-.5,0,-8.47,-.6,0,-8.47,-0.5,-3.7,-8.47,-0.6,-3.7
Data -8.77,.7,0,-8.77,.6,0,-8.77,.7,-3.7,-8.77,.6,-3.7
Data -8.77,-2,0,-8.77,-.6,0,-8.77,-2,-0.2,-8.77,-.6,-0.2
Data -8.77,1.6,0,-8.77,.7,0,-8.77,1.6,-0.2,-8.77,.7,-0.2
Data -8.77,-2,-1.9,-8.77,-.6,-1.9,-8.77,-2,-2,-8.77,-.6,-2
Data -8.77,1.6,-1.9,-8.77,.7,-1.9,-8.77,1.6,-2,-8.77,.7,-2
Data -8.77,-1.99,0,-9.97,-1.99,0,-8.77,-1.99,-3.7,-9.97,-1.99,-3.7
Data -9.97,-2,0,-9.97,-2,-4.9,-9.97,-.5,0,-9.97,-.5,-4.9
Data -9.97,1.6,0,-9.97,1.6,-4.9,-9.97,.6,0,-9.97,.6,-4.9
Data -8.77,-2,-3.7,-8.77,-.6,-3.7,-8.77,-2,-3.6,-8.77,-.6,-3.6
Data -8.77,1.6,-3.7,-8.77,.7,-3.7,-8.77,1.6,-3.6,-8.77,.7,-3.6
Data -8.77,-1.9,-2,-8.77,-.6,-2,-8.77,-1.9,-3.6,-8.77,-.6,-3.6
Data -8.77,1.6,-2,-8.77,.7,-2,-8.77,1.6,-3.6,-8.77,.7,-3.6
Data -8.77,-1.9,-.2,-8.77,-.6,-.2,-8.77,-1.9,-1.9,-8.77,-.6,-1.9
Data -8.77,1.6,-.2,-8.77,.7,-.2,-8.77,1.6,-1.9,-8.77,.7,-1.9: 'glased doors
Data -7.85,1.55,-3.71,-7.85,0.6,-3.71,-8.8,1.55,-3.71,-8.8,0.6,-3.71
Data -7.85,-1.9,-3.71,-7.85,-0.6,-3.71,-8.8,-1.9,-3.71,-8.8,-.6,-3.71
Data .85,1.55,-3.71,.85,0.6,-3.71,-.85,1.55,-3.71,-.85,0.6,-3.71
Data .85,-1.9,-3.71,.85,-0.6,-3.71,-.85,-1.9,-3.71,-.85,-.6,-3.71
Data -9,-.5,-4.1,-8,-.5,-4.1,-9,0,-4.1,-8,0,-4.1
Data -9,-.5,-4.9,-8,-.5,-4.9,-9,0,-4.9,-8,0,-4.9
Data -9,0,-4.1,-8,0,-4.1,-9,0,-4.9,-8,0,-4.9
Data -9,0,-4.1,-9,-.5,-4.1,-9,0,-4.9,-9,-.5,-4.9
Data -8,0,-4.1,-8,-.5,-4.1,-8,0,-4.9,-8,-.5,-4.9
For r = 1 To N
Read v(r).X, v(r).Y, v(r).Z 'all is placed on the same Y = the same floor
Next r
Set_texture podl&, 1, 4, 15 'set image img as texture for bottom (triangles 1 to 4)
Set_texture str&, 5, 8, 3
Set_texture tokno&, 9, 12, 1
Set_texture dvere&, 13, 16, 1
w& = white&
Set_texture wh&, 17, 20, 1
Set_texture w&, 21, 24, 1 'wall at pc
Set_texture lednice&, 25, 28, 1
Set_texture w&, 29, 32, 1
Sw& = Swhite&
Set_texture Sw&, 33, 36, 1
Set_texture Sw&, 37, 40, 1
Set_texture orech&, 41, 44, 10
Set_texture orech&, 45, 48, 10
Set_texture orech&, 49, 52, 10
Set_texture orech&, 53, 56, 10
Set_texture orech&, 57, 60, 10
Set_texture orech&, 61, 64, 10
Set_texture polstr&, 65, 68, 3
Set_texture polstr&, 69, 72, 3
Set_texture polstr&, 73, 76, 3
Set_texture polstr&, 77, 80, 3
Set_texture orech&, 81, 84, 10
Set_texture orech&, 85, 88, 10
Set_texture orech&, 89, 92, 10
Set_texture orech&, 93, 96, 3
Set_texture orech&, 97, 100, 3
Set_texture orech&, 101, 104, 1
Set_texture orech&, 105, 108, 1
Set_texture orech&, 109, 112, 1
Set_texture orech&, 113, 116, 7
Set_texture orech&, 117, 120, 1
Set_texture orech&, 121, 204, 2
Set_texture orechsv&, 205, 220, 1
Set_texture orech&, 221, 292, 1
Set_texture orechsv&, 293, 308, 1
Set_texture orech&, 309, 316, 1
Set_texture orechsv&, 317, 328, 1
Set_texture orech&, 329, 400, 1
Set_texture orechsv&, 401, 416, 1
Set_texture orech&, 417, 424, 1
Set_texture orechsv&, 425, 432, 1
'po upgradu
Set_texture w&, 433, 437, 1 'wall
Set_texture dvere&, 437, 440, 1
Set_texture w&, 441, 444, 1
Set_texture dub&, 445, 453, 1 'pc desk
Set_texture tdub&, 454, 462, 1 'pc desk back
Set_texture dub&, 463, 480, 1
Set_texture tdub&, 481, 484, 1
Set_texture dub&, 485, 492, 1
Set_texture tdub&, 493, 512, 1
Set_texture dub&, 513, 520, 1
B& = Black&
Set_texture B&, 521, 524, 1D
sB& = SBlack&
Set_texture sB&, 525, 528, 1
Set_texture B&, 529, 532, 1
Set_texture pc&, 533, 536, 1
Set_texture sB&, 537, 540, 1 'MONITOR
Set_texture B&, 541, 548, 1 'MONITOR
N& = Noha&
Set_texture N&, 549, 552, 1 'MONITOR
Set_texture B&, 553, 556, 1
Set_texture kbd&, 557, 560, 1 'keyboard
Set_texture mys&, 561, 564, 1 'keyboard
Set_texture B&, 565, 576, 1 'woof
Set_texture sB&, 577, 580, 1 'subwoofer
Set_texture woof&, 581, 584, 1 'subwoofer
Set_texture B&, 585, 596, 1 'speakers
Set_texture speak&, 597, 600, 1
Set_texture B&, 601, 612, 1
Set_texture speak&, 613, 616, 1
'strana s linkou
Set_texture dvere&, 617, 620, 1 'doors
Set_texture dlazba&, 621, 624, 10
Set_texture w&, 625, 628, 1
Set_texture sporakcelo, 629, 632, 1
Set_texture sporakvrch, 633, 636, 1
Set_texture w&, 637, 648, 1
Set_texture dub&, 649, 652, 1
Set_texture tdub&, 653, 656, 5
Set_texture dub&, 657, 676, 5
Set_texture tdub&, 677, 680, 5
Set_texture dub&, 681, 796, 5
Set_texture tdub&, 797, 800, 5
Set_texture dub&, 801, 809, 5
Set_texture dub&, 809, 812, 5
Set_texture tdub&, 813, 816, 5
Set_texture tdub&, 817, 820, 5
Si& = Silver&
Set_texture Si&, 821, 836, 1
SiC& = SilverC&
Set_texture SiC&, 837, 840, 1
SiB& = SilverB&
Set_texture SiB&, 841, 860, 1
Set_texture dub&, 861, 872, 1
Set_texture tdub&, 873, 960, 1
Set_texture dlazba2&, 961, 964, 10
Set_texture tdub&, 965, 1004, 1
Set_texture dub&, 1005, 1064, 1
Set_texture tdub&, 1065, 1076, 1
Glass& = Sklo&
Set_texture Glass&, 1077, 1080, 1
Set_texture tdub&, 1081, 1096, 1
Set_texture mikro&, 1097, 1100, 1
Set_texture sB&, 1101, 1116, 1
valec -1, -.8, 4.7, -.6, 10, sB& ' vase
valec 6, -.5, 9, -.35, 10, Si&
valec -3.35, -.2, -4.8, -.3, 40, sB& 'water pipe
Zvalec -3.35, -.3, -4.8, -4.1, 40, sB& 'water pipe
valec -3.35, -.29, -4.1, -.4, 40, sB& 'water pipe
'this three vase are in cabinet with glased door
talir -9.1, .8, -1.45
talir -9.1, .8, -1.05
talir -9.1, .8, -.65
'cabinet handles
madlo -7.9, .8, -3.6
madlo -7.45, .8, -3.6
madlo -7.9, -.8, -3.4
madlo -7.45, -.8, -3.4
madlo -6, -.8, -3.4
madlo -5.45, -.8, -3.4
madlo -6, .8, -3.6
madlo -5.45, .8, -3.6
madlo -4.1, -.8, -3.4
madlo -3.45, -.8, -3.4
madlo -4.1, .8, -3.6
madlo -3.45, .8, -3.6
madlo -2.2, -.8, -3.4
madlo -1.45, -.8, -3.4
madlo -2.2, .8, -3.6
madlo -1.45, .8, -3.6
madlo -.3, -.8, -3.4
madlo -.3, .8, -3.6
madlo 1, -.8, -3.4
madlo 1, .8, -3.6
madlo 2, -.8, -3.4
madlo 2, .8, -3.6
madlo 3, -.8, -3.4
madlo 3, .8, -3.6
madlo 4, -.8, -3.4
madlo 4, .8, -3.6
madlo 8.5, -1, 7.9
madlo 8.5, -1.3, 7.9
Zmadlo -8.77, .8, -1
Zmadlo -8.77, .8, -2.75
Zmadlo -8.77, -.8, -1
Zmadlo -8.77, -.8, -2.75
minRadius = 1000
i$ = InKey$
start = 0
For r = 1 To N
LenX = v(r).X - CX
LenY = v(r).Y - CY
LenZ = v(r).Z - CZ
radius = Sqr(LenX ^ 2 + LenZ ^ 2)
If minRadius < .4 Then minRadius = 1000
If minRadius > radius Then minRadius = radius
radiusH = Sqr(LenY ^ 2 + LenZ ^ 2)
v(r).Radius = radius
v(r).RadiusH = radiusH
v(r).pi = JK!(CX, CZ, v(r).X, v(r).Z, radius)
v(r).piH = JK!(CY, CZ, v(r).Y, v(r).Z, radiusH)
Next r
If Abs(rot) > _Pi(2) Then rot = 0
oldposZ = posZ
oldposX = posX
Select Case i$
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(72): posZ = posZ + Cos(rot) / 2: posX = posX + -Sin(rot) / 2: posy = posy + -Sin(roth) / 2 'up
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(80): posZ = posZ - Cos(rot) / 2: posX = posX - -Sin(rot) / 2: posy = posy - -Sin(roth) / 2 'dn
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(75): rot = rot - .05
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(77): rot = rot + .05
Case Chr$(27): Destructor ("textures.pmf"): System
End Select
If posZ > 3 Then posZ = 3
If posZ < -7 Then posZ = -7
If posX < -7 Then posX = -7
If posX > 7 Then posX = 7
Select Case posX
Case -7 To -5: If posZ < -7 Then posX = oldposX: posZ = oldposZ
Case -5 To 3: If posZ < -2 Then posX = oldposX: posZ = oldposZ
Case 3 To 6: If posZ < -7 Then posX = oldposX: posZ = oldposZ
End Select
CZ = -posZ
CX = -posX
CY = -posy
For r = 1 To N
x = CX + Sin(rot + v(r).pi) * v(r).Radius
y = CY + Sin(roth + v(r).piH) * v(r).RadiusH
z = CZ + Cos(rot + v(r).pi) * v(r).Radius
v(r).wX = x + posX
v(r).wY = y + posy
v(r).wZ = z + posZ
Next r
m33& = _CopyImage(m&, 33)
Set_texture m33&, 537, 540, 1
For zz = 1 To N Step 4
If v(zz).T Then
img& = v(zz).T
w = _Width(img&)
h = _Height(img&)
num = v(zz).Tm
If num = 0 Then num = 1
_MapTriangle (0, h * num)-(w * num, h * num)-(0, 0), img& To(v(zz).wX, v(zz).wY, v(zz).wZ)-(v(zz + 1).wX, v(zz + 1).wY, v(zz + 1).wZ)-(v(zz + 2).wX, v(zz + 2).wY, v(zz + 2).wZ), 0, _Smooth
_MapTriangle (w * num, h * num)-(0, 0)-(w * num, 0), img& To(v(zz + 1).wX, v(zz + 1).wY, v(zz + 1).wZ)-(v(zz + 2).wX, v(zz + 2).wY, v(zz + 2).wZ)-(v(zz + 3).wX, v(zz + 3).wY, v(zz + 3).wZ), 0, _Smooth
End If
Next zz
Rem infobox posx, posy, posz, rot, minradius
_FreeImage m33&
_Limit 30
Sub INFOBOX (posx, posy, posz, rot, u)
nfo& = _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
W = 639: H = 479: X = -.5: Y = 0: Z = -1
de = _Dest
_Dest nfo&
Color _RGB32(22, 61, 78)
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Print "INFOBOX:"
Print "Position X: "; posx
Print "Position Y: "; posy
Print "Position Z: "; posz
Print "Angle: "; Abs(_R2D(rot))
Print u
_ClearColor _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
_Dest de
hnfo& = _CopyImage(nfo&, 33)
_FreeImage nfo&
_MapTriangle (0, 0)-(W, 0)-(0, H), hnfo& To(-2 + X, 2 + Y, -2 + Z)-(2 + X, 2 + Y, -2 + Z)-(-2 + X, -2 + Y, -2 + Z)
_MapTriangle (W, 0)-(0, H)-(W, H), hnfo& To(2 + X, 2 + Y, -2 + Z)-(-2 + X, -2 + Y, -2 + Z)-(2 + X, -2 + Y, -2 + Z)
_FreeImage hnfo&
End Sub
Sub madlo (x, y, z)
tt = UBound(v) + 1
ReDim _Preserve v(1 To tt - 1 + 12) As V
N = N + 12
If Sgn(x) >= 0 Then x2 = x + .2 Else x2 = x - .2
If Sgn(y) >= 0 Then y2 = y + .05 Else y2 = y - .05
If Sgn(z) < 0 Then z2 = z - .1 Else z2 = z + .1
v(tt).X = x
v(tt).Y = y
v(tt).Z = z
v(tt + 1).X = x
v(tt + 1).Y = y2
v(tt + 1).Z = z
v(tt + 2).X = x2
v(tt + 2).Y = y
v(tt + 2).Z = z
v(tt + 3).X = x2
v(tt + 3).Y = y2
v(tt + 3).Z = z
v(tt + 4).X = x
v(tt + 4).Y = y
v(tt + 4).Z = z
v(tt + 5).X = x
v(tt + 5).Y = y2
v(tt + 5).Z = z
v(tt + 6).X = x
v(tt + 6).Y = y
v(tt + 6).Z = z2
v(tt + 7).X = x
v(tt + 7).Y = y2
v(tt + 7).Z = z2
v(tt + 8).X = x2
v(tt + 8).Y = y
v(tt + 8).Z = z
v(tt + 9).X = x2
v(tt + 9).Y = y2
v(tt + 9).Z = z
v(tt + 10).X = x2
v(tt + 10).Y = y
v(tt + 10).Z = z2
v(tt + 11).X = x2
v(tt + 11).Y = y2
v(tt + 11).Z = z2
Set_texture aluminium&, tt - 1, tt + 11, 1
End Sub
Sub Zmadlo (x, y, z)
tt = UBound(v) + 1
ReDim _Preserve v(1 To tt - 1 + 12) As V
N = N + 12
If Sgn(z) <= 0 Then z2 = z - .2 Else z2 = z + .2
If Sgn(y) >= 0 Then y2 = y + .05 Else y2 = y - .05
If Sgn(x) <= 0 Then x2 = x + .1 Else x2 = x - .1
'predni obdelnik
v(tt).X = x2
v(tt).Y = y
v(tt).Z = z
v(tt + 1).X = x2
v(tt + 1).Y = y2
v(tt + 1).Z = z
v(tt + 2).X = x2
v(tt + 2).Y = y
v(tt + 2).Z = z2
v(tt + 3).X = x2
v(tt + 3).Y = y2
v(tt + 3).Z = z2
v(tt + 4).X = x
v(tt + 4).Y = y2
v(tt + 4).Z = z
v(tt + 5).X = x2
v(tt + 5).Y = y2
v(tt + 5).Z = z
v(tt + 6).X = x
v(tt + 6).Y = y
v(tt + 6).Z = z
v(tt + 7).X = x2
v(tt + 7).Y = y
v(tt + 7).Z = z
v(tt + 8).X = x
v(tt + 8).Y = y2
v(tt + 8).Z = z2
v(tt + 9).X = x2
v(tt + 9).Y = y2
v(tt + 9).Z = z2
v(tt + 10).X = x
v(tt + 10).Y = y
v(tt + 10).Z = z2
v(tt + 11).X = x2
v(tt + 11).Y = y
v(tt + 11).Z = z2
Set_texture aluminium&, tt - 1, tt + 11, 1
End Sub
Sub Set_texture (num, start, eend, much)
For s = start To eend
v(s).T = num
v(s).Tm = much
Next s
End Sub
Function Hload& (fileName As String)
h& = _LoadImage(fileName$, 32)
hhh& = _CopyImage(h&, 33)
Hload& = hhh&
_FreeImage h&
End Function
Function SHload& (fileName As String)
h& = _LoadImage(fileName$, 32)
_SetAlpha 0, _RGB32(255, 255, 255) To _RGB32(200, 200, 200), h&
hh& = _CopyImage(h&, 33)
SHload& = hh&
_FreeImage h&
End Function
Function strop&
lamp& = _LoadImage("bodovka mala.jpg", 32)
stro& = _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest stro&
Cls , _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
rX = 1024 / 4
rY = 768 / 3
For x = rX To 1024 - rX Step rX
For y = rY To 768 - rY Step rY
_PutImage (rX, rY), lamp&, stro&
Next y, x
_Dest de
_FreeImage lamp&
stroH = _CopyImage(stro&, 33)
strop& = stroH
End Function
Function okno&
ok& = _LoadImage("okn.jpg", 32)
topco& = _LoadImage("topco.jpg", 32)
okn& = _NewImage(1024, 512, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest okn&
Cls , _RGB32(250, 245, 255)
_PutImage (512 - 150, 206 - 132), ok&, okn&
_PutImage (380, 370), topco&, okn&
_Dest de
_FreeImage ok&
_FreeImage topco&
okn& = _CopyImage(okn&, 33)
okno& = okn&
End Function
Function white&
whit& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest whit&
Cls , _RGB32(250, 240, 250)
_Dest de
wh& = _CopyImage(whit&, 33)
white& = wh&
_FreeImage whit&
End Function
Function Swhite&
whit& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest whit&
Cls , _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
_Dest de
whitH& = _CopyImage(whit&, 33)
Swhite& = whitH&
_FreeImage whit&
End Function
Function Braun&
brau& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest brau&
Cls , _RGB32(111, 17, 39)
_Dest de
brauH& = _CopyImage(brau&, 33)
Braun& = brauH&
_FreeImage brau&
End Function
Function Black&
blk& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest blk&
Cls , _RGB32(6, 17, 28)
_Dest de
blkH = _CopyImage(blk&, 33)
Black& = blkH
_FreeImage blk&
End Function
Function SBlack&
blk& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest blk&
Cls , _RGB32(33, 28, 28)
_Dest de
blkH = _CopyImage(blk&, 33)
SBlack& = blkH
_FreeImage blk&
End Function
Function Silver&
blk& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest blk&
e = 127 / 100
For l = 0 To 99
Line (0, l)-(99, l), _RGB32(255 - f, 255 - f, 255 - f)
f = f + e
Next l
_Dest de
blkH = _CopyImage(blk&, 33)
Silver& = blkH
_FreeImage blk&
End Function
Function SilverB&
blk& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest blk&
e = 127 / 50
For l = 0 To 50
Line (l, l)-(100 - l, 100 - l), _RGB32(127 + f, 127 + f, 127 + f), B
f = f + e
Next l
_Dest de
blkH = _CopyImage(blk&, 33)
SilverB& = blkH
_FreeImage blk&
End Function
Function SilverC&
blk& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest blk&
e = 127 / 50
For l = 0 To 50
Line (l, l)-(100 - l, 100 - l), _RGB32(255 - f, 255 - f, 255 - f), B
f = f + e
Next l
_Dest de
blkH = _CopyImage(blk&, 33)
SilverC& = blkH
_FreeImage blk&
End Function
Function spajz_dvere&
dv& = _LoadImage("dvere.jpg", 32) '192 x 426
de = _Dest
spajz_dvere32& = _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
_Dest spajz_dvere32&
Cls , _RGB32(241, 244, 251)
_PutImage (140, 54), dv&
_Dest de
spajz_dver& = _CopyImage(spajz_dvere32&, 33)
spajz_dvere& = spajz_dver&
_FreeImage spajz_dvere32&
End Function
Function Zesvetli& (file As String, o As Long)
t& = _LoadImage(file$, 32)
If o& < -1 Then _FreeImage o&
w = _Width(t&)
h = _Height(t&)
zesvetli32& = _NewImage(w, h, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest zesvetli32&
_PutImage , t&, zesvetli32&
Line (0, 0)-(w - 1, h - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 30), BF
_Dest de
o& = _CopyImage(zesvetli32&, 33)
Zesvetli& = o&
_FreeImage t&
_FreeImage zesvetli32&
End Function
Function Ztmav& (file As String, o&)
t& = _LoadImage(file$, 32)
If o& < -1 Then _FreeImage o&
w = _Width(t&)
h = _Height(t&)
ztmav32& = _NewImage(w, h, 32)
de = _Dest
_Dest ztmav32&
_PutImage , t&, ztmav32&
Line (0, 0)-(w - 1, h - 1), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 30), BF
_Dest de
o& = _CopyImage(ztmav32&, 33)
Ztmav& = o&
_FreeImage t&
_FreeImage ztmav32&
End Function
Function Noha&
de = _Dest
noh& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
_Dest noh&
Line (0, 40)-(100, 60), _RGB32(0, 22, 32), BF
_ClearColor _RGB32(0, 0, 0), noh&
_Dest de
NohaH& = _CopyImage(noh&, 33)
Noha& = NohaH&
_FreeImage noh&
End Function
Function Noha2&
de = _Dest
noh& = _NewImage(100, 100, 32)
_Dest noh&
Line (30, 30)-(70, 70), _RGB32(0, 2, 12), BF
_ClearColor _RGB32(0, 0, 0), noh&
_Dest de
Noha2H& = _CopyImage(noh&, 33)
Noha2& = Noha2H&
_FreeImage noh&
End Function
Function JK! (cx, cy, px, py, R) ' based on binary circle definition
LenX = cx - px
LenY = cy - py
jR = 1 / R
jX = LenX * jR
jY = LenY * jR
sinusAlfa = jX
Alfa = Abs(_Asin(sinusAlfa))
Q = 1
If px >= cx And py <= cy Then Q = 1 ' select angle to quadrant
If px >= cx And py <= cy Then Q = 2
If px <= cx And py <= cy Then Q = 3
If px <= cx And py >= cy Then Q = 4
Select Case Q
Case 1: alfaB = Alfa
Case 2: alfaB = _Pi / 2 + (_Pi / 2 - Alfa)
Case 3: alfaB = _Pi + Alfa
Case 4: alfaB = _Pi(1.5) + (_Pi / 2 - Alfa)
End Select
JK! = alfaB
End Function
Sub valec (xs, ys, zs, ye, R, t&)
tt = UBound(v) + 1
polomer = R
ReDim _Preserve v(1 To tt - 1 + 64) As V
polo = _Pi(2) / 16
N = N + 64
For s = 0 To _Pi(2) Step polo
ott = tt
v(tt).X = xs + Sin(s) / polomer
v(tt).Y = ys
v(tt).Z = zs + Cos(s) / polomer
tt = tt + 1
v(tt).X = xs + Sin(s) / polomer
v(tt).Y = ye
v(tt).Z = zs + Cos(s) / polomer
tt = tt + 1
v(tt).X = xs + Sin(s + polo) / polomer
v(tt).Y = ys
v(tt).Z = zs + Cos(s + polo) / polomer
tt = tt + 1
v(tt).X = xs + Sin(s + polo) / polomer
v(tt).Y = ye
v(tt).Z = zs + Cos(s + polo) / polomer
Set_texture t&, ott, tt, 1
tt = tt + 1
End Sub
Sub Zvalec (xs, ys, zs, ze, R, t&)
tt = UBound(v) + 1
polomer = R
ReDim _Preserve v(1 To tt - 1 + 64) As V
polo = _Pi(2) / 16
N = N + 64
For s = 0 To _Pi(2) Step polo
ott = tt
v(tt).X = xs + Sin(s) / polomer
v(tt).Y = ys + Cos(s) / polomer
v(tt).Z = zs
tt = tt + 1
v(tt).X = xs + Sin(s) / polomer
v(tt).Y = ys + Cos(s) / polomer
v(tt).Z = ze
tt = tt + 1
v(tt).X = xs + Sin(s + polo) / polomer
v(tt).Y = ys + Cos(s + polo) / polomer
v(tt).Z = zs
tt = tt + 1
v(tt).X = xs + Sin(s + polo) / polomer
v(tt).Y = ys + Cos(s + polo) / polomer
v(tt).Z = ze
Set_texture t&, ott, tt, 1
tt = tt + 1
End Sub
Sub talir (x, y, z)
radius0 = 0
radius1 = .05
radius2 = .1
radius3 = .2
ys = -Abs(y)
ye = y - .1
ys2 = ye
ye2 = y + .2
tt = UBound(v) + 1
ReDim _Preserve v(1 To tt - 1 + 64) As V '16 a 16
polo = _Pi(2) / 16
N = N + 64
For s = 0 To _Pi(2) Step polo
ott = tt
If Sgn(x) >= 0 Then v(tt).X = x + (Sin(s) * radius2 + Sin(s) * radius0) Else v(tt).X = x - (Sin(s) * radius2 - Sin(s) * radius0)
v(tt).Y = ys2
If Sgn(z) >= 0 Then v(tt).Z = z + (Cos(s) * radius2 + Cos(s) * radius0) Else v(tt).Z = z - (Cos(s) * radius2 - Cos(s) * radius0)
tt = tt + 1
If Sgn(x) >= 0 Then v(tt).X = x + (Sin(s) * radius3 + Sin(s) * radius1) Else v(tt).X = x - (Sin(s) * radius3 - Sin(s) * radius1)
v(tt).Y = ye2
If Sgn(z) >= 0 Then v(tt).Z = z + (Cos(s) * radius3 + Cos(s) * radius1) Else v(tt).Z = z - (Cos(s) * radius3 - Cos(s) * radius1)
tt = tt + 1
If Sgn(x) >= 0 Then v(tt).X = x + (Sin(s + polo) * radius2 + Sin(s + polo) * radius0) Else v(tt).X = x - (Sin(s + polo) * radius2 - Sin(s + polo) * radius0)
v(tt).Y = ys2
If Sgn(z) >= 0 Then v(tt).Z = z + (Cos(s + polo) * radius2 + Cos(s + polo) * radius0) Else v(tt).Z = z - (Cos(s + polo) * radius2 - Cos(s + polo) * radius0)
tt = tt + 1
If Sgn(x) >= 0 Then v(tt).X = x + (Sin(s + polo) * radius3 + Sin(s + polo) * radius1) Else v(tt).X = x - (Sin(s + polo) * radius3 - Sin(s + polo) * radius1)
v(tt).Y = ye2
If Sgn(z) >= 0 Then v(tt).Z = z + (Cos(s + polo) * radius3 + Cos(s + polo) * radius1) Else v(tt).Z = z - (Cos(s + polo) * radius3 - Cos(s + polo) * radius1)
tt = tt + 1
Set_texture SilverC&, ott, tt - 1, 1
End Sub
Function Sklo&
de = _Dest
skl = _NewImage(150, 100, 32)
_Dest skl
alfa = 127 / 25
a = 120
For x = 1 To 50
a = a - alfa
Line (0, x)-(150, x), _RGBA32(127, 127, 127, a)
Next x
For x = 50 To 100
a = a + alfa
Line (0, x)-(150, x), _RGBA32(127, 127, 127, a)
Next x
_Dest de
SklH& = _CopyImage(skl, 33)
Sklo& = SklH&
_FreeImage skl
End Function
Sub minigame
de = _Dest
_Dest m&
Cls , _RGB32(127, 120, 120)
If ballX > 160 Then
If rY + 25 < ballY Then rY = rY + 1 Else rY = rY - 1
If ballX > (rXx - 10) Then
If ballY > rY And ballY < rY + 50 Then mX = mX * -1
End If
End If
If ballX < 160 Then
If lY + 25 < ballY Then lY = lY + 1 Else lY = lY - 1
If ballX < 20 Then
If ballY > lY And ballY < lY + 50 Then mX = mX * -1
End If
End If
ballX = ballX + mX
ballY = ballY + mY
If ballX > 315 Then mX = mX * -1: rightplr = rightplr + 1: ballX = ballX + mX + Sin(_Atan2(ballY, ballX))
If ballX < 5 Then mX = mX * -1: leftplr = leftplr + 1: ballY = ballY + mY + Cos(_Atan2(ballY, ballX))
If ballY > 235 Then mY = mY * -1 - _Atan2(ballY, ballX) / 2: ballY = ballY + mY
If ballY < 5 Then mY = mY * -1 + _Atan2(ballY, ballX) / 2: ballY = ballY + mY
If ballY >= lY And ballY <= lY + 60 And ballX <= 10 Then mY = mY * -1: ballY = ballY + mY - _Atan2(ballY, ballX)
If ballY >= rY And ballY <= rY + 60 And ballX >= 300 Then mY = mY * -1: ballY = ballY + mY + _Acos(_Atan2(ballY, ballX))
If lY > 180 Then lY = 180
If lY < 10 Then lY = 10
If rY > 180 Then rY = 180
If rY < 10 Then rY = 10
If ballX - 2 > lX And ballX + 2 < lX + 10 And ballY - 2 >= lY And ballY + 2 <= lY + 50 Then Color _RGB32(255, 0, 0): _PrintString (130, 112), "ERROR!!!!": Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
If ballX - 2 > rX - 10 And ballX + 2 < rX And ballY - 2 >= rY And ballY + 2 <= rY + 50 Then Color _RGB32(255, 0, 0): _PrintString (130, 112), "ERROR!!!!": Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
If Abs(mX) > 2 Then mX = mX / 2
If Abs(mY) > 2 Then mY = mY / 2
If ballX > 157 And ballX < 163 Then
If ballY > 60 And ballY < 180 Then mX = mX * -1
If ballY = 64 Or ballY = 180 Then mY = mY * -1
End If
Line (ballX - 2, ballY - 2)-(ballX + 2, ballY + 2), , B
Line (3, 3)-(317, 237), , B
Line (lX, lY)-(lX + 10, lY + 50), , B
Line (rXx, rY)-(rXx - 10, rY + 50), , B
Line (160, 60)-(160, 180)
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
popis = _PrintWidth(Str$(leftplr) + " - " + Str$(rightplr))
_PrintString (160 - popis / 2, 5), Str$(leftplr) + " - " + Str$(rightplr)
_Dest de
End Sub
Sub ExtractPMF (Vystup As String) ' here insert PMF file name for extracting files
If _FileExists(Vystup) Then
Print "Extracting files from "; Vystup$
Type head
identity As String * 16
much As Long
End Type
Dim head As head
e = FreeFile
Open Vystup$ For Binary As #e
Get #e, , head
If head.identity = "Petr's MultiFile" Then Print "Head PASS" Else Print "Head Failure": Sleep 3: End
Print "Total records in file:"; head.much
Dim starts(head.much) As Long
For celek = 1 To head.much
Get #e, , starts(celek)
Seek #e, 21 + head.much * 4 ' start DATA area
For total = 1 To head.much
If total = 1 Then velikost& = starts(1) - (21 + head.much * 4) Else velikost& = starts(total) - starts(total - 1)
record$ = Space$(velikost&)
Get #e, , record$
i = FreeFile
jmeno$ = "$Ext" + LTrim$(Str$(total))
Open jmeno$ For Output As #i: Close #i: Open jmeno$ For Binary As #i
Put #i, , record$
Close #i
Next total
Dim NamesLenght(head.much) As Integer
For NameIt = 1 To head.much
Get #e, , NamesLenght(NameIt)
Next NameIt
Close #i
For Name2 = 1 To head.much
s$ = Space$(NamesLenght(Name2))
Get #e, , s$
jm$ = "$Ext" + LTrim$(Str$(Name2))
If _FileExists(s$) Then
'Beep: Input "Warnig! Extracted file the same name already exists!!!! (O)verwrite, (R)ename or (E)xit? "; er$
er$ = "o"
Select Case LCase$(er$)
Case "o": Kill s$: Name jm$ As s$
Case "r": Input "Input new name"; s$: GoTo erh
Case "e": System
End Select
Name jm$ As s$
End If
Next Name2
Close #e
Print "All ok."
Print "File "; Vystup$; " not found.": End
End If
End Sub
Sub Destructor (vystup As String) 'delete files created by ExtractPMF
Type head2
identity As String * 16
much As Long
End Type
If InStr(1, LCase$(vystup$), ".pmf") Then Else vystup$ = vystup$ + ".PMF"
If _FileExists(vystup$) Then
Dim head As head2
e = FreeFile
Open vystup$ For Binary As #e
Get #e, , head
Dim starts(head.much) As Long
For celek = 1 To head.much
Get #e, , starts(celek)
Seek #e, starts(head.much) ' start DATA area
Dim NamesLenght(head.much) As Integer
For NameIt = 1 To head.much
Get #e, , NamesLenght(NameIt)
Next NameIt
For Name2 = 1 To head.much
s$ = Space$(NamesLenght(Name2))
Get #e, , s$
If _FileExists(s$) Then Kill s$
Next Name2
Close #e
Print "Specified file not found": Sleep 3
End If
End Sub
RE: MapTriangle (3D) demos - mnrvovrfc - 03-24-2023
+1 for the Ping-Pong game going on in that large screen!
RE: MapTriangle (3D) demos - bplus - 03-24-2023
Yes!!! and I remember the Christmas one.
RE: MapTriangle (3D) demos - Petr - 03-26-2023
The following example (3D) doesn't work quite well, so if anyone can fix it, I'd greatly appreciate it. First, a 2D program that, using the normal LINE command, shows the intention that the 3D program was supposed to carry out (how many times is it better to model it in 2D first, it is better to orientate yourself later, when it is in 3D)
Code: (Select All) Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 256)
krok = _Pi / 400 'sine draw 200 pixels before and 200 pixels after mouseX
While _MouseInput: Wend
mx = _MouseX
If x > 1024 Then x = 0
x = x + 10
If x < mx - 200 Or x > mx + 200 Then
y1 = 350
y2 = 350
If mx > 200 Then sinP = 0 Else sinP = (200 - mx) * krok
y1 = 350 + Sin(sinP) * 250
y2 = 350 + Sin(sinP + krok * 10) * 250
sinP = sinP + krok * 10
End If
Line (x, 0)-(x + 10, 767), 0, BF
Line (x, y1)-(x + 10, y2)
Move the mouse in the X-axis. The deflection shows the intended intention. Just turn it around in your head as if the downward deflection is the direction in the Z axis, into the distance. This is the intended deformation of the image - zooming in the form of a wave (relative to the mouse) or zooming out, it doesn't matter, it's just a sign.
The 3D implementation follows, but it works - incorrectly. First, you need to be aware of the limitations of hardware images. It depends on your computer's graphics card, my computer is just weak, so I had to split the image into 2500 hardware images. These are then rendered. It is necessary to recalculate the mouse coordinates and there is a problem. 3D Maptriangle is not very suitable for normal 2D rendering, notice after launch that the mouse reacts across the width of the screen, but the 3D view is rendered depending on the distance. Try it yourself by changing the Z-axis coordinates on lines 41, 42 and 46, 47, just change the number -4 to another negative number. A negative number indicates the distance in depth, a positive number would mean that the object is in front of the monitor (behind your back) and therefore will not be rendered.
Move the mouse over the image in the X-axis, a wave will be formed with the image, as the intention showed in the previous case - but not quite accurate. And that is the question. Why is the wave not accurate?
Code: (Select All) S = _ScreenImage
dW = Fix(_DesktopWidth / 50)
dH = Fix(_DesktopHeight / 50)
Screen _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32)
Dim T(49, 49) As Long
For y = 0 To 49
For x = 0 To 49
V = _NewImage(dW, dH, 32)
_PutImage (0, 0), S, V, (x * dW - 1, y * dH - 1)-(x * dW + dW - 1, y * dH + dH - 1)
T(x, y) = _CopyImage(V, 33)
_FreeImage V
Next x
Next y
'above we converting screen image to small hardware images, 50 in X axis, 50 in Y axis, total 2500 textures
'let set 3DX from -3 to 3:
X3Dstp = 6 / 50 ' step for 3D drawing in X (we are here in OpenGL coordinate system)
krok = _Pi / 10 ' step for SINUS, it draws depth in this example
'let set 3DY from -3 to 3:
Y3Dstp = 6 / 50 ' step for Y drawing for 3D
x3d = -3 'default values
Y3D = -3
For yy = 0 To 49 'both FOR loops are here use for array T, not for drawing!
SinP = 0
For xx = 0 To 49
While _MouseInput: Wend
mxo = -_DesktopWidth / 2 + _MouseX 'because MapTriangle 3D use Open GL coordinate system, mouse coordinates must be recalculated
mx = mxo / 6 / 50
x3d = x3d + X3Dstp ' Variable for drawing in X axis
If x3d < mx - X3Dstp * 5 Or x3d > mx + X3Dstp * 5 Then 'condition for mouse effect
Z = -4
Z2 = -4
If mx < X3Dstp * 5 Then SinP = 0 Else SinP = (X3Dstp * 5 - mx) * krok
If mx > X3Dstp * 5 Then SinP = 0 Else SinP = (X3Dstp * 5 + mx) * krok
Z = -4 + Sin(SinP) / 2
Z2 = -4 + Sin(SinP + krok) / 2
SinP = SinP + krok
End If
_MapTriangle (0, dH)-(dW, dH)-(0, 0), T(xx, 49 - yy) To(x3d, Y3D, Z)-(x3d + X3Dstp, Y3D, Z2)-(x3d, Y3D + Y3Dstp, Z), 0 'draw hardware images to screen (note the swapping of coordinates, as OpenGL renders in reverse)
_MapTriangle (dW, dH)-(0, 0)-(dW, 0), T(xx, 49 - yy) To(x3d + X3Dstp, Y3D, Z2)-(x3d, Y3D + Y3Dstp, Z)-(x3d + X3Dstp, Y3D + Y3Dstp, Z2), 0
Next xx
x3d = -3 ' reset X3D variable used for drawing to default value
Y3D = Y3D + Y3Dstp ' Y3D is used for drawing in 3D
Next yy
Y3D = -3 ' reset Y3D to default value
_Display ' show it all
_Limit 20
RE: MapTriangle (3D) demos - MasterGy - 03-28-2023
I tried the kitchen! love it ! it has a very good atmosphere and everything is realistic. congrats!!! continue !
RE: MapTriangle (3D) demos - Petr - 03-28-2023
Glad you like it MasterGy.
Here, in the depths of the harddrive, I found my Christmas post for 2020, which BPlus writes about above. I had to modify some functions for QB64PE. This source code is... somewhat larger. It uses the method of packaging files into the source code using Base64. Besides the animation of Santa and the song in the background, Mr. SmcNeill, it's really not Russian, there is an attempt to program everything displayed in this program. Even the parody about the fire in the fireplace, which was not successful at all. It loads first - it takes longer because I wrote both a Base64 decoder and a Base64 encoder over strings at the time and that's actually slower than AND, AndyA wrote a faster version of the Base64 decoder, I don't know if it's on the forum?
Santa comes to the house on a sleigh (drawn in painting) and then the program switches to 3D, that's why it's in this thread and there it's already been done in the form of rotating the camera in the room, movement is not allowed at all, it was only intended as a short video.
Remember one thing: Real good audio speaker is BIG audio speaker (you can see it at the end this program)
I wanted to add the source code here in the source code window, but the result was that this post appeared to be completely empty, so I had to delete it and create a new one here. So I am attaching the program packed to ZIP file (it only contains the BAS file, which could not be inserted here).