OmniPeg - PhilOfPerth - 08-13-2023
Here is my version of the Peg Solitaire game, which has a couple of twists to the original.
Coding is not economized, and could be probably halved by some members (?), but it works.
Code: (Select All) Screen _NewImage(1024, 820, 32)
SetFont: f& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", 24, "monospace") ' 31 rows, 73 columns text, allows chr$(95)
_Font f&
dw = _DesktopWidth: dh = _DesktopHeight
lhs = (dw - 1024) / 2: top = 100
_ScreenMove lhs, top ' centre display horiz on screen, down 100
Common Shared board$(), cell$, v, h, pick$, bad$, Mode, score
Dim board$(7, 7)
pick$ = "o2l32dg": ok$ = "l32o2cego3c": bad$ = "l32o2co1bagfedc"
Locate 4, 30: Print "Peg Solitaire": white
Locate 7, 1
Print " A board of 49 cells is displayed, with 48 of these occupied by pegs."
Print " Try to remove all pegs (except one) by jumping another peg over them."
Print " Jumps may be in any direction (but see ";: yellow: Print "Modes";: white: Print " below), over a single"
Print " peg, and the landing cell must be vacant."
Print " Enter each jump as a ";: yellow: Print "FROM";: white: Print ", then a";
yellow: Print " TO";: white: Print " row and column e.g. A3, then C5."
Print " Each move must jump 2 cells, over an existing ";: yellow: Print "REMOVE";: white: Print " peg."
Print " The FROM and REMOVE cells must be occupied, and the ";: yellow: Print "TO";: white: Print " cell must be"
Print " empty, otherwise the move is rejected."
Print " If legal, the REMOVE cell is cleared, and the action can be repeated"
Print " until no more jumps are possible."
Print " There are 3 ";: yellow: Print "Modes";: white: Print " of play, each with different directions for jumps:"
Print " 1: Jump in any direction 2: Hor and Vert only 3: Diagonal only."
Print Tab(12); "(Mode 1 is a simple version, mostly for children)."
yellow: Print: Print Tab(24); " Which Mode would you like?"
k$ = InKey$
If k$ = "" Then GoTo GetMode
If k$ <= "1" Or k$ > "3" Then Mode = 1 Else Mode = Val(k$)
Locate 2, 32: Print "Mode"; Mode
Locate 26, 32: Print "Score:"; score
WIPE "2829": Play pick$
white: Locate 28, 24: Print "Input ";: yellow: Print "FROM";: white: Print " as VH (e.g. A3)"
Print Tab(30); "or Q to quit"
Locate 28, 50: Input cell$
cell$ = UCase$(cell$)
If cell$ = "Q" Then Finish
v = Asc(Left$(cell$, 1)) - 64: h = Val(Right$(cell$, 1))
If Len(cell$) <> 2 Or Left$(cell$, 1) < "A" Or Left$(cell$, 1) > "G" Or Val(Right$(cell$, 1)) < 1 Or Val(Right$(cell$, 1)) > 7 Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 13: red: Print "FROM must be entered as VH (vert and horiz) e.g. A3"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": GoTo GetFrom
fromv = Asc(Left$(cell$, 1)) - 64: fromh = Val(Right$(cell$, 1))
End If
If board$(fromv, fromh) = " " Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 27: red: Print "That cell is empty"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": GoTo GetFrom
End If
AcceptFROM: ' FROM meets specs
red: Locate 8 + (fromv - 1) * 2, 27 + (fromh - 1) * 3: Print Chr$(249): yellow
WIPE "24"
white: Locate 24, 33: Print cell$; " -"
WIPE "28": Play pick$
Locate 28, 25: Print "Input ";: yellow: Print "TO";: white: Print " as VH (e.g. A3)"; Tab(21); "(or <Space> to restart this move)"
Locate 28, 49: Input cell$
cell$ = UCase$(cell$)
Locate 24, 38: Print cell$
Restart: ' player pressed <Space> to restart their move
If cell$ = " " Then
yellow: Locate 8 + (fromv - 1) * 2, 27 + (fromh - 1) * 3: Print "*"
board$(fromv, fromh) = "*"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "2428": GoTo GetFrom
End If
v = Asc(Left$(cell$, 1)) - 64: h = Val(Right$(cell$, 1))
tov = v: toh = h ' we have fromh, fromv, toh and tov to identify middle cell
If Len(cell$) <> 2 Or Left$(cell$, 1) < "A" Or Left$(cell$, 1) > "H" Or Right$(cell$, 1) < "1" Or Right$(cell$, 1) > "8" Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 13: red: Print "TO must be entered as vh (vert and horiz) e.g. C5"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
Select Case Mode
Case 1 ' children
fail = 0
If Abs(fromv - tov) = 2 And (Abs(fromh - toh) <> 2 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 0) Then fail = 1
If fromv - tov = 0 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 2 Then fail = 1
If fail = 1 Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 22: red: Print "Jump must be exactly 2 cells"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
Case 2 ' horiz and vert
fail = 0
If ((Abs(fromv - tov) = 2 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 0)) Or ((Abs(fromv - tov) = 2 And Abs(fromh - toh) <> 0)) Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 14: red: Print "Jump must be 2 cells, vertically or horizontally"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
Case 3 ' diag
fail = 0
If Abs(fromv - tov) <> 2 Or Abs(fromh - toh) <> 2 Then fail = 1
If fail = 1 Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 20: red: Print "Jump must be 2 cells, diagonally"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
End Select
If fromv < tov Then midlv = fromv + 1
If fromv = tov Then midlv = fromv
If fromv > tov Then midlv = fromv - 1
If fromh < toh Then midlh = fromh + 1
If fromh = toh Then midlh = fromh
If fromh > toh Then midlh = fromh - 1
If board$(midlv, midlh) <> "*" Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 25: red: Print "The jumped cell is not occupied"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
End If
If oard$(tov, toh) = "*" Then
WIPE "28": Locate 28, 25: red: Print "That cell is occupied"
Play bad$: yellow: Sleep 1: WIPE "28": Locate 24, 38: Print " ": GoTo GetTO
Locate 8 + (tov - 1) * 2, 27 + (toh - 1) * 3: Print "*"
Locate 8 + (fromv - 1) * 2, 27 + (fromh - 1) * 3: red: Print " "
Locate 8 + (midlv - 1) * 2, 27 + (midlh - 1) * 3: red: Print " "
board$(fromv, fromh) = " ": board$(tov, toh) = "*": board$(midlv, midlh) = " "
score = score + 1
WIPE "24"
GoTo GetFrom
End If
Sub drawgrid
Locate 6, 27: Print "1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
For a = 1 To 7
Locate 6 + a * 2, 24
Print Chr$(64 + a)
' all pegs
For a = 1 To 7
For b = 1 To 7
board$(a, b) = "*"
Locate a * 2 + 6, b * 3 + 24
Print "*"
'centre hole
red: Locate 14, 36: Print Chr$(249)
board$(4, 4) = " "
'draw frame
top = 160
For a = 0 To 6
PSet (355, top + a * 48)
For b = 1 To 7 ' row of 7 boxes
Draw "r30d33l30u33bm+42,0"
End Sub
Sub Finish
Locate 15, 18: Print "You scored"; score; "points, from a possible 47."
End Sub
Sub red
Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub
Sub yellow
Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub
Sub white
Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub
Sub WIPE (ln$) ' call with string of 2-digit line numbers only eg "0122" for lines 1 and 23
For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2
Locate Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2))
Print Space$(73)
End Sub
RE: OmniPeg - mnrvovrfc - 08-13-2023
The "WIPE" subprogram is handy for SCREEN 0 programs. Pete would love that one.
Have to use subprograms also just to set colors. Yellow! White! Because QB64 doesn't have "#define" like in C/C++ or something else to define a search-and-replacement macro. From this I could see Ethan Winer crying, "No! Stop! Use GOSUB subroutines instead, they are only three bytes per call!" LOL. I miss that PC-MAGAZINE BASIC primer that he wrote.
RE: OmniPeg - justsomeguy - 08-13-2023
Great little game!
I had to make one change to it to work on a Linux machine. This font seemed generic enough to work a lot of distros.
Code: (Select All) SetFont: f& = _LOADFONT("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf", 24, "monospace") ' 31 rows, 73 columns text, allows chr$(95)
Thanks for sharing!