Screen Savers - bplus - 04-27-2022
Screen Savers - you are welcome to post your own favorites in this thread!
Pete's post of The Bob's Mystic version of a Screen Saver brought back memories of my own version and even today I continue to Modify. I didn't want to go Full Screen on this one because the Title bar has help for keys you can press to play with screen saver a bit add or subtract triangles, draw a mirror image and not toggle, change color scheme (Plasma of Course!)
Code: (Select All) _Title "Mystic Memories by bplus, d toggles duplicate on/off, spacebar resets color, m = more, l = less triangles"
'posted 2017-09-29 for QB64, Mystic screen saver as I remember it plus...
' 2022-04-26 fix up a few things for post
Randomize Timer
Const xmax = 1280
Const ymax = 720
Type point
x As Integer
y As Integer
dx As Single
dy As Single
End Type
Common Shared pR, pG, pB, cN
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 60, 0
Dim tri(2) As point
For i = 0 To 2
newPoint tri(i)
Dim saveP1 As point
Dim saveP2 As point
Dim saveP3 As point
saveP1 = tri(0): saveP2 = tri(1): saveP3 = tri(2)
dmode = 0: nT = 50
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
Cls , 0
cN = cN - nT
tri(0) = saveP1: tri(1) = saveP2: tri(2) = saveP3
For i = 0 To 2
updatePoint tri(i)
saveP1 = tri(0): saveP2 = tri(1): saveP3 = tri(2)
For j = 1 To nT
For i = 0 To 2
updatePoint tri(i)
For i = 0 To 2
Line (tri(i).x, tri(i).y)-(tri((i + 1) Mod 3).x, tri((i + 1) Mod 3).y)
If dmode Then
For i = 0 To 2
Line (xmax - tri(i).x, ymax - tri(i).y)-(xmax - tri((i + 1) Mod 3).x, ymax - tri((i + 1) Mod 3).y)
End If
'The following commented code worked (works) like a charm
k$ = InKey$
If k$ = " " Then
ElseIf k$ = "d" Then
dmode = Not dmode
ElseIf k$ = "m" Then
nT = nT + 1: If nT > 500 Then nT = 500
ElseIf k$ = "l" Then
nT = nT - 1: If nT < 1 Then nT = 1
End If
_Limit 10
Sub newPoint (p As point)
p.x = Rnd * xmax
p.y = Rnd * ymax
p.dx = (Rnd * 10 + 1) * rdir
p.dy = (Rnd * 6 + 1) * rdir
End Sub
Sub updatePoint (p As point)
If p.x + p.dx < 0 Then p.dx = p.dx * -1
If p.y + p.dy < 0 Then p.dy = p.dy * -1
If p.x + p.dx > xmax Then p.dx = p.dx * -1
If p.y + p.dy > ymax Then p.dy = p.dy * -1
p.x = p.x + p.dx
p.y = p.y + p.dy
End Sub
Sub changePlasma ()
cN = cN + 1
Color _RGB(127 + 127 * Sin(pR * .5 * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pG * .5 * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pB * .5 * cN))
End Sub
Sub resetPlasma ()
pR = Rnd ^ 2: pG = Rnd ^ 2: pB = Rnd ^ 2
End Sub
Function rdir% ()
If Rnd < .5 Then rdir% = -1 Else rdir% = 1
End Function
A similar thing with rectangles but not as elegant I think:
Code: (Select All) _Title " *** Screen Saver #3 - Mystic Rectangles *** " ' by bplus 2018-03-01
' 2022-04-26 a couple mod before posting again use full screen and alpha coloring
' translated from
' Screen Saver #3 Mystic Rectangles.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.11 (B+=MGA) 2018-02-28
' instead of wire frame triangles try solid color rectangles
' arrays? we don't need no dang arrays!
' oh to share everything use GOSUBs instead of SUBs
' spacebar will switch the color scheme
Randomize Timer
Const xmax = 1024
Const ymax = 572
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
'_ScreenMove 100, 20
nT = 50 'number of Things per screen
GoSub newRect
savex1 = x1: savey1 = y1: savedx1 = dx1: savedy1 = dy1
savex2 = x2: savey2 = y2: savedx2 = dx2: savedy2 = dy2
cN = nT
GoSub resetPlasma
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
'reset color Number back to beginning + 1
cN = cN - nT + 1
'reset rect back to beginning and then update it once and save this for next round
x1 = savex1: y1 = savey1: dx1 = savedx1: dy1 = savedy1
x2 = savex2: y2 = savey2: dx2 = savedx2: dy2 = savedy2
GoSub updateRect
savex1 = x1: savey1 = y1: savedx1 = dx1: savedy1 = dy1
savex2 = x2: savey2 = y2: savedx2 = dx2: savedy2 = dy2
For j = 1 To nT
GoSub updateRect
GoSub changePlasma
Line (x1 - 12, y1 - 7)-(x2, y2), , B
'inverse image and color
xx1 = xmax - x1: yy1 = ymax - y1
xx2 = xmax - x2: yy2 = ymax - y2
If xx1 > xx2 Then Swap xx1, xx2
If yy1 > yy2 Then Swap yy1, yy2
Line (xx1 - 12, yy1 - 7)-(xx2, yy2), invColor&&, B
_Limit 60
'k$ = InKey$
'If k$ = " " Then GoSub resetPlasma
If _KeyDown(32) Then GoSub resetPlasma
x1 = Rnd * xmax
y1 = Rnd * ymax
dx1 = (Rnd * 9 + 3) * rdir
dy1 = (Rnd * 5 + 2) * rdir
x2 = Rnd * xmax
y2 = Rnd * ymax
dx2 = (Rnd * 9 + 3) * rdir
dy2 = (Rnd * 5 + 2) * rdir
'keep x1, y1 the lesser corner and x2, y2 the greater
If x1 > x2 Then Swap x1, x2: Swap dx1, dx2
If y1 > y2 Then Swap y1, y2: Swap dy1, dy2
If x1 + dx1 < 0 Then dx1 = -dx1
If x1 + dx1 > xmax Then dx1 = -dx1
x1 = x1 + dx1
If y1 + dy1 < 0 Then dy1 = -dy1
If y1 + dy1 > ymax Then dy1 = -dy1
y1 = y1 + dy1
If x2 + dx2 < 0 Then dx2 = -dx2
If x2 + dx2 > xmax Then dx2 = -dx2
x2 = x2 + dx2
If y2 + dy2 < 0 Then dy2 = -dy2
If y2 + dy2 > ymax Then dy2 = -dy2
y2 = y2 + dy2
'keep x1, y1 the lesser corner and x2, y2 the greater
If x1 > x2 Then Swap x1, x2: Swap dx1, dx2
If y1 > y2 Then Swap y1, y2: Swap dy1, dy2
cN = cN + 1
Color _RGB32(127 + 127 * Sin(pR * .5 * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pG * .5 * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pB * .5 * cN))
invColor&& = _RGB32(255 - (127 + 127 * Sin(pR * .5 * cN)), 255 - (127 + 127 * Sin(pG * .5 * cN)), 255 - (127 + 17 * Sin(pB * .5 * cN)))
pR = Rnd ^ 2: pG = Rnd ^ 2: pB = Rnd ^ 2
Function rdir ()
If Rnd < .5 Then rdir = -1 Else rdir = 1
End Function
RE: Screen Savers - Dav - 04-27-2022
Here's something I found collecting dust. Made it when I started playing around with RotoZoom3. Generates pages of clusters of balls and spins them around in various size, speed and transparency.
- Dav
Code: (Select All) '====================
'Swirling clusters of colored balls
'Code by Dav, FEB/2021
'(I didn't make RotoZoom3 SUB)
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 800, 32)
NumberOfClusters = 30
DIM Cluster(NumberOfClusters) AS LONG
ballsize = 20
balls = 80
FOR d = 1 TO NumberOfClusters
Cluster(d) = _NEWIMAGE(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT, 32)
_DEST Cluster(d)
FOR i = 1 TO balls
x = RND * _WIDTH
IF x < ballsize * 2 THEN x = x + (ballsize * 2)
IF y < ballsize * 2 THEN y = y + (ballsize * 2)
ball x, y, RND * ballsize, RND * 128, RND * 128, 255, RND * 150
DIM ClusterX(NumberOfClusters), ClusterY(NumberOfClusters), ClusterSize(NumberOfClusters)
DIM ClusterRotate(NumberOfClusters), ClusterSpeed(NumberOfClusters)
FOR G = 1 TO NumberOfClusters
ClusterX(G) = RND * _WIDTH
ClusterY(G) = RND * _HEIGHT
ClusterSize(G) = RND * 1.3
ClusterRotate(G) = 2
ClusterSpeed(G) = RND * 2
CLS , _RGB(0, 0, 64)
FOR G = 1 TO NumberOfClusters
RotoZoom3 ClusterX(G), ClusterY(G), Cluster(G), ClusterSize(G), ClusterSize(G), _D2R(ClusterRotate(G))
ClusterRotate(G) = ClusterRotate(G) + ClusterSpeed(G): IF ClusterRotate(G) > 360 THEN ClusterRotate(G) = 1
FOR d = 1 TO NumberOfClusters
_FREEIMAGE Cluster(d)
' Description:
' Started from a mod of Galleon's in Wiki that both scales and rotates an image.
' This version scales the x-axis and y-axis independently allowing rotations of image just by changing X or Y Scales
' making this tightly coded routine a very powerful and versatile image tool.
SUB RotoZoom3 (X AS LONG, Y AS LONG, Image AS LONG, xScale AS SINGLE, yScale AS SINGLE, radianRotation AS SINGLE)
' This assumes you have set your drawing location with _DEST or default to screen.
' X, Y - is where you want to put the middle of the image
' Image - is the handle assigned with _LOADIMAGE
' xScale, yScale - are shrinkage < 1 or magnification > 1 on the given axis, 1 just uses image size.
' These are multipliers so .5 will create image .5 size on given axis and 2 for twice image size.
' radianRotation is the Angle in Radian units to rotate the image
' note: Radian units for rotation because it matches angle units of other Basic Trig functions
' and saves a little time converting from degree.
' Use the _D2R() function if you prefer to work in degree units for angles.
DIM px(3) AS SINGLE: DIM py(3) AS SINGLE ' simple arrays for x, y to hold the 4 corners of image
DIM W&, H&, sinr!, cosr!, i&, x2&, y2& ' variables for image manipulation
W& = _WIDTH(Image&): H& = _HEIGHT(Image&)
px(0) = -W& / 2: py(0) = -H& / 2 'left top corner
px(1) = -W& / 2: py(1) = H& / 2 ' left bottom corner
px(2) = W& / 2: py(2) = H& / 2 ' right bottom
px(3) = W& / 2: py(3) = -H& / 2 ' right top
sinr! = SIN(-radianRotation): cosr! = COS(-radianRotation) ' rotation helpers
FOR i& = 0 TO 3 ' calc new point locations with rotation and zoom
x2& = xScale * (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) + X: y2& = yScale * (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) + Y
px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
_MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(0, H& - 1)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
_MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(W& - 1, 0)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))
SUB ball (BallX, BallY, size, r&, g&, b&, a&)
FOR s = 1 TO size STEP .2
CIRCLE (BallX, BallY), s, _RGBA(r&, g&, b&, a&)
r& = r& - 2: g& = g& - 2: b& = b& - 2
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 04-27-2022
Cool! a little like galaxy clusters of our universe I imagine, though they might not overlap so much.
Thanks! (Allot of these screen shots don't do justice to the animation in the program.)
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 04-30-2022
Ah Curlie Borealis makes a nice screen saver!
Code: (Select All) _Title "Curlie Borealis" 'Quick trans B+ 2019-08-29
'Curlie borealis.bas for SmallBASIC 0.12.2 [B+=MGA] 2016-04-23
' ;-) cool mods thanks to alpha
Const xmax = 1200, ymax = 700
Dim Shared qb(15)
qb(0) = &HFF000000
qb(1) = &HFF000088
qb(2) = &HFF008800
qb(3) = &HFF008888
qb(4) = &HFF88000
qb(5) = &HFF880088
qb(6) = &HFF888800
qb(7) = &HFFCCCCCC
qb(8) = &HFF888888
qb(9) = &HFF0000FF
qb(10) = &HFF00FF00
qb(11) = &HFF00FFFF
qb(12) = &HFFFF0000
qb(13) = &HFFFF00FF
qb(14) = &HFFFFFF00
qb(15) = &HFFFFFFFF
Screen _NewImage(1200, 700, 32)
_ScreenMove 100, 20
Randomize Timer
ff = 2.03: maxi = 25000
Color &HFFFFFFFF, 0: Cls
x = xmax / 2: y = ymax / 2
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
loopcnt = loopcnt + 1
Line (0, 0)-(xmax, ymax), _RGBA(0, 0, 0, 3), BF 'Fells trick
ff = ff + 100.431
If Rnd < .1 Then c = 0 Else c = Int(Rnd * 16) 'need more black oh ALPHA my friend!!!
For i = 0 To maxi
f = f + ff
x = min(xmax, -1 * x + Cos(f * i))
y = min(ymax, -1 * y + Sin(f * i))
PSet (x, y), qb(c)
cc = cc + 1
If loopcnt Mod 1000 = 0 Then
Locate 1, 1: Print Space$(10)
Locate 1, 1: Print loopcnt: _Delay 1
End If
If loopcnt Mod 1800 = 0 Then x = xmax / 2: y = ymax / 2: ff = 0: f = 0 'jiggle this sucker
If Rnd < .001 Then Paint (Rnd * xmax, Rnd * ymax), _RGBA(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
_Limit 200 'oh man my fan is hot
Function min (a, b)
If a < b Then min = a Else min = b
End Function
![[Image: Curlie-Borealis.png]](
Eye Candy #9B
Code: (Select All) _Title " Eye Candy #9B Closer" ' b+ 2022-03-09
DefDbl A-Z
xmax = _DesktopWidth: ymax = _DesktopHeight
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 0, 0
xc = xmax / 2
yc = ymax / 2
diag = Sqr(xc * xc + yc * yc)
p2 = _Pi * 2
Dim colr(-100 To diag + 1000) As _Unsigned Long
Dim Shared cN, pR, pG, pB
While 1
For i = -100 To diag + 1000
colr(i) = Plasma~&
ro = 950: s = 0
While ro > -50 And _KeyDown(27) = 0
k$ = InKey$
If Len(k$) Then Exit While
For a = 0 To p2 / 64 Step p2 / (16 * 360)
i = 50 * Sin(s) ' 2 * s or just s
For r = 0 To diag
PSet (xc + r * Cos(a), yc + r * Sin(a)), colr(r + i + ro)
s = s + p2 / 180
sx1 = xc: sy1 = yc: sx2 = xc + diag * Cos(.002): sy2 = yc + diag * Sin(.002): sx3 = xc + diag * Cos(p2 / 64 - .002): sy3 = yc + diag * Sin(p2 / 64 - .002)
For a = p2 / 64 To p2 - p2 / 64 Step p2 / 64
dx1 = xc: dy1 = yc: dx2 = xc + diag * Cos(a): dy2 = yc + diag * Sin(a): dx3 = xc + diag * Cos(a + p2 / 64): dy3 = yc + diag * Sin(a + p2 / 64)
_MapTriangle (sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2)-(sx3, sy3), source& To(dx1, dy1)-(dx2, dy2)-(dx3, dy3), 0
Line (0, 0)-(xc - 1.5 * yc, _Height), &HFF000000, BF
Line (xc + 1.5 * yc, 0)-(_Width, _Height), &HFF000000, BF
toggle = 1 - toggle
If toggle Then _Display
'_Limit 80
ro = ro - 1
If _KeyDown(27) Then System
Function Plasma~& ()
cN = cN + .2
Plasma~& = _RGB32(127 + 127 * Sin(pR * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pG * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pB * cN))
End Function
Sub resetPlasma ()
pR = Rnd ^ 2: pG = Rnd ^ 2: pB = Rnd ^ 2
End Sub
Eye Candy #9B?
RE: Screen Savers - Dav - 05-01-2022
Here's another Screen Saver using RotoZoom. Click on the mouse buttons to zoom gears in and out. I used BASIMAGE to include the pic. Making this I realized that .PNG images can be 16 color and still maintain transparency info, so on simple small images like this one I can lower them to 16 colors instead of 256 and reduce the pic size. That's helpful when including images in code.
- Dav
Code: (Select All) '================
'Showcase speed of RotoZoom3 Function(not by me) by
'rotating a number of gears on the screen in various sizes.
'Coded by Dav
'Push Mouse Buttons for Zoom effects
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(700, 700, 32)
gear& = BASIMAGE1& 'decode image included this BAS code
NumOfGears = 11 'number of gears shown on screen
DIM Gearx(NumOfGears), Geary(NumOfGears), GearSize(NumOfGears)
DIM GearRot(NumOfGears), GearSpeed(NumOfGears), GearDir(NumOfGears)
'assign random values for each gear
FOR G = 1 TO NumOfGears
Gearx(G) = _WIDTH / 2
Geary(G) = _HEIGHT / 2
GearSize(G) = .1 + G / 2
GearRot(G) = 1
GearSpeed(G) = RND * 2.5
GearDir(G) = INT(RND * 2)
CLS , _RGB(0, 0, 64)
FOR G = NumOfGears TO 1 STEP -1
RotoZoom3 Gearx(G), Geary(G), gear&, GearSize(G), GearSize(G), _D2R(GearRot(G))
IF GearDir(G) = 1 THEN
GearRot(G) = GearRot(G) + GearSpeed(G): IF GearRot(G) > 360 THEN GearRot(G) = 1
GearRot(G) = GearRot(G) - GearSpeed(G): IF GearRot(G) < 1 THEN GearRot(G) = 360
IF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) THEN GearSize(G) = GearSize(G) + .1
IF _MOUSEBUTTON(2) THEN GearSize(G) = GearSize(G) - .1
IF GearSize(G) > 19 THEN GearSize(G) = .1
IF GearSize(G) < .1 THEN GearSize(G) = 19
' Description:
' Started from a mod of Galleon's in Wiki that both scales and rotates an image.
' This version scales the x-axis and y-axis independently allowing rotations of image just by changing X or Y Scales
' making this tightly coded routine a very powerful and versatile image tool.
SUB RotoZoom3 (X AS LONG, Y AS LONG, Image AS LONG, xScale AS SINGLE, yScale AS SINGLE, radianRotation AS SINGLE)
' This assumes you have set your drawing location with _DEST or default to screen.
' X, Y - is where you want to put the middle of the image
' Image - is the handle assigned with _LOADIMAGE
' xScale, yScale - are shrinkage < 1 or magnification > 1 on the given axis, 1 just uses image size.
' These are multipliers so .5 will create image .5 size on given axis and 2 for twice image size.
' radianRotation is the Angle in Radian units to rotate the image
' note: Radian units for rotation because it matches angle units of other Basic Trig functions
' and saves a little time converting from degree.
' Use the _D2R() function if you prefer to work in degree units for angles.
DIM px(3) AS SINGLE: DIM py(3) AS SINGLE ' simple arrays for x, y to hold the 4 corners of image
DIM W&, H&, sinr!, cosr!, i&, x2&, y2& ' variables for image manipulation
W& = _WIDTH(Image&): H& = _HEIGHT(Image&)
px(0) = -W& / 2: py(0) = -H& / 2 'left top corner
px(1) = -W& / 2: py(1) = H& / 2 ' left bottom corner
px(2) = W& / 2: py(2) = H& / 2 ' right bottom
px(3) = W& / 2: py(3) = -H& / 2 ' right top
sinr! = SIN(-radianRotation): cosr! = COS(-radianRotation) ' rotation helpers
FOR i& = 0 TO 3 ' calc new point locations with rotation and zoom
x2& = xScale * (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) + X: y2& = yScale * (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) + Y
px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
_MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(0, H& - 1)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
_MAPTRIANGLE _SEAMLESS(0, 0)-(W& - 1, 0)-(W& - 1, H& - 1), Image TO(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))
v& = _NEWIMAGE(200, 200, 32)
DIM m AS _MEM: m = _MEMIMAGE(v&)
A$ = ""
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A$ = A$ + "Ej0fIjUkYbWCWFZbIElk7hi8mjZiWl[8S6B^LB7KZhKD\83[3LmCNll<NlMe"
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A$ = A$ + "CUi5>EG0kbKEbWIgWMB_NZgg>`mYi:_j:gMnVacam;Sege^][ROK??f3cOWd"
A$ = A$ + "9i4?J`[E[kYD=N<dckb]_ggme=k^a`4JCdnSWcgkR7?YCj[BGn\VnhNgP_W5"
A$ = A$ + "laMdiid8FgD9JXJj07Al1GSagL7cF6NBoLY[Ob[1;>78OLe3nLhlNciCoVi<"
A$ = A$ + "LPWESH\7a[Nfb_CjW=eiKoZi:ReFRVG^fo7JN;6XM=dmOBWdSVfk:n^goGmI"
A$ = A$ + "=Kib9MB?2jN^jIgF?YCjT>YCjT>YCjT>YCjT>YCjT>YCjT>YCjT>YCjT>Y3;"
A$ = A$ + "moa[%%L2"
btemp$ = ""
FOR i& = 1 TO LEN(A$) STEP 4: B$ = MID$(A$, i&, 4)
IF INSTR(1, B$, "%") THEN
FOR C% = 1 TO LEN(B$): F$ = MID$(B$, C%, 1)
IF F$ <> "%" THEN C$ = C$ + F$
NEXT: B$ = C$: END IF: FOR j = 1 TO LEN(B$)
IF MID$(B$, j, 1) = "#" THEN
MID$(B$, j) = "@": END IF: NEXT
FOR t% = LEN(B$) TO 1 STEP -1
B& = B& * 64 + ASC(MID$(B$, t%)) - 48
NEXT: X$ = "": FOR t% = 1 TO LEN(B$) - 1
X$ = X$ + CHR$(B& AND 255): B& = B& \ 256
NEXT: btemp$ = btemp$ + X$: NEXT
btemp$ = _INFLATE$(btemp$,m.SIZE)
_MEMPUT m, m.OFFSET, btemp$: _MEMFREE m
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 05-01-2022
Hi @Steffan-68, sorry without the zip and proper loads of those files your posts don't work. How about just a clean pure code effort?
Everyone be careful with copy righted material, be sure to give credit if license requires it.
Honestly didn't expect Screen Savers to come with Image, Sound and Font files, but OK some people can really get into it! 
Hi @Dav
Yeah, I like self contained single file, your gear image contained within. Looks like zooming out or zooming in lead to same? I luv gears.
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 05-02-2022
Don't Attempt to Adjust Your Screen
Code: (Select All) _Title "Scrolling Plasma Lines Mod 1" 'B+ 2019-10-09
Randomize Timer
xmax = _DesktopWidth - 1
ymax = _DesktopHeight - 1
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
Dim ln(0 To ymax) As _Unsigned Long
r = Rnd ^ 2: g = Rnd ^ 2: b = Rnd ^ 2
f = xmax / ymax
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
If Rnd < .05 Then r = Rnd ^ 2: g = Rnd ^ 2: b = Rnd ^ 2
For i = UBound(ln) - 1 To 0 Step -1
ln(i + 1) = ln(i)
Line (0, i)-Step(xmax, 0), ln(i + 1)
Line (xmax - i * f, 0)-Step(0, ymax), ln(i + 1)
Line (i * f, 0)-Step(f, ymax), ln(i + 1)
Line (0, ymax - i)-Step(xmax, 0), ln(i + 1)
ln(0) = _RGB32(127 + 127 * Sin(r * c), 127 + 127 * Sin(g * c), 127 + 127 * Sin(b * c), 40)
c = c + 1
_Limit 60
RE: Screen Savers - Coolman - 05-02-2022
nice effect
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 05-03-2022
Underwater Meditation
+ for more fish
- for less fish
Hope the swaying kelp doesn't make you seasick, I tried to make it subtle.
RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 05-09-2022
Tanks Battle - The Movie
Code: (Select All) _Title "Tanks Battle - The Movie" 'from bplus 2018-02-03"
'from: Tanks Battle.sdlbas (B+=MGA) 2016-10-29
' let the projectiles fly!
' 2022-05-? fix color const for Sky
' 2022-05-09 Make a Movie / Screen Saver
Randomize Timer
'tank stuff
Const tN = 15 'number of tanks
Const tNm1 = tN - 1 ' for loops and arrays
Const tW = 20 'width of tank
Const tH = 8 'height of tank
Type tank
x As Single
y As Single
da As Single
v As Single 'velocity
c As _Integer64 'color
bx As Single 'barrel
by As Single
f As _Byte 'finished
End Type
'hole stuff
Const hR = tW + 3
Const topHole = 1000
Type hole
x As Integer
y As Integer
End Type
'projectile stuff
Const rightA = -10
Const leftA = -170
Const lVel = 7
Const hVel = 22
Const SkyC = &HFF848888~& ' try this for Rho
Const pC = &HFFFFFF00~&
Const gravity = .35
Dim Shared SW, SH
SW = _DesktopWidth
SH = _DesktopHeight
Screen _NewImage(SW, SH, 32)
Dim Shared rad ' yeah don't need these with _D2R and _R2D but this was 4 years ago
rad = _Pi / 180
ReDim Shared tanks(tNm1) As tank, holes(topHole) As hole
'get holes set up
holeIndex = -1
land& = _NewImage(SW, SH, 32)
_Dest land&
_Dest 0
hotTank = tNm1
change = 1
While change 'get tanks landed before start shooting
change = 0
_PutImage , land&, 0 'land the tanks and reland the tanks if the dirt is shot out under them
For i = 0 To tNm1
If Point(tanks(i).x + tW / 2, tanks(i).y + tH + 1) = SkyC Then
tanks(i).y = tanks(i).y + 2
change = 1
End If
drawTank i
While _KeyDown(27) = 0 '< main loop start
_PutImage , land&, 0
'the land with holes
If holeIndex > -1 Then
For ii = 0 To holeIndex
drawHole holes(ii).x, holes(ii).y
End If
'reland the tanks if the dirt is shot out under them
For i = 0 To tNm1
If tanks(i).f = 0 Then
While Point(tanks(i).x + tW / 2, tanks(i).y + tH + 1) = SkyC
tanks(i).y = tanks(i).y + 2
'repoint barrels and reset velocitys
If Rnd < .5 Then 'avoid straight up and down suicide shots
tanks(i).da = rand(leftA, -92)
tanks(i).da = rand(rightA, -88)
End If
tanks(i).v = rand(lVel, hVel) 'velocity
drawTank i
End If
_Delay .1
''whose turn to shoot
lastMan = hotTank
hotTank = hotTank + 1
hotTank = hotTank Mod tN
While tanks(hotTank).f = 1 'look for a tank still alive
hotTank = hotTank + 1 'whose turn to shoot
hotTank = hotTank Mod tN
'did we cycle through all the dead tanks?
If hotTank = lastMan Then 'game over, last man standing
_Delay 5
GoTo restart
End If
'setup hotTank's shot
rAngle = tanks(hotTank).da * rad 'convert here to radians for SIN and COS
pX = tanks(hotTank).bx
pY = tanks(hotTank).by
pX_change = tanks(hotTank).v * Cos(rAngle) 'this is the cuurent X vector of the projectile
pY_change = tanks(hotTank).v * Sin(rAngle) ' this is the current Y vector of the projectile
pActive = 0 ' do not Activate until projectile sees the skyC
While 1
pY_change = pY_change + gravity ' pY starts in upward direction but will eventually fall due to gravity
pX = pX + pX_change
pY = pY + pY_change
'show projectile progress, hit or air
If pX >= 0 And pX <= SW And pY <= SH Then ' still active
'check for tank hit
For iTank = 0 To tNm1
If tanks(iTank).f <> 1 And pActive Then 'tanks can blow up themselves
If dist(pX, pY, tanks(iTank).x + tW / 2, tanks(iTank).y + tH / 2) < hR Then
tanks(iTank).f = 1
Color _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
For rr = 1 To hR
fcirc pX, pY, rr
_Delay .01
If rr Mod 2 Then
Color _RGB32(128, 255, 0)
Color _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
End If
If holeIndex < topHole Then
holeIndex = holeIndex + 1
holes(holeIndex).x = pX
holes(holeIndex).y = pY
drawHole pX, pY
End If
pX = SW + 10
pY = SH + 10
Exit While
End If
End If
If Point(pX, pY) = SkyC Then
pActive = 1
Color pC
fcirc pX, pY, 2 ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< to see round projectiles that could be replaced by image
ElseIf pY < 0 Then
'still hot but cant see
ElseIf Point(pX, pY) <> SkyC And Point(pX, pY) <> pC And pActive Then 'hit ground?
Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
For rr = 1 To hR
fcirc pX, pY, rr
_Delay .01
If rr Mod 2 Then
Color _RGB32(128, 255, 0)
Color _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
End If
If holeIndex < topHole Then
holeIndex = holeIndex + 1
holes(holeIndex).x = pX
holes(holeIndex).y = pY
drawHole pX, pY
End If
pX = SW + 10
pY = SH + 10
Exit While
End If
Else 'not active
Exit While
End If
_Delay .03
Sub drawHole (xx, yy)
Color SkyC
For i = yy To 300 Step -1
fcirc xx, i, hR
End Sub
Sub drawLandscape
'the sky
Line (0, 0)-(SW, SH), SkyC, BF
'the land
startH = SH - 100
rr = 70: gg = 70: bb = 90
For mountain = 1 To 6
Xright = 0
y = startH
While Xright < SW
' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
' range = how far up / down, along X
upDown = (Rnd * (.8) - .35) * (mountain * .5)
range = Xright + rand%(15, 25) * 2.5 / mountain
For x = Xright - 1 To range
y = y + upDown
Line (x, y)-(x + 1, SH), _RGB32(rr, gg, bb), BF
Xright = range
rr = rand(rr - 15, rr): gg = rand(gg - 15, gg): bb = rand(bb - 25, bb)
If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
startH = startH + rand(5, 20)
End Sub
Sub initializeTanks ' x, y, barrel angle, velocity, color
tl = (SW - tW) / tN: tl2 = tl / 2: tl4 = .8 * tl2
For i = 0 To tNm1
tanks(i).x = rand%(tl2 + tl * i - tl4 - tW, tl2 + tl * i + tl4 - tW)
tanks(i).y = 300 '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< for testing
tanks(i).da = rand%(-180, 0) 'degree Angle
tanks(i).v = rand%(10, 20) 'velocity
If tanks(i).da < -90 Then 'barrel is pointed left
tanks(i).v = -1 * tanks(i).v
End If
tc = i * Int(200 / (3 * tN)) 'maximize color difference between tanks
tanks(i).c = _RGB32(55 + 2 * tc, 13 + tc, 23 + tc) ' first tank is darkest
'shuffle color order
For i = tNm1 To 1 Step -1
r = rand%(0, i)
Swap tanks(i).x, tanks(r).x
End Sub
Sub drawTank (i)
'ink(tanks(i, "c"))
Color tanks(i).c
fEllipse tanks(i).x + tW / 2, tanks(i).y + tH / 3, tW / 4 + 1, tH / 4 + 1
bX = tW / 2 * Cos(rad * tanks(i).da)
bY = tW / 2 * Sin(rad * tanks(i).da)
Line (tanks(i).x + tW / 2, tanks(i).y + tH / 3)-(tanks(i).x + tW / 2 + bX, tanks(i).y + tH / 4 + bY)
Line (tanks(i).x + tW / 2 + 1, tanks(i).y + tH / 3 + 1)-(tanks(i).x + tW / 2 + bX + 1, tanks(i).y + tH / 4 + bY + 1)
tanks(i).bx = tanks(i).x + tW / 2 + bX
tanks(i).by = tanks(i).y + tH / 4 + bY
fEllipse tanks(i).x + tW / 2, tanks(i).y + .75 * tH, tW / 2, tH / 4
Color _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
ellipse tanks(i).x + tW / 2, tanks(i).y + .75 * tH, tW / 2 + 1, tH / 4 + 1
ellipse tanks(i).x + tW / 2 + 1, tanks(i).y + .75 * tH, tW / 2 + 1, tH / 4 + 1
End Sub
Function rand% (lo%, hi%)
rand% = (Rnd * (hi% - lo% + 1)) \ 1 + lo%
End Function
Function rdir% ()
If Rnd < .5 Then rdir% = -1 Else rdir% = 1
End Function
Function dist# (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%)
dist# = ((x1% - x2%) ^ 2 + (y1% - y2%) ^ 2) ^ .5
End Function
'Steve McNeil's copied from his forum note: Radius is too common a name
Sub fcirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long)
Dim subRadius As Long, RadiusError As Long
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
subRadius = Abs(R)
RadiusError = -subRadius
X = subRadius
Y = 0
If subRadius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY): Exit Sub
' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop,
' which would be a problem with blending turned on.
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), , BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), , BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), , BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), , BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), , BF
End Sub
Sub fEllipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xRadius As Long, yRadius As Long)
Dim scale As Single, x As Long, y As Long
scale = yRadius / xRadius
Line (CX, CY - yRadius)-(CX, CY + yRadius), , BF
For x = 1 To xRadius
y = scale * Sqr(xRadius * xRadius - x * x)
Line (CX + x, CY - y)-(CX + x, CY + y), , BF
Line (CX - x, CY - y)-(CX - x, CY + y), , BF
End Sub
Sub ellipse (CX As Long, CY As Long, xRadius As Long, yRadius As Long)
Dim scale As Single, xs As Long, x As Long, y As Long
Dim lastx As Long, lasty As Long
scale = yRadius / xRadius: xs = xRadius * xRadius
PSet (CX, CY - yRadius): PSet (CX, CY + yRadius)
lastx = 0: lasty = yRadius
For x = 1 To xRadius
y = scale * Sqr(xs - x * x)
Line (CX + lastx, CY - lasty)-(CX + x, CY - y)
Line (CX + lastx, CY + lasty)-(CX + x, CY + y)
Line (CX - lastx, CY - lasty)-(CX - x, CY - y)
Line (CX - lastx, CY + lasty)-(CX - x, CY + y)
lastx = x: lasty = y
End Sub