Code: (Select All)
' By James D. Jarvis
' a 256 color planet picture generator
' type quit to leave program, press enter to go on
Screen _NewImage(800, 500, 256)
redstart = 17
redstop = 32
orangestart = 33
orangestop = 48
yellowstart = 49
yellowstop = 64
greenstart = 65
greenstop = 80
bluestart = 81
bluestop = 96
purplestart = 97
purplestop = 112
greystart = 113
greystop = 128
brownstart = 129
brownstop = 144
pinkstart = 145
pinkstop = 160
whitestart = 161
whitestop = 176
cyanstart = 177
cyanstop = 192
neonstart = 193
neonstop = 208
mix1start = 209
mix1stop = 224
mix2start = 225
mix2stop = 240
Randomize Timer
For x = 0 To 15
_PaletteColor redstart + x, _RGB32(x * 16, 0, 0)
_PaletteColor bluestart + x, _RGB32(0, 0, x * 16)
_PaletteColor greenstart + x, _RGB32(0, x * 16, 0)
_PaletteColor yellowstart + x, _RGB32(x * 16, x * 16, 0)
_PaletteColor purplestart + x, _RGB32(x * 16, 0, x * 16)
_PaletteColor orangestart + x, _RGB32(x * 16, x * 12, 0)
_PaletteColor greystart + x, _RGB32(x * 16, x * 16, x * 16)
_PaletteColor brownstart + x, _RGB32(x * 8 + 37, x * 2 + 18, x * 3 + 17)
_PaletteColor pinkstart + x, _RGB32(x * 4 + 191, x * 12, (x * 15))
_PaletteColor whitestart + x, _RGB32(x * 2 + 223, x * 2 + 224, x * 2 + 225)
_PaletteColor cyanstart + x, _RGB32(0, x * 8 + 127, x * 8 + 127)
_PaletteColor neonstart + x, _RGB32(x * x, x * x, x * 2)
_PaletteColor mix1start + x, _RGB32(x * x, x * x, x * x)
_PaletteColor mix2start + x, _RGB32(255 - (x * x), x * x, x * x)
Next x
'shadded balls
stars = Int(Rnd * 3000)
horizon = 200 + Int(Rnd * 200)
hstart = 1
hstop = horizon
hkolor = Int(Rnd * 14)
hkolor = hkolor * 16 + 17
change = 0
For h = 0 To horizon
Line (0, h)-(799, h), hkolor + change
If Int(Rnd * 3) = 1 Then change = change + 1
If change > 15 Then change = 15
Next h
For s = 1 To stars
x = Int(Rnd * 800)
y = Int(Rnd * horizon)
sr = Int(Rnd * 10) + 1
sr = Int(Sqr(sr))
sr = sr / 3
kk = whitestart + Int(Rnd * 16)
Circle (x, y), sr, kk
Paint (x, y), kk, kk
Next s
For balls = 1 To 5
x = Int(Rnd * 700) + 100
y = Int(Rnd * horizon) + 50
ox = x
oy = y
rr = Int(Rnd * 60) + 20
kk = Int(Rnd * 14)
kk = kk * 16 + 17 + Int(Rnd * 4)
Circle (x, y), rr, kk
Paint (x, y), kk, kk
ck = kk
For inner = 1 To 4
oldr = rr
rr = Int(rr * .87)
nc = Int((oldr - rr) / 2)
x = x + nc
y = y - nc
kk = kk + inf(Rnd * 2) + 1
Circle (x, y), rr, kk
Paint (x, y), kk, kk
Next inner
craters = Int(Rnd * 10) - 6
If craters < 0 Then craters = 0
If craters > 0 Then
For cc = 1 To craters
cr = oldr * .75
xv = Int((Rnd * cr) + 3) - Int(Rnd * (cr + 3))
yv = Int((Rnd * cr) + 3) - Int(Rnd * (cr + 3))
Circle (ox + xv, oy + yv), cr - 2, ck + 2
Paint (ox + xv, oy + yv), ck + 1, ck + 2
Next cc
End If
Next balls
pointy = Int(Rnd * 30) + 1
pkolor = Int(Rnd * 14)
pkolor = pkolor * 16 + 17 + Int(Rnd * 3)
change = 0
For h = horizon To 499
Line (0, h)-(799, h), pkolor + chnage
For qq = 1 To 8
mcheck = Int(Rnd * 20)
If mcheck = 1 Then GoTo drawmountain
Next qq
If Int(Rnd * 4) = 1 Then
change = change + 1
If change > 15 Then change = 15
End If
Next h
Input a$
If a$ = "quit" Then GoTo done
GoTo planets
mhigh = h - (Int(Rnd * 120) + 20)
mwide = Int(Rnd * 3) + 2
mwide = mwide * Sqr(Rnd * mwide / 3)
'mlow = horizon + Int(Rnd * mhigh) + 40
mkolor = pkolor + Int(Rnd * 8)
mx = Int(Rnd * 800) + 1
mx1 = mx - (mwide / 2)
mx2 = mx + (mwide / 2)
rcheck = 0
rlimit = Int(Rnd * 30) + 1
For my = mhigh To h
Line (mx1, my)-(mx2, my), mkolor
xv1 = Int(Rnd * 5)
xv2 = Int(Rnd * 5)
Line (mx1 + xv1, my)-(mx2 - xv2, my), mkolor + 1
Line (mx - (xv1 + mwide / 3), my)-(mx2 - xv2, my), mkolor + 3
rcheck = rcheck + 1
If rcheck > rlimit Then
Line (mx - (xv1 + mwide / 3), my)-(mx - (mwide / 2), my), mkolor + 3
End If
mwide = mwide + xv1 + wv2
mx1 = mx1 - (Int(Rnd * pointy) + (Rnd * mwide) / 2)
mx2 = mx2 + (Int(Rnd * pointy) + (Rnd * mwide) / 2)
' mwide = mx2 - mx1
Next my
GoTo dirt
'end program