INI Editor/Manager - Atomic Kev - 05-16-2022
Code to modify and create INI files with qb64.
AddINI "FileName","Section","Key","Data" This adds, modifies or creates data in either a new ini file or edits an existsing one
DelINI "FileName","Section","Key" This deletes a specific key in an ini file
DelSec "FileName","Section" This Removes an entire section from an ini file
x$ = ReadINI ("FileName","Section","Key") This returns a string from an ini file entry
Code: (Select All) Type Sections
lineNum As Integer
section As String
End Type
Sub LoadINIFile (FileName As String, iniData() As String, iniSections() As Sections)
ReDim As String iniData(0)
ReDim As Sections iniSections(0)
If _FileExists(FileName) Then
file = FreeFile
Open FileName For Binary As #file
If LOF(file) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Line Input #file, iniData(UBound(iniData))
If InStr(iniData(UBound(iniData)), "[") > 0 Then
iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).section = iniData(UBound(iniData))
iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).lineNum = x
ReDim _Preserve As Sections iniSections(UBound(iniSections) + 1)
End If
ReDim _Preserve iniData(UBound(iniData) + 1)
x = x + 1
Loop Until EOF(file)
End If
iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).section = "End of File"
iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).lineNum = x
End Sub
Sub CheckSection (sec() As Sections, check As String, out1 As Single, out2 As Single, Ret As String)
For i = 0 To UBound(sec)
If LCase$(sec(i).section) = "[" + LCase$(check) + "]" Then
out1 = sec(i).lineNum + 1
out2 = sec(i + 1).lineNum - 1
Print out1, out2
Exit Sub
End If
Ret = "New Section"
End Sub
Function ReadINI$ (FileName As String, Section As String, INIKey As String)
Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
Dim As Single start, finish
LoadINIFile "Config.ini", ini(), sec()
If Section <> "" Then
CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
For i = start To finish
If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
ReadINI = Right$(ini(i), (Len(ini(i)) - InStr(ini(i), "=")))
End If
If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
ReadINI = Right$(ini(i), (Len(ini(i)) - InStr(ini(i), "=")))
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until ini(i) = ""
End If
End Function
Sub DelINI (FileName As String, Section As String, INIKey As String)
Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
Dim As Single start, finish
LoadINIFile "Config.ini", ini(), sec()
If Section <> "" Then
CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
For i = start To finish
If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
ReDim temp(UBound(ini) - 1) As String
For a = 0 To (i - 1)
temp(a) = ini(a)
For a = i To UBound(temp)
temp(a) = ini(a + 1)
End If
If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
ReDim temp(UBound(ini) - 1) As String
For a = 0 To i - 1
temp(a) = ini(a)
For a = x To UBound(ini)
temp(x) = ini(x + 1)
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until ini(i) = ""
End If
If temp(UBound(temp)) = "" Then ReDim _Preserve temp(UBound(temp) - 1)
Loop Until temp(UBound(temp)) <> ""
f = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As #f
For i = 0 To UBound(temp)
Print #f, temp(i)
End Sub
Sub DelSec (FileName As String, Section As String)
Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
Dim As Single start, finish
LoadINIFile "Config.ini", ini(), sec()
CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
Print start, finish
ReDim Temp(UBound(ini)) As String
For i = 0 To start
Temp(i) = ini(i)
For i = finish To UBound(ini)
Temp(i - finish) = ini(i)
If Temp(UBound(Temp)) = "" Then ReDim _Preserve Temp(UBound(Temp) - 1)
Loop Until Temp(UBound(Temp)) <> ""
f = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As #f
For i = 0 To UBound(Temp)
Print #f, Temp(i)
End Sub
Sub AddINI (FileName As String, Section As String, INIKey As String, INIData As String)
Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
Dim As Single start, finish
LoadINIFile "Config.ini", ini(), sec()
CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
ReDim temp(UBound(ini) + 1) As String
If ret$ = "New Section" Then
ReDim temp(UBound(ini) + 3)
temp(0) = "[" + Section + "]"
temp(1) = INIKey + "=" + INIData
temp(2) = ""
For i = 3 To UBound(ini)
temp(i) = ini(i - 3)
If Section <> "" Then
For i = 0 To start
'Print ini(start): Sleep
temp(i) = ini(i)
temp(start) = INIKey + "=" + INIData
For i = start + 1 To UBound(ini)
temp(i) = ini(i - 1)
temp(0) = INIKey + "=" + INIData
For i = 1 To UBound(ini)
temp(i) = ini(i - 1)
End If
End If
If temp(UBound(temp)) = "" Then ReDim _Preserve temp(UBound(temp) - 1)
Loop Until temp(UBound(temp)) <> ""
f = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As #f
For i = 0 To UBound(temp)
Print #f, temp(i)
'Print temp(i): _Delay 1
End Sub
RE: INI Editor/Manager - Coolman - 05-17-2022
very interesting code. thanks for sharing.
RE: INI Editor/Manager - RhoSigma - 05-17-2022
Just look into source\utilities folder, that's the one used in QB64 itself, and you can simply include it in your programs too.
RE: INI Editor/Manager - Coolman - 05-17-2022
Thank you for the information. I found the full version here:
RE: INI Editor/Manager - AtomicSlaughter - 05-28-2022
(05-17-2022, 10:21 PM)Coolman Wrote: Thank you for the information. I found the full version here:
I know about fellippe's Ini Manager, i have used it in the past, but i wanted to make my own that did not include a BI file so all i had was a file full of subs.
this is all my code, but Fellippe's ini manager was my insperation.
RE: INI Editor/Manager - Coolman - 05-28-2022
i too prefer to avoid includes and libraries as much as possible. that's why i chose to study qb64. i stored both versions without examining it. i don't need it now but i would probably use your code. thanks for sharing.