Code: (Select All)
Type Sections
lineNum As Integer
section As String
End Type
If Command$ <> "" Then
test$ = Command$(1)
For i = 2 To _CommandCount Step 2
Select Case Command$(i)
Case "-f"
FileName$ = Command$(i + 1)
Case "-s"
IniSection$ = Command$(i + 1)
Case "-d"
INIData$ = Command$(i + 1)
Case "-k"
INIKey$ = Command$(i + 1)
End Select
Select Case test$
Case "-add": AddINI FileName$, IniSection$, INIKey$, INIData$: System
Case "-del": DelINI FileName$, IniSection$, INIKey$: System
Case "-delsec": DelSec FileName$, IniSection$: System
Case "-read": Print ReadINI(FileName$, IniSection$, INIKey$): System
Case "-readsection": ReadINISec FileName$, IniSection$: System
End Select
Input "Command >", test$
Select Case test$
Case "add"
Input "Filename >", FileName$
Input "Section >", IniSection$
Input "Key >", INIKey$
Input "Data >", INIData$
AddINI FileName$, IniSection$, INIKey$, INIData$: System
Case "del"
Input "Filename >", FileName$
Input "Section >", IniSection$
Input "Key >", INIKey$
DelINI FileName$, IniSection$, INIKey$: System
Case "delsec"
Input "Filename >", FileName$
Input "Section >", IniSection$
DelSec FileName$, IniSection$
Case "read"
Input "Filename >", FileName$
Input "Section >", IniSection$
Input "Key >", INIKey$
Print ReadINI(FileName$, IniSection$, INIKey$): System: System
End Select
End If
Sub LoadINIFile (FileName As String, iniData() As String, iniSections() As Sections)
ReDim As String iniData(0)
ReDim As Sections iniSections(0)
If _FileExists(FileName) Then
file = FreeFile
Open FileName For Binary As #file
If LOF(file) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Line Input #file, iniData(UBound(iniData))
If InStr(iniData(UBound(iniData)), "[") > 0 Then
iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).section = iniData(UBound(iniData))
iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).lineNum = x
ReDim _Preserve As Sections iniSections(UBound(iniSections) + 1)
End If
ReDim _Preserve iniData(UBound(iniData) + 1)
x = x + 1
Loop Until EOF(file)
End If
iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).section = "End of File"
iniSections(UBound(iniSections)).lineNum = x
End Sub
Sub CheckSection (sec() As Sections, check As String, out1 As Single, out2 As Single, Ret As String)
For i = 0 To UBound(sec)
If LCase$(sec(i).section) = "[" + LCase$(check) + "]" Then
out1 = sec(i).lineNum + 1
out2 = sec(i + 1).lineNum - 1
Exit Sub
End If
Ret = "New Section"
End Sub
Function ReadINI$ (FileName As String, Section As String, INIKey As String)
Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
Dim As Single start, finish
LoadINIFile FileName, ini(), sec()
If Section <> "" Then
CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
For i = start To finish
If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
ReadINI = Right$(ini(i), (Len(ini(i)) - InStr(ini(i), "=")))
End If
If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
ReadINI = Right$(ini(i), (Len(ini(i)) - InStr(ini(i), "=")))
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until ini(i) = ""
End If
End Function
Sub DelINI (FileName As String, Section As String, INIKey As String)
Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
Dim As Single start, finish
LoadINIFile FileName, ini(), sec()
If Section <> "" Then
CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
For i = start To finish
If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
ReDim temp(UBound(ini) - 1) As String
For a = 0 To (i - 1)
temp(a) = ini(a)
For a = i To UBound(temp)
temp(a) = ini(a + 1)
End If
If Left$(LCase$(ini(i)), InStr(ini(i), "=") - 1) = LCase$(INIKey) Then
ReDim temp(UBound(ini) - 1) As String
For a = 0 To i - 1
temp(a) = ini(a)
For a = x To UBound(ini)
temp(x) = ini(x + 1)
End If
i = i + 1
Loop Until ini(i) = ""
End If
If temp(UBound(temp)) = "" Then ReDim _Preserve temp(UBound(temp) - 1)
Loop Until temp(UBound(temp)) <> ""
f = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As #f
For i = 0 To UBound(temp)
Print #f, temp(i)
End Sub
Sub DelSec (FileName As String, Section As String)
Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
Dim As Single start, finish
LoadINIFile FileName, ini(), sec()
CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
ReDim Temp(UBound(ini)) As String
For i = 0 To start
Temp(i) = ini(i)
For i = finish To UBound(ini)
Temp(i - finish) = ini(i)
If Temp(UBound(Temp)) = "" Then ReDim _Preserve Temp(UBound(Temp) - 1)
Loop Until Temp(UBound(Temp)) <> ""
f = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As #f
For i = 0 To UBound(Temp)
Print #f, Temp(i)
End Sub
Sub AddINI (FileName As String, Section As String, INIKey As String, INIData As String)
Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
Dim As Single start, finish
LoadINIFile FileName, ini(), sec()
CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
ReDim temp(UBound(ini) + 1) As String
If ret$ = "New Section" Then
ReDim temp(UBound(ini) + 3)
temp(0) = "[" + Section + "]"
temp(1) = INIKey + "=" + INIData
temp(2) = ""
For i = 3 To UBound(ini)
temp(i) = ini(i - 3)
If Section <> "" Then
For i = 0 To start
temp(i) = ini(i)
temp(start) = INIKey + "=" + INIData
For i = start + 1 To UBound(ini)
temp(i) = ini(i - 1)
temp(0) = INIKey + "=" + INIData
For i = 1 To UBound(ini)
temp(i) = ini(i - 1)
End If
End If
If temp(UBound(temp)) = "" Then ReDim _Preserve temp(UBound(temp) - 1)
Loop Until temp(UBound(temp)) <> ""
ff = FreeFile
Open FileName For Output As #ff
For i = 0 To UBound(temp)
Print #ff, temp(i)
End Sub
Sub ReadINISec (FileName As String, Section As String)
Dim sec(0) As Sections: Dim ini(0) As String
Dim As Single start, finish
LoadINIFile FileName, ini(), sec()
CheckSection sec(), Section, start, finish, ret$
x = start: y = finish
Print ini(start - 1)
For i = x To y
Print ">> ", ini(i)
End Sub