Code: (Select All)
'Drawtrek demo1
'an epic space opera demo
'by James D. Jarvis
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 256)
Randomize Timer
Dim Shared shieldstr
Dim Shared kshieldstr
Dim Shared shieldmax
Dim Shared kshieldmax
Dim Shared st(100, 2)
For s = 1 To 100
st(s, 1) = Int(Rnd * 800)
st(s, 2) = Int(Rnd * 600)
Next s
shieldmax = 50
shieldstr = 50
kshieldstr = 50
kshieldmax = 50
For px = 100 To 300 Step 10
_Limit 60
drawplayership px, 300
drawkremulan 400 + px / 3, 300
Next px
For x = 300 To 500 Step 8
_Limit 60
drawplayership px, 300
drawkremulan 500 + Int(x / 16), 300
dburst x, 300, 4, 11
Next x
For dspan = 4 To 20
_Limit 60
drawplayership px, 300
drawkremulan 500 + Int(x / 16), 300
dburst x, 300, dspan - Int(Rnd * 3), 12
kshieldstr = kshieldstr - 1
Next dspan
kx = 500 + Int(x / 16)
drawplayership 270, 300
drawkremulan kx, 300
_Delay 0.14
For x = 300 To 500 Step 8
_Limit 60
drawplayership px, 300
drawkremulan kx, 300
dburst x, 300, 4, 11
Next x
For dspan = 4 To 20
_Limit 60
drawplayership px, 300
drawkremulan 500 + Int(x / 16), 300
dburst x, 300, dspan - Int(Rnd * 3), 12
kshieldstr = kshieldstr - 3
Next dspan
_Delay 0.14
For x = 300 To 500 Step 8
_Limit 60
drawplayership px, 300
drawkremulan kx, 300
dburst x, 300, 4, 11
Next x
For dspan = 4 To 20
_Limit 60
drawplayership px, 300
drawkremulan kx, 300
dburst x, 300, dspan - Int(Rnd * 3), 12
kshieldstr = kshieldstr - 3
Next dspan
For boom = 1 To 30
_Limit 60
drawplayership px, 300
drawkremulan kx, 300
dburst kx + Int(Rnd * 12), 300 + Int(Rnd * 7) - Int(Rnd * 7), Int(Rnd * 12) + boom / 2, 12
If Int(Rnd * 3) < 2 Then dburst kx + Int(Rnd * 12), 300 + Int(Rnd * 7) - Int(Rnd * 7), Int(Rnd * 12) + boom / 2, 14
If Int(Rnd * 3) < 2 Then dburst kx + Int(Rnd * 12), 300 + Int(Rnd * 7) - Int(Rnd * 7), Int(Rnd * 12) + boom / 2, 4
Next boom
a = 0
For Y = 300 To -20 Step -5
_Limit 60
If a < 90 Then
a = a + 5
px = px + 3
End If
Draw "ta" + Str$(a)
drawplayership px, Y
Next Y
Sub drawplayership (xx, yy)
PSet (xx, yy), 0
Color 15
Circle (xx, yy), 5, 15
Draw " bm -10,0 r10 bm -10,-4 d8 l3 br3 bu8 l3"
sc = 10
If shieldstr < shieldmax * .8 Then sc = 2
If shieldstr < shieldmax * .6 Then sc = 14
If shieldstr < shieldmax * .4 Then sc = 12
If shieldstr < shieldmax * .2 Then sc = 4
If shieldstr > 0 Then Circle (xx, yy), 20, sc, 0, (2 * _Pi) * (shieldstr / shieldmax)
Draw "ta0"
End Sub
Sub drawkremulan (xx, yy)
PSet (xx, yy), 0
kk = 6
Color kk
Circle (xx, yy - 2), 2, kk
Circle (xx, yy + 2), 2, kk
Draw "bm -0,-2 l10 e3 l5 r5 g3 f3 l5 "
sc = 10
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .8 Then sc = 2
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .6 Then sc = 14
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .4 Then sc = 12
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .2 Then sc = 4
If kshieldstr > 0 Then Circle (xx, yy), 20, sc, 0, (2 * _Pi) * (kshieldstr / kshieldmax)
End Sub
Sub drawmraar (xx, yy)
PSet (xx, yy), 0
kk = 13
Color kk
Line (xx - 4, yy - 4)-(xx + 4, yy + 4), kk, B
Draw "l18 d4 u4 r18 u8 l18 u4"
sc = 10
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .8 Then sc = 2
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .6 Then sc = 14
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .4 Then sc = 12
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .2 Then sc = 4
Circle (xx, yy), 20, sc, 0, (2 * _Pi) * (kshieldstr / kshieldmax)
End Sub
Sub drawvelnax (xx, yy)
PSet (xx, yy), 0
kk = 10
Color kk
Line (xx - 3, yy - 3)-(xx + 5, yy + 3), kk, B
PSet (xx, yy)
Draw "l15 u7 d14 u7 r4 u7 d14 "
sc = 10
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .8 Then sc = 2
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .6 Then sc = 14
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .4 Then sc = 12
If kshieldstr < kshieldmax * .2 Then sc = 4
Circle (xx, yy), 20, sc, 0, (2 * _Pi) * (kshieldstr / kshieldmax)
End Sub
Sub dcircle (xx, yy, r, klr)
'draw a circle
PSet (xx, yy), klr
Draw "c" + Str$(klr)
For d = 0 To 360 Step 1
Draw "ta " + Str$(d) + " r" + Str$(r) + " bl" + Str$(r)
Next d
End Sub
Sub dburst (xx, yy, r, klr)
PSet (xx, yy), klr
Draw "c" + Str$(klr)
For d = 0 To 360 Step (1 + Rnd * 10)
rv = Int(r \ 1.9 + Rnd * (r / 2))
Draw "ta " + Str$(d) + " r" + Str$(rv) + " bl" + Str$(rv)
Next d
End Sub
Sub darc (xx, yy, r, klr, arc1, arc2)
'draws an arc, will draw an unfilled circle if the arc goes from 0 to 360
PSet (xx, yy), klr
Draw "c" + Str$(klr)
For d = arc1 To arc2 Step 1
Draw "ta " + Str$(d) + " br" + Str$(r - 1) + "r bl" + Str$(r)
Next d
End Sub
Sub drawstars
For s = 1 To 100
PSet (st(s, 1), st(s, 2)), 15
Next s
End Sub