Code: (Select All)
'Mininmal absolute Pen draw
'this simple program allows the user to draw an image using a mouse and write a string that can be used by the draw command
'in another program.
'this uses color 15 as the line color and color 12 as the fill color.
' I whipped this up because I was getting darned sick and tired of plotting out draw images coordinates ahead of time
_Title "pen_draw ABSOLUTE <esc> to quit" '
maxx = 640 'just change these two if you want to draw larger pictures
maxy = 480
Screen _NewImage(maxx, maxy, 256)
Dim dc$(60000) 'this is a big string array, I haven't drawn anything that fills this yet but i suppose it is indeed very possible
Dim DW$(60000)
p = 0
ox = 0
oy = 0
nx = 0
ny = 0
DD$ = ""
Draw "c15"
_Limit 60
Do While _MouseInput
If _MouseButton(1) Then
p = p + 1
Locate 1, 1: Print p
nx = _MouseX
ny = _MouseY
If ox = 0 And oy = 0 Then 'if the pen is up the line will be plotted by blind move but not drawn
dc$(p) = "bm" + Str$(nx) + "," + Str$(ny)
Draw dc$(p)
ox = nx
oy = ny
Else 'elsewise the pen is down and a visible line will be plotted f
PSet (ox, oy)
dc$(p) = "m" + Str$(nx) + "," + Str$(ny)
Draw dc$(p)
ox = nx
oy = ny
End If
End If
ask$ = InKey$
Select Case ask$
Case " " 'pen up and pen down
'this clears old X and old Y so the user can create non-contiguos points
If ox = 0 And oy = 0 Then
ox = nx
oy = ny
ox = 0
oy = 0
End If
Case "f" 'fill, it works best if you press the space bar before and after using this command
p = p + 1
fx = _MouseX
fy = _MouseY
dc$(p) = "bm" + Str$(fx) + "," + Str$(fy) + " P12,15 c15"
ox = 0
oy = 0
Draw dc$(p)
ask$ = " "
Case "u" 'undo, it mostly sorta works...
' do not hold the u key down too long or a whole lot of work is getting undone
' if the image yuo are drawing has a lot of redundant points that haven't been cleaned up yet it will take a while
' to notice the results of this command as it steps back through the draw commands
p = p - 1 'step back one point
PSet (0, 0)
Draw "c15"
For D = 1 To p 'redraw the image after stepping back
DD$ = DD$ + dc$(D)
Next D
Draw DD$
DD$ = ""
ask$ = " "
Case "w" 'write to clipboard also clean up duplicate entries
'this writes a single string holding the draw command for the image to the clipbaord
'it does a simple pass to eliminate consecutive redundant points that can be generated while drawing with the mouse
DD$ = ""
DW$(1) = dc$(1)
w = 1
For D = 2 To p
If dc$(D) <> DW$(w) Then
w = w + 1
DW$(w) = dc$(D)
End If
Next D
For D = 1 To w
DD$ = DD$ + DW$(D)
dc$(D) = DW$(D)
Next D
p = w
ox = 0
oy = 0
_Clipboard$ = DD$ 'this slaps the string on the clipboard
End Select
Loop Until ask$ = Chr$(27)
For D = 1 To p
DD$ = DD$ + dc$(D)
Next D
Draw DD$
Input "Enter anything to quit ", aa$