I wrote this shortly before my latest update (04/07/2022).
Unlike that update this is a widget toolkit and not a windowing system.
It can use some work, it has some glitches, and is not pretty.
You can't do anything advanced with this but it's worth a look.
Obligatory screenshots:
1) Copy blank.png and k3.bas into your qb64 folder
2) Compile and run k3.bas
Unlike that update this is a widget toolkit and not a windowing system.
It can use some work, it has some glitches, and is not pretty.
You can't do anything advanced with this but it's worth a look.
Obligatory screenshots:
1) Copy blank.png and k3.bas into your qb64 folder
2) Compile and run k3.bas
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Type aWindow
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
Text As String
imageHandle As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type anIcon
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
Text As String
imageHandle As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aButton
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
Text As String
imageHandle As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aCheckbox
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
isChecked As _Byte
Text As String
imageHandle1 As _Unsigned Long
imageHandle2 As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aSwitch
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
isEnabled As _Byte
Text As String
imageHandle1 As _Unsigned Long
imageHandle2 As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aRadiobutton
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
groupID As _Unsigned Integer
isSelected As _Byte
Text As String
imageHandle1 As _Unsigned Long
imageHandle2 As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Type aMouse
positionX As Integer
positionY As Integer
buttonLeft As _Byte
buttonMiddle As _Byte
buttonRight As _Byte
End Type
Type aLimit
Minimum As _Unsigned Integer
Current As _Unsigned Integer
Maximum As _Unsigned Integer
End Type
Dim Shared theLimitWindows As aLimit
theLimitWindows.Minimum = 0
theLimitWindows.Current = theLimit.Minimum
theLimitWindows.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared theLimitIcons As aLimit
theLimitIcons.Minimum = 0
theLimitIcons.Current = theLimit.Minimum
theLimitIcons.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared theLimitButtons As aLimit
theLimitButtons.Minimum = 0
theLimitButtons.Current = theLimitButtons.Minimum
theLimitButtons.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared theLimitCheckboxes As aLimit
theLimitCheckboxes.Minimum = 0
theLimitCheckboxes.Current = theLimitCheckboxes.Minimum
theLimitCheckboxes.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared theLimitSwitches As aLimit
theLimitSwitches.Minimum = 0
theLimitSwitches.Current = theLimitSwitches.Minimum
theLimitSwitches.Maximum = 0 - 1
Dim Shared theLimitRadiobuttons As aLimit
theLimitRadiobuttons.Minimum = 0
theLimitRadiobuttons.Current = theLimitRadiobuttons.Minimum
theLimitRadiobuttons.Maximum = 0 - 1
ReDim Shared theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current) As aWindow
ReDim Shared theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current) As anIcon
ReDim Shared theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current) As aButton
ReDim Shared theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current) As aCheckbox
ReDim Shared theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current) As aSwitch
ReDim Shared theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current) As aRadiobutton
Dim Shared theMouse As aMouse
'initWindow 300, 200, 320, 240, "Window"
initIcon 100, 100, "blank.png", "Icon 1"
initIcon 200, 100, "blank.png", "Icon 2"
initButton 100, 200, 100, 40, "Button"
initCheckbox 100, 400, 50, -1, "Checkbox"
initSwitch 200, 150, 25, 0, "Switch"
initRadiobutton 550, 100, 50, 1, -1, "Radiobutton 1"
initRadiobutton 550, 175, 50, 1, 0, "Radiobutton 2"
initRadiobutton 550, 250, 50, 1, 0, "Radiobutton 3"
Dim Shared zoneTypeClicked As String
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGBA32(127, 127, 127, 255), BF
For i1 = 0 To theLimitButtons.Current
_PutImage (theButtons(i1).positionX, theButtons(i1).positionY), theButtons(i1).imageHandle
Next i1
For i2 = 0 To theLimitIcons.Current
_PutImage (theIcons(i2).positionX, theIcons(i2).positionY), theIcons(i2).imageHandle
Next i2
For i3 = 0 To theLimitWindows.Current
_PutImage (theWindows(i3).positionX, theWindows(i3).positionY), theWindows(i3).imageHandle
Next i3
For i4 = 0 To theLimitCheckboxes.Current
If theCheckboxes(i4).isChecked Then
_PutImage (theCheckboxes(i4).positionX, theCheckboxes(i4).positionY), theCheckboxes(i4).imageHandle2
_PutImage (theCheckboxes(i4).positionX, theCheckboxes(i4).positionY), theCheckboxes(i4).imageHandle1
End If
Next i4
For i5 = 0 To theLimitSwitches.Current
If theSwitches(i5).isEnabled Then
_PutImage (theSwitches(i5).positionX, theSwitches(i5).positionY), theSwitches(i5).imageHandle2
_PutImage (theSwitches(i5).positionX, theSwitches(i5).positionY), theSwitches(i5).imageHandle1
End If
Next i5
For i6 = 0 To theLimitRadiobuttons.Current
If theRadiobuttons(i6).isSelected Then
_PutImage (theRadiobuttons(i6).positionX, theRadiobuttons(i6).positionY), theRadiobuttons(i6).imageHandle2
_PutImage (theRadiobuttons(i6).positionX, theRadiobuttons(i6).positionY), theRadiobuttons(i6).imageHandle1
End If
Next i6
If theMouse.buttonLeft Then
For i = 0 To theLimitWindows.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "window")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "window"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To theLimitIcons.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "icon")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "icon"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To theLimitButtons.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "button")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "button"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To theLimitCheckboxes.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "checkbox")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "checkbox"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To theLimitSwitches.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "switch")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "switch"
GoTo skip
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To theLimitRadiobuttons.Current
Status1 = isZone~&(i, "radiobutton")
If Status1 <> 0 Then
status2 = Status1
zoneTypeClicked = "radiobutton"
End If
Next i
zoneTypeClicked = LCase$(LTrim$(RTrim$(zoneTypeClicked)))
Select Case zoneTypeClicked
Case "window"
Case "icon"
Case "button"
Case "checkbox"
If theCheckboxes(status2).isChecked = -1 Then
theCheckboxes(status2).isChecked = 0
theCheckboxes(status2).isChecked = -1
End If
Case "switch"
If theSwitches(status2).isEnabled = -1 Then
theSwitches(status2).isEnabled = 0
theSwitches(status2).isEnabled = -1
End If
Case "radiobutton"
For i = 0 To theLimitRadiobuttons.Current
If theRadiobuttons(i).groupID = theRadiobuttons(status2).groupID Then
theRadiobuttons(i).isSelected = 0
End If
Next i
theRadiobuttons(status2).isSelected = -1
End Select
End If
Loop Until Len(InKey$)
Sub initWindow (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSizeX As _Unsigned Integer, inSizeY As _Unsigned Integer, inTitle As String)
theLimitWindows.Current = theLimitWindows.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current) As aWindow
theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).positionX = inPositionX
theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).positionY = inPositionY
theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).sizeX = inSizeX
theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).sizeY = inSizeY
theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).Text = inTitle
theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).imageHandle = _NewImage(theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).sizeX, theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).sizeY, 32)
_Dest theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).imageHandle
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(191, 191, 191, 255), BF
_PrintString (10, 10), theWindows(theLimitWindows.Current).Text
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub initIcon (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inIconFilename As String, inIconText As String)
theLimitIcons.Current = theLimitIcons.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current) As anIcon
theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current).imageHandle = _LoadImage(inIconFilename)
theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current).positionX = inPositionX
theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current).positionY = inPositionY
theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current).sizeX = _Width(theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current).imageHandle)
theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current).sizeY = _Height(theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current).imageHandle)
theIcons(theLimitIcons.Current).Text = inIconText
End Sub
Sub initButton (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSizeX As _Unsigned Integer, inSizeY As _Unsigned Integer, inText As String)
theLimitButtons.Current = theLimitButtons.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current) As aButton
theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).positionX = inPositionX
theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).positionY = inPositionY
theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).sizeX = inSizeX
theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).sizeY = inSizeY
theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).Text = inText
theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).imageHandle = _NewImage(theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).sizeX, theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).sizeY, 32)
_Dest theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).imageHandle
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(0, 0, 255, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
_PrintString (5, 5), theButtons(theLimitButtons.Current).Text
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub initCheckbox (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSize As _Unsigned Integer, inIsChecked As _Byte, inText As String)
theLimitCheckboxes.Current = theLimitCheckboxes.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current) As aCheckbox
theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).positionX = inPositionX
theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).positionY = inPositionY
theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).sizeX = inSize
theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).sizeY = inSize
theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).isChecked = inIsChecked
theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).Text = inText
theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).imageHandle1 = _NewImage(theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).sizeX, theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).sizeY, 32)
theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).imageHandle2 = _NewImage(theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).sizeX, theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).sizeY, 32)
_Dest theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).imageHandle2
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(0, 127, 0, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
Line (2, 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height - 3), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
Line (2, _Height - 3)-(_Width - 3, 2), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
_Dest theCheckboxes(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).imageHandle1
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(0, 127, 0, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub initSwitch (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSize As _Unsigned Integer, inIsEnabled As _Byte, inText As String)
theLimitSwitches.Current = theLimitSwitches.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current) As aSwitch
theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).positionX = inPositionX
theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).positionY = inPositionY
theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).sizeX = inSize
theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).sizeY = inSize * 2
theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).isEnabled = inIsEnabled
theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).Text = inText
theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).imageHandle1 = _NewImage(theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).sizeX, theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).sizeY, 32)
theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).imageHandle2 = _NewImage(theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).sizeX, theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).sizeY, 32)
_Dest theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).imageHandle2
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(0, 127, 0, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
Line (2, 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height / 2), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), BF
_Dest theSwitches(theLimitSwitches.Current).imageHandle1
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 0, 0, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
Line (2, _Height / 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height - 3), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), BF
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub initRadiobutton (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSize As _Unsigned Integer, inGroupID As _Unsigned Integer, inIsSelected As _Byte, inText As String)
theLimitRadiobuttons.Current = theLimitRadiobuttons.Current + 1
ReDim _Preserve theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current) As aRadiobutton
theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).positionX = inPositionX
theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).positionY = inPositionY
theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeX = inSize
theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeY = inSize
theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).groupID = inGroupID
theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).isSelected = inIsSelected
theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).Text = inText
theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).imageHandle1 = _NewImage(theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeX, theRadiobuttons(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).sizeY, 32)
theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).imageHandle2 = _NewImage(theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).sizeX, theRadiobuttons(theLimitCheckboxes.Current).sizeY, 32)
_Dest theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).imageHandle2
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 0, 255, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
Line (2, 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height - 3), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
Line (2, _Height - 3)-(_Width - 3, 2), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
_Dest theRadiobuttons(theLimitRadiobuttons.Current).imageHandle1
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 0, 255, 255), BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
_Dest 0
End Sub
Sub probeMouse
While _MouseInput
theMouse.positionX = _MouseX
theMouse.positionY = _MouseY
theMouse.buttonLeft = _MouseButton(1)
theMouse.buttonRight = _MouseButton(2)
theMouse.buttonMiddle = _MouseButton(3)
End Sub
Function isZone~& (inIdentifier As _Unsigned _Integer64, inSelector As String)
inSelector = LCase$(LTrim$(RTrim$(inSelector)))
Select Case inSelector
Case "window"
If theMouse.positionX >= theWindows(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If theMouse.positionY >= theWindows(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If theMouse.positionX <= theWindows(inIdentifier).positionX + theWindows(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If theMouse.positionY <= theWindows(inIdentifier).positionY + theWindows(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "icon"
If theMouse.positionX >= theIcons(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If theMouse.positionY >= theIcons(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If theMouse.positionX <= theIcons(inIdentifier).positionX + theIcons(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If theMouse.positionY <= theIcons(inIdentifier).positionY + theIcons(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "button"
If theMouse.positionX >= theButtons(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If theMouse.positionY >= theButtons(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If theMouse.positionX <= theButtons(inIdentifier).positionX + theButtons(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If theMouse.positionY <= theButtons(inIdentifier).positionY + theButtons(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "checkbox"
If theMouse.positionX >= theCheckboxes(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If theMouse.positionY >= theCheckboxes(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If theMouse.positionX <= theCheckboxes(inIdentifier).positionX + theCheckboxes(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If theMouse.positionY <= theCheckboxes(inIdentifier).positionY + theCheckboxes(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "switch"
If theMouse.positionX >= theSwitches(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If theMouse.positionY >= theSwitches(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If theMouse.positionX <= theSwitches(inIdentifier).positionX + theSwitches(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If theMouse.positionY <= theSwitches(inIdentifier).positionY + theSwitches(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "radiobutton"
If theMouse.positionX >= theRadiobuttons(inIdentifier).positionX Then
If theMouse.positionY >= theRadiobuttons(inIdentifier).positionY Then
If theMouse.positionX <= theRadiobuttons(inIdentifier).positionX + theRadiobuttons(inIdentifier).sizeX Then
If theMouse.positionY <= theRadiobuttons(inIdentifier).positionY + theRadiobuttons(inIdentifier).sizeY Then
isZone~& = inIdentifier
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End Function