Radian Ferris Wheel
Thanks. I was reading the game tutorial, this part specifically: https://www.qb64tutorial.com/lesson19
(11-12-2022, 04:20 PM)bplus Wrote:
Quote:I had a go a while back at explaining what pi was, using a "circular" shape with increasing numbers of arcs, from 3 to 1000, and summing the lengths of the arcs until they reached 6.28... but I eventually gave up (temporarily?).

Maybe someone cleverer than me will do this (hint, hint)?

Pi is a ratio of the diameter of a circle to the circumference of a circle: d * Pi = circumference
since radius is 1/2 diameter 2 * r * Pi = circumference

If radius is 1, a unit circle they call it, the radian measure = the circumference of the arc
A unit circle (360 degrees) has  2 *Pi circumference ( 2 * 1 * Pi)
Half a unit circle (180 degrees) has Pi circumference (2 * Pi * 1/2)
1/4 unit circle (90 degrees) has Pi/2 circumference as is Pi/2 radians ( 2 * Pi * 1/4)

so 1/n unit circle is 2 * Pi * 1/n radians.
Thanks bplus. You've encouraged me to "have another go".
I sorta knew most of that, but hadn't quite worked out how to apply which bits for my prog. You cleared the cloud a little.  Smile
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.) Big Grin
You can put this function around any angle in radians, and it will simplify it to be at least zero, and less than 2pi.

function simplify_angle(a)
threesixty = 8 * atn(1)
x = -a / threesixty
if x <> int(x) then x = x + 1
simplify_angle = a + (int(x) * threesixty)
end function
Welcome @johannhowitzer

Weren't you at old forum?
b = b + ...
Yes, I'm the same person. I lurk quietly, checking out programs here and there, mostly grinding away at my own big project and frequently referring to the wiki.

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