Code: (Select All)
SCR = _NewImage(80, 25, 0)
Screen SCR
_Delay .2
_ScreenMove _Middle
xMod = Int(Rnd * 100): ymod = Int(Rnd * 40)
temp = _NewImage(80 + xMod, 25 + ymod, 0)
Screen temp: _FreeImage SCR: SCR = temp
_Delay .25: _ScreenMove _Middle
Cls , 1
x = HW_PopUp
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
Function HW_PopUp
Static OptionScreen As Long, OptionDisplay As Long
Dim As Long DisplayHeight, DisplayWidth, TotalHeight, TotalWidth
Dim As _Float StepScaleY
OSW = _Width * _FontWidth: OSH = _Height * _FontHeight
DisplayWidth = OSW * .8: DisplayHeight = OSH * .8
DisplayX = OSW * .1: DisplayY = OSH * .1
If OptionScreen = 0 Then OptionScreen = _NewImage(600, 2000, 32)
OptionDisplay = _NewImage(DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight, 32)
_Dest OptionScreen 'draw to option screen
x1 = DisplayWidth - _FontWidth: x2 = DisplayWidth
y1 = 0: y2 = DisplayHeight
NumOfLines = DisplayHeight / _FontHeight
TotalLines = (2000) / _FontHeight(16)
StepScaleY = DisplayHeight / TotalLines 'How much of the screen we can see at once
Cls , SkyBlue
Color Black, 0
k = _KeyHit
Select Case k
Case 18432: Ypos = Ypos - 1: If Ypos < 0 Then Ypos = 0
Case 20480: Ypos = Ypos + 1: If Ypos > TotalLines - NumOfLines Then Ypos = TotalLines - NumOfLines
Case 1 To 255: _Dest 0: _FreeImage OptionDisplay: Exit Function
End Select
_Dest OptionDisplay 'draw the scrollbar on the visible display for the user
ScrollPositionY = Ypos * StepScaleY
'If ScrollPosition >= ProgramLength Then ScrollPosition = ProgramLength
Line (x1, 0)-(x2, _Height(OptionDisplay)), LightGray, BF
Line (x1, ScrollPositionY)-(x2, ScrollPositionY + NumOfLines * StepScaleY), Red, BF
_Dest OptionScreen
For i = 1 To TotalLines
Locate i, 1: Print i, NumOfLines, TotalLines; StepScaleY;
Locate 1, 1
_PutImage (0, 0)-(x1, y2), OptionScreen, OptionDisplay, (0, Ypos * _FontHeight)-(600, (Ypos + NumOfLines) * _FontHeight)
HWdisplay = _CopyImage(OptionDisplay, 33)
_PutImage (DisplayX, DisplayY), HWdisplay
_FreeImage HWdisplay
_Limit 30
End Function
This is one @Pete will probably like.
What we're doing here is making a 600x2000 graphic screen... then we're taking a portion of that screen and scaling it so we can display it as a pop-up centered over 80% of our SCREEN 0 screen.
We have arrow keys! We have scalable sliders!
And... umm.... we resize? umm...
We don't really do anything right now, as this is just a work-in-progress, but what we CAN do now, is draw graphics, text, input boxes, or other things inside that popup box, and have them center and display all nice and pretty on our screen 0 text screen. Just place what you'd like to see on the screen where you currently see the code for:
Code: (Select All)
_Dest OptionScreen
For i = 1 To TotalLines
Locate i, 1: Print i, NumOfLines, TotalLines; StepScaleY;
Locate 1, 1