02-25-2023, 06:54 AM
Very simply, this little program will count the lines in your code and output the results
to a file. You specify the code file and output file, then it scans and counts. It ignores
whitespace and comments, and gives a line count for each sub and function, as well as a total
for the whole program.
Not terribly useful, but gives more exact and detailed info than just copypasting your code
into something like pastebin.
to a file. You specify the code file and output file, then it scans and counts. It ignores
whitespace and comments, and gives a line count for each sub and function, as well as a total
for the whole program.
Not terribly useful, but gives more exact and detailed info than just copypasting your code
into something like pastebin.
Code: (Select All)
const true = -1
const false = 0
screen 12
cls , 15
color 0, 15
input "Code file: ", f1$
loop until fileexists(f1$) = true
input "Output file: ", f2$
loop until fileexists(f2$) = false
open f1$ for input as #1
line_count = 0
dim l$(line_count)
do until eof(1)
line_count = line_count + 1
redim preserve l$(line_count)
line input #1, l$(line_count)
close #1
total_lines = 0
sub_count = 0
for n = 1 to line_count
if processed_left$(l$(n), 4) = "sub " or processed_left$(l$(n), 9) = "function " then sub_count = sub_count + 1
if processed_left$(l$(n), 1) = "'" or trim$(l$(n)) = "" then continue
total_lines = total_lines + 1
next n
dim sub_lines(sub_count)
dim sub_name$(sub_count)
sub_name$(0) = "[Main]"
current_sub = 0
for n = 1 to line_count
if processed_left$(l$(n), 1) = "'" or trim$(l$(n)) = "" then continue
if processed_left$(l$(n), 4) = "sub " or processed_left$(l$(n), 9) = "function " then
current_sub = current_sub + 1
sub_name$(current_sub) = before$(ltrim$(lcase$(l$(n))), "(")
end if
sub_lines(current_sub) = sub_lines(current_sub) + 1
next n
total_test = 0
open f2$ for output as #1
for n = 0 to sub_count
double_print sub_name$(n) + ":" + str$(sub_lines(n))
total_test = total_test + sub_lines(n)
next n
double_print ""
double_print "Total by count:" + str$(total_lines)
double_print "Total by sum:" + str$(total_test)
close #1
function processed_left$(t$, c)
processed_left$ = left$(ltrim$(lcase$(t$)), c)
end function
sub double_print(t$)
print t$
print #1, t$
end sub
function before$(t$, c$)
p = instr(t$, c$)
if p = false then p = len(t$) + 1
before$ = left$(t$, p - 1)
end function