Hello. Working with the new excellent _SndNew command, I discovered that _SndGetPos can't find the time in the track that is created by the _SndNew command, so I played that field with the _SndRaw command, which already has a perfectly fixed stereo. On this occasion, I discovered that the SndLen command works as it should only if _SndRaw does not have a third parameter used for a pointer to _SndOpenRaw. If the third parameter is used, then _SndLen does not work as it should and in that case the sound will be stored in memory faster than expected. I also found that when using the third parameter of the _SndRaw command, the difficulty increases sharply, and then (on my weak laptop, it is enough in the attached program on line 53 to disable the condition of printing to the screen at every thousandth step, and the sound is played as jerking and tearing, simply unlistenable ). But if the third parameter of _SndRaw is not used, you can print to the screen at every step and everything runs perfectly.
Code: (Select All)
'example show _SNDOPENRAW bug
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
test& = _SndOpen("0.mp3")
Print "Track lenght:"; _SndLen(test&)
Dim As Long RawS
RawS = _SndOpenRaw
Print "In this source code: First try this, PlaySound calculate correct time and _SndRawLen works correctly."
Print "Then comment row 10, 45, 48 and uncomment row 11, 46, 49 and run program again."
PlaySound test&, 1 '
'PlaySound test&, RawS
Sub PlaySound (handle As Long, RAWSND As Long)
Dim SampleData As _MEM
Dim channels As _Unsigned _Byte
Dim sampL As Single, sampR As Single
Dim i As _Offset
channels = SndChannels(handle)
SampleData = _MemSound(handle, 0)
If SampleData.SIZE = 0 Then
Print "PlaySound: Sample data array is empty."
Exit Sub
End If
Do Until i = SampleData.SIZE - SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE
Select Case channels
Case 1
Select Case SampleData.TYPE
Case 260: sampL = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i, Single) ' 32-bit floating point
Case 132: sampL = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i, Long) / 2147483648 ' 32-bit integer
Case 130: sampL = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i, Integer) / 32768 ' 16-bit integer
Case 1153: sampL = (_MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i, _Unsigned _Byte) - 128) / 128 ' 8-bit unsigned integer
End Select
Case 2
Select Case SampleData.TYPE
Case 260: sampL = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i, Single): sampR = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE / 2, Single) ' 32-bit floating point
Case 132: sampL = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i, Long) / 2147483648: sampR = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE / 2, Long) / 2147483648 ' 32-bit integer
Case 130: sampL = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i, Integer) / 32768: sampR = _MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE / 2, Integer) / 32768 ' 16-bit integer
Case 1153: sampL = (_MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i, _Unsigned _Byte) - 128) / 128: sampR = (_MemGet(SampleData, SampleData.OFFSET + i + SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE / 2, _Unsigned _Byte) - 128) / 128 ' 8-bit unsigned integer
End Select
End Select
If channels Mod 2 = 0 Then
_SndRaw sampL, sampR 'stereo
'_SndRaw sampL, sampR, RAWSND 'stereo
_SndRaw sampL, sampL 'mono = left channel in both speakers
' _SndRaw sampL, sampL, RAWSND 'mono = left channel in both speakers
End If
i = i + SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE
Locate 20
If i Mod 1000 = 0 Then Print "PlaySound: Track time:"; CSng(ConvertOffset(i / SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE) / _SndRate); "[sec] "
Do Until _SndRawLen < 0.1: Loop
_MemFree SampleData
End Sub
Function ConvertOffset&& (value As _Offset)
Dim m As _MEM 'Define a memblock
m = _Mem(value) 'Point it to use value
$If 64BIT Then
'On 64 bit OSes, an OFFSET is 8 bytes in size. We can put it directly into an Integer64
_MEMGET m, m.OFFSET, ConvertOffset&& 'Get the contents of the memblock and put the values there directly into ConvertOffset&&
'However, on 32 bit OSes, an OFFSET is only 4 bytes. We need to put it into a LONG variable first
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET, temp& 'Like this
ConvertOffset&& = temp& 'And then assign that long value to ConvertOffset&&
$End If
_MemFree m 'Free the memblock
End Function
' This function returns the number of sound channels for a valid sound "handle"
' Note that we are assuming that the sound can have at most 2 channels
' In reality miniaudio can handle sounds with more than 2 channels
' 2 = stereo, 1 = mono, 0 = error
Function SndChannels~%% (handle As Long)
Dim SampleData As _MEM
' Check if the sound is valid
SampleData = _MemSound(handle, 0)
If SampleData.SIZE = 0 Then
Print "SndChannels: MemSound return ZERO for audio data size!"
Exit Function
End If
' Check the data type and then decide if the sound is stereo or mono
Select Case SampleData.TYPE
Case 260 ' 32-bit floating point
If SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE = 4 Then
SndChannels = 1
ElseIf SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE = 8 Then
SndChannels = 2
End If
Case 132 ' 32-bit integer
If SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE = 4 Then
SndChannels = 1
ElseIf SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE = 8 Then
SndChannels = 2
End If
Case 130: ' 16-bit integer
If SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE = 2 Then
SndChannels = 1
ElseIf SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE = 4 Then
SndChannels = 2
End If
Case 1153: ' 8-bit unsigned integer
If SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE = 1 Then
SndChannels = 1
ElseIf SampleData.ELEMENTSIZE = 2 Then
SndChannels = 2
End If
End Select
_MemFree SampleData
End Function