03-12-2023, 10:14 AM
Input values are considered in the range -1 to 1, the input is not guarded (internal checking is disabled) so using higher values will render outside the intended range. I think it might be useful for someone.
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Running Graph"
'Wroted by Petr Preclik, 11.March 2023
Type RG
position As Integer
SO As Long 'array in array StartOffset for RG_HELPER
Recs As Long 'how much records graph contains (record lenght in array RG_Helper)
End Type
ReDim Shared RG(0) As RG
ReDim Shared RG_Helper(0) As Single
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 256)
test = NewRG(1, 500)
test2 = NewRG(1, 203)
test3 = NewRG(1, 300) 'test, test2, test3 is returned index record from array RG
i = i + .1
j = j + .012
t = Sin(i)
UpdateRG test, t 'update values in array RG_Helper using array RG in RG_Helper SUB
v = Cos(j)
UpdateRG test2, v
UpdateRG test3, (v + t) 'both previous
ShowRG 100, 150, test, "Sinus"
ShowRG 100, 300, test2, "Cosinus" 'Draw it - use RG array to drive RG_Helper array and show values RG_Helper array on the screen
ShowRG 100, 450, test3, "Both mixed"
_Limit 200
Function NewRG (value, records) 'create new graph handle, reserve place in RG_Helper, write to RG_Helper array first value and this value position in RG_Helper array
u = records
u2 = UBound(RG_Helper)
u3 = UBound(RG)
RG(u3).SO = u2
RG(u3).Recs = u
RG(u3).position = 1
NewRG = u3
RG_Helper(u2) = value
ReDim _Preserve RG_Helper(u2 + u + 1) As Single
ReDim _Preserve RG(u3 + 1) As RG
End Function
Sub UpdateRG (identity, value) ' update and shift values in RG_Helper array using RG array (identity is RG array index)
Id = identity
V = value
If RG(Id).position < RG(Id).Recs Then
RG(Id).position = RG(Id).position + 1
i2 = RG(Id).position
u = RG(Id).SO
RG_Helper(u + i2) = value
Exit Sub
shift = RG(Id).SO
Do Until shift = RG(Id).SO + RG(Id).Recs
RG_Helper(shift) = RG_Helper(shift + 1)
shift = shift + 1
RG_Helper(RG(Id).SO + RG(Id).Recs) = value
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowRG (x, y, id, index$) ' Draw graph to screen
xx = x
s2 = RG(id).Recs
s = RG(id).SO
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
p = xx - 10 + s2 / 2 - _PrintWidth(index$) / 2 'printstring X
Line (xx - 20, y - 70)-(xx + 20 + s2, y + 50), 30, BF
Line (xx - 17, y - 67)-(xx + 17 + s2, y + 47), , B
C = _DefaultColor
Color 0
_PrintString (p, y - 64), index$
Color C
_PrintMode _FillBackground
Line (xx - 20, y - 70)-(xx + 20 + s2, y + 50), , B
Line (xx - 17, y - 47)-(xx + 17 + s2, y + 47), , B
ss = s
Do Until ss = s2 + s - 1
v = RG_Helper(ss)
v2 = RG_Helper(ss + 1)
GoTo notthis
If Abs(v) > 1 Then
Do Until Abs(v) <= 1
v = v / 2
End If
xx = xx + 1
Line (xx, y + v * 15)-(xx + 1, y + v2 * 15), 0
ss = ss + 1
xx = 0
End Sub