05-08-2022, 03:34 PM
Remade from an old game which I found in a magazine sitting dusty back on my shelves.
Try to play without reading the source first. Once you read the source and know *exactly* what those stars represent, all the challenge goes out of the game.
Code: (Select All)
Randomize Timer
Color 7
Print "Welcome to STARS -- a remake of an Atari-BASIC game from the 80s!"
Print "The rules are simple: I'm going to generate a number from 1 to 100, and you "
Print "have to guess it."
Print "You have 7 tries to guess my number, and I'll offer you feedback in the form of "
Print "stars (*), depending on how close you are to my number."
Print "If you're really close, I'll give you 7 stars (*******)."
Print "If you're really off from my number, I'll give you 1 star (*)."
Print "The more stars I give you, the closer you are to guessing my number!"
Color 4
Print "Are you ready to begin? (Yes/Quit)"
a$ = UCase$(Input$(1))
If a$ = "Q" Then System
Loop Until a$ = "Y"
num = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1
For i = 1 To 7
Color 7
Print "Give me your guess #"; i; "=>";
Input ; guess
Color 4
Select Case Abs(num - guess)
Case Is >= 64: Print "*"
Case Is >= 32: Print "**"
Case Is >= 16: Print "***"
Case Is >= 8: Print "****"
Case Is >= 4: Print "*****"
Case Is >= 2: Print "******"
Case Is = 1: Print "*******"
Case Is = 0
Print "You got it in "; i; "guesses!"
GoTo endchoice
End Select
Color 7
Print "You failed to guess my number! It was "; num
Color 4
Print "Press <Any Key> to restart"
_Delay 1
Color 7
GoTo start
Try to play without reading the source first. Once you read the source and know *exactly* what those stars represent, all the challenge goes out of the game.