This is from James D Jarvis, a handy way to make random numbers centered and dense around a center point andtapering off within a range. Here my test code I made for this, one for Integers and one for floats, single is assumed Type.
CW stands for Center Weight:
Just drop the I from rndCWI to test the float version.
CW stands for Center Weight:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "rndCWI function" 'b+ 2023-01-20
Dim As Long low, high
high = 5
low = -high
Dim As Long a(low - 1 To high + 1)
For i = 1 To 100000
r = rndCWI(0, high)
a(r) = a(r) + 1
For i = low - 1 To high + 1
Print String$(Int(a(i) / 1000 + .5), "*"), a(i) / 1000, i
' 2023-01-20
Function rndCWI (center, range) 'center +/-range weights to center
Dim As Long halfRange, c
halfRange = Int(range) + 1 'for INT(Rnd) round range in case not integer
c = Int(center + .5)
rndCWI = c + Int(Rnd * (halfRange)) - Int(Rnd * (halfRange))
End Function
' 2023-01-20
Function rndCW (C As Single, range As Single) 'center +/-range weights to center
rndCW = C + Rnd * range - Rnd * range
End Function
Just drop the I from rndCWI to test the float version.
b = b + ...