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I just watched it, it was really good!!
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Thanks! I am really enjoying this. I'm now trying to add a background sky but so far I don't know how that works.
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12-19-2022, 09:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-19-2022, 09:22 PM by MasterGy.)
drawing the sky is not so easy. you can also draw a cube towards the map, it's that simple. but then it will look very much like a cube. I usually draw a sphere, in which you are always at the center. I use the same system in every game. try to shake it off. One is the 'sky install' and the other is located in the main cycle, which monitors the shooting. If it doesn't work, I'll help you tomorrow.
I calculated the position of the points as shown in the picture. (the nodes are the points) and I drag the image onto it.
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Thank you. I was studying your program "Waldo" to see how that sky is coded. But there is advanced coding due to the sky changing from day to night, so I was trying to understand just the basics, just one sky that doesn't change.
This 'globe' image makes sense. I'll try to see if I can make sense of this.
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Code: (Select All) 'sky install
da = 20 'resolution sphere X
db = 8 'resolutin sphere Y
sky_points = da * db: DIM sky_points(sky_points - 1, 9), sq(sky_points - 1, 7): sky_image = _LOADIMAGE("sky.jpg", 33)
FOR da2 = 0 TO da - 1: dega = 360 / (da - 1) * da2 * pip180: FOR db2 = 0 TO db - 1: degb = 180 / (db - 1) * db2 * pip180: ss = 1400
ap = da2 * db + db2: sky_points(ap, 0) = SIN(degb) * COS(dega) * ss: sky_points(ap, 1) = SIN(degb) * SIN(dega) * ss: sky_points(ap, 2) = COS(degb) * ss: NEXT db2, da2
FOR da2 = 0 TO da - 2: FOR db2 = 0 TO db - 2: sqa = da2 * db + db2: sq(sqa, 0) = sqa: sq(sqa, 1) = sq(sqa, 0) + 1: sq(sqa, 2) = sq(sqa, 0) + db: sq(sqa, 3) = sq(sqa, 2) + 1
sq(sqa, 4) = _WIDTH(sky_image) - (_WIDTH(sky_image) / (da - 1) * da2) - 1: sq(sqa, 5) = _WIDTH(sky_image) - (_WIDTH(sky_image) / (da - 1) * (da2 + 1)) - 1
sq(sqa, 6) = INT(_HEIGHT(sky_image) / (db - 1) * db2): sq(sqa, 7) = INT(_HEIGHT(sky_image) / (db - 1) * (db2 + 1)): NEXT db2, da2
'to cycle
sky_draw: 'draw sky
FOR actual_point = 0 TO sky_points - 1:
sky_points(actual_point, 4) = sky_points(actual_points,0)
sky_points(actual_point, 5) = sky_points(actual_points,1)
sky_points(actual_point, 6) = sky_points(actual_points,2)
rotate_to_maptriangle sky_points(actual_point, 4),sky_points(actual_point, 5),sky_points(actual_point, 6)
NEXT actual_point
FOR asq = 0 TO sky_points - 1: wx0 = sky_points(sq(asq, 0), 4): wy0 = sky_points(sq(asq, 0), 5): wz0 = sky_points(sq(asq, 0), 6)
wx1 = sky_points(sq(asq, 1), 4): wy1 = sky_points(sq(asq, 1), 5): wz1 = sky_points(sq(asq, 1), 6)
wx2 = sky_points(sq(asq, 2), 4): wy2 = sky_points(sq(asq, 2), 5): wz2 = sky_points(sq(asq, 2), 6)
wx3 = sky_points(sq(asq, 3), 4): wy3 = sky_points(sq(asq, 3), 5): wz3 = sky_points(sq(asq, 3), 6)
sy0 = sq(asq, 6): sx0 = sq(asq, 4): sy1 = sq(asq, 7): sx1 = sq(asq, 4): sy2 = sq(asq, 6): sx2 = sq(asq, 5): sy3 = sq(asq, 7): sx3 = sq(asq, 5)
_MAPTRIANGLE (sx0, sy0)-(sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), sky_image TO(wx0, wy0, wz0)-(wx1, wy1, wz1)-(wx2, wy2, wz2), , _SMOOTH
_MAPTRIANGLE (sx3, sy3)-(sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), sky_image TO(wx3, wy3, wz3)-(wx1, wy1, wz1)-(wx2, wy2, wz2), , _SMOOTH: NEXT asq: RETURN
I didn't try this with yours, I just copied it from one of the games. check the variables to make sure they match!
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Okay perfect. I'll check the variables - thank you!
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In my code the image won't appear...but I checked and cannot find anything wrong with the variables. I'm trying to understand what everything does, and it's starting to make sense. But still a mystery why the image does not show up.
So I decided to look at your program some more. (Terrain 39 - v25_01.bas) I got the idea to try to make a checkered sky, by making these changes:
Code: (Select All) da = 19: db = 19: 'was da=8: db=8
Code: (Select All) j = 1 'add toggle
'draw sky
temp1 = bc_c / (col_width - 1) * acol: temp2 = Int(temp1): temp4 = temp1 - temp2: temp3 = (temp2 + 1) Mod bc_c: temp2 = temp2 Mod bc_c
ad = 320 - Interpolate(sky_s(temp2, 1), sky_s(temp3, 1), temp4) * 250: asi = sky_s(temp2, 0) Mod 2:
If ad > 255 Then ad = 255
If ad < 0 Then ad = 0
For actual_point = 0 To skyp - 1: skyp(actual_point, 4) = skyp(actual_point, 0): skyp(actual_point, 5) = skyp(actual_point, 1): skyp(actual_point, 6) = skyp(actual_point, 2)
rotate skyp(actual_point, 4), skyp(actual_point, 5), skyp(actual_point, 6)
For t = 0 To 2: skyp(actual_point, 7 + t) = skyp(actual_point, 4 + t) * .96: Next t, actual_point
For asq = 0 To skyp - 1: For t = 0 To 3: For t2 = 0 To 5: p(t, t2) = skyp(sq(asq, t), 4 + t2): Next t2, t
sy0 = sq(asq, 6): sx0 = sq(asq, 4): sy1 = sq(asq, 7): sx1 = sq(asq, 4): sy2 = sq(asq, 6): sx2 = sq(asq, 5): sy3 = sq(asq, 7): sx3 = sq(asq, 5)
If sq(asq, 8) = 1 Then sx1 = _Width(sky_text(asi)) / 2: sx3 = sx1
If sq(asq, 8) = 2 Then sx0 = _Width(sky_text(asi)) / 2: sx2 = sx0
j = j * -1 'switch toggle
If j > 0 Then 'only draw half the sections
_MapTriangle (sx0, sy0)-(sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), sky_text(asi) To(p(0, 0), p(0, 1), p(0, 2))-(p(1, 0), p(1, 1), p(1, 2))-(p(2, 0), p(2, 1), p(2, 2))
_MapTriangle (sx3, sy3)-(sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), sky_text(asi) To(p(3, 0), p(3, 1), p(3, 2))-(p(1, 0), p(1, 1), p(1, 2))-(p(2, 0), p(2, 1), p(2, 2))
End If
'_MapTriangle (acol, ad)-(acol, ad)-(acol, ad), shdw_text To(p(0, 3), p(0, 4), p(0, 5))-(p(1, 3), p(1, 4), p(1, 5))-(p(2, 3), p(2, 4), p(2, 5))
'_MapTriangle (acol, ad)-(acol, ad)-(acol, ad), shdw_text To(p(3, 3), p(3, 4), p(3, 5))-(p(1, 3), p(1, 4), p(1, 5))-(p(2, 3), p(2, 4), p(2, 5))
Next asq
In other words, the sky sections are drawn vertically. So to get a checkered pattern, first I had to change it to an odd number of sections. Then I set a toggle to only draw every other section. And now you can see the sky sections. If it's an even number of sections it looks like this:
Anyway I will keep trying to figure out why no image appears in my code. Here is the code if you want to check it.
I suspect it's the rotation sub. I tried 2 versions of this but no luck yet.
Code: (Select All) '3d Room - james2464 - Dec 18 2022
'Credit to 3D program and tutorial by MasterGy
Option _Explicit
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(1000, 600, 32)
Const pip180 = 3.141592 / 180
Dim Shared c(100) As Long
Dim bgspace, floor1b, wall1b, wall2b, ceiling1b, ground1b
Dim scr, da, db, da2, dega, db2, degb, ss, ap, sqa, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
Dim sky_points, sky_image
Dim actual_point, actual_points, asq
Dim wx0, wy0, wz0, wx1, wy1, wz1, wx2, wy2, wz2, wx3, wy3, wz3, sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, sx3, sy3
Dim mousex, mousey, mw, mouse_sens, vec_x, vec_y, vec_z, speed, moving
bgspace = _NewImage(1000, 600, 32)
Line (1, 1)-(1000, 600), _RGB(120, 120, 180), BF
_PutImage (1, 1)-(1000, 600), 0, bgspace, (1, 1)-(1000, 600)
Dim Shared floor1, wall1, wall2, ceiling1, ground1
'create floor image
floor1 = _NewImage(500, 500, 32)
'create wall1 image
wall1 = _NewImage(500, 100, 32)
'create wall2 image
wall2 = _NewImage(500, 100, 32)
'create ceiling image
ceiling1 = _NewImage(500, 500, 32)
'create ground image
ground1 = _NewImage(500, 500, 32)
floor1b = _CopyImage(floor1, 33)
wall1b = _CopyImage(wall1, 33)
wall2b = _CopyImage(wall2, 33)
ceiling1b = _CopyImage(ceiling1, 33)
ground1b = _CopyImage(ground1, 33)
'create spectator
Dim Shared sp(6)
sp(0) = 250 'X position
sp(1) = 250 'Y
sp(2) = 450 'Z
sp(3) = 0 'looking in the direction of the observer XZ
sp(4) = 0 'looking in the direction of the observer YZ
sp(5) = 1 'multiplier X-Y see
sp(6) = 1 'multiplier Z see
'create screen
scr = _NewImage(1000, 1000 / _DesktopWidth * _DesktopHeight, 32)
Screen scr
_Dest scr
_DisplayOrder _Hardware , _Software
'sky install *********************************************************************************
da = 8 'resolution sphere X
db = 8 'resolutin sphere Y
sky_points = da * db
Dim sky_points(sky_points - 1, 9), sq(sky_points - 1, 7)
sky_image = _LoadImage("sky.jpg", 33)
For da2 = 0 To da - 1
dega = 360 / (da - 1) * da2 * pip180
For db2 = 0 To db - 1
degb = 180 / (db - 1) * db2 * pip180
ss = 1400
ap = da2 * db + db2
sky_points(ap, 0) = Sin(degb) * Cos(dega) * ss
sky_points(ap, 1) = Sin(degb) * Sin(dega) * ss
sky_points(ap, 2) = Cos(degb) * ss
Next db2
Next da2
For da2 = 0 To da - 2
For db2 = 0 To db - 2
sqa = da2 * db + db2
sq(sqa, 0) = sqa
sq(sqa, 1) = sq(sqa, 0) + 1
sq(sqa, 2) = sq(sqa, 0) + db
sq(sqa, 3) = sq(sqa, 2) + 1
sq(sqa, 4) = _Width(sky_image) - (_Width(sky_image) / (da - 1) * da2) - 1
sq(sqa, 5) = _Width(sky_image) - (_Width(sky_image) / (da - 1) * (da2 + 1)) - 1
sq(sqa, 6) = Int(_Height(sky_image) / (db - 1) * db2)
sq(sqa, 7) = Int(_Height(sky_image) / (db - 1) * (db2 + 1))
Next db2
Next da2
_Limit 40
'_PutImage (1, 1), sky_image 'background
x1 = 0: y1 = 0: z1 = 500: r2m x1, y1, z1: x2 = 500: y2 = 0: z2 = 500: r2m x2, y2, z2
x3 = 0: y3 = 500: z3 = 500: r2m x3, y3, z3: x4 = 500: y4 = 500: z4 = 500: r2m x4, y4, z4
maptexture floor1b, 500, 500, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
'wall 1
x1 = 0: y1 = 0: z1 = 400: r2m x1, y1, z1: x2 = 500: y2 = 0: z2 = 400: r2m x2, y2, z2
x3 = 0: y3 = 0: z3 = 500: r2m x3, y3, z3: x4 = 500: y4 = 0: z4 = 500: r2m x4, y4, z4
maptexture wall2b, 500, 100, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
'wall 2
x1 = 500: y1 = 500: z1 = 400: r2m x1, y1, z1: x2 = 0: y2 = 500: z2 = 400: r2m x2, y2, z2
x3 = 500: y3 = 500: z3 = 500: r2m x3, y3, z3: x4 = 0: y4 = 500: z4 = 500: r2m x4, y4, z4
maptexture wall2b, 500, 100, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
'wall 3
x1 = 500: y1 = 0: z1 = 300: r2m x1, y1, z1: x2 = 500: y2 = 500: z2 = 400: r2m x2, y2, z2
x3 = 500: y3 = 0: z3 = 500: r2m x3, y3, z3: x4 = 500: y4 = 500: z4 = 500: r2m x4, y4, z4
maptexture wall1b, 500, 100, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
'wall 4
x1 = 0: y1 = 500: z1 = 400: r2m x1, y1, z1: x2 = 0: y2 = 0: z2 = 300: r2m x2, y2, z2
x3 = 0: y3 = 500: z3 = 500: r2m x3, y3, z3: x4 = 0: y4 = 0: z4 = 500: r2m x4, y4, z4
maptexture wall1b, 500, 100, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
x1 = 0: y1 = 0: z1 = 300: r2m x1, y1, z1: x2 = 500: y2 = 0: z2 = 300: r2m x2, y2, z2
x3 = 0: y3 = 500: z3 = 400: r2m x3, y3, z3: x4 = 500: y4 = 500: z4 = 400: r2m x4, y4, z4
maptexture ceiling1b, 500, 500, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
x1 = -1500: y1 = -1500: z1 = 502: r2m x1, y1, z1: x2 = 2000: y2 = -1500: z2 = 502: r2m x2, y2, z2
x3 = -1500: y3 = 2000: z3 = 502: r2m x3, y3, z3: x4 = 2000: y4 = 2000: z4 = 502: r2m x4, y4, z4
maptexture ground1b, 500, 500, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
'wall 5 - above wall 1
x1 = 0: y1 = 0: z1 = 300: r2m x1, y1, z1: x2 = 500: y2 = 0: z2 = 300: r2m x2, y2, z2
x3 = 0: y3 = 0: z3 = 400: r2m x3, y3, z3: x4 = 500: y4 = 0: z4 = 400: r2m x4, y4, z4
maptexture wall1b, 500, 100, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4
'draw sky *********************************************************************************
For actual_point = 0 To sky_points - 1
sky_points(actual_point, 4) = sky_points(actual_points, 0)
sky_points(actual_point, 5) = sky_points(actual_points, 1)
sky_points(actual_point, 6) = sky_points(actual_points, 2)
r2m sky_points(actual_point, 4), sky_points(actual_point, 5), sky_points(actual_point, 6)
Next actual_point
For asq = 0 To sky_points - 1
wx0 = sky_points(sq(asq, 0), 4): wy0 = sky_points(sq(asq, 0), 5): wz0 = sky_points(sq(asq, 0), 6)
wx1 = sky_points(sq(asq, 1), 4): wy1 = sky_points(sq(asq, 1), 5): wz1 = sky_points(sq(asq, 1), 6)
wx2 = sky_points(sq(asq, 2), 4): wy2 = sky_points(sq(asq, 2), 5): wz2 = sky_points(sq(asq, 2), 6)
wx3 = sky_points(sq(asq, 3), 4): wy3 = sky_points(sq(asq, 3), 5): wz3 = sky_points(sq(asq, 3), 6)
sy0 = sq(asq, 6): sx0 = sq(asq, 4): sy1 = sq(asq, 7): sx1 = sq(asq, 4): sy2 = sq(asq, 6): sx2 = sq(asq, 5): sy3 = sq(asq, 7): sx3 = sq(asq, 5)
_MapTriangle (sx0, sy0)-(sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), sky_image To(wx0, wy0, wz0)-(wx1, wy1, wz1)-(wx2, wy2, wz2), , _Smooth
_MapTriangle (sx3, sy3)-(sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2), sky_image To(wx3, wy3, wz3)-(wx1, wy1, wz1)-(wx2, wy2, wz2), , _Smooth
Next asq
' ****************************************************************************************************
'_MapTriangle (0, 0)-(x, 0)-(0, y), image1 To(x1, y1, z1)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth
'_MapTriangle (x, y)-(x, 0)-(0, y), image1 To(x4, y4, z4)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth
'mouse input axis movement and mousewheel
mousex = mousex * .6
mousey = mousey * .6
mw = 0
While _MouseInput: mousex = mousex + _MouseMovementX: mousey = mousey + _MouseMovementY: mw = mw + _MouseWheel: Wend 'movement data read
'control spectator
mouse_sens = .0007 'mouse rotating sensitive
sp(3) = sp(3) - mousex * mouse_sens
sp(4) = sp(4) + mousey * mouse_sens
If Abs(sp(4)) > _Pi / 2 Then sp(4) = _Pi / 2 * Sgn(sp(4))
vec_x = (Sin(sp(3)) * (Cos(sp(4) + _Pi)))
vec_y = (Cos(sp(3)) * (Cos(sp(4) + _Pi)))
vec_z = -Sin(sp(4) + _Pi)
speed = 22 'moving speed
moving = Abs(_MouseButton(1) Or _KeyDown(Asc("w"))) * speed - Abs(_MouseButton(2) Or _KeyDown(Asc("s"))) * speed
sp(0) = sp(0) + vec_x * moving
sp(1) = sp(1) + vec_y * moving
sp(2) = sp(2) + vec_z * moving
'If sp(0) > 465 Then sp(0) = 465
'If sp(1) > 465 Then sp(1) = 465
'If sp(0) < 35 Then sp(0) = 35
'If sp(1) < 35 Then sp(1) = 35
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
Sub rot2 (x, y, ang)
Dim x1, y1
x1 = x * Cos(ang) - y * Sin(ang)
y1 = x * Sin(ang) + y * Cos(ang)
x = x1: y = y1
End Sub
Sub r2m (x, y, z)
Dim x2, y2, z2
x2 = x - sp(0)
y2 = y - sp(1)
z2 = z - sp(2)
rotate_2d x2, y2, sp(3)
rotate_2d y2, z2, sp(4) + _Pi / 2
x = x2 * sp(5)
y = y2 * sp(5)
z = z2 * sp(6)
End Sub
Sub rotate_2d (x, y, ang)
Dim x1, y1
x1 = x * Cos(ang) - y * Sin(ang)
y1 = x * Sin(ang) + y * Cos(ang)
x = x1: y = y1
End Sub
Sub colour1
c(0) = _RGB(0, 0, 0)
c(1) = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
c(2) = _RGB(85, 45, 0)
c(3) = _RGB(0, 45, 85)
c(4) = _RGB(40, 60, 0)
c(5) = _RGB(0, 25, 75)
c(6) = _RGB(75, 25, 0)
c(7) = _RGB(150, 130, 0)
c(8) = _RGB(150, 150, 250)
c(9) = _RGB(250, 150, 150)
c(10) = _RGB(150, 250, 150)
c(11) = _RGB(150, 150, 255)
c(12) = _RGB(40, 30, 0)
c(13) = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
c(14) = _RGB(50, 150, 50)
c(15) = _RGB(155, 155, 155)
c(16) = _RGB(165, 165, 165)
c(17) = _RGB(175, 175, 175)
c(18) = _RGB(100, 100, 100)
c(20) = _RGB(40, 40, 10)
End Sub
Sub makefloor
Dim t, x1, y1
Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), c(18), BF 'floor background
For t = 1 To 6000
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 500): PSet (x1, y1), c(0)
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 500): PSet (x1, y1), c(2)
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 500): PSet (x1, y1), c(3)
Next t
_PutImage (0, 0)-(500, 500), 0, floor1, (0, 0)-(500, 500)
End Sub
Sub makewall
Dim t, x1, y1
Line (0, 0)-(500, 100), c(15), BF 'wall background
For t = 1 To 6000
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 100): PSet (x1, y1), c(16)
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 100): PSet (x1, y1), c(17)
Next t
_PutImage (0, 0)-(500, 100), 0, wall1, (0, 0)-(500, 100)
_ClearColor c(0), wall1
End Sub
Sub makewall2
Dim t, x1, y1
Line (0, 0)-(500, 100), c(15), BF 'wall2 background
For t = 1 To 6000
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 100): PSet (x1, y1), c(16)
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 100): PSet (x1, y1), c(17)
Next t
Line (70, 25)-(150, 75), c(0), BF
Line (210, 25)-(290, 75), c(0), BF
Line (350, 25)-(430, 75), c(0), BF
_PutImage (0, 0)-(500, 100), 0, wall2, (0, 0)-(500, 100)
_ClearColor c(0), wall2
End Sub
Sub makeceiling
Dim t, t2
Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), c(18), BF 'ceiling background
Line (2, 2)-(498, 498), c(17), BF 'ceiling light background
For t = 26 To 540 Step 32
Line (t - 1, 0)-(t, 500), c(18), BF
Line (0, t - 1)-(500, t), c(18), BF
Next t
For t = 32 To 470 Step 128
For t2 = 32 To 470 Step 128
Paint (t, t2), c(1), c(18)
Next t2
Next t
_PutImage (0, 0)-(500, 500), 0, ceiling1, (0, 0)-(500, 500)
_ClearColor c(0), ceiling1
End Sub
Sub makeground
Dim t, x1, y1
Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), c(20), BF 'ground background
For t = 1 To 6000
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 500): PSet (x1, y1), c(0)
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 500): PSet (x1, y1), c(2)
x1 = Int(Rnd * 500): y1 = Int(Rnd * 500): PSet (x1, y1), c(3)
Next t
_PutImage (0, 0)-(500, 500), 0, ground1, (0, 0)-(500, 500)
End Sub
Sub maptexture (image1, x, y, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4)
_MapTriangle (0, 0)-(x, 0)-(0, y), image1 To(x1, y1, z1)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth
_MapTriangle (x, y)-(x, 0)-(0, y), image1 To(x4, y4, z4)-(x2, y2, z2)-(x3, y3, z3), , _Smooth
End Sub
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I've just made a joke of you and myself! I didn't understand either, I found it after about half an hour...sorry!  I told you to review the variables because I just scrapped and quickly rewrote them for this program's rotation routine.
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a sky intasll "ss" változójában beállíthatja az égbolt (gömb) méretét. Ily módon nagyon kicsi labdákat is elhelyezhet a pályán.
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Threads: 160
Joined: Apr 2022
@MasterGy Hey MasterGy, how about you do us the world's simplest tutorial in 3d graphics. Let's say we have a 2d graphic of a 3x3 grid, which would produce the floor layout to a square room. Can you show us how you'd turn that 2D "map" into a series of cubes which would be placed across the screen in various points?
The Square starting at (0,0) (top,left) would be placed independently to the top, left of the screen, so we could see how that (0,0)-(1,0)-(1,1)-(0,1) series of 4 coordinates would turn into the X/Y/Z of 3 dimensional space. Let the user hit the space bar, and then do the same thing for the to the square next to it, which would be from (1,0)-(2,0)-(2,1)-(1,1), and how that translates to 3D space.
Personally, I think something as simple as that would make a GREAT breakthrough point for a lot of folks with 3D graphics. Once people understand how to get those 3D coordinates, then rotation and such can be added, but going from the 4 2-D points to the 8 3-D points, (I think it's 8 of them, isn't it, for a cube?) is probably the hardest point for people to get sorted out.
Honestly, I'd love for us to have a whole series of 3D related tutorials, where one new concept is added at a time, without it all overwhelming the users all at once, but I also realize others might not have the time to devote to such a number of posts. A post for 2D to 3D. A post for adding rotation on the cubes after that. A post for static cube, but the "player" moving around the cube/grid itself. A post for adding textures via maptriangle so we don't just have plain line walls, ceilings and floors. And finally, a post for detecting collision in that 3D plane...
It's probably more than anyone would want to sit and work up, one after the other, but a fellow can dream can't he? Especially around Christmas time?