It took a while but here is the latest version of this project.
In this current version you can:
Some features under development:
In this current version you can:
- Walk around and explore the world
- T)alk command for simple character interaction
- G)et command to pick up items (chests containing healing potion, weapons, armor, traps)
- K)limb command to exit level (ladder down)
- W)ear armor & R)eady weapons
- Simple inventory to track objects/weapons/armor
- Food comsumption and starvation if no food
- Death if hit points fall to zero.
- U)se item (healing potion)
- L)ook to get descriptions of objects/terrain/characters.
- Simple stats (not used for anything yet)
Some features under development:
- D)rop item
- A)ttack command and combat using weapons/armor/stats
- Don't display things hidden behind walls (line of sight).
- Display level # or place name on screen.
- Improve dungeons.
- Surface world with towns, castles, etc.
- Shops where player can buy/sell items.
- T)alk to with characters interactively.
- More fully generated content?
- Ways to win game?
- Game editing tools
- (and many more things listed at bottom of code)