04-23-2022, 01:55 PM
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Steve's Powershell Speech Script"
SaP "Hello World. This is a normal speed demo of David's voice", "David", 0
_Delay 2
SaP "Hello again. This is a normal speed demo of Ziva's voice.", "Ziva", 0
_Delay 2
SaP "And now I'm speaking as David, but I'm speaking veeery slow.", "David", -10
_Delay 2
SaP "And now I'm a very hyper Ziva!", "Ziva", 5
_Delay 2
SaP "And now I'm done with my demo!", "", 0
Sub SaP (text$, who$, speed)
Print text$
If UCase$(who$) = "ZIVA" Then Speaker = 1
speak text$, Speaker, speed
End Sub
Sub speak (text As String, Speaker As Integer, Speed)
Dim message As String
message = text
'some symbols and such can't be used with Powershell like this, as they're command symbols
'we need to strip them out of our text. (Like apostrophes!)
remove$ = "'" + Chr$(34) 'add to remove$ here, if more symbols need to be removed as future testing showcases problems
For j = 1 To Len(remove$)
i = InStr(message, Mid$(remove$, j, 1))
If i Then message = Left$(message, i - 1) + Mid$(message, i + 1)
Loop Until i = 0
out$ = "Powershell -Command " + Chr$(34)
out$ = out$ + "Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech; "
out$ = out$ + "$Speech = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer; "
If Speaker = 0 Then out$ = out$ + "$Speech.SelectVoice('Microsoft David Desktop'); "
If Speaker = 1 Then out$ = out$ + "$Speech.SelectVoice('Microsoft Zira Desktop'); "
If Speed Then out$ = out$ + "$Speech.Rate =" + Str$(Speed) + "; "
out$ = out$ + "$Speech.Speak('" + message + "');" + Chr$(34)
Shell _Hide out$
End Sub