08-11-2022, 09:53 AM
An example for the Discord channel. This isn't set up with a very intuitive interface, as I cobbled it together in all of about 10 minutes quick work. I doubt anyone will learn anything from this, without popping into discord and actually chatting with me in person so I can help walk through what we're doing and why in a life-time session. It's just easier to share code of this length here, than it is there, but it's easier there to actually discuss it in real time so I can answer questions and such as we go. My apologies to anyone who finds this confusing or a waste of time. ;D
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(640, 640, 32)
ReDim Shared lists(5, 5, 0) As String * 10 'make a resizable list array
Dim Shared As Integer list2use, listcount 'track which list we're using, and how many we have
m = MBS 'mousebutton status
If m And 8 Then 'left mouse button clicked
X = (_MouseX - 4) \ 127: Y = (_MouseY - 4) \ 127 'in which box was the mouse butoon pressed?
If Y = 4 Then 'we're on the last row, which is always going to be my command row
Select Case X
Case 0 'home
list2use = 0
editMode = 0
Case 1 'edit item
editMode = -1
Case 2 'next list
list2use = list2use + 1
If list2use > listcount Then list2use = 0
editMode = 0
Case 3 'delete list
'not functional for this demo. LOL! I'm just trying to keep things simple..ish.
Case 4 'add list
listcount = listcount + 1
list2use = listcount
editMode = 0
End Select
If editMode Then
Color White, Red
Locate 1, 1: Input "Enter the name for the item you clicked on: "; temp$
lists(X, Y, list2use) = temp$
Color White, Black
editMode = 0
Color White, Red
Locate 1, 1: Print "You clicked on: "; lists(X, Y, list2use)
Print "Which was item "; X; ","; Y; "in list"; list2use
Color White, Black
End If
End If
End If
_Limit 30
DrawBoxes list2use
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
Sub ReformLists
Dim temp(10, 10, listcount + 1) As String * 10
For z = 0 To listcount
For x = 0 To 4
For y = 0 To 4
temp(x, y, z) = lists(x, y, z) 'make a copy of the old data
Next y, x, z
ReDim lists(x, y, listcount + 1) As String * 10 'notice we're making our lists array larger to hold the new information?
For z = 0 To listcount
For x = 0 To 4
For y = 0 To 4
lists(x, y, z) = temp(x, y, z) 'copy the old data back over
Next y, x, z
'We have to do things this way as REDIM _PRESERVE doesn't work across multi-dimensional arrays
End Sub
Sub addDefaultLabels
lists(4, 4, list2use) = "Add List"
lists(3, 4, list2use) = "Delete List"
lists(2, 4, list2use) = "Next List"
lists(1, 4, list2use) = "Edit Item"
lists(0, 4, list2use) = "Return Home"
End Sub
Sub DrawBoxes (list2use)
For x = 0 To 4
For y = 0 To 4
Line (x * 127 + 4, y * 127 + 4)-Step(120, 120), White, B
_PrintString (x * 127 + 20, y * 127 + 60), lists(x, y, list2use)
End Sub
Function MBS% 'Mouse Button Status
Static StartTimer As _Float
Static ButtonDown As Integer
Static ClickCount As Integer
Const ClickLimit## = 0.2 'Less than 1/4th of a second to down, up a key to count as a CLICK.
' Down longer counts as a HOLD event.
Shared Mouse_StartX, Mouse_StartY, Mouse_EndX, Mouse_EndY
While _MouseInput 'Remark out this block, if mouse main input/clear is going to be handled manually in main program.
Select Case Sgn(_MouseWheel)
Case 1: tempMBS = tempMBS Or 512
Case -1: tempMBS = tempMBS Or 1024
End Select
If _MouseButton(1) Then tempMBS = tempMBS Or 1
If _MouseButton(2) Then tempMBS = tempMBS Or 2
If _MouseButton(3) Then tempMBS = tempMBS Or 4
If StartTimer = 0 Then
If _MouseButton(1) Then 'If a button is pressed, start the timer to see what it does (click or hold)
ButtonDown = 1: StartTimer = Timer(0.01)
Mouse_StartX = _MouseX: Mouse_StartY = _MouseY
ElseIf _MouseButton(2) Then
ButtonDown = 2: StartTimer = Timer(0.01)
Mouse_StartX = _MouseX: Mouse_StartY = _MouseY
ElseIf _MouseButton(3) Then
ButtonDown = 3: StartTimer = Timer(0.01)
Mouse_StartX = _MouseX: Mouse_StartY = _MouseY
End If
BD = ButtonDown Mod 3
If BD = 0 Then BD = 3
If Timer(0.01) - StartTimer <= ClickLimit Then 'Button was down, then up, within time limit. It's a click
If _MouseButton(BD) = 0 Then tempMBS = 4 * 2 ^ ButtonDown: ButtonDown = 0: StartTimer = 0
If _MouseButton(BD) = 0 Then 'hold event has now ended
tempMBS = 0: ButtonDown = 0: StartTimer = 0
Mouse_EndX = _MouseX: Mouse_EndY = _MouseY
Else 'We've now started the hold event
tempMBS = tempMBS Or 32 * 2 ^ ButtonDown
End If
End If
End If
MBS = tempMBS
End Function