09-27-2022, 03:46 PM
Here is some code you can use for accessing WinGDI in QB64. You can print straight to your printer or you can pick "Microsoft Print to PDF" if you just want to save a file.
Attached is the necessary header file as well as a PDF output of what the code currently makes.
Attached is the necessary header file as well as a PDF output of what the code currently makes.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
$VersionInfo:ProductName=WinGDI Test
$VersionInfo:FileDescription=A test of the WinGDI printing system
As Long cx, cy
End Type
As Long x, y
End Type
Type MSG
As _Offset hwnd
As _Unsigned Long message
As _Unsigned _Offset wParam
As _Offset lParam
As Long time
As Long lPrivate
End Type
As Long cbSize
As _Offset lpszDocName, lpszOutput, lpszDatatype
As _Unsigned Long fwType
End Type
As _Unsigned Long lStructSize
$If 64BIT Then
As String * 4 padding
$End If
As _Offset hwndOwner, hDevMode, hDevNames, hDC
As _Unsigned Long Flags
As _Unsigned Integer nFromPage, nToPage, nMinPage, nMaxPage, nCopies
$If 64BIT Then
As String * 2 padding2
$End If
As _Offset hInstance, lCustData, lpfnPrintHook, lpfnSetupHook, lpPrintTemplateName, lpSetupTemplateName, hPrintTemplate, hSetupTemplate
End Type
Declare Dynamic Library "Comdlg32"
Sub PrintDlg Alias "PrintDlgA" (ByVal lppd As _Offset)
End Declare
Declare Dynamic Library "Gdi32"
Function GetDeviceCaps& (ByVal hdc As _Offset, Byval index As Long)
Sub SelectObject (ByVal hdc As _Offset, Byval h As _Offset)
Function CreatePen%& (ByVal iStyle As Long, Byval cWidth As Long, Byval color As _Unsigned Long)
Sub Rectangle (ByVal hdc As _Offset, Byval left As Long, Byval top As Long, Byval right As Long, Byval bottom As Long)
Sub SetBkMode (ByVal hdc As _Offset, Byval mode As Long)
Sub TextOut Alias "TextOutA" (ByVal hdc As _Offset, Byval x As Long, Byval y As Long, Byval lpString As _Offset, Byval c As Long)
Function SetAbortProc& (ByVal hdc As _Offset, Byval proc As _Offset)
Sub StartDoc Alias "StartDocA" (ByVal hdc As _Offset, Byval lpdi As _Offset)
Sub StartPage (ByVal hdc As _Offset)
Sub EndPage (ByVal hdc As _Offset)
Sub EndDoc (ByVal hdc As _Offset)
Sub DeleteDC (ByVal hdc As _Offset)
Function CreateFont%& Alias "CreateFontA" (ByVal cHeight As Long, Byval cWidth As Long, Byval cEscapement As Long, Byval cOrientation As Long, Byval cWeight As Long, Byval bItalic As _Unsigned Long, Byval bUnderline As _Unsigned Long, Byval bStrikeout As _Unsigned Long, Byval iCharSet As _Unsigned Long, Byval iOutPrecision As _Unsigned Long, Byval iClipPrecision As _Unsigned Long, Byval iQuality As _Unsigned Long, Byval iPitchAndFamily As _Unsigned Long, pszFaceName As String)
Sub SetTextColor (ByVal hdc As _Offset, Byval color As _Unsigned Long)
Sub GetTextExtentPoint32 Alias "GetTextExtentPoint32A" (ByVal hdc As _Offset, lpString As String, Byval c As Long, Byval psizl As _Offset)
End Declare
Declare CustomType Library
Function PeekMessage& (ByVal lpMsg As _Offset, Byval hWnd As _Offset, Byval wMsgFilterMin As _Unsigned Long, Byval wMsgFilterMax As _Unsigned Long, Byval wRemoveMsg As _Unsigned Long)
Sub TranslateMessage (ByVal lpMsg As _Offset)
Sub DispatchMessage (ByVal lpMsg As _Offset)
Sub MessageBox (ByVal hWnd As _Offset, lpText As String, lpCaption As String, Byval uType As _Unsigned Long)
Function GetLastError~& ()
End Declare
Declare CustomType Library "abort"
Function pAbortProc%& ()
End Declare
$If 64BIT Then
Declare Library ".\internal\c\c_compiler\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\wingdi"
Function RGB~& (ByVal r As _Unsigned _Byte, Byval g As _Unsigned _Byte, Byval b As _Unsigned _Byte)
End Declare
Declare Library ".\internal\c\c_compiler\i686-w64-mingw32\include\wingdi"
Function RGB~& (ByVal r As _Unsigned _Byte, Byval g As _Unsigned _Byte, Byval b As _Unsigned _Byte)
End Declare
$End If
Dim Shared As PRINTDLG pdlg
Sub InitPrintJobDoc (di As DOCINFO, docname As String)
docname = docname + Chr$(0)
di.cbSize = Len(di)
di.lpszDocName = _Offset(docname)
End Sub
Sub DrawPage (hdc As _Offset, Page As _Unsigned Long)
Const HORZRES = 8
Const VERTRES = 10
Const PS_SOLID = 0
Dim As String * 50 gdiline
Dim As Long nWidth, nHeight
nWidth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES)
nHeight = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES)
'SelectObject hdc, CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255, 0, 0))
'Rectangle hdc, 0, 0, nWidth - 4, nHeight - 2
Dim As SIZE size
Dim As String t1, t2, t3
t1 = "Title!"
If Page = 1 Then t2 = "This is a print test on page 1!" Else t2 = "This is another print test on page" + _Trim$(Str$(Page)) + "!"
t3 = "Page" + Str$(Page)
HDCPrint hdc, t1, "Castellar", 72, "UNDERLINE", "BLACK", 425, 550, RGB(188, 33, 116)
HDCPrint hdc, t2, "Freestyle Script", 48, "UNDERLINE", "BLACK", 425, 750, RGB(33, 127, 127)
HDCPrint hdc, t3, "Goudy Stout", 24, "", "BLACK", 425, 1100, RGB(127, 55, 127)
End Sub
Function AbortProc%% (hDC As _Offset, Errr As Long)
Const PM_REMOVE = &H0001
Dim As MSG msg
While PeekMessage(_Offset(msg), 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)
TranslateMessage _Offset(msg)
DispatchMessage _Offset(msg)
AbortProc = -1
End Function
Function GetPrinterDC%& (Pages As _Unsigned Long)
Const PD_RETURNDC = &H100
pdlg.lStructSize = Len(pdlg)
pdlg.Flags = PD_RETURNDC
pdlg.nMinPage = 1
pdlg.nMaxPage = Pages
pdlg.nToPage = Pages
PrintDlg _Offset(pdlg)
GetPrinterDC = pdlg.hDC
End Function
Sub PrintJob ()
Const MB_OK = &H00000000
Const MB_APPLMODAL = &H00000000
Const SP_ERROR = -1
Dim As _Offset hDC
hDC = GetPrinterDC(2)
If hDC = 0 Then
MessageBox 0, "Error creating DC" + Chr$(0), "Error" + Chr$(0), MB_APPLMODAL Or MB_OK
Exit Sub
End If
If SetAbortProc(hDC, pAbortProc) = SP_ERROR Then
MessageBox 0, "Error setting up AbortProc" + Chr$(0), "Error" + Chr$(0), MB_APPLMODAL Or MB_OK
Exit Sub
End If
InitPrintJobDoc di, "MyDoc"
StartDoc hDC, _Offset(di)
Dim As Long i, l
For l = 1 To pdlg.nCopies
For i = 1 To pdlg.nToPage
StartPage hDC
DrawPage hDC, i
EndPage hDC
EndDoc hDC
DeleteDC hDC
End Sub
Sub HDCPrint (hdc As _Offset, text As String, fontName As String * 32, height As Long, style As String, weightStyle As String, x As Long, y As Long, colorref As _Unsigned Long)
Dim As _Offset font
Dim As _Byte bold, underline, strikeout, italic
Dim As Long weight
style = UCase$(style)
If InStr(style, "UNDERLINE") Then underline = -1
If InStr(style, "STRIKEOUT") Then strikeout = -1
If InStr(style, "ITALIC") Then italic = -1
Select Case UCase$(weightStyle)
Case "THIN"
weight = 100
weight = 200
Case "LIGHT"
weight = 300
weight = 400
weight = 500
weight = 600
Case "BOLD"
weight = 700
weight = 800
weight = 900
Case Else
weight = 0
End Select
Dim As Long FF_MODERN: FF_MODERN = _ShL(3, 4)
Dim As Long FF_ROMAN: FF_ROMAN = _ShL(1, 4)
Dim As Long FF_SCRIPT: FF_SCRIPT = _ShL(4, 4)
Dim As Long FF_SWISS: FF_SWISS = _ShL(2, 4)
Const DT_CALCRECT = &H00000400
Dim As Long DPIScaleY: DPIScaleY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY) / 96
Dim As Long DPIScaleX: DPIScaleX = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX) / 96
font = CreateFont(height * DPIScaleY, 0, 0, 0, weight, italic, underline, strikeout, 0, 0, 0, 5, FF_DECORATIVE Or FF_MODERN Or FF_ROMAN Or FF_SCRIPT Or FF_SWISS, fontName + Chr$(0))
If font Then
SelectObject hdc, font
SetTextColor hdc, colorref
Dim As SIZE size
GetTextExtentPoint32 hdc, text, Len(text), _Offset(size)
Dim As Long nx, ny
If x > 0 Then nx = (x * DPIScaleX) - size.cx / 2 Else nx = x * DPIScaleX
If y > 0 Then ny = (y * DPIScaleY) - (size.cy) Else ny = y * DPIScaleY
TextOut hdc, nx, ny, _Offset(text), Len(text)
End If
End Sub
Ask me about Windows API and maybe some Linux stuff