11-18-2022, 10:06 PM
Experiment with these monsters and Mastergy's 3d points program
The 2 attached images are needed:
The 2 attached images are needed:
Code: (Select All)
'Space Monster Ritual - james2464 Nov 18 2022
'Modified 3d points program by Mastergy
'Includes Art and/or Code from Mini-Monster-Mixer v0.2 created by James D. Jarvis
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
spritesheet = _LoadImage("monsters64.png", 32)
_Delay .5
Dim sprites&(40)
For j = 0 To 39
sprites&(j) = _NewImage(64, 64, 32)
Next j
ct = 0
Dim c As Long
c = _RGB(0, 0, 0)
For k = 1 To 5
For j = 1 To 8
ct = ct + 1
_PutImage (1, 64)-(64, 1), spritesheet, sprites&(ct), (j * 64 - 63, k * 64 - 63)-(j * 64, k * 64)
'_PutImage (1, 1), sprites&(ct)
Next j
Next k
For j = 0 To 39
_ClearColor c, sprites&(j)
Next j
'create texture
shadows = 100
Dim texture(shadows - 1)
text_size = 64
'For at = 0 To shadows - 1
'temp = _NewImage(text_size, text_size, 32)
'_Dest temp
'grey = 255 - 252 / (shadows - 1) * at
'Color _RGB(grey, grey, grey)
'Circle (text_size / 2, text_size / 2), text_size * .45
'Paint (text_size / 2, text_size / 2)
'texture(at) = _CopyImage(temp, 33)
'_FreeImage temp
'Next at
For j = 0 To 39
texture(j) = _CopyImage(sprites&(j), 33)
Next j
texture(0) = _LoadImage("qb64pe-64.png", 33)
'create 3D points in a spherical shape
points_c = 800
space_size = 1000
Dim points(points_c - 1, 2)
For ap = 0 To points_c - 1
points(ap, 0) = space_size * Rnd
points(ap, 1) = space_size * Rnd
points(ap, 2) = space_size * Rnd
Loop While Sqr((points(ap, 0) - space_size / 2) ^ 2 + (points(ap, 1) - space_size / 2) ^ 2 + (points(ap, 2) - space_size / 2) ^ 2) > space_size / 2
Next ap
'create spectator
Dim Shared sp(6)
'sp(0) = space_size / 2 'X to center space
'sp(1) = space_size / 2 'Y to center space
'sp(2) = space_size / 2 'Z to center space
sp(0) = 350
sp(1) = 700
sp(2) = 470
sp(3) = -.644 'looking in the direction of the observer XZ
sp(4) = 0 'looking in the direction of the observer YZ
sp(5) = 1 'multiplier X-Y see
sp(6) = 1 'multiplier Z see
'create screen
scr = _NewImage(1000, 1000 / _DesktopWidth * _DesktopHeight, 32)
Screen scr
_Dest scr
_DisplayOrder _Hardware , _Software
'Print "turn with the mouse, move with the mouse buttons, adjust the light with the mouse wheel!"
brightness = 90
flag = 0
_Limit 40
points(0, 0) = 500: points(0, 1) = 500: points(0, 2) = 470
points(1, 0) = 500: points(1, 1) = 500: points(1, 2) = 500
points(2, 0) = 500: points(2, 1) = 500: points(2, 2) = 530
If flag = 0 Then
ct = 0
For ap = 0 To points_c - 1
If ap > 2 Then
If (points(ap, 0)) > 550 Then
ct = ct + 1
points(ap, 0) = points(ap, 0) + Rnd * 2 - 1.5
If points(ap, 0) < 450 Then
ct = ct + 1
points(ap, 0) = points(ap, 0) + Rnd * 2 - .5
End If
End If
If (points(ap, 1)) > 550 Then
ct = ct + 1
points(ap, 1) = points(ap, 1) + Rnd * 2 - 1.5
If points(ap, 1) < 450 Then
ct = ct + 1
points(ap, 1) = points(ap, 1) + Rnd * 2 - .5
End If
End If
If (points(ap, 2)) > 550 Then
ct = ct + 1
points(ap, 2) = points(ap, 2) + Rnd * 2 - 1.5
If points(ap, 2) < 450 Then
ct = ct + 1
points(ap, 2) = points(ap, 2) + Rnd * 2 - .5
End If
End If
End If
Next ap
points(0, 0) = 500: points(0, 1) = 500: points(0, 2) = 470
points(1, 0) = 500: points(1, 1) = 500: points(1, 2) = 500
points(2, 0) = 500: points(2, 1) = 500: points(2, 2) = 530
If ct = 0 Then
flag = 1
End If
End If
If flag = 1 Then
ct2 = 0
For ap = 0 To points_c - 1
nrad = ap / points_c * (_Pi * 2.1)
nx = Cos(nrad) * 350 + 500
ny = Sin(nrad) * 350 + 500
If ap > 2 Then
If (points(ap, 0)) > nx + .1 Then
ct2 = ct2 + 1
points(ap, 0) = points(ap, 0) + Rnd * 2 - 1.5
If points(ap, 0) < nx - .1 Then
ct2 = ct2 + 1
points(ap, 0) = points(ap, 0) + Rnd * 2 - .5
End If
End If
If (points(ap, 1)) > ny + .1 Then
ct2 = ct2 + 1
points(ap, 1) = points(ap, 1) + Rnd * 2 - 1.5
If points(ap, 1) < ny - .1 Then
ct2 = ct2 + 1
points(ap, 1) = points(ap, 1) + Rnd * 2 - .5
End If
End If
If (points(ap, 2)) > 500.1 Then
ct2 = ct2 + 1
points(ap, 2) = points(ap, 2) + Rnd * 2 - 1.5
If points(ap, 2) < 499.9 Then
ct2 = ct2 + 1
points(ap, 2) = points(ap, 2) + Rnd * 2 - .5
End If
End If
End If
Next ap
points(0, 0) = 500: points(0, 1) = 500: points(0, 2) = 470
points(1, 0) = 500: points(1, 1) = 500: points(1, 2) = 500
points(2, 0) = 500: points(2, 1) = 500: points(2, 2) = 530
If ct2 = 0 Then
flag = 2
sp(0) = 500
sp(1) = 1500
sp(2) = 470
sp(4) = 0
sp(3) = 0
_Delay 1
End If
End If
If flag = 2 Then
'sp(0) = 500
'sp(1) = 510
dv = 50
d1 = Abs((sp(0) - 500) / dv)
d2 = Abs((sp(1) - 510) / dv)
If sp(0) < 500 Then
sp(0) = sp(0) + d1
sp(0) = sp(0) - d1
End If
If sp(1) > 510 Then
sp(1) = sp(1) - d2
sp(1) = sp(1) + d2
End If
dt = 0
If Abs(d1) < .002 Then dt = dt + 1
If Abs(d2) < .002 Then dt = dt + 1
If dt = 2 Then
flag = 3
sp(2) = 470
sp(4) = 0
sp(3) = 0
End If
End If
'draw points
For ap = 0 To points_c - 1
x = points(ap, 0)
y = points(ap, 1)
z = points(ap, 2)
rotate_to_maptriangle x, y, z 'position of points from the point of view of the observer
'actual_shadow = Int(Abs(z) * (.3 + brightness)) 'distance proportional texture
'actual_shadow = brightness
actual_shadow = ap / 22
If actual_shadow > shadows - 1 Then actual_shadow = 10
If actual_shadow <= 2 Then actual_shadow = 3
If ap < 3 Then actual_shadow = 0
ps = 2 'point size on the screen
_MapTriangle (0, 0)-(text_size - 1, 0)-(0, text_size - 1), texture(actual_shadow) To(x - ps, y - ps, z)-(x + ps, y - ps, z)-(x - ps, y + ps, z)
_MapTriangle (text_size - 1, text_size - 1)-(text_size - 1, 0)-(0, text_size - 1), texture(actual_shadow) To(x + ps, y + ps, z)-(x + ps, y - ps, z)-(x - ps, y + ps, z)
Next ap
'mouse input axis movement and mousewheel
mousex = mousex * .6
mousey = mousey * .6
mw = 0
While _MouseInput: mousex = mousex + _MouseMovementX: mousey = mousey + _MouseMovementY: mw = mw + _MouseWheel: Wend 'movement data read
'control spectator
mouse_sens = .001 'mouse rotating sensitive
sp(3) = sp(3) - mousex * mouse_sens
sp(4) = sp(4) + mousey * mouse_sens
If Abs(sp(4)) > _Pi / 2 Then sp(4) = _Pi / 2 * Sgn(sp(4))
vec_x = (Sin(sp(3)) * (Cos(sp(4) + _Pi)))
vec_y = (Cos(sp(3)) * (Cos(sp(4) + _Pi)))
vec_z = -Sin(sp(4) + _Pi)
speed = 2 'moving speed
moving = Abs(_MouseButton(1) Or _KeyDown(Asc("w"))) * speed - Abs(_MouseButton(2) Or _KeyDown(Asc("s"))) * speed
sp(0) = sp(0) + vec_x * moving
sp(1) = sp(1) + vec_y * moving
sp(2) = sp(2) + vec_z * moving
'control brightness
brightness = brightness + mw / 2
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
Sub rotate_to_maptriangle (x, y, z)
x2 = x - sp(0)
y2 = y - sp(1)
z2 = z - sp(2)
rotate_2d x2, y2, sp(3)
rotate_2d y2, z2, sp(4) + _Pi / 2
x = x2 * sp(5)
y = y2 * sp(5)
z = z2 * sp(6)
End Sub
Sub rotate_2d (x, y, ang)
x1 = x * Cos(ang) - y * Sin(ang)
y1 = x * Sin(ang) + y * Cos(ang)
x = x1: y = y1
End Sub