11-24-2022, 06:04 PM
I've updated it to use INKEY$.
This removed the use of the framecounter hack used to control the speed of the spacebar toggle.
I have also changed the keys to a more popular WASD set to control the direction.
This removed the use of the framecounter hack used to control the speed of the spacebar toggle.
I have also changed the keys to a more popular WASD set to control the direction.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Dim As Integer x(30), y(30)
Dim As Integer N, XC, YC, size, i, j
Dim As Integer dx, dy, scale, maxsize, minsize, maxdxy, shape
Dim As Single alpha, spinspeed, adif
Dim As Long shapecolor
Dim As String k
' Setup some default values
XC = 300 + Int(Rnd * 200): YC = 200 + Int(Rnd * 200) ' Assign XC and YC around the center ofthe screen
N = 10 ' Number of Points in the shape - maximum 30
alpha = 0
spinspeed = 0.005 ' +/- Spin speed of the shape
size = 150: scale = 10: minsize = 50: maxsize = 200
dx = 5 + Int(Rnd * 5) + 1: dy = 5 + Int(Rnd * 5) + 1: maxdxy = 40
shape = 1: shapecolor = _RGB32(240, 240, 240)
'## Main loop
'## Calculate a new LIMIT based on the size of the shape,
'## smaller shape faster speed, larger shape slower speed
_Limit Int((220 - size) * 0.15 + 10)
Cls , _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
Locate 1, 1: Print "Left/Right: Dec/Inc Spin Speed. Down/Up: Dec/Inc. size -/+: Dec/Inc # of Points"
Locate 2, 1: Print "A/D : Dec/Inc X direction W/S : Dec/Inc Y direction Space: Change Shape"
'## Generate new points for the shape
adif = (2 * _Pi / N) + spinspeed
For i = 1 To N
x(i) = Cos(alpha) * size + XC: y(i) = Sin(alpha) * size + YC
alpha = alpha + adif
Next i
'## Draw the shape
For i = 1 To N - 1
For j = i + 1 To N
If shape = 1 Then
Line (x(i), y(i))-(x(j), y(j)), shapecolor ' Draws only lines
Line (x(i), y(i))-(x(j), y(j)), shapecolor, B ' Draws Boxes
End If
Next j
Next i
' Get new shape screen position
XC = XC + dx
YC = YC + dy
'## Process Key presses
If _KeyDown(20480) And size >= minsize And XC >= size + scale And YC >= size + scale Then size = size - scale ' UP Arrow
If _KeyDown(18432) And size <= maxsize Then ' Press DOWN Arrow and Size is not at maxiumum size
If _Width - size - (2 * scale) > XC And _Height - size - (2 * scale) > YC Then ' is not off right or bottom of screen
If XC >= size + (2 * scale) And YC >= size + (2 * scale) Then ' is not off left or top of screen
size = size + scale ' Increase Size of shape
End If
End If
End If
If _KeyDown(19200) And spinspeed > -0.02 Then spinspeed = spinspeed - 0.001 ' Left Arrow Key - Decrease Spin Speed
If _KeyDown(19712) And spinspeed < 0.02 Then spinspeed = spinspeed + 0.001 ' Right Arrow Key - Increase Spin Speed
k = UCase$(InKey$)
Select Case k
Case "A": If Abs(dx) > 1 Then ' 65
If Abs(dx) >= 1 And Abs(dx) <= maxdxy Then dx = Sgn(dx) * Abs(dx) - (Sgn(dx) * 1)
End If
Case "D": If Abs(dx) < maxdxy Then '68
If Abs(dx) >= 1 And Abs(dx) <= maxdxy Then dx = Sgn(dx) * Abs(dx) + (Sgn(dx) * 1)
End If
Case "W": If Abs(dy) < maxdxy Then '87
If Abs(dy) >= 1 And Abs(dy) <= maxdxy Then dy = Sgn(dy) * Abs(dy) + (Sgn(dy) * 1)
End If
Case "S": If Abs(dy) > 1 Then '83
If Abs(dy) >= 1 And Abs(dy) <= maxdxy Then dy = Sgn(dy) * Abs(dy) - (Sgn(dy) * 1)
End If
End Select
If k = "-" And N > 3 Then N = N - 1 ' Press - key, decrease points on shape
If k = "+" And N < 30 Then N = N + 1 ' Press + key, increase points on shape
If k = " " Then shape = shape * -1 ' Press Space to change shape, only once every 3 frames
'## change direction of shape and keep it within the screen boundaries
If XC > _Width - size - scale Then dx = -dx
If XC < size Then dx = -dx
If YC >= _Height - size - scale Then dy = -dy
If YC < size Then dy = -dy
Loop Until k = Chr$(27)