11-26-2022, 01:14 AM
And here's a demo of dragging the window from my custom title bar:
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Declare Dynamic Library "User32"
Function GetWindowLongA& (ByVal hwnd As Long, Byval nIndex As Long)
Function SetWindowLongA& (ByVal hwnd As Long, Byval nIndex As Long, Byval dwNewLong As Long)
Function SetWindowPos& (ByVal hwnd As Long, Byval hWndInsertAfter As Long, Byval x As Long, Byval y As Long, Byval cx As Long, Byval cy As Long, Byval wFlags As Long)
End Declare
Do: Loop Until _ScreenExists
ws_border = &H800000
WS_VISIBLE = &H10000000
hwnd& = _WindowHandle
winstyle& = GetWindowLongA&(hwnd&, GWL_STYLE)
a& = SetWindowLongA&(hwnd&, GWL_STYLE, winstyle& And WS_VISIBLE)
a& = SetWindowPos&(hwnd&, 0, 0, 200, 400, 0, 39)
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, 30), SkyBlue, BF 'My custom titlebar
pw = _PrintWidth("ð Steve's Tripple Line Title ð")
_PrintString ((_Width - pw) \ 2, 2), "ð Steve's Tripple Line Tittle ð"
x = _ScreenX: y = _ScreenY
result = MBS
If (result And 64) And (_MouseY <= 30) Then startdrag = -1 ' we're in the title bar and triggered a hold event.
If startdrag Then
_ScreenMove x + MMX, y + MMY ' drag the window from the title bar
_MouseMove Mouse_StartX, Mouse_StartY ' keep the mouse in its original position
End If
If (result And 1) = 0 Then startdrag = 0 ' hold event is over, quit dragging
_Limit 60
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
Function MBS% 'Mouse Button Status
Static StartTimer As _Float
Static ButtonDown As Integer
Static ClickCount As Integer
Const ClickLimit## = 0.2 'Less than 1/4th of a second to down, up a key to count as a CLICK.
' Down longer counts as a HOLD event.
Shared Mouse_StartX, Mouse_StartY, Mouse_EndX, Mouse_EndY, MMX, MMY
MMX = 0: MMY = 0
While _MouseInput 'Remark out this block, if mouse main input/clear is going to be handled manually in main program.
Select Case Sgn(_MouseWheel)
Case 1: tempMBS = tempMBS Or 512
Case -1: tempMBS = tempMBS Or 1024
End Select
MMX = MMX + _MouseMovementX
MMY = MMY + _MouseMovementY
If _MouseButton(1) Then tempMBS = tempMBS Or 1
If _MouseButton(2) Then tempMBS = tempMBS Or 2
If _MouseButton(3) Then tempMBS = tempMBS Or 4
If StartTimer = 0 Then
If _MouseButton(1) Then 'If a button is pressed, start the timer to see what it does (click or hold)
ButtonDown = 1: StartTimer = Timer(0.01)
Mouse_StartX = _MouseX: Mouse_StartY = _MouseY
ElseIf _MouseButton(2) Then
ButtonDown = 2: StartTimer = Timer(0.01)
Mouse_StartX = _MouseX: Mouse_StartY = _MouseY
ElseIf _MouseButton(3) Then
ButtonDown = 3: StartTimer = Timer(0.01)
Mouse_StartX = _MouseX: Mouse_StartY = _MouseY
End If
BD = ButtonDown Mod 3
If BD = 0 Then BD = 3
If Timer(0.01) - StartTimer <= ClickLimit Then 'Button was down, then up, within time limit. It's a click
If _MouseButton(BD) = 0 Then tempMBS = 4 * 2 ^ ButtonDown: ButtonDown = 0: StartTimer = 0
If _MouseButton(BD) = 0 Then 'hold event has now ended
tempMBS = 0: ButtonDown = 0: StartTimer = 0
Mouse_EndX = _MouseX: Mouse_EndY = _MouseY
Else 'We've now started the hold event
tempMBS = tempMBS Or 32 * 2 ^ ButtonDown
End If
End If
End If
MBS = tempMBS
End Function