SaveImage - attempt to make it faster
This is the "SaveImage" routine from the Wiki, changed by me to try to make it faster, but it seems to be a failure with big pictures. For stuff larger than 1920x1080 might have to set even greater string buffers for "d$" and "r$". It was quite fast on my old Toshiba laptop purchased in December 2006 with 1024x768 resolution.

The "DIM" declarations are to ensure it works in "OPTION _EXPLICIT" mode.

!Needs testing!

Code: (Select All)
''from QB64 wiki
''modifications by mnrvovrfc
''this uses MID$() in replacement up to greatly speed up
''  the reading of the screen,
''  it avoids concatenation of strings as much as possible
''  which is notoriously slow when millions of bytes are involved

Sub SaveImage (image As Long, filename As String)
    Dim ld As Long, lr As Long, lx As Long
    Dim bytesperpixel&, bpp&, lastsource&, px&, py&, cv&, c&, f&, x&, y&, b$, d$, r$, padder$, rrr$, filename2$
    bytesperpixel& = _PixelSize(image&)
    If bytesperpixel& = 0 Then Print "Text modes unsupported!": End
    If bytesperpixel& = 1 Then bpp& = 8 Else bpp& = 24
    x& = _Width(image&)
    y& = _Height(image&)
    b$ = "BM????QB64????" + MKL$(40) + MKL$(x&) + MKL$(y&) + MKI$(1) + MKI$(bpp&) + MKL$(0) + "????" + String$(16, 0) 'partial BMP header info(???? to be filled later)
    If bytesperpixel& = 1 Then
        For c& = 0 To 255 ' read BGR color settings from JPG image + 1 byte spacer(CHR$(0))
            cv& = _PaletteColor(c&, image&) ' color attribute to read.
            b$ = b$ + Chr$(_Blue32(cv&)) + Chr$(_Green32(cv&)) + Chr$(_Red32(cv&)) + Chr$(0) 'spacer byte
    End If
    Mid$(b$, 11, 4) = MKL$(Len(b$)) ' image pixel data offset(BMP header)
    d$ = Space$(50000000)
    ld = 1
    lastsource& = _Source
    _Source image&
    If ((x& * 3) Mod 4) Then padder$ = String$(4 - ((x& * 3) Mod 4), 0)
    For py& = y& - 1 To 0 Step -1 ' read JPG image pixel color data
        r$ = Space$(10000000)
        lr = 1
        For px& = 0 To x& - 1
            c& = Point(px&, py&) 'POINT 32 bit values are large LONG values
            If bytesperpixel& = 1 Then
                rrr$ = Chr$(c&)
                rrr$ = Left$(MKL$(c&), 3)
            End If
            lx = Len(rrr$)
            Mid$(r$, lr, lx) = rrr$
            lr = lr + lx
        Next px&
        r$ = Left$(r$, lr - 1)
        rrr$ = r$ + padder$
        lx = Len(rrr$)
        Mid$(d$, ld, lx) = rrr$
        ld = ld + lx
    Next py&
    _Source lastsource&
    d$ = Left$(d$, ld - 1)
    Mid$(b$, 35, 4) = MKL$(Len(d$)) ' image size(BMP header)
    Mid$(b$, 3, 4) = MKL$(Len(b$) + Len(d$)) ' size of data file(BMP header)
    filename2$ = filename$
    If LCase$(Right$(filename$, 4)) <> ".bmp" Then filename2$ = filename$ + ".bmp"
    f& = FreeFile
    Open filename2$ For Output As #f&: Close #f& ' erases an existing file
    Open filename2$ For Binary As #f&
    Put #f&, , b$
    Put #f&, , d$
    Close #f&
End Sub

Messages In This Thread
SaveImage - attempt to make it faster - by mnrvovrfc - 12-09-2022, 10:26 AM

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