I'll pass on that rabbit hole. Look up "active window" for Windows and all you get is ways to focus it. That might be true for Linux / Mac, too.
If there is any QB/QB64 trick, that would be great, but off the top of my head, I can't think of one that works. For example: (_SCREENHIDE / _SCREENSHOW are not listed as non-x-platform, but they won't activate a window either.)
Now if QB64 would allow whatever Linux/Mac needs to get the window handle, maybe the min/restore trick would work.
Minimizing a window
xdotool windowminimize <window_id>
Un- minimizing a window
effectively un- minimizing is done by:
wmctrl -ia <window_id>
I just have zero exposure to these OS so this is just me poking around at possibilities. Whatever support those command functions would need to communicate to the OS is beyond me.
If there is any QB/QB64 trick, that would be great, but off the top of my head, I can't think of one that works. For example: (_SCREENHIDE / _SCREENSHOW are not listed as non-x-platform, but they won't activate a window either.)
Now if QB64 would allow whatever Linux/Mac needs to get the window handle, maybe the min/restore trick would work.
Minimizing a window
xdotool windowminimize <window_id>
Un- minimizing a window
effectively un- minimizing is done by:
wmctrl -ia <window_id>
I just have zero exposure to these OS so this is just me poking around at possibilities. Whatever support those command functions would need to communicate to the OS is beyond me.
If eggs are brain food, Biden takes his scrambled.