$RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine.
Well today I decided to add and test some indexing to the above routine. What does indexing do? Glad you asked! (Schizophrenic meds are too expensive, don't you think? i do!) So indexing allows us to find the character the cursor is at. Since wrap does this...

1) Most sentences run short of the page margin.
2) Some sentences go up to the page margin, but have a space that follows, which we don't want to unjustify our next line so we hide it as a trailing space.
3) Some sentences have more than two spaces in them, and when a sentences stretches to the page width, both a trailing space and a next line hidden leading space or spaces needs to be accounted for.

Indexing counts and keeps track of all of these occurrences in row arrays.

So this little demo can be screen resized, and you can use the left and right arrow buttons to size the margins. All of the above changes the wrap appearance of the paragraph. The indexing keeps track of how many hidden spaces and characters have accumulated for each row, and then it's just a matter of counting how far in you are from the left margin to determine which character in the string you are on.

The routine highlights the character you are hovering on with the mouse then uses the indexing in a MID$(x$, index(), 1) to pull that character and display it at the bottom of the screen. All characters hovered on should match. f they don't, there's a bug in the algorithm.

Code: (Select All)
Sw = 60
Sh = 25
S& = _NEWIMAGE(Sw, Sh, 0)
font& = _LOADFONT(ENVIRON$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\lucon.ttf", 18, "MONOSPACE")
_FONT font&
COLOR 15, 0
ml = 2: mr = ml
w = _WIDTH - (ml + mr)
DIM cnt(1000), ls(1000), ts(1000), cc(1000), cline(1000)
    _LIMIT 30
    z$ = "In West          Los Angeles born        and raised, at the                  yacht club is where I spent most of my days, 'til a couple of coders who were up to no good, started making trouble in my neighborhood. I got booted off Discord and my vids wouldn't play, so I moved to the hills in the State of VA. I pulled up to the forum 'bout a week into April and I yelled to the browser, 'Save password log in later!' Now I'm able to post and my speech is still  free as I sit on my  throne as the Prince of P.E."
    ''z$ = "In West Los Angeles born and raised, at the yacht club is where I spent most of my days, 'til a couple of coders who were up to no good, started making trouble in my neighborhood. I got booted off Discord and my vids wouldn't play, so I moved to the hills in the State of VA. I pulled up to the forum 'bout a week into April and I yelled to the browser, 'Save password log in later!' Now I'm able to post and my speech is still free as I sit on my throne as the Prince of P.E."
    x$ = z$
    i = w - (ml + mr)
    IF i > 0 THEN w2 = w - (ml + mr)
    ERASE ls, ts, cc, cline
    LOCATE 2
    cnt = 0: lspace = 0: tspace = 0: cc = 0
    COLOR 15, 0
        WHILE -1
            t$ = MID$(x$, 1, w2)
            cnt = cnt + 1: cc(cnt) = cc
            chop = 1: addon = 0
            IF w2 <> 1 THEN ' All instances except single column vertical printing.
                IF LEFT$(t$, 1) = " " THEN ' Only happens with more than 1 space between characters.
                    IF LTRIM$(t$) = "" THEN ' All spaces so print a blank line.
                        addon = LEN(t$)
                    ELSE ' Push back leading spaces.
                        lspace = LEN(t$) - LEN(LTRIM$(t$)): x$ = LTRIM$(x$): cnt = cnt - 1
                        EXIT WHILE '  This will now redo the outer loop.
                    END IF
                ELSEIF MID$(x$, w2 + 1, 1) <> " " AND LTRIM$(t$) <> "" THEN ' Now we have to chop it.
                    IF INSTR(x$, " ") > 1 AND INSTR(t$, " ") <> 0 AND LEN(x$) > w2 THEN
                        t$ = MID$(t$, 1, _INSTRREV(t$, " ")) ' Preserves the in-margin trailing space.
                    END IF
                    chop = 2: tspace = 1
                END IF
                x$ = MID$(x$, LEN(t$) + chop)
                x$ = MID$(x$, LEN(t$) + 1)
                IF t$ = " " THEN cc = cc + 1 ' Compensate for LEN(LTRIM$(t$)) = 0 a few lines below.
            END IF
            ls(cnt) = ls(cnt - 1) + lspace: lspace = 0
            cc(cnt) = cc: cline(cnt) = LEN(t$)
            ts(cnt) = ts(cnt - 1) + tspace: tspace = 0
            IF LEN(t$) AND CSRLIN < _HEIGHT - 1 THEN
                REM LOCATE , 1: PRINT cc(cnt); ls(cnt); ts(cnt - 1); cline(cnt);
                LOCATE , ml + 1: PRINT LTRIM$(t$) '<----------------------------------- PRINT TO SCREEN.
            END IF
            cc = cc + lspace + tsapce + LEN(LTRIM$(t$)) + addon
            EXIT WHILE
    LOOP UNTIL LEN(LTRIM$(x$)) = 0
    oldsw = Sw: oldsh = Sh
        oldmy = 0: oldmx = 0: oldmy2 = 0: oldmx2 = 0: oldm$ = ""
        IF oldsw <> Sw OR oldsh <> Sh THEN
            w = Sw
            S_old& = S&
            S& = _NEWIMAGE(Sw, Sh, 0)
            SCREEN S&
            _FREEIMAGE S_old&
            _FONT font&
            PALETTE 0, 8
        END IF
            _LIMIT 30
            mx = _MOUSEX
            my = _MOUSEY
            m$ = CHR$(SCREEN(my, mx)): hl = 0
            IF my > 1 AND my <= cnt + 1 THEN
                IF my <> oldmy2 OR mx <> oldmx2 THEN
                    IF mx > ml AND mx <= ml + cline(my - 1) THEN
                        IF oldmy2 THEN LOCATE oldmy2, oldmx2: COLOR 15, 0: PRINT oldm$;
                        LOCATE my, mx: COLOR 0, 15: PRINT m$;: COLOR 15, 0
                        LOCATE _HEIGHT - 1, 2: PRINT "Row"; my - 1; " Col"; mx - ml; " #"; LTRIM$(STR$(cc(my - 1) + (mx - ml) + ls(my - 1) + ts(my - 2))); " "; MID$(z$, cc(my - 1) + (mx - ml) + ls(my - 1) + ts(my - 2), 1); "    ";
                        oldmy2 = my: oldmx2 = mx: oldm$ = m$: hl = -1
                    END IF
                END IF
            END IF
            IF hl THEN IF my <> oldmy2 OR mx <> oldmx2 THEN COLOR 15, 0: LOCATE oldmy2, oldmx2: PRINT oldm$;
            oldmy = my: oldmx = mx
            b$ = INKEY$
            IF LEN(b$) THEN
                IF b$ = CHR$(27) THEN SYSTEM
                oldmy = 0: oldmx = 0: oldmy2 = 0: oldmx2 = 0: oldm$ = ""
                SELECT CASE MID$(b$, 2, 1)
                    CASE "M"
                        IF ml < _WIDTH \ 2 THEN ml = ml + 1: mr = mr + 1
                        EXIT DO
                    CASE "K"
                        IF ml > 0 THEN ml = ml - 1: mr = mr - 1
                        EXIT DO
                END SELECT
            END IF
    END IF


Messages In This Thread
$RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine. - by Pete - 12-06-2022, 02:39 PM
RE: $RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine. - by Pete - 12-06-2022, 03:36 PM
RE: $RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine. - by Pete - 12-06-2022, 03:40 PM
RE: $RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine. - by Pete - 12-06-2022, 10:05 PM
RE: $RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine. - by SMcNeill - 12-06-2022, 10:32 PM
RE: $RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine. - by Pete - 12-07-2022, 05:23 AM
RE: $RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine. - by SMcNeill - 12-07-2022, 06:48 AM
RE: $RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine. - by Pete - 12-07-2022, 07:49 AM
RE: $RESIZE with Word-Wrap Routine. - by Pete - 12-09-2022, 07:05 PM

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