dot-H file (missingsystem.h):
I noticed you changed the path of NPPP program. There should have been no need for "start" and "SHELL" should have been sufficient. Otherwise Windows is unpredictable... what is known is that while "SHELL" is processed it always chokes on the "C:\Program" then space right after. One of the things that made people stop putting binary files into "Program Files" if they didn't get them from installers. There is widespread "installerphobia" in the forum that I used to belong to, which main focus was music software.
Code: (Select All)
#include <dirent.h>
void missing_system(char *cmdlin)
char *cp = cmdlin;
int iret;
if (*cp == 0) return;
iret = system(cmdlin);
/* return iret; */
Code: (Select All)
declare library "missingsystem"
sub missing_system(cmdlin as string)
end declare
Code: (Select All)
sub new_shell(comd as string)
dim a as string
a = comd + chr$(0)
missing_system a
end sub
Code: (Select All)
new_shell "start D:\Programme\notepad++.exe D:\Lab\QuickBasic64\Forum\Aufruf-IT-Adressen\tmp.three"
new_shell "D:\PROGRA~1\Notepad++\notepad++.exe D:\Lab\QuickBasic64\Forum\Aufruf-IT-Adressen\tmp.three"
I noticed you changed the path of NPPP program. There should have been no need for "start" and "SHELL" should have been sufficient. Otherwise Windows is unpredictable... what is known is that while "SHELL" is processed it always chokes on the "C:\Program" then space right after. One of the things that made people stop putting binary files into "Program Files" if they didn't get them from installers. There is widespread "installerphobia" in the forum that I used to belong to, which main focus was music software.