12-14-2022, 01:26 PM
I've developed a member registration system for clubs some years ago.
I really prefer files in csv-format for these kind of things.
Just load them all in memory (typed arrays) at the start of the program, and save them when closing (or chosing 'save' from the menu).
It's easier and very fast in searching etc.
Every member and every address has a unique internal ID that never gets reused. Cancelled membership is just a property (end-date) of a member. Can always be used in the future for lustrums or alumni events...
I really prefer files in csv-format for these kind of things.
Just load them all in memory (typed arrays) at the start of the program, and save them when closing (or chosing 'save' from the menu).
It's easier and very fast in searching etc.
Every member and every address has a unique internal ID that never gets reused. Cancelled membership is just a property (end-date) of a member. Can always be used in the future for lustrums or alumni events...
45y and 2M lines of MBASIC>BASICA>QBASIC>QBX>QB64 experience