12-23-2022, 09:44 PM
Implemented a couple of your changes and a couple of mine (something isn't working right, I blame myself)
Implemented a couple of your changes and a couple of mine (something isn't working right, I blame myself)
Code: (Select All)
'X-racer is an old school racing game using text graphics only
'press spacebar to get that engine going and < or > to steer b to brake!
_Title "X-RACER"
track$ = "####OOO................OOO####"
n = 13
trend = 0
obstacle = 10
Randomize Timer
Dim b$(2010)
Dim nn(0 To 2010)
ask$ = "."
spd = 1
tracksize = 310
srun = 8
For x = 1 To tracksize
A$ = String$(n, 32)
b$(x) = A$ + track$
If x > 100 And x Mod obstacle Then
If Rnd * 100 < obstacle Then Mid$(b$(x), n + Int(3 + Rnd * 18), 1) = "O"
End If
n = n + Int(Rnd * 2) - Int(Rnd * 2) + trend
If n < 2 Then n = 2
If n > 35 Then n = 35
nn(x) = n
If nn(x - 1) = nn(x) Then srun = srun - 1 Else srun = 8
If srun = 0 Then
If n < 25 Then
trend = 1
trend = -1
End If
End If
If Rnd * 100 < 3 Then
Select Case Int(Rnd * 3)
Case 0
trend = 0
Case 1
trend = -1
Case 2
trend = 1
End Select
End If
Next x
A$ = String$(n, 32)
b$(tracksize - 20) = A$ + "####O============O####"
b$(tracksize - 19) = A$ + "####O============O####"
b$(tracksize - 18) = A$ + "####O O####"
b$(tracksize - 17) = A$ + "####O FINISH O####"
b$(tracksize - 16) = A$ + "####O O####"
b$(tracksize - 15) = A$ + "####O============O####"
For x = tracksize - 14 To tracksize
A$ = String$(n, 32)
b$(x) = A$ + "####O O####"
Next x
dp = nn(10) + 15
op = dp
For x = 1 To tracksize
_Limit 20
_PrintString (op, 9), "."
Print b$(x);
If x > 12 Then
If Mid$(b$(x - 13), dp, 1) = "O" Then GoTo crash
End If
op = dp
If x Mod 20 = 0 Then
Print " - "; x * 5
End If
If x > 10 Then
gg = 0
_Limit 60
gg = gg + 1
kk$ = InKey$
Loop Until kk$ <> "" Or gg = 30 - spd
End If
If x = 12 Then t1 = Timer
Select Case kk$
Case ".", ">"
op = dp
dp = dp + 1
Case ",", "<"
op = dp
dp = dp - 1.
Case " "
spd = spd + 1
If spd > 28 Then spd = 28
Case "b"
spd = spd - 2
If spd < 1 Then spd = 1
End Select
mph$ = "MPH : " + Str$(spd * 10)
_PrintString (1, 1), mph$
If x > 10 Then Color 12: _PrintString (dp, 10), "X": Color 15
Next x
t2 = Timer
Print "Finished Course !"
Print "Finish Time "; t2 - t1
Input "Play again (Y or N) ", ask$
ask$ = UCase$(ask$)
If ask$ = "N" Then GoTo alldone
For c = 1 To 6
_Limit 8
Color 12
For cx = dp - c To dp + c
For cy = 10 - c To c + 10
If Rnd * 6 < 3 Then _PrintString (cx, cy), "@"
Next cy
Next cx
Next c
Color 15
Input "Play again (Y or N) ", ask$
ask$ = UCase$(ask$)
If ask$ = "N" Then GoTo alldone
GoTo start