04-29-2022, 06:54 PM
(04-29-2022, 05:33 PM)bplus Wrote: I hesitate to post this but @SMcNeill had posted something awhile ago about accessing the QB64 Wiki for a copy in case it went down, here is my copy and you will at the very least need to update the address but I found it helpful when I wanted to make a list of QB64 command words both underlined and not but no GL.
So this will help get contents and then you can mod as you see fit?
Code: (Select All)Const SleepSet = 0 'to sleep between each keyword so we can see them and read them
Const SaveTo = "wiki.txt" '"SCRN:" to display to the screen, or insert a filename to save the list to disk
Screen _NewImage(1024, 720, 256)
file$ = "QB64WikiList.txt"
'Increase the 2-second time limit here if you need to.
DownloadRSS "http://qb64.org/wiki/Keyword_Reference_-_Alphabetical", file$, 2
Open file$ For Binary As #1
temp$ = Space$(LOF(1))
Get #1, , temp$
Close #1
l = 0
finish$ = "<div id=" + Chr$(34) + "symbols" + Chr$(34) + "></div>"
finish = InStr(temp$, finish$) 'No need to parse anything after we get down to the symbol section of the wiki page
Open SaveTo For Output As #1
l = InStr(l, temp$, "<li>")
If l >= finish Then Exit Do
If l Then
l2 = InStr(l + 5, temp$, "</li>"): If l2 = 0 Then l2 = Len(temp$)
work$ = Mid$(temp$, l + 4, l2 - l - 5)
li1 = InStr(work$, Chr$(34)): li2 = InStr(li1 + 1, work$, Chr$(34))
link$ = Mid$(work$, li1 + 1, li2 - li1 - 1)
If InStr(link$, "&") Then link$ = "Page does not exist yet."
link$ = StripCRLF(link$)
k1 = InStr(li2 + 1, work$, ">"): k2 = InStr(k1 + 1, work$, "<")
keyword$ = Mid$(work$, k1 + 1, k2 - k1 - 1)
keyword$ = StripCRLF(keyword$)
d = InStr(k2 + 1, work$, "<span"): d1 = InStr(d + 1, work$, ">"): d2 = InStr(d1 + 1, work$, "</span")
desc$ = Mid$(work$, d1 + 1, d2 - d1 - 1)
desc$ = StripCRLF(desc$)
Print #1, keyword$
Print #1, " http://qb64.org"; link$
Print #1, " "; desc$
If SleepSet Then Sleep
l = l2 + 1
End If
Loop Until l = 0
Sub DownloadRSS (url$, file$, timelimit)
link$ = url$
Dim l As _Integer64, lod As _Integer64
url2$ = RTrim$(LTrim$(link$))
url4$ = RTrim$(LTrim$(link$))
If Left$(UCase$(url2$), 7) = "HTTP://" Then url4$ = Mid$(url2$, 8)
x = InStr(url4$, "/")
If x Then url2$ = Left$(url4$, x - 1)
NewsClient = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:80:" + url2$)
If NewsClient = 0 Then Exit Sub
e$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) ' end of line characters
url3$ = Right$(url4$, Len(url4$) - x + 1)
x$ = "GET " + url3$ + " HTTP/1.1" + e$
x$ = x$ + "Host: " + url2$ + e$ + e$
Put #NewsClient, , x$
Open file$ For Output As #1: Close #1
Open file$ For Binary As #1
t! = Timer ' start time
head$ = ""
cont_type$ = ""
_Limit 20
Get #NewsClient, , a$
If LTrim$(a$) > "" Then Put #1, , a$
Loop Until Timer > t! + timelimit And timelimit > 0 ' (in seconds)
Close #NewsClient
Close #1
End Sub
Function StripCRLF$ (text$)
'The wiki seems to contain stray CRLF characters at the dangest spots.
'Why it has them, I don't know, but we need to filter them out so our information will load and display properly.
li1 = 0
li1 = InStr(li1 + 1, text$, Chr$(13) + Chr$(10))
If li1 Then
l$ = Left$(text$, li1 - 1)
r$ = Mid$(text$, li1 + 2)
text$ = l$ + r$
End If
Loop Until li1 = 0
'Also some of the descriptions and such contain links to different keywords.
'We want to just strip those links and use a normal word replacement for ease of display, since we're not going to be displaying in
'an html editor/viewer.
li1 = 0
li1 = InStr(li1 + 1, text$, "<a href")
If li1 Then
li2 = InStr(li1 + 1, text$, "</a>")
li3 = InStr(li1 + 1, text$, ">")
l$ = Left$(text$, li1 - 1)
m$ = Mid$(text$, li3 + 1, li2 - li3 - 1)
r$ = Mid$(text$, li2 + 4)
text$ = l$ + m$ + r$
End If
Loop Until li1 = 0
StripCRLF$ = text$
End Function
I have an execution error:
line 62, illegal fonction call
NewsClient = _OpenClient("TCP/IP:80:" + url2$)
it must be for window this code...
thanks anyway