04-29-2022, 07:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-30-2022, 11:41 PM by bplus.
Edit Reason: Apologies I posted old code for Squircle that was since modified
OK since I wrote this test demo I changed the name Squicle (which I luv and attracted me to video) to rectircle (which I don't like and can't even remember how to spell it!) The reason as I said was not to mistake the math Squircle with my humble graphics button or window frame thingy.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit 'maje sure test subs will be OK with this
_Title "Draw Squircle testing" ' b+ 2021-09-08
' revisit arc drawing: arc3 had a recent complaint about previous arc code that did not check raBegin and ra end
' so I updated arc#3 to arcC as 000Handy already has a simpler arc drawing sub probably the one I was complaining
Const xmax = 1024, ymax = 700
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_Delay .25
_ScreenMove _Middle
Dim r
For r = 0 To 250 Step 10
Rectircle xmax / 2, ymax / 2, 500, 500, r, &HFFFFFF00, 0
Locate 3, 5: Print "Area ="; _Pi * r ^ 2 + 5 * (500 - 2 * r) ^ 2
Print , "r ="; r
_Limit 5
For r = 250 To 0 Step -2
Rectircle xmax / 2, ymax / 2, 500, 500, r, &HFFFFFF00, 1
Locate 3, 5: Print "Area ="; _Pi * r ^ 2 + 5 * (500 - 2 * r) ^ 2
Print , "r ="; r
_Limit 50
' this sub uses Sub arc (x, y, r, raStart, raStop, c As _Unsigned Long) ' this does not check raStart and raStop like arcC does
Sub Rectircle (cx, cy, w, h, r, c As _Unsigned Long, Fill) 'assume default single
' cx, cy is the middle of the Squircle
' a square with arc circle corners
' w, h = rectangle width and height
' r = radius of circular arc (as opposed to elliptical arc
' c is color
'so r needs to be < .5 * s ie if r = .5 * s then it's just a circle
'likewise? if r = 0 then just a square
Dim temp&, xo, yo, p, pd2, p32, xConst, yConst
Static sd& ' so dont have to free image after each use
sd& = _Dest ' save dest
temp& = _NewImage(w + 1, h + 1, 32) ' create a drawing area side of square
_Dest temp&
xo = w / 2: yo = h / 2 ' middles
p = _Pi: pd2 = p / 2: p32 = p * 3 / 2
xConst = .5 * (w - 2 * r) ' looks like this is first needed number to get the 4 origins for the arcs from xm y center
yConst = .5 * (h - 2 * r)
'4 arcs
arc xo - xConst, yo - yConst, r, p, p32, c
arc xo + xConst, yo - yConst, r, p32, 0, c
arc xo + xConst, yo + yConst, r, 0, pd2, c
arc xo - xConst, yo + yConst, r, pd2, p, c
'4 lines
Line (xo - xConst, yo - yConst - r)-(xo + xConst, yo - yConst - r), c
Line (xo - xConst, yo + yConst + r)-(xo + xConst, yo + yConst + r), c
Line (xo - xConst - r, yo - yConst)-(xo - xConst - r, yo + yConst), c
Line (xo + xConst + r, yo - yConst)-(xo + xConst + r, yo + yConst), c
If Fill Then Paint (xo, yo), c, c
_Dest sd&
_PutImage (cx - xo, cy - yo), temp&, sd&
End Sub
' will Squircle work with simpler arc sub? the angles are pretty well set
Sub arc (x, y, r, raStart, raStop, c As _Unsigned Long) ' this does not check raStart and raStop like arcC does
Dim al, a
'x, y origin, r = radius, c = color
'raStart is first angle clockwise from due East = 0 degrees
' arc will start drawing there and clockwise until raStop angle reached
If raStop < raStart Then
arc x, y, r, raStart, _Pi(2), c
arc x, y, r, 0, raStop, c
' modified to easier way suggested by Steve
'Why was the line method not good? I forgot.
al = _Pi * r * r * (raStop - raStart) / _Pi(2)
For a = raStart To raStop Step 1 / al
PSet (x + r * Cos(a), y + r * Sin(a)), c
End If
End Sub
Sub arcC (x, y, r, raBegin, raEnd, c As _Unsigned Long) ' updated 2021-09-09
' raStart is first angle clockwise from due East = 0 degrees
' arc will start drawing there and clockwise until raStop angle reached
'x, y origin, r = radius, c = color
Dim p, p2 ' update 2021-09-09 save some time by doing _pi function once
p = _Pi: p2 = p * 2
Dim raStart, raStop, dStart, dStop, al, a
' Last time I tried to use this SUB it hung the program, possible causes:
' Make sure raStart and raStop are between 0 and 2pi.
' This sub does not have to be recursive, use GOSUB to do drawing to execute arc in one call.
'make copies before changing
raStart = raBegin: raStop = raEnd
While raStart < 0: raStart = raStart + p2: Wend
While raStart >= p2: raStart = raStart - p2: Wend
While raStop < 0: raStop = raStop + p2: Wend
While raStop >= p2: raStop = raStop - p2: Wend
If raStop < raStart Then
dStart = raStart: dStop = p2 - .00001
GoSub drawArc
dStart = 0: dStop = raStop
GoSub drawArc
dStart = raStart: dStop = raStop
GoSub drawArc
End If
Exit Sub
al = p * r * r * (dStop - dStart) / p2
For a = dStart To dStop Step 1 / al
PSet (x + r * Cos(a), y + r * Sin(a)), c
End Sub
b = b + ...