Simple 3D morphing with _MAPTRIANGLE
(01-11-2023, 12:28 AM)bplus Wrote: +1 for even attempting this stuff! ;-))

Your code is erroring at line 265 for me.

I don't know dukie about 3D but did example 4 in Wiki about _MapTriangle offer any clues?

For shading, could you overlay the box with alpha faces assuming you want the sides at different shades.

My guess is that's a texture handle issue. Are you compiling with "build exe in same folder as bas"?

I'll check example 4 to see if it sheds light on the clockwise wotsits. And I did think about alpha overlays for lighting but it seemed like overkill. But if it's the only way then I'll give it a shot - thanks Smile

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RE: Simple 3D morphing with _MAPTRIANGLE - by RokCoder - 01-11-2023, 12:41 AM

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