QB64 Phoenix Edition v3.5.0 Released!
@Kernelpanic I can't, for the life of me, see anything that would bug out the console.  When I run and test it, it runs fine on both my laptop and my home PC, without any indication of any problems.  If it runs once for you, as you say it does, then why wouldn't it run a second time??  I dunno!!

Check your task manager and make certain that the first instance is actually leaving memory, before the second one tries to start up.  From all I know, I don't think there was a single change made to QB64 which would alter the console processes which we have, between v3.41. and v3.5.  They *shouldn't* perform any differently for you, so the question becomes, "Why is the OS handling one different than the other??"

And that's hard to say, without being able to reproduce the issue as well.  It's like hunting squirrels while blindfolded in the midst of the thickest forest.  Sure, you can take a shot in the dark and hope you hit the target, but unless you get very lucky, all you ever end up really hitting is air.

Messages In This Thread
RE: QB64 Phoenix Edition v3.5.0 Released! - by SMcNeill - 01-12-2023, 12:37 AM

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