Dirwalker - Simplistic and Ergonomic Directory Browser

These errors are due to missing compile options, the line 3 is:
Code: (Select All)
'Note1: Compile with '-O3 -ffast-math -mavx -maes'.

I use QB64 v2.0.2, and the way I compile is described in first lines of Dirwalker.bas, however I hear the new QB64PE now makes compilation much easier by allowing supplying above compile options from the IDE.

Code: (Select All)
745 PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&& = 1&& ' make it QB64 32bit friendly by default
746 If Line4$ <> "" Then
747    PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&& = Val(Line4$)
748 End If
749 Print Time$; " Allocating"; Str$(PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&&); "GB for minimum"; Str$(PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&&); "GB/4096 =~"; Str$(PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&& * 1024 / 4096); "+ Million MaxLength filepaths (or more likely"; Str$(PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&&); "GB/256 =~"; Str$(PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&& * 1024 / 256); "+ Million)..."
750 PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&& = PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&& * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
751 MhandleXMM = _MemNew(PoolToHousePathS_MAXsize&&)

As you see the line where it breaks (751) is the allocating of memory, why so, because the 1GB is overridden by the 'Dirwalker.ini' value 6 - it means 6GB:
Code: (Select All)
[empty line]
Above 4 lines being 'MAX' for 1920x1080, 8x16 Toshiba, 8GB RAM

If your computer is an old one (on top of that running 32bit OS), then try:
Code: (Select All)
Above 4 lines being 'MAX' for 1366x768, Japanese DOSV 6x12, 4GB RAM
"He learns not to learn and reverts to what the masses pass by."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Dirwalker - Simplistic and Ergonomic Directory Browser - by Sanmayce - 01-16-2023, 01:49 AM

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