01-17-2023, 08:18 PM
Mandala Life Perpetual Random Border
This is better version with a border that can be reseeded randomly with a Spacebar key press:
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Mandala Life Perpetual Random Border" 'b+ 2023-01-17 from no pulse
Randomize Timer
Dim Shared As Long CellsPerSide, pixPerSide, Block
CellsPerSide = 60: pixPerSide = 10: Block = 600
Dim Shared Seed(1 To CellsPerSide)
Dim As Long a(1 To CellsPerSide, 1 To CellsPerSide), ng(1 To CellsPerSide, 1 To CellsPerSide), ls(1 To CellsPerSide, 1 To CellsPerSide)
Dim r$
Dim As Long g, x, y, pc, lc, cl
Screen _NewImage(Block, Block, 12)
_Title "Press Spacebar to Reseed Perpetual Border..."
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
If _KeyHit = 32 Then makeSeed
For x = 1 To CellsPerSide 'redraw random seed around border
a(x, 1) = Seed(x)
a(x, CellsPerSide) = Seed(x)
a(1, x) = Seed(x)
a(CellsPerSide, x) = Seed(x)
For x = 2 To CellsPerSide - 1
For y = 2 To CellsPerSide - 1
pc = a(x - 1, y - 1) + a(x - 1, y) + a(x - 1, y + 1) + a(x, y - 1) + a(x, y + 1) + a(x + 1, y - 1) + a(x + 1, y) + a(x + 1, y + 1)
ls(x, y) = pc: r$ = _Trim$(Str$(pc))
If a(x, y) Then
If InStr("2346", r$) Then ng(x, y) = 1 Else ng(x, y) = 0
Else 'birth?
If InStr("34", r$) Then ng(x, y) = 1 Else ng(x, y) = 0
End If
Line (1, 1)-(Block, Block), 15, BF
For y = 1 To CellsPerSide
For x = 1 To CellsPerSide
If a(x, y) Then
Line ((x - 1) * pixPerSide + 1, (y - 1) * pixPerSide + 1)-Step(pixPerSide, pixPerSide), 0, BF
lc = ls(x, y)
Select Case lc
Case 0: cl = 15 'br white
Case 1: cl = 11 'cyan
Case 2: cl = 7 'low white, br gray
Case 3: cl = 10 'light green
Case 4: cl = 9 'blue
Case 5: cl = 13 'violet
Case 6: cl = 12 'br red
Case 7: cl = 4 'dark red
Case 8: cl = 1 'indigo
End Select
Line ((x - 1) * pixPerSide + 1, (y - 1) * pixPerSide + 1)-Step(pixPerSide, pixPerSide), cl, BF
End If
_Limit 2
For y = 1 To CellsPerSide
For x = 1 To CellsPerSide
a(x, y) = ng(x, y)
Sub makeSeed
Dim As Long i, r
Dim d
d = Rnd
For i = 1 To Int(CellsPerSide / 2 + .5)
If Rnd < d Then r = 1 Else r = 0
Seed(i) = r: Seed(CellsPerSide - i + 1) = r
End Sub
See it in action, thanks dbox!
b = b + ...