I recall they were handy for .COM files back in 80's.
Oh maybe I am thinking of byte editors.
Code: (Select All)
s$ = "I recall they were handy for .COM files back in 80's." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
While count < Len(s$)
count = count + 1
If Asc(s$, count) < 32 Then t$ = t$ + "." Else t$ = t$ + Mid$(s$, count, 1)
Print Right$(" " + Str$(Asc(s$, count)), 4);
If count Mod 8 = 0 And count > 0 Then Print " | "; t$: t$ = ""
If t$ <> "" Then Print Tab(33); " | "; t$
Oh maybe I am thinking of byte editors.
b = b + ...