05-01-2022, 08:05 PM
Hot off the presses today, a new proggie (for QB64) called Lights On which is old as the 86's, Fellippe did 910+ LOC here's one a little less complex.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit ' avoid typo's
_Title "Lights On - all the [x, y] cells lit up." ' b+ 2022-04-27 trans Felixp7
' 2022-05-01 Mod for n levels levels
Dim Shared As Long n ' used in most all procedures
Dim As Long x, y, moves, xx, yy
Dim answer$
Input "Please enter n for n x n board to run, < 2 quits"; n
If n < 2 Or n > 10 Then GoTo restart
ReDim Shared As Long board(1 To n, 1 To n)
moves = 0
For y = 1 To n 'setup puzzle
For x = 1 To n
If (Int(Rnd * 2) Mod 2) = 0 Then
toggle x, y
End If
Do 'run the game
Print "Moves: "; moves;
Input " Your move x,y "; xx, yy ' get user choice, laugh moo ha, ha
If ((xx > 0) And (xx <= n)) And ((yy > 0) And (yy <= n)) Then ' input OK
toggle xx, yy
moves = moves + 1
Else 'bad input see if want to quit
Input "Quit game? "; answer$
answer$ = UCase$(Left$(answer$, 1))
If answer$ <> "N" Then
Print "Thanks for playing!"
End If
End If
Loop Until lightsOn
Print "You win in"; moves; "moves."
GoTo restart
Sub showBoard () ' default color is 7,0 white on black background unless a lit cell
Dim As Long x, y
For y = 1 To n
For x = 1 To n
Print " ";
If board(x, y) Then Color 0, 7 ' light up cell
Print "["; ns$(x); ","; ns$(y); "]";
Color 7, 0
End Sub
Sub toggle (x, y) ' toogle 4 lites around point up, down, left right
board(x, y) = Not board(x, y) ' switch x, y
If x > 1 Then board(x - 1, y) = Not board(x - 1, y)
If x < n Then board(x + 1, y) = Not board(x + 1, y)
If y > 1 Then board(x, y - 1) = Not board(x, y - 1)
If y < n Then board(x, y + 1) = Not board(x, y + 1)
End Sub
Function lightsOn () ' check if lights are all through board return -1 = true if so
Dim As Long x, y
For y = 1 To n
For x = 1 To n
If board(x, y) = 0 Then Exit Function 'something still off
lightsOn = -1
End Function
Function ns$ (num) ' formated number string for 2 digit integers
ns$ = Right$(" " + _Trim$(Str$(num)), 2) ' trim because QB64 adds space to pos integers
End Function
b = b + ...